INDEX (Note: chapter-authors are not included in the index) afterlife, 15, 118, 121, 166, 172, 249, Beijing Association for Science and 256, 267, 282 Technology, 127n46 age cohorts, 10 Beijing Normal University, 208 agnostic, agnosticism, 15, 97, 123, 177, Beijing Olympics, 293 250–251 Beijing Summit on Chinese Spirituality ahong (imam), 193 and Society, 2, 4 alchemy, 112, 133n1, 150 Bian Que, 201 Allport, Gordon W., 41 Bimo priest, 184, 189 Ames, Roger T., 98 Blessing, 173–175, 206–207, 260–262 Ammerman, Nancy T., 4 Blue Sphere, 203 ancestor, 8, 93, 113, 122, 143, 149, 159, Berger, Peter, 4, 37, 40, 104 171–173, 176, 216–218, 256, 276, Bodhisattvas, 200 281–282, 287 Bolin Temple, 222 ancestor worship, 112, 121–122, 144, Bourgeoisie pseudo-sciences, 26 172–173, 175, 274, 281–182 Boxer Rebellion, 115 Ancestral Hall of the Dragon, 200, 220, brainwashing, 8, 126–127 224 Branch Davidians, 126 ancestral tablet, 173–175 Britain, 4, 114n10, 115n12, 168 ancestral veneration ritual, 96 Bromley, David G., 56 animism, 112 Buddha’s Light Mountain Anointed King, 123 (Foguangshan), 279, 284, 288, 295 anthropologists, 2, 7–8, 12, 14, 19, 90, Buddhism, 10, 17, 24, 27–28, 35–37, 95, 137–138 39, 42, 54, 57–58, 82, 87, 90–93, anthropology of religion, 19, 41 111–112, 114–116, 120, 135–136, aobao, 185 142–143, 146, 171–172, 184–185, Argyle, Michael, 41 189, 191–193, 222n22, 246–247, Asad, Talal, 137, 141–142 254–257, 260, 263, 268, 277n7, 283, Assembly Hall movement, 54, 59 286, 288–289 astrology, 112 Buddhist Association of China, 33, 35 atheist, atheism, 15, 28, 35, 102, 166, Buddhist Association of the Republic of 171, 211, 250–251, 281, 301 China (BAROC), 277 atheist campaigns/propaganda, 1, 10, Buddhist Patriotic Association, 277 26 Buddhist World Federation, 55 atheist state, 12 Burma, 193 atheistic regime, 109 auspicious day, 173–174 cargo cults, 70 Australia, 54, 129 California, 112 Calvinism, 103 Banzhen Nainai, 204 Canada, 100, 129, 168, 249 Baoying, 171 Capitalism, 101–103, 143, 148, 150, 281 Batavia, 137 case study, 189, 195, 198, 224–225 Baur, Frederick C., 49 cathedral, 118, 292 Beijing, 2, 4, 11, 19, 28–29, 31–33, 110, Catholic Fu Jen University, 277 116, 119n26, 135n3, 136, 166, 208, Catholicism, 70–71, 82, 116, 135, 221–222, 279 142–143, 171–172, 184, 255 304 index Celestial Master Daoism, 145 Chinese philosophy, 92, 96 Center for the Research of Major Issues Chinese Protestant Three-Self Patriotic in Contemporary Ethnic Religions, Movement, 54, 56–57, 60 187–188 Chinese surname system, 96 Central People’s Broadcasting Station Chinese traditional medicine, 96 (CPBS), 231n8 Chinese Urban Residents Sampling Chao, T. C., 40 Database, 166 Chaozhou, 139 Christian house-churches, 1 charitable activity, 15–18, 227, 234 Christian scholars, 25 charitable enterprises, 229, 232–242 Christian studies, 39–40 Chaves, Mark, 63 Christianity, 17, 28, 35–38, 42, 89, Chen Chunsheng, 139 95, 97, 102, 105, 113, 114n11, 123, Chen village, 281–283, 285 143, 171, 175, 192, 246, 254, 277, Chen Yinke, 25 283–284, 286, 301 Chen Yuan, 25 Chun, Alan, 138 Chicago, 63, 113 Church of Truth, 59 China Association for Science and Church-State relationship, 39, 227n1 Technology, 127n45 civil society, 9, 12–13, 17, 42, 84, 138, China Central Television (CCTV), 195, 197–199, 212, 219–220, 231n8 224–226, 232n9, 279, 300 China Charity Federation, 230n4 clan, 91, 143, 182, 191, 195–196 China Foundation for Poverty climate change, 245, 247 Alleviation, 230n4 Cloud Sphere, 203 China towns, 113 Cold War, 278, 281 China Women’s Development communism, 80, 277 Foundation, 230n4 Confucian schools, 265 China’s Sufi Muslim group, 57 Confucianism, 2n1, 17, 24, 28, 36, 39, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 42, 80–81, 90, 92, 111, 114, 125, (CASS), 28, 140, 259 142, 146, 171–172, 191, 222n2, Chinese Association of Religious 246–247, 263–268 Studies, 28 Confucius, 97, 111, 121, 191, 200, 275 China Islamic Association, 56, 60 Conghua of Guangzhou City, 166 Chinese Buddhist Association, 56, 60 congregational group, 8 Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, conservative individualist, 249 56, 60, 116n17 Constantine, 48–49 Chinese churches, 113 County Planning Committee, 222 Chinese Communist Party, 1, 26, 115, Critical-historical studies of religions, 5 211, 227, 286, 293 crop-watching association, 139 Chinese Constitution, 115, 142–143 cult, 8, 56n7, 59, 70, 101, 116, 120, Chinese culture regions, 245, 254, 268 123–129, 142, 145, 151–152, Chinese Daoist Association, 56, 60 274–276 Chinese diasporas, 4 cultural Buddhist, 37 Chinese educational system, 166 cultural Christian, 37, 40 Chinese folk beliefs, 91, 94, 101 cultural differences, 87 Chinese Folklore Association, 208, 216 cultural event, 213, 218 Chinese identity, 82 cultural religion, 38 Chinese intellectuals, 25, 94, 264, 281, Cultural Revolution, 3, 6, 27, 47, 54n3, 301 61, 67, 77, 80, 84, 96, 109, 115, Chinese Language Theology (Hanyu 135–136, 153, 211–212, 221, 274, Shenxue), 39–40 282, 293, 297–298 Chinese missionaries, 113 Chinese nationalism, 18, 295 Dai, 11, 193 Chinese New Year, 113 Dalai Lama, 116 Chinese Orthodox Church, 58 Dao, 7, 87, 91, 97–98.
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