Wednesday Volume 64 April 22, 1998 Number27 Penry vetoes raise• Mike Wiggins Editor-in-Chief Nearly a week after the Associated Student Govern­ ment engaged in heated de­ bate over the salaries of its ex­ ecutive branch, ASG President Josh Penry vetoed Tuesday the Constitution and Bylaw Rec­ onciliation Act; a bill which included an outline of the com­ pensation for all paid ASG members. In a memo to the general assembly, Penry said although a majority of the bylaws were passed in the best interests of MSC students, he thinks the section of the bill dealing with compensation necessitated that the entire enactment be negated. The reason for the veto, according to Penry, is be­ cause ASG salary expenditures would have increased almost $7,000 next year. The new ASG constitu­ tion, passed by the student body earlier this month, called for the creation of several new paid positions within the ASG, including the directors of ex­ Student government candidates establish ternal affairs and finance, the senate leader, and the chief jus­ election platforms, explain caIDpaign issues tice and justices. And although the bylaws approved two Editor's note: The following Mark Stahl and Ben will work to increase student weeks ago dictating compen­ campaign statements have been Alexandra offer the students of involvement on campus. sation did not call for a raise supplied to the Criterion by the Mesa State College four years of They have been very involved in individual earnings from cnndidates for next year's Associ­ combined experience in MSC on campus for the past three this year, the addition of new ated Student Government's presi­ student government. Mark is years and look forward to ap­ positions would have meant dent and vice president. The Cri­ currently the Associated Student plying their experience as an overall increase in the terion does not in any way endorse Government ( ASG) Rep Leader ASG executives. They both money spent on ASG salaries. either party but is offering space and is responsible for bringing worked closely with Josh That was the scenario to both parties so that the MSC the voice of his fellow reps to the Penry, current ASG president, Penry did not want to occur commttnity can better understand ASG Executive Committee. in the writing of the new ASG and was the catc1lyst of his the issues eaclt party is advocat­ Ben is the Natural Sciences ing. and Mathematics Rep to the See STAHL, page 5 See RAISE, page 5 Jared Clark ASG, and has been for three Jared Clark and Anne years. "Student issues and con­ Verdieck are Leading the Way tive participation in the cerns are our top priority," said ~~t for Mesa State College. Our Grand Junction community, Mark Stahl. "I've had a lot of roles as strong leaders in stu­ demonstrates her zealous experience pushing for student \•\RITE dent government and our vi­ personal involvement and rights, not only within the ASG, sion for the future make us the tenacity. Together, our vi­ but with the administration as WANT THE best candidates for president sionary leadership and dedi­ well." Final Ex REST? and vice president. Jared's cation to the student body is Mark and Ben are running EXAM DAYS-> leadership experience as a cur­ unsurpassed. for president and vice president rent representative in ASG, the Leading the Way's first of ASG, because they are inter­ 6 TO 7:50 a.m. N£WS. PAG£ 5 Fee Allocation Committee platform component is our ested in student concerns and (FAC), the ASG Affairs Com­ Commitment to Student mittee, the Model United Na­ Awareness. This entails a MUSICAL tions, and the Political Science sincere concern for increas­ MAVERICK Club, as well as his work for a ing involvement between REVIEW local attorney for the past three students and the student years, just begins to reveal his government. Students need dedication and diligence. to know their elected offi­ FEATUR£S. PAGE 8 Anne's combined leadership cials and how the issues they experience as a representative deal with affect Mesa State. MAVg PLAYOFF in ASG, the Judicial Commit­ For instance, next year is the tee, the ASG Affairs Commit­ biannual process of fee allo­ LIFE HANGS IN tee, and the Environmental cation. ASG will be respon­ BALANCE Committee, as well as her po­ sible for distributing $2.5 sition as president of the His­ SPORTS. PAGE 11 tory Honor Society, and her ac- See CLARK, page 5 Mark Stahl c~i+e~ioJ/'\ Page2 PINION .April 22, 1998 Therz mor tu a gud store than speleng corekfile • The following is a true Bobe. hem and yeld ha bugeman, could not spell worth a lick. this dowm? Seeing some­ story found inside a broken Caru Jan wuz becid watcha doin? There is much more to this thing new, and unexpected down hurcelf weth fer. Lets go get story than incorrect spelling brings up :many questions. Uncle Bill"0 shack Sheref Rojurs she sed Who knows for what and grammar and there is The niext time you're Story Hour some­ trembleng. So tha ran of az reason this story was writ­ much more to every one of tempted tC> think something wherein fast az tha cud bakfiv miuls ten or who wrote it. I won­ us than what is seen on the is not wortth its salt because Arkan­ tu Hupervill. dered why the story was surface. it's not exa1ctly "right," think sas: Wen tha got ther tha never written beyond Sher­ We are trained to dis­ about whrut is right about it Bobe skremd for thu sherefs help. iff Roger's last statement, credit something like our What is it saying? What is a n d Sheref Rojurs kam owt and but I guess that is some­ mystery story because of he/she/it all about? "What CaruJan axd wut wuz thu matur. thing we will never find what we see on the surface, is the messsage someone or w u r Tha told hem abowt thu out. in this case, the bad spelling sornethinffi is trying to con­ runeng ded man en thu booshus. You may ask, "What's and very poor grammar. vey? Cam you discredit BILL T. a l o n g Tha then ran bak tu thu spot the point of this?" Would it be interesting at all something; just because of CRAIG t h u but wen tha got ther thu There is much more to to anyone if it were spelled mistakes rnr something that ------ tralpath bode wuz gon. Lux lik wev something than what is on correctly? Probably not. I'd doesn't jib>e with your pre­ wun da got a mesture kedz. the surface. The preceding like to know who wrote it. conceivedl ideas of how it wen tha sawd a ded man Thu next nit a bugeman story has all the trappings Who was the author and should be?? lieng en thu booshus. wuz cen bi thu semutare of mystery, intrigue, and why was he/ she so intent Don't jjudge a book by Wut du we du? ·axd degeng up bodez. Bobe saw suwense, even if the author on writing something like its cover. Writer reflects on lessons learned Graduation ho! This has been one hell of by loneliness. I looked was deeply saddened by his I a semester. I have spent around and saw the major­ passing. Graduationcan'tcome a big uniwersity was my times this semester in both ity of my friends in love and Believe it or not, one fast enough. college essay relating to my the total depths of despair happy. I wanted to feel that positive thing has come No, I'rn not graduating feelings off the Peter Pan and at the heights of utter ------too. I from all of the negatives. I in May. I am hoping to Syndrom(e. Until this ~ joy. I will walk away with From the Mouth of started to learned a valuable lesson. graduate this coming sum- month, l'vre..never been so many memories and emo­ the "Mad" Kanter feel sorry Life goes on. Life is short. mer (knock on wood). For stressed int my life. I tions from this semester. for my- Matt's death proves that. you juniors and seniors, Now I feel completely! The semester started self and Yes, the passing of a family I'm sure you completely different. lft seems that if I out like any other semester: really member and a close friend understand my stress, don't gradmate, I'll actually very blah. Nothing really didn't are tragic, but life continues. frustration and un- l0>se my sanity. It's big. I went to class and it care any I will miss my grand­ controllable an------- ncot that I dislike! was business as usual. Then more. mother and Matt greatly, noyance at commg· WordeWiedom of Mlesa, the stu- somewhere along the line I ~ but I can't let their deaths to class every day dtents, or my , lost my motivation. Maybe it hap- ruin me. I am happy to say and going through cllasses (okay, it happened when my MARC pened I am not lonely any more the same old rniaybe my grandmother passed away KANTER when my either. I have the most beau­ doldrum stuff. For cl!asses), I'm just ..______ _.c o two months ago. I was not tiful woman on the planet you freshmen and siick of being a very close to her, but I was worker, as my girl friend and am sophomores, trust sttudent.
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