Fauna of New Zealand Harris, A. C. 1987: Pompilidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Fauna of New Zealand 12, 160 pp. Eioia Aisoy Gou Memes a Eomoogy iisio eame o Scieiic a Iusia eseac Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa E oicio ieco - M ogwo Gou eae Sysemaics Secio - G W amsay Co-opted from within Systematics Section K Cosy A ooway Uiesiies eeseaie G W Gis ooogy eame icoia Uiesiy o Weigo iae ag Weigo ew eaa Museums eeseaie C Yawy ieco aioa Museum o ew eaa iae ag Weigo ew eaa Oeseas eeseaie awece CSIO iisio o Eomoogy O o 17 Caea Ciy AC 1 Ausaia o a oaioa asis —s— Seies Eio M C ua Sysemaics Secio Eomoogy iisio eame o Scieiic a Iusia eseac Mou Ae eseac Cee iae ag Aucka ew eaa aua o ew eaa ume 1 omiiae (Iseca ymeoea Α C ais Oago Museum Gea Kig See uei ew eaa Cataloguing-in-publication citation AIS A C omiiae (Iseca ymeoea / A C ais - Weigo SI Sciece Iomaio uisig Cee 197 (aua o ew eaa ISS 111-533; o 1 IS -77-51-3 I ie Η Seies UC 595793 Date of publication: see back cover of subsequent numbers Suggested form of citation ais A C 197 omiiae (Iseca ymeoea Fauna of New Zealand [no.] 12. is uicaio was ouce y ose iogay e auos ye- sci was ascie y OC scaig o o e ocesso iskee a ae eiig a sye coig was ooyese a e ΝΖ Goe- me iig Oice imes ew oma ye is use o mos o e e; mao eaigs a igue aes ae se i Uies; Gaamo a Geea ae use i e ies e Eioia Aisoy Gou a e Seies Eio ackowege e oowig co-oeaio DSIR Research Orchard, Havelock North: Ms Cocko - assisace wi wo ocesso iu Mount Albert Research Centre, DSIR: Ms aig - asciio o e M W emoe - assisace wi awok M ΜΒ Iwi - ooeucio ο ie igues Ms ΗΑ Wea - comue ie maageme Science Information Publishing Centre, DSIR: awco - sueisio o oucio a isiuio M C Maews - assisace wi oucio a uiciy Science Mapping Unit, DSIR: M Saage - assisace wi awok Front cover: e isec eice is Sphictostethus nitidus (aicius [] aggig a ey sie Miturga frenata Koc © Cow Coyig uise y Sciece Iomaio uisig Cee SI O o 971 Weigo ew eaa : Φ I 4 Φ • $4 Φ • • 4 oisiece Priocnemis (Τ monachus i-isa aa o is os Cantuaria allani. —s- This study is dedicated to my mother and to the memory of my father ASAC Eee secies ο omiiae ae ecogise om ew eaa o wic e ae eemic e ou geea eog o wo suamiies esiae - Cryptocheilus Pan- zer, Priocnemis Schiödte, Sphictostethus Kohl; and Pompilinae - Epipompilus Kohl. Chrysocurgus Haupt and Trichocurgus Haupt are removed from synonymy with Chirodamus Haliday. Trichocurgus is reinstated as a subgenus of Priocnemis, and Chrysocurgus is synonymised with Sphictostethus, which is restored to generic status within tribe Pepsini. Ten specific names are placed into synonymy. Priocnemis (Tri- chocurgus) ordishi, Priocnemis (7.) crawi, and Sphictostethus calvus are described as new. The sexes are correctly associated for all species, most for the first time. All previously known species are redescribed, morphological structures of adults and larvae are illustrated, and keys are given to tribes, genera, and species for adults (both sexes) and larvae. Taxonomic decisions are supported by data on biology, behaviour, and distribution. Behaviour, nesting cycles, life histories, and final-instar larvae are described for all species. Three species nest above ground. Of these, Epi- pompilus insularis Kohl oviposits directly on spiders, usually in situ within their retreats, without making nests; Sphictostethus fugax (Fabricius) is a mud-dauber favouring beetle pupal chambers in trees; and Sphictostethus calvus nests in rotting logs. Priocnemis (Trichocurgus) nitidiventris (Smith) makes single-celled nests exclu- sively in sand. The other species nest below ground in diverse habitats, making either single-celled nests or multi-celled nests which in some species may be used by many generations over a period of years. Geographical variation (including mimicry and parallel ecophenotypical colour variation) is described, and distribu- tions of all species are indicated. In four species melanism varies clinally from Spir- its Bay (34°27' S) to Port Pegasus, Stewart Island (47°14' S) in relation to climatic factors. Varying degrees of melanism were induced experimentally in some species (but not in others) by lowering the temperatures experienced by the pupa. Abrupt disruptions in the clines occur at the sites of past and present geographical barriers; hence seven subspecies or races can be recognised, but these are not named. Extra- limital relationships of the New Zealand species are indicated. Cryptocheilus aus- tralis (Guérin) was introduced from Australia in the past three decades. E. insularis has strong Australian affinities, and the three Sphictostethus species are closely related to species in Tasmania and Chile. Extensive host records are given for all species. CECKIS O AA nitidiventris Smith, 1878 new combination 46 (= carbonarius Smith, 1885; misidentification) (All species except Cryptocheilus australis (Guérin) (= huttoni Cameron, 1898) are endemic to New Zealand.) ordishi new species 51 carbonarius (Smith, 1885) new combination 55 (= nitidiventris Smith, 1878; misidentification) Page crawi new species 59 Subfamily PEPSINAE 25 Genus Sphictostethus Kohl, 1884 63 Tribe Pepsini 25 nitidus (Fabricius, 1775) new combination 66 Genus Cryptochellus Panzer, 1806 25 (= fugax Fabricius, 1775; misidentification) australis (Guérin, 1830) new combination 25 (= wakefieldii Kirby, 1881) calvus new species 76 Genus Priocnemis Schiödte, 1837 29 fugax (Fabricius, 1775) new combination 84 Subgenus Trichocurgus Haupt, 1837 new status (= maculipennis Smith, 1876) 29 (= huttonii Kirby, 1881; 9 only - monachus (Smith, 1855) new combination 33 misidentification) (= monarchus Hutton, 1874; lapsus calami) (= huttoni Kirby, 1883) new synonymy (= triangularis Cameron, 1898) new synonymy (= xenos Kirby, 1883) new synonymy conformis Smith, 1876 new combination 38 (= fujax Gourlay, 1927; lapsus calami) (= diligens Smith, 1876) new synonymy (= brownii Gribodo, 1884) new synonymy (= marginatus Smith, 1876) new synonymy (= brouni Hutton, 1904; lapsus calami) -7- Suamiy OMIIAE 93 ai (age ee oes a W ae- ie Eiomiii 9 ie (ieco Aucka Uiesiy Maie io- Geus Epipompilus Ko 1 95 ogica aoaoy eig gae me e use o insularis Ko 1 95 aciiies o eaig aae oug o e cocoo (= epipompilus Dalla oe 197 sage we ey cou e asoe M Smi kiy ke is oom a a moe o ess cosa °C ee igig og ies eseciay o a u- ose M G Ois (aioa Museum o ew COES eaa Weigo gae geeous a iauae assisace wi aious asecs o is wok M J. age S ugae a M E W aeie ieiie se- Ackowegmes ea mimics ooa ieiie e soi- Ioucio 9 ay ees wose uows wee use y omiis Mooogy 1 o ess C A emig iscusse some asecs Au 1 o aeooogy wi me M E S Gouay sowe ia-isa aa 1 me a ume o uusuay goo omii sies Geogaica aiaio 13 aou eso M Gea gae me auae Sucua aiaios 13 secimes a iomaio Ms Wiis gae me aae coou aiaio 13 seea useu coecios icuig oe om ai Geogaicay seaae coou mos 1 M MC ay comae seece secimes o Mimicy 15 ew eaa secies wi imay ye maeia Mimicy comees 15 e i e iis Museum (aua isoy a Eecs o ema meaism 1 se me e ye seies o Priocnemis wakefieldii esig eaiou 1 Kiy oesso E Eas (aa Uiesiy aua eaiosis 17 USA Wais (egium A S Meke Suamiy omiiae 17 (Sysemaic Eomoogy aoaoy USA Suamiy esiae 17 USA a Μ isce (aua isoy Ieeaio o caaces a eouioay Museum iea Ausia gae me muc useu eaiosis 1 iomaio Oeseas secimes eae o e ew Meos a coeios 1 eaa aua wee gie ecage o oae y Key o geea isce (Miciga Sae Uiesiy USA eaioua key o au emaes Wo (eeug Gemay E iek esciios (see Ceckis o aa (CSIO Ausaia M Koima (Iaaki Ui- eeeces 1 esiy aa A Asia (Museo Ageião Aei 1 Measuemes o aus o e e Ciecias auaes Ageia M M Mo- eemic secies o omiiae 1 guio (ais ace K Cag-Wa (Co- Aei os ecos o omiiae i ege o Sciece a Egieeig Koea a Miss ew eaa 11 A Gee (asmaia Museum Ausaia Iusaios 115 aoomic ie 15 Maeia om ew eaa isiuios was oae y G Kusce (Eomoogy iisio SI M K A Wise (Aucka Isiue a Museum M G Ois (aioa Museum Cowey (Aucka Uiesiy M Μ os (Caeuy Uiesiy oesso A ACKOWEGMES aiso (ico Coege ooa a Macaae (Eomoogy iisio SI May eoe ee me wi is suy M E W a ose (Oago Museum Aiioa aeie was ο gea assisace eseciay uig secimes wee gie y K o M e iiia sages G W Gis a oesso Cames Ms Mcea a oesso A Gaick (icoia Uiesiy o Weigo Ci a ae y I aa M Sa- oesso G S Sace a M A W o (Oago mo a M Moga ee me i e ie a Uiesiy gae e a a sages Wiou iao a a ee oes a M Co was o K. Cosys cosa ecouageme is accou iauae e a agaie Miss Came wou o eis C Caw gae may seci- gae auae assisace M A omiso (Mee- mes a muc useu iscussio a ecouage- ooogica Seice Weigo gae me iauae me M S Smi (age iao a M cimaic aa -- M Saeso (Oago Uiesiy oo- is coiuio is a aigeme o ais gae cocoos a wigs (197 wic was a is aem a eisio o e Miss K uca oe ocaiies o e isi- ew eaa omiiae ase o ee seasos uio mas o asaios I am gaeu o M iesie coecig a oseaio i e ie Caa a A Scoie (icoia Uiesiy om oeme 1971 o Ai 197 a om o Weigo M A Gemme (yai eseac Seeme o Ai o 197-73 a 1973-7 I co- Ui Miss Keey Ms E Cois oesso ece some 3 5 omiis aou ew eaa G Soe a oesso A asy (Oago om Cae eiga o soue Sewa Isa o Uiesiy ese wee ae e eaiey ew secimes co- ose ieiie mos ey secies a aie i e couys mai isec coecios o gae me ey useu iomaio o e ais o aso I use a 1 cc mooscooe ie wi sies aiioa cayig ags is eae me o oe- I aso ak my aes wo ae aiey su- ae om a e seicig Maaise as oseig oe is a a my eomoogica aciiies o au wass a ceckig aae eeoig i os as og as I ca ememe wii imoise cages oe a aius o aou 5 km Ae 1-3 weeks i a aea a ew sie wou e seece oues ake a mao coecig saios ae mae i ais (197 aei ig- IOUCIO ue 1 e amiy omiiae (siewass comises
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