%__U^ ^Tbe Kfe^al 0a3ette anb Colonist 2>atl^ INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established J828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL 6, No. 219 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1926 PER COPY 3d. or 6 cents-40/- PER ANNUM Shipping Prospects Bermuda Biological Station. ROUND THE WORLD BY CABLE They Say Head of Furness Withy That shipping news is plentiful for the Future. Arising out of the meeting held THE COAL STRIKE. just now. Brings Experts on Friday recently to stimulate interest iu ***** Interview with the reorganisation of the Bermuda That everyone has suddenly de­ PLANS FOR NEW SHIP AND Biological Station, the names of No hopa for Settlement. Owners Refuse to Consider cided there is scarcely any limit WHARFAGE TO BE Mr. L.B Harnett. the Board of Trustees wiU perhaps National Basis. to what can be done for the Tourist DISCUSSED. be of interest. Trade. Mr. L. B. Harnett, the head ofthe Bermuda is directly represented * * * Interview with the Mayor. firm of Messrs. Haruett and Rich­ on the Board by Mr. E. A. McCaUan, SMUGGLING AFFAIR- That hotels and shippiag must ardson, agents of the R.M.S.P. Director of Agriculture, and Dr. keep step by step. Mr. H. C. Blackiston, head of Co., Pacific Steam Navigation Co., E. L. Mark is too weU known locaUy 150 Italians landed Secretly in Nova Scotia. Clearance * * * the Furness Withy Co. in NewYork, Elders and Fyffes, etc., has just re­ to need any introduction. That there was a time when one is expected to arrive in Bermuda turned from London after a visit FoUowing are the names of the Paper from Bermuda Omits Passengers- limited the other! on Friday next in order to discuss to his principals in connection with gentlemen comprising the Board:— * * * with the Corporation and local the shipping trade of Bermuda. Remarkable Running Record. Nurmi badly Beaten— That now they are making each authorities the plans for the fur­ Few men have worked so unceas­ Chairman, E. G. ConkUn, Pro­ Tilden Defends Title—Professionalism in Tennis other develop. ther extension of the shipping trade ingly and energeticaUy on behalf fessor of Biology, Princeton Uni­ * * * and the necessary wharfage to ac­ of the development of Bermuda. versity. Extends—British Riflemen make New Record. That it is astonishing how much commodate the new ship or ships. In addition to his long experience Secretary, W. H. Rand, Chairman influence for good an enterprising The Marine experts from. Eng­ and local knowledge, he possesses land are at present in New York, Department of Zoology, Harvard Mine Owners Flatly Refuse Proposal Serious Floods in Kansas. firm can exercise. unbounded faith and optimism, University. I * * * and although their timeisentreme- and it is no secret that the increased ly limited, Mr. Blackiston, who is E. J. Allen, Director, and Secre­ London, September 15.—Contin­ Emporia, Kansas, September 13. That the Cable Company is reaUy tonnage of the Royal MaU, and the tary of the CouncU, of the Marine —Hundreds were homeless or ma­ going to begin on the wireless sta­ nothing if not thorough, has pre­ EngUsh trade with Bermuda, are uance of tho coal strike deadlock vailed upon them to come down Biological Association of the Unit­ was indicated this morning when rooned in their houses and damage tion. almost entirely due to his enthu­ ed Kingdom. to livestock and buUdings was * * * ; and seek first hand information siastic representations. it was announced unofficially that J. H. Ashworth, Professor of Zo­ the Mining Association this after­ mounting steadily to-day as flood That Bermuda will soon be a few !. of our channels and other shipping In an interview with our repre­ ology, University of Edinburgh. noon would report to the Govern­ waters of the Neosho, Cottonwood seconds from England. I conditions. sentative yesterday, Mr. Harnett C. B. Davenport, Director, Sta­ ment that the Colliery Owners and Verdigris Rivers swept south­ * * * I The new ship ordered is designed and will be built exclusively for very]courteously explained his Com­ tion for Experimental Evolution, Associations throughout the Coun­ eastern Kansas followiug rains yes­ That we may soon be able to read Bermuda use and Will confor.m vo pany's plans and also gave much Carnegie Institution. try have refused by vote to give the terday and last night which ia English news without the aid of a all our requirements. Rather than information on various matters B. M. Duggar, Professor of Plant Mining Association power to nego­ some Sections approached cloud­ pair of foreign spectacles. connected with our development. Physiology, Washington Univer­ tiate a settlement with the men on burst proportions. A large sec­ retard the development of the tour­ ist trade by waiting until our chan­ The Araguaya, said the agent, sity, St. Louis, and Chairman, a national basis. This is a flat tion of the town of Neosho Fails That VauderbUt is getting the leaves Avonmouth for Bermuda on Division of Biology and Agricul­ refusal of the proposal advanced by about 35 nines southeast of here right idea. nels are fuUy completed, the firm Nov. 26th. Her saiUng from New ture. A. J. Cook, General Secretary of was reported as virtuallj inundated has ,at considerable expe nse :adapt ed York wiU be on Dee. llth and she E. V. Cowdry, Associate Member, tho Miners Union, the owners have at midnight. The section hardest That he paid a bull fighter £830 tfie ship for the local conditions. wiU leave for New York on Dec. The RockefeUer Institute for Medi- \ consistently held that they would hit apparently included a territory for the bout with the bull. This.wiU not surprise t hose fami- 18th. cal Research. make only district settlements. nearly 25 miles wide starting about liar with the history 3f Furness Withy Company's rela On Dee. 22nd she saUs for Ber­ R. A. Harper, Professor of Botany, * * * ten mUas east of here aud extend­ That t) is is cheaper tl an hirini .ions with muda and wUl lay over here tiU Bermuda. Columbia University. British Riflemen Break Record. ing more than 50 miles southeast. Dempsey :o fight a man. Jan. 1st and then resume her week­ R. C. Harrison, Professor of Com­ RainfaU at Neosho FaUs brokeall Having learned if the expected ly saUings. records for the storm with 14 in­ arrival of the ex its, our repre- parative Anatomy, Yale Univer­ Septemb* That Bermuda has set the fashion The Avon leaves England ou Jan. Sea Girt, N.J. r 13 ches. sentative asked fo and was court- sity. The world reeo :d which ;d in saUs in England. • 6th for Bermuda and wiU com­ A. G. Huntsman, President ofthe Unit * * * eously given, an interview with States rifle men estabUshed last * * * His Worshipful mence her weekly sailings from New Biological Board of Canada. Death of Noted Soldier. the M • yor, year was broken yesterday by the That at Cowes it is quite common A. W. Bluck Esq., York on Tuesday, Jan. 25th leav­ E. L. Mark, Professor Emeritus of o th t in- British Rifle Team in defeating for to see the Bermuda rig. formation concerning ing Bermuda on Fridays. Zoology, Harvard University. London, September 13. Major he pr posed Asked how the two ships com­ the first time since 1913 the United new wharfage might be giv> n our E. A. McCaUan, Director of Agri­ States team in the International General Sir Willia:*!* Julius Gas­ That now sh 5 is setting the fash- pared with each other, Mr. Harnett culture, Bermuda. coigne is dead aged 82. He had a ion iu weddius cakes. readers. explained that the Avon was sUght- Small Bore match for the Dewar "The problem of extending our trophy. Shooting at 50 and 100 distinguished miUtary career hav­ ly larger than the Araguaya, but ing served iu the Egyptian War 1882 That the idea of one for the wharfage, and docking faciUties," the different disposition of saloons yards the British scored 7,793 out of said the Mayor, "has occupied the "And how wiU you remedy shat?" a possible 8,000 points, and the and in the Soudan in 1885. bride and another for the groom is gave her much more deck accom­ catchiag on. attention of the Corporation for our representative asked. United States team J? ,733. * * * modation and she was perhaps "In the summer" repUed Mr. some considerable lime. There * * * Sensational Smuggling in mora handsomely appointed Harnett, "I see no reason why Nova Scotia. That i getting ready are three schemes under attention. Professional Tennis. chools are all • throughout. Elders & Fyfees could not attract for the new term. The first plans io extend a sea wall The dimensions are as foUows:— many tourists here on a schedule Ottawa, September 13.—Suzanne Halifax, N.S., September 13. A * * * 125ft. easterly from No. 1 shed to of rates including hotel accommo­ Lenglen wiH play in Ottawa pro­ sensational attempt to smuggle That most pupils have had No. 4. The second an extension Length S35ft. Avon dation. The saiUngs permit of a bably on October 23. With her wiU about 150 Italians into Canada was eaough holiday. of No. 6 dock to the middle of No. Breadth 62 stay hero whilst the boats sail be Miss Mary K. Browne. Ten made at Mill Cove, St. Margaret's 4 shed, making a straight Une be­ Tonnage 19,170. south." players of high American and Bay, but the authorities were given That sc i ting aew in smug- tween the two; and the third sug­ notification early eaough to cap­ gUug has irtled Nova Scotia. gestion is to extend the wharf from Araguaya Length 515.
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