555222nnnddd AAAnnnnnnuuuaaalll RRReeepppooorrrttt 222000000666 SSSeeeaaasssooonnn Belmont Baseball Club Inc. – 52nd Annual Report 1 Belmont Baseball Club Inc. – 52nd Annual Report 2 sssttt MMMiiinnnuuuttteeesss fffrrrooommm ttthhheee 555111 AAAnnnnnnuuuaaalll GGGeeennneeerrraaalll MMMeeeeeetttiiinnnggg Present: Glen Hawke, Bill Kapela, Paul Butler, Leoni Butler, Ian Barrett, John Lambkin, Phil Dryburgh, Chad Lewis, Kim Hook, Ian Hook, Maxine Poole, Wayne Robinson, Don Lennox, John Hook, Duane Harrison, Chris Bradley, David Simpson, Alex Fehlberg, Leeanne Hawke, Bradley Sturgeon, Christopher Hook, Stephen Hook, Andrew Poole, Helen Reeves. Apologies: Shane Barclay, Elizabeth Sherring-Robinson, Paul Hyham. Moved that the minutes of the 50th Annual report be accepted as a true and proper copy. Moved Paul Alan Butler 2nd Maxine Poole Carried Election of Life Members: NIL President Report Glen noted that with some sadness that this would be his last AGM report as the president. He commented that we had an outstanding season this year was very disappointed with the results in first and second grade. Working hard to improve this year’s results would have to be a goal next year. We had enormous season off the field, especially the 50th Anniversary. Glen thanked all the current committee members and said a special thanks to Duane Harrison who had helped him this year. Ian Hook was thanked for his 18 year stint as club treasurer. He is the longest standing executive member in the club history. Bill and Joy Kapela were thanked for their great effort, again, in the canteen and wished all the best in their retirement from the club. Glen thanked the committee for all their assistance this year and wished them all well. He thanked Leeanne for all her support and love during his presidency. The Belmont Sportsman’s Club, in particular John Hook and Ray Watkins, were thanked for all the support this year. Secretary Report The secretary commented on the many positives the club experienced this year. The successful 50th Anniversary weekend, purchase of new uniforms, Krispy Kreme donut fundraising drive, fielding of 7 teams in seniors and five of them making the grand final. One area that was of some concern was the smaller numbers in juniors this year. The Belmont Sportsman’s Club was thanked for all their assistance and support this year. The committee members for the previous season were thanked for all their assistance and help. The coaches, scorers, seniors who umpired and loyal supporters were given a special mention for everything they had done this year. Treasurer Report As per printed statement. Moved that the financial statement be accepted as a true copy. Carried. Election of Officers Patrons John Hook Moved Chad Lewis, Seconded Wayne Robinson. Carried Don Lennox President Andrew Poole Moved Maxine Poole, Seconded Elese Poole. Carried Motion put forward by Andrew Poole that Chad Lewis be nominated for the position of Senior Vice President Moved- Andrew Poole Seconded - Ian Hook Carried Senior V.P. Chad Lewis Moved Andrew Poole Seconded - Ian Hook Secretary Maxine Poole Moved- Elese Poole Seconded - Andrew Poole Carried Belmont Baseball Club Inc. – 52nd Annual Report 3 Assistant Secretary Liz Sherring-Robinson Moved- Wayne Robinson Seconded - Duane Harrison Carried Treasurer Kim Hook Moved- Ian Hook Seconded - Chris Hook Carried Assistant Treasurer Paul Butler Moved- Leoni Butler Seconded - Andrew Poole Carried Management Committee Dennis Finneran Moved- G. Hawke Seconded M. Hawke Carried Wayne Robinson Moved- E. Sherring-Robinson Seconded D. Harrison Carried Christopher Hook Moved- I. Hook Seconded - K. Hook Carried Glen Hawke Moved- M. Hawke Seconded - D. Harrison Carried Ian Hook Moved- C. Hook Seconded - K. Hook Carried Alex Fehlberg Moved- D. Harrison Seconded - G. Hawke Carried David Simpson Moved- D. Harrison Seconded - G. Hawke Carried Auditors John Hook Moved- Paul Alan Butler Seconded - J. Lambkin Carried Don Lennox Public Officer Maxine Poole Moved- Chad Lewis Seconded - Paul Alan Butler Carried Sportsman’s Club Nominees Glen Hawke Ian Hook Moved Andrew Poole - Seconded Chad Lewis Carried A motion was put forward by Ian Hook that positions 10-11 and 13-20 are carried over until the next meeting. Moved Andrew Poole, Seconded Chris Hook. Carried General Business Fees - Annual Subscription Fees were set for the coming season at $150 for Seniors, $70 for Juniors, $60 for second child, full time students $100 and $50 for Teeballers Moved – Alex Fehlberg Seconded- Paul Alan Butler John Lambkin – Team registrations will now be $270.00. A rebate of $50.00 will be given for every junior team. Congratulations to the Belmont Baseball Club for being such a well run and professional organisation. Maxine Poole- Congratulations to Glen on the organisation of the Presentation Night. It was the best night we have had in a long time. Andrew Poole – can we set a date for the next committee meeting? Thanks to the outgoing executive, especially Glen and Ian for the amount of work they have put in over the years. Meeting Closed – 7:50pm Duane Harrison Outgoing Hon Secretary Belmont Baseball Club Inc. – 52nd Annual Report 4 nnnddd 555222 AAAnnnnnnuuuaaalll GGGeeennneeerrraaalll MMMeeeeeetttiiinnnggg AAAgggeeennndddaaa To be held at the Belmont Sportsman's Club on Friday December 1st commencing at 7:00pm. BUSINESS • Welcome to visitors and new members. • Apologies. • Minutes of the 51st Annual General Meeting. • Election of Life Members. • Presidents Report. • Treasurers Report and Financial Report. • Secretary Report. • Adoption of the Annual Report and Financial Statement. ELECTION OF OFFICERS 1. Patrons 12. Sportsman's Club Nominee's 2. President 13. Publicity Officer 3. Senior Vice President 14. Gear Steward’s. 4. Honorary Secretary 15. Coaches 5. Honorary Assistant Secretary 16. Statistician 6. Honorary Treasurer 17. Club Registrar. 7. Honorary Assistant Treasurer 18. Ovals Board Nominee. 8. Management Committee. (Min 5, max 7) 19. Club Historian. 9. Honorary Auditor 20. Club Librarian 10.Selectors. 21. Public Officer. 11.NBA Management Committee GENERAL BUSINESS • Any business relating to Club Organisation. Belmont Baseball Club Inc. – 52nd Annual Report 5 222000000666 OOOffffffiiiccceee BBBeeeaaarrreeerrrsss Patrons Mr John Hook & Mr Don Lennox President Mr Andrew Poole Senior Vice President Mr Chad Lewis Hon Secretary Mrs Maxine Poole Hon Assistant Secretary Mrs Elizabeth Sherring-Robinson Hon Treasurer Mrs Kim Hook Hon Assistant Treasurer Mr Paul Butler Management Committee Dennis Finneran *Part Year David Simpson Brad Sturgeon Christopher Hook *Part Year Ian Barrett Glen Hawke Elese Poole Alex Fehlberg *Part Year Wayne Robinson Ian Hook Hon Auditors Mr John Hook & Mr Don Lennox Life Members Mr Ernie Hitchcock*, Mr Merv Squires, Mr Ron Rice*, Mr Wal Robertson*, Mr Don Mayo, Mr Don Lennox, Mrs Margaret Lennox, Mr John Lambkin, Mr William Grabham, Mr Ian Barrett, Mr Ian Hook, Mr Russell Neal*, Mr John Marks, Mrs Terri Marks, Mr Shane Barclay, Mr Glen Hawke * Deceased Selection Committee Mr Andrew Poole, Mr Stewart Bell, Mr Shane Barclay, Mr Brad Sturgeon, Mr Gregg Carson, Mr Scott Eacott, Mr Mark Laws Delegate to NBA Mr Andrew Poole Delegate to NJBA Mr Wayne Robinson Delegate to Belmont Ovals Board Mr Ian Barrett Belmont Sportsman’s Club Board Mr Glen Hawke, Mr Ian Hook Publicity Officer Miss Elese Poole Gear Steward Mr Chad Lewis Club Coach Mr Stewart Bell Coaching Staff Mr Shane Barclay (1st Grade), Mr Brad Sturgeon (2nd Grade), Mr Gregg Carson (3rd Grade), Mr Scott Eacott (4th Grade ), Mr Mark Laws (5th Grade), Mr Andrew Poole (6th Grade) Club Registrar Mrs Maxine Poole Club Historian Mr Ian Barrett, Mr Glen Hawke, Mr Ian Hook Club Librarian Mrs Maxine Poole Public Officer Mrs Maxine Poole Belmont Baseball Club Inc. – 52nd Annual Report 6 PPPrrreeesssiiidddeeennnttt’’’sss RRReeepppooorrrttt In my first Annual Report as the born-again Club President I would like to touch briefly on the year that was. Both on and off the field the year was, in my opinion, nothing short of brilliant (albeit touched with sadness early in the year with the loss of stalwart Russell ‘Ergy’ Neal), congratulations to everyone involved with the Club. I hope everyone enjoyed the year as much as me. There was, of course that little matter of not having anyone to play against in the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Grand Finals. History will shows us as run- away Club Champions; run-away Minor Premiers in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade; Minor and Major Premiers in u’16s and indeed competitive in each other side we fielded. Inexplicably, however, we are Joint Major Premiers in each of our top three Grades; my apologies to you as President for not recognising early enough a misplaced NBA by-law that allowed our opposition to choose not to play us should the weather favour them !! Rest assured it will not happen again. I don’t know that we could have done much more as a club during the year, my thanks to all Coaching staff from Belly and Bucket right through to tee-ball. Thankyou to the players for continuing to proudly perform and behave as we expect Belmont personnel will (a fond farewell to club legend Bradles and Dennis). My thanks to scorers, team EO’s , assistant ground crew, canteen workers, BBQ men,…..the list goes on and I am sure I have overlooked many. Special thanks to the hard working committee headed up by Kim and Maxine, without each and everyone of you we could not have continued to produce the smooth running and successful Club we have (we even carried the NBA through the NSW Country Youth Series held at Belmont this year). My only complaint is that it remains a fact that at our club (like most others) it is such a small group of people that do the bulk of the work, I would dearly love to see more volunteers in all areas next year, parents in particular – please get involved.
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