Tanja Radusin et al., Antimicrobial nanomaterials for food packaging applications, Food and Feed Research, 43 (2), 119-126, 2016 АНТИМИКРОБНИ НАНОМАТЕРИЈАЛИ ЗА ПАКОВАЊЕ ХРАНЕ DOI: 10.5937/FFR1602127S UDK 637’6:339.15 (497.11) 1 2 2 1 Minireview Тања И. Радусин* , Иван С. Ристић , Бранка М. Пилић , Александра Р. Новаковић 1Универзитет у Новом Саду, Научни институт за прехрамбене технологије у Новом Саду, 21000 Нови Сад, Булевар цара Лазара бр. 1, Србија TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS – BASE FOR THE SUSTAINABLE 2 * Универзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултет, 21000 Нови Сад, DEVELOPMENT OF SERBIAN ANIMAL ORIGIN PRODUCTS Булевар цара Лазара бр. 1, Србија Jasna Lj. Stevanović1, Đorđe G. Okanović2, Slavica V. Stevanetić1, Milorad D. Mirilović3, 3 4 Сажетак: Индустрија амбалажних материјала за паковање хране представља једну од Neđeljko R. Karabasil , Snježana R. Pupavac најбрже растућих индустрија данашњице. Нови трендови воде ка смањењу отпада од хране и 1 паковања кроз презервацију и продужење одрживости, као и супституцију материјала добијених Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Resavska 15, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia из петрохемијских извора природним, па самим тим и према развоју индустрије амбалажних 2 материјала за паковање хране у неколико праваца. Овај мултидисциплинарни изазов University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bul. oslobođenja 18, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia постављен је како пред научнике из области хране, тако и пред научнике из области 3 материјала. Нанотехнологија даје неке од одговора на ове изазове - са различитим решењима University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia од побољшања карактеристика материјала до активног паковања или комбинацију оба решења. 4 Уношење наночестица у полимерну матрицу, са циљем креирања хибридног материјала, јесте EKO LAB doo Padinska Skela, Industrijsko naselje bb., Serbia један од начина модификације његових својстава. Наноматеријали који у себи садрже активне (антимикробне) наночестице, подижу концепт активног паковања на један виши ниво и обезебеђујући продужење заштитне функције самог амбалажног материјала. Овај рад Corresponding author: Đorđe Okanović представља преглед у области антимикробних наноматеријала за паковање хране са аспекта Phone: +381214853707 технологије, примене и законске регулативе. E-mail address: [email protected] Кључне речи: Нанотехнологије, антимикробни системи, паковање хране, законска регулатива Received: 21 November 2016 ABSTRACT: Research results on the diversity of traditional products of animal origin from certain areas of the Republic of Serbia, provides an opportunity to become part of the sustainable quality Accepted: 23 December 2016 development, which would be based on their promotion and protection of local resources. Traditional products of animal origin are different and inseparable from the local identity, typical for nation and its food culture. Through confidence-building, and protection from oblivion, the value of domestic products, had preserved trough centuries-old tradition. Nowadays, each domestic product has its own recognisable taste, representing climate of the Republic of Serbia, from which it comes. Universally accepted model of rural institutional structure does not exist. Instead it accommodates and develops in accordance to needs, possibilities and area specific characteristics. By the efficient protection rural models becomes an investment incentives and contribute to general economic and industrial prosperity of the society. Keywords: traditional products, animal origin, Serbia, region, efficient protection INTRODUCTION The favourable geographical position of country, and of the agricultural develop- the Republic of Serbia is supported by the ment as well, stems from the data on the fact that we belong to the group of the balance of trade in agricultural products. European countries with a large area of Although there is an increase in the fa- arable land, but with the lower percentage vourable balance, the Republic of Serbia of its utilization. The specificity of the Re- still does not reach its maximum due to the public of Serbia is also reflected in the noted structural instability. Economic pro- presence of plentiful small farms, so we gress in the Republic of Serbia should be deal with predominantly rural population, interconnected with the social develop- which is engaged in agriculture. One of the ment of the country (UNESCO, n.d.). indicators of the general situation in the Inherited values of traditional products *This work was reported at the III International Congress “Food Technology, Quality and Safety” held in Novi Sad, Serbia, October 25-27, 2016, organized by the Institute of Food Technology, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. 127 Jasna Lj. Stevanović et al., Traditional products – base for the sustainable development of Serbian animal origin products, Jasna Lj. Stevanović et al., Traditional products – base for the sustainable development of Serbian animal origin products, Food and Feed Research, 43 (2), 127-134, 2016 Food and Feed Research, 43 (2), 127-134, 2016 should rightfully be considered as equally prescribed methods and procedures maxi- in exceptional cases, the whole country, in to cheese, the origin name represents the important as the rules imposed by the mizes soil productivity, but at the same order to describe the products or food connection between historical and geogra- development of the international food stan- time minimizes harmful effects on soil, originating from that area, it is clear that phical dimensions. The climate influence dards. The purpose of geographical in- water, air and health, both producer’s and Serbia is famous for that. Hence, there are and soil type, location, natural vegetation, dications and the names of the protection consumer’s. Unlike conventional produc- honey from Homolje mountains, linden types of cultivated plants, the way of of origin, traditionally produced or a certi- tion, organic production is based on biolo- honey from Fruška gora mountain, honey keeping animals and animal breeds impact fication of organic production, have the gical balance of the system soil – plant – from the village of Kačer, grilled meat from the originality and uniqueness of the goal of establishing the basis for increa- animal – human. Although it accounts for the town of Leskovac, belmuž (a traditional finished product - cheese. Cheese protect- sing profits (Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šu- only 1% of the total world’s food market, shepherd dish made of cheese and ted by Traditional Specialty Guaranteed - marstva i vodoprivrede RS, 2009). Pre- organic products are becoming increasin- cornflour) from the town of Svrljig, duvan TSG means that this cheese has specific serving the characteristic quality of a pro- gly demanded goods and their share in čvarci (a specific type of pork rinds) from characteristics because of the production duct of animal origin encourages both the world trade flows is becoming more im- the town of Valjevo. method or traditional structure and is advancement and the sustainability of portant. independent of a specific area (Milanović, The water opulence in Serbia is special high-level biological diversity which can be 2006). The steady growth in demand for organic due to the diversity of the ecosystem and found in Serbia. One of the certain and products in the world indicates that this fishing is very common. The carp of the useful tools for the regional development In accordance with the provisions of the method of production can be quite pro- town of Ečka is a species protected with is finding an opportunity for additional in- Republic of Serbia, Užice (beef) ham, fitable if natural resources, manufacturing the designation of origin. The caviar of terest of domestic producers, taking into Užice bacon, Srem kulen, Srem domestic experience and expertise are used and Kladovo is also well-known. In the upper account predominantly rural character of sausage, Srem salami, Požarevac sau- implemented properly. Organic farming is course of the Mlava, near the source, the Republic of Serbia (Stevanović et al., sage, Petrovska klobasa - Bački Petrovac considered to be environmentally and there is a famous trout farm. We should 2016). (Ikonić et al., 2014), Lemeš kulen (Vuković economically sustainable and socially res- emphasise that the Mlava flows through et al., 2012) and Vršac ham also have France and Italy prove that professionally ponsible. Organic farming preserves na- the District of Braničevo throughout its geographical indications. The potential for developed system for the protection of tural resources from complete destruction course, which can be an important sheep farming can be seen in the pro- geographical origin brings greater profit or eradication (Zakon o organskoj poljo- characteristic of the trout grown here. tected geographical indications of tra- and greater success, but similar examples privredi, 2000). Over the past few years, the Republic of ditional specialties such as "Homolje’s can also be found both in other member Serbia has increasingly been turning to lamb", ‘’Sjenica’s lamb“, but ‘’Svrljig’s’’ and states of the European Union and outside UNIQUENESS OF TRADITIONAL organic farming. It is most prevalent in the ‘’Krivi Vir’s sheep’’, ‘’Balkan’s goat’’ and the EU. PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN FROM Province of Vojvodina followed by the ‘’Pirot’s lamb’’ can be recognized as well. SERBIA regions of southern and eastern Serbia. BASIS FOR RESEARCH In the Republic
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