Palm Beach County Project / Control Cross Reference Listing 2/8/2017 NAME PROJECT CONTROL PAGE BOOK 10 Acre Dillman Property (Master) 00859-000 2002-00058 1001 Hibiscus Lane 00012-190 0000-000000034 118 101 North Federal Highway 00006-007 0000-000000022 099 101 SE 7th Avenue 00012-214 0000-000000058 122 104 NE 2nd Avenue Plat 00012-140 0000-000000120 114 10th and 10th Center 00012-149 0000-000000039 116 1100 Commerce Park 00036-002 0000-000000060 098 1112 South Flagler Drive 00074-315 0000-000000128 118 112th/Northlake Office 05764-000 2006-00529 1150 Skees Road 05007-000 2003-00072 14070 Paradise Point Plat Waiver 03100-582 0000-00000 150 Oceanside 00012-204 0000-000000181 119 1747 South Military Trail 05034-001 1984-00075 1747 South Military Trail 05034-001 2003-00041 1747 South Military Trail 05034-001 2007-00407 1771 South Congress Avenue 00070-033 0000-000000135 121 1800 North Military Trail 00006-052 0000-000000094 108 1801 Clint Moore Road 00006-116 0000-000000027 116 181st Street South Plat 00303-009 1972-001180007 057 1850 Okeechobee Blvd 05000-270 1995-00091 1960 Okeechobee Blvd 05000-335 1996-00075 1st Road - Hines Plat Waiver 03100-597 2006-00405 200 East Plat 00006-008 0000-000000020 100 2003 Tequesta Associates, LLC 00060-006 0000-000000007 100 2085 Zip Code Lane 05400-000 1997-00037 2091 Indian Road Rezoning 05446-000 1997-00107 2101 Australian 00074-324 0000-000000159 120 2295 South Ocean Blvd Condo 00050-010 0000-00000 2540 Okeechobee Blvd 05000-221 1977-00193 2645 Medical Center 00012-201 0000-000000117 119 2911 Nokomis Ave Plat Waiver 03100-570 0000-00000 295 Lakeview 00074-250 0000-000000063 112 2981 Lake Worth Road 00070-031 0000-000000104 121 2nd Ave Tower 05441-000 1989-00076 3140 - 3180 Polo Drive 00020-003 0000-000000195 119 3581 Lothair Ave Plat Waiver 03100-565 0000-00000 3629 Kitely Ave Plat Waiver 03100-564 0000-00000 366 Mozart Road 00888-000 2003-00060 4 Points Market 05499-000 1997-00102 441 Land Trust 05719-000 2002-000020124 099 441 Land Trust 05719-000 2002-000270124 099 Page 1 of 298 Palm Beach County Project / Control Cross Reference Listing 2/8/2017 NAME PROJECT CONTROL PAGE BOOK 441 Lantana Storage LP Off Site Improv. 00593-132 2002-00027 4817 Serafica 00954-000 2004-00548 49th Street N - Eller Plat Waiver 03100-606 0000-00000 5050 Ocean Drive Replat 00056-014 0000-000000010 101 5840 North Military Trail 00056-056 0000-000000154 111 5th Avenue at Delray 00012-090 0000-000000106 108 61 Acre Plat Preserve Area 5 00956-010 2005-00323 610 Clematis Condo 00074-228 0000-00000 6801 Lake Worth Road 00018-026 0000-000000007 109 700 Ocean Drive 06000-247 0000-000000161 062 715 MHP (Belle Glade) 04000-083 0000-00000 715 MHP (Belle Glade) 04000-083 1993-00046 7200 Military Trail 00402-000 1980-000940184 048 7280 Boynton Beach Prof Cntr Condo 05079-001 2002-00045 7th Day Adventist Church 05523-000 1998-00090 8000 Indiantown Road 05000-223 1995-00001 8190 Jog Road Condo 00270-318 1980-00153 9 Acre State Road 7 Property 00870-000 2003-00015 912 Plat 00012-052 0000-000000032 104 934 Pike LLC Plat Waiver 03100-665 2010-00352 95th Avenue Industrial Park 00072-036 0000-000000013 077 98-II Middle School 05050-000 2003-00003 99-HH Middle School 05061-000 2003-00004 A Garden Walk MHP 04000-022 0000-00000 A Garden Walk MHP 04000-022 2000-30203 A Special Touch Wholesale Nursery 05548-000 1999-00008 AA Commerce Park 00030-080 0000-000000132 066 AAA Wholesale Nursery 05619-000 2000-00081 Abacoa - Replat of Tract WK4A 00030-094 0000-000000016 114 Abacoa - Replat of Tract WK5-B 00030-020 0000-000000172 099 Abacoa Plat 1 00030-035 0000-000000145 078 Abacoa Plat 2 Replat of Tract RN3R 00030-078 0000-000000010 113 Abacoa Plat 4 Replat 00030-015 0000-000000014 099 Abacoa Plat 4 Replat of Tract RN3R 00030-074 0000-000000116 112 Abacoa Town Center Plat 1 00030-082 0000-000000025 085 Abacoa Town Center Plat 2 Replat of Tract A 00030-023 0000-000000155 102 Abacoa Town Center Plat 3 00030-011 0000-000000157 097 Abacoa Town Center Plat 4 00030-108 0000-000000146 116 Abbey Delray South 00012-194 0000-000000096 041 Abbey Park Gardens 1 Condo 00190-303 1979-00161 Abbey Park Gardens Plat 3 00190-300 1979-00161 Page 2 of 298 Palm Beach County Project / Control Cross Reference Listing 2/8/2017 NAME PROJECT CONTROL PAGE BOOK Abbey Park MUPD 05348-000 1996-000870019 108 Abbey Park Plat 1 00190-001 1979-001610092 040 Abbey Park Plat 2 00190-002 1979-001610136 045 Abbey Park Plat 3 00190-301 1979-001610180 046 Abbey Park Plat 4 00190-004 1979-001610134 059 Abbey Park Plat 5 00190-304 1979-001610089 065 Abbey Park Plat 6 00190-010 1979-001610112 097 Abbey Park Plaza 00190-302 1979-00161 Abbey Park PUD (Onsite Parking Facility) 00190-008 1979-00161 Abbey Park PUD Section 4 00190-009 1979-00161 Abbey Park U/R (Master) 00190-000 1979-00161 Abbington PUD 05851-000 2013-001790108 118 ABC Liquors 00030-048 0000-000000050 108 ABC U Pull It 05035-001 2003-000390191 113 Abell Property PUD 00952-000 2005-00289 Abell's Nursery 05547-000 1999-00019 Aberdeen 00270-034 1980-00153 Aberdeen (Master) 00270-000 1980-00153 Aberdeen Commercial Tract 00270-315 1980-00153 Aberdeen Plat 1 (R/W dedicated to PBC) 00270-003 1980-001530009 055 Aberdeen Plat 10 00270-012 1980-001530195 067 Aberdeen Plat 11 00270-013 1980-001530038 060 Aberdeen Plat 12 00270-014 1980-001530041 060 Aberdeen Plat 13 00270-015 1980-001530116 065 Aberdeen Plat 14 00270-016 1980-001530003 066 Aberdeen Plat 15 00270-017 1980-001530063 069 Aberdeen Plat 16 (Parcel F) 00270-018 1980-001530159 071 Aberdeen Plat 17 (Parcel F) 00270-019 1980-001530128 071 Aberdeen Plat 18 (Parcel F) 00270-025 1980-001530059 078 Aberdeen Plat 19 (Parcel F) 00270-020 1980-001530135 072 Aberdeen Plat 2 00270-009 1980-001530011 055 Aberdeen Plat 2 00270-306 1980-001530011 055 Aberdeen Plat 20 (Commercial Tract) 00270-021 1980-001530001 073 Aberdeen Plat 21 (Civic Site) 00270-023 1980-001530138 076 Aberdeen Plat 22 (Pod O West) 00270-026 1980-001530109 077 Aberdeen Plat 23 00270-028 1980-00153 Aberdeen Plat 24 (Tract M) 00270-027 1980-001530174 077 Aberdeen Plat 25 (Pod J) 00270-029 1980-001530096 078 Aberdeen Plat 26 (Pod L) 00270-030 1980-001530002 079 Aberdeen Plat 26 Replat 00270-032 1980-001530094 082 Aberdeen Plat 27 (Pod K) 00270-031 1980-001530019 082 Page 3 of 298 Palm Beach County Project / Control Cross Reference Listing 2/8/2017 NAME PROJECT CONTROL PAGE BOOK Aberdeen Plat 3 00270-005 1980-001530023 055 Aberdeen Plat 4 00270-006 1980-001530036 055 Aberdeen Plat 5 00270-007 1980-001530086 059 Aberdeen Plat 6 00270-008 1980-001530139 059 Aberdeen Plat 7 (Pod H) 00270-022 1980-001530161 074 Aberdeen Plat 8 00270-010 1980-001530181 059 Aberdeen Plat 8 Replat 1 00270-033 1980-001530037 084 Aberdeen Plat 9 00270-011 1980-001530178 059 Aberdeen PUD (Sales Office To Clubhouse) 00270-035 1980-00153 Abidjan Estates 00004-005 0000-000000033 105 Able Lawnmower Sales and Service 05573-000 1982-00053 Able Residence 00852-000 2000-00061 Able's Self-Storage Facility 05602-000 2000-00011 Abyssina Park U/R 03000-105 0000-00000 Abyssina Park U/R 03000-105 2003-00094 Acacia Gardens 01000-043 0000-000000005 040 Acacia Villa 01000-581 0000-000000235 023 Academy at Loggers Run 00275-315 1975-000680097 040 Academy School 00302-002 2001-00015 Acevedo Plat Waiver 03100-524 0000-00000 Ackerman/Crosby 05000-371 1995-00113 Acme Acres (Wellington Admin & Operations) 00332-500 1986-00032 Acme East AGR PUD 05772-000 2006-00550 Acreage Community Facilities 05113-000 2004-00007 Acreage Community Facilities 05113-000 2006-00397 Acreage Community Facilities Plat Waiver 03100-536 2004-00007 Acreage Park 05096-000 2002-00019 Acrehome Park 1st & 2nd Adds to Kelsey City 00056-076 0000-000000034 003 Adams Sub (Part Annex WPB) 01000-653 0000-000000023 020 Adams Sub (Part Annex WPB) 01000-653 1982-000230023 020 Addison Centre MUPD 05421-000 1997-000860083 085 Addison Court Plat 1 05000-314 1995-000170176 079 Addison Lakes 00774-001 1998-000680199 092 Addison Lakes (Master) 00774-000 1998-00068 Addison Park 00006-053 0000-000000137 108 Addison Place 00415-001 1983-000760043 059 Addison Place (Master) 00415-000 1983-00076 Addison Place MUPD 00738-000 1997-001180040 084 Addison Pointe at Boca Raton Condo 00205-421 1984-00152 Addison Reserve Parcel 11 00230-024 1980-002150173 079 Addison Reserve Parcel 11 Replat 00230-026 1980-002150053 081 Page 4 of 298 Palm Beach County Project / Control Cross Reference Listing 2/8/2017 NAME PROJECT CONTROL PAGE BOOK Addison Reserve Parcel 12 00230-034 1980-002150139 085 Addison Reserve Parcel 13 00230-031 1980-002150160 083 Addison Reserve Parcel 14 00230-032 1980-002150054 084 Addison Reserve Parcel 15 00230-033 1980-002150192 084 Addison Reserve Parcel 16 00230-028 1980-002150034 083 Addison Reserve Parcel 17 00230-027 1980-002150049 082 Addison Reserve Parcel 18 00230-029 1980-002150021 083 Addison Reserve Parcel 3 00230-017 1980-002150026 076 Addison Reserve Parcels 1 & 2 00230-015 1980-002150004 076 Addison Reserve Parcels 4 & 5 00230-016 1980-002150008 076 Addison Reserve Parcels 7 & 8 00230-021 1980-002150126 078 Addison Reserve Parcels 9, 10 & 19 00230-022 1980-002150137 078 Addison Reserve Plat 1 00230-013 1980-002150143 075 Addison Reserve Plat 2 00230-018 1980-002150003 077 Addison Reserve Plat 3 (Boundary Plat) 00230-020 1980-002150005 078 Addison Reserve Plat 4 (Boundary Plat) 00230-023 1980-002150076 079 Addison Reserve Repl lots 9-14 blk 1 Par 1 & 2 00230-019 1980-002150016 077 Addison Reserve Replat Lake 19 00230-030 1980-002150151 083 Addison Trace PUD 00671-001 1994-000120126 080 Adkins
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