Pacific Citize National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League Established 1929 ($1 .50 Postpaid U.s.) Newsstand: 25C #2788/VoI121, NO.9 ISSN: 0030-8579 2 Coral Circle, Suite 204, Monterey Park, CA 91755 (213) 725-0083 Nov. 3-16,1995 Bill targets naturalized JACL National Board Meeting, Oct. 20.. 21, 1995 7/~ ~ ~ U.S. citizens, w.~ ~ '7.~ , %!- Who was there ~ National director ~, ~ -. -. ~ Spci~ says group DennYYS$ufi'al'a, pfesidentj Chapte"r Jim Miyatakt; vice PtesfqftrW 9f ~ AP~ratlol1 m S The Congressional Asian Pa­ hired, barebones Wisconsin Chapter " cific, the Black and Hispanic cau­ JOllathan Kaj~ treasurer-sEICretafy. -<aardef)a cuses have issued a joint state­ Valley Chapter, Japan Chapter. , ment opposing provisions of the publfc;affajrs t St<)C~­ welfare bill which in their view 196 budget OKld l3arrySaUd, vfcepresldent, punishes and harms the health, ton Chapter plannJn~ ' .antl safety and well being oflegal im­ '1falfdy Shlbata1 VICS presfdel'lf, development, New Mexico Chapter " migrants and discriminates By RICHARD SUENAGA against naturalized U.S. Citizens Terry Yam8(#a, governor, P'aciflc Northwest Editor because they District. Portland Chapter are foreign- Interm~ntaioDistrfct , SAN FRANCISCO-Herbert Yamanishi of Lansing, Mich., was named execu­ Jeftltaml, governor, Salt born. Lake Ctty: Chapter Rep. Patsy tive director of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) by its Board of Directors at the Oct.. 20-21, 1996 meeting here. Emilie K.utsuma, governor, Mountain Plains T. Mink CD­ Disttict, Mile·lon Chapter. Hawaii), chair Yamanishi, exe('uti e director of the Michigan Community Action Agency David Hayashi, governor, Midwest District, Twin of the Con­ Association, begins hill duties Jan. 1, 1996, according to Denny Yasuhara, JACL gressional president. Yamanishi succeeds Karyl Matsumoto, interim national director, who Cities Chapter Asian Pacific plans to leave office in the first week of December. Tom Kometani, govemor, EastemDi$1rict, New Caucus, said, The new national director comes to J ACL with 25 years ofexperience in private, York Chapler "The U.S. Con­ nonprofit human service programs and association operation and administration. Karen Liane Shlba, Interim governor, Paciffc stitution was His responsibilities have included community organizing, policy analysis, grant­ Southwest Dfstrict, SELANOCO Chapter always writing and fund-raising, research Alan Nishi, governor, Northem California-West­ deemed to be the protector of all and information gathering, lobbying, ern Nevada--Pacific Disbict, FrenchCamp Chap­ persons legally present in the U.S. conference organization and direct­ ter This provision in the welfare bill ing an agency. Kim Nakahara, chair, National Youth Council. is clearly unconsti tu tional. " Yamanishi was the first chairper­ San Ftanclsco Chapter Under the Senate bill, even if son ofthe Michigan {)(jvernor's Com­ Kim! Yoshino, National Youth Council repre­ you are a legal immigrant, be­ mission on Asian American Affairs cause you are a "foreigner" you sentative. StoCkt(1O Chapter will not qualify for any health or and was a founder ofthe Mid-Michi­ Tom Hara, legal counsel. Twin Cities Chapter welfare benefit which is "nee.ds"­ gan Asian Pacific American Associa­ Mae Takahashi, chair, PacilicCltizen, Editorial based, according to the group. tion. He authored the first Michigan Board, Clovis Chapter The Senate bill makes further Foundation Directgry which is now Grayce Uyehara, chair, Legacy Fund. Annual distinctions between native-born used as a model tor other states. Giving. Philadelphia Chapter and foreign-born and disallows Yamanishi has a M.S. W. from the certain benefits even to natural­ University of Denver, a B.A. from NATIONAL STAFF ized citizens because they are for­ Northwest Naza,'ene College Karyt Matsumoto. interim national director eign-born, it was noted. (Nampa, Idaho) and hUt! served as a Clyde Izumi. interim btJsiness manager Peace Corps volunteer in Madhya Amy Yamashiro, membership coordinator? Pradesh, India. He served as a men- Stephante Roh, administrative assistant to the Bill would stop APs national director See DIRECTOR/page 3 Patrloia Tsai, regional director, Central CalifOf~ from reuniting with nia District COVERAGE-JACL National PACIFIC CfTlZEN families overseas Board approves 1996 budget, p. 3, Richard Suenaga. editorigeneral manager A coalition of Asian Pacific Gwen Muranaka. assistant editor releases membership information, HERBERT YAMANISHI American groups condemned the pp. 4-7, Legacy Fund report, p. 9. Kerry Ting, business manager House Judiciary Committee for New JACL national director its Oct. 24 vote to prevent Asian Pacific American families from reuniting with their loved ones overseas. According to a spokesperson, Veteran's Day tribute H.R.2202would makeitextremely difficult for parents of U.S. citi­ zens to immigrate, and would re­ peal the laws that allow for broth­ Moment ers and sisters and adult children to come to the United States. More than halfof the adult children and in history brothers and sisters waiting to come to the United States are This historic photo shows Asians and Pacific Islanders. one of the war crimes trials "The decision to limit the immi­ held in Yokohama in 1946. gration of parents and to close the Japanese prisoners of war door on adult children and sib­ (with "P' on their shirts) are lings is devastating to our com­ munity," said Karen Narasaki, seated before the U.S. Army executive director of the National general court martial. Around Asian PacificAmerican Legal Con­ them are other members of sortium. "Hundreds of thousands the court. counsels. interpret­ of U.S. citizens who have been ers and translators. waiting patiently for their rela­ Many members of the Mili­ tives to immigrate legally. often tary Intelligence Service (MIS) for 10 or 15 years, are being told were employed at the Manila that the rules have been changed trials as court Interpreters and by members ofCongres8 who pay translators, including Nisei lip service to family values and Tad Ichinokuchl and Sho that they are just out ofluck." Onodera who served with the "Asian Pacific Americans and U.S. defense counsels. other people of color have been The MIS Nisei story in World unfairly scapegoated and kept out War II will be the focus of a during other times of anti-immi· feature in Pacific Citizen's grant hysteria," said Vicki Shu, Holld y Issue. spokeswoman for the Organiza­ tion of Chinese Americans. "As this bill moves to the House floor, MIS: Vet honored at VJ 0 we urge all Americans to stand up c remonles-page 10. for immigrants and for the prin­ cipJe of family reunification." 2--Pacific Citizen, November 3-16, 1995 No. 2,788 JACL calendar Eastern p.m., Li Wah Restaurant, Cleveland. Library and the National Conference Info: Sets Nakashlge, 216/842-0443. (formerly, NCCJ). (J) 11111 fI !h (f g 11' (J) 1IJ, j} DISTRICT COUNCIL DETROIT J Speaker: Denny Yasuhara. Sat. Nov. 4-Fall quarterly, 10 a.m.-3 Sun. Nov. 12-General meeting, 4-6 p.m., JAA Community Office, 15 W. Sun. Dec. 1O--JACL youth Christmas party, 2-5 p,m., Euclid Square Mall. p.m .• Kyoto Restaurant, 8 Mile Rd. and Subscribe to Pacific Citizen 44th St. 11th flr., New York; to reserve Haggerty (across Novi Hilton Hotel); lunch: Tom Kometanl, EDC gov. 201/ Info: Scott Furukawa and Bev. Get Kerecman, Info: Hazel Asamoto 216/ RSVP Nov. 5, Mary Kamidoi 313/522- all the news and features from across the country 582-6559; Lillian Kimura 201/680-1441; 7917, Toshi Shlmoura 810/356-3089. or Ron Uba 800/513-8813. 921-2976. If you wish 10 subscribe or have movec/ DAYTON ST. LOUIS NEWVORK Sun. Nov. S-General meeting, 2-6 Sat. March 2, 1996-JACL 50th (Allow 6 weeks for address changes and new subscriptions 10 begin.1 Wed. Nov. 8-East Coast Benefit p.m., Info: Darryl Sakada, pres.• 513/ Anniversary party, Sheraton Tower, reception/art auotlon, 6-9:30 p.m., Peter Effective dale 298-1252. NOTE-Japanese cuisine, Westport (near the Airport); inio, George '--:---:-- Max Art Studios, 37 W. 65th St 7th fir, language and customs. Sakaguchl,314/842-3128. Please send the Pacific Citizen for: New Vorl<; RSVP and Invitation required, Mon. Nov. 6-Teacher training TWINCtnEs _1 yr/$30 _2 yrs/$55 _3 yrs/$80 info: Scott Ito 2121249-3816, Ron Uba Chapter Board once a month, preceded Nam~ workshop on Japanese Americans. all ________________________________ 800/513-8813; Lillian Kimura 201/680- by potluck dinner; open to any visitor; 1441. NOTE-"Celebrating Freedom: 4-7 p.m., Wilmingto'n-Stroop Library, Address: _________________ 3980 Wilmington Pike, Kettering; info: info Joanne Kumagai. chapter president. 50 Years After" with Yuklko Sugihara, Dr. Mace Ishida, coordinator, Univ. of 6121537 -8076. wife of the late Chiune Sugihara; City, State, Zip: ______________ Dayton 513/294-8815. Nov. 8, Dayton! Sun. Dec. 3-Annual Holiday Party for Recognitions of 100-d42-MIS and other Montgomery Main Library, 215 E. 3rd Kids, 2-4 p.m., Como lakeSide Pavilion, All subscriptions payable in advance. Additional US $22 for postage per year for overseas WWII veterans, and Jewish/Japanese St., Dayton; Nov. 9 and 13, Muse . 1360 N. Lexington Pkwy, St Paul; RSVP subscribers. Checks payable ta: PQciRc Citizen, 2 Coral Circle, #204, Monterey Park, CA 91755 community supporters by National JACL Machine Headquarters, 126 N. Main Nov. 27, Chris Murakami Noonan 6121 EXPtRA T10N NOncE: If the expIrotioo dote on the lop line 01 address Iobel reocIs 08/31 /95, tho 6O-daygroco president Denny Yasuhara. period 00<1. with tho last imHI for Odobor, 1995. llyou hove ~ your sub,qiption or JACl mcmbenhip St., Dayton. 486-9150. NOTE-A juggling magician. WASHINGTON D.C. and tho paper slops, pIec»o notify Poclfic Ci~%On or JAc\' Narionol Hoadqvo"",. ....poct~1y o. saoo 01 pouibl •. Sun. Dec.1O-Christmasparty. Details refreshments, visit from Santa and Sun. Dec.
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