finely, and use for rolling chops or croquettes. W’heaties make a deli- cious crusty topping, too, for many different casserole dishes. Here’s Ration Relief! ? ? ? By BETTY CROCKER EARLY A. M. BACKER-UPPER! Lady of jn I tfflT.' First Food When your folks roll out, morn- T are having to cut down on cerenl* finnl value* tee nee cl (another B Vitamin), and iron. ings, they’ve been fasting for yOIcert ain foods you’ve boon serv- et'ery tingle tiny, in the diet. Good protein*, 100. Infact,the pro- around twelve hours or more. ing? There’ll a bright side to the ? * ? teins in a bowl of Wheatie* and milk Good Idea to break that fast with picture, however. Not all foods are # CONSIDER MEAT’S FOOD are as valuable as an etjual amount a nourishing whole wheat break- scarce. And you’re clever. You can VALUE. Some of moat’s nutrients of meat proteins! A bowl of Wheaties fast. Big cheery bowls of Wheat- figure out good substitutions. are provided by W heaties those with milkor cream isfinefor lunch or ies, with milkand fruit. Try this ? ? ? crisp toasted whole wheat flakes. supper, occasionally. It's satisfying, tomorrow: # CEREALS FOR INSTANCE. (A “whole grain” cereal that quali- ir * ? ('.hilled Orange Juice (ZerealHare plentiful. Ihey 'jenoi fies under Government's Nutrition #MEAT-EXTENDER,TOO. Add Wheaties with Milk or Cream rot inneil. Ami there* « valuable Food Rules.) Wheaties provide Wheaties to hamburger, or ground Toasted Cinnamon Rolls mntrish men t in whole grain Thiamine (Vitamin 13,), Niacin round steak. Crush the flakes Coffee, Milk or Cocoa Break that long fast with this wholesome nourishment PP B^eakfaitA 7 fg mnmnbient M WITH MUR AMD FRUIT av. ;¦ v ;\m Twelve long hours from dinner last night to breakfast this morning quite a fast! So we say, break that long fast this wholesome and most enjoyable way. Get really ready to tackle ‘Tough about Uo...ate two bowls of Wheaties...got so ambitious he went to work in the shipyard.” the morning’s job by stowing away a good big bowl of Wheaties, “Breakfast of Champions’’, with plenty of milk or cream and fruit. Now you’re eating! Here are three basically Are You the Guilty Person? important foods, three nourishing foods to give you something to go on. Yes, you can depend on Wheaties, “Breakfast of Champions”, with milk and fruit. It’s the breakfast for the hardworking w ouldn’t harm anyone. You duction at a time when still more milk or cream, and fruit. Three basic champions of 1913 the breakfast for you. yOUnever committed a crime. Just production is vitally important. foods here: Milk, fruit, and good Special a stamp. Family sam- the same, may!*- you’re doinp your- “Don’t skip breakfast,” says Dr. whole wheat. \Vheatic» give you all offer! Yours for 3c self wrong. How? By not giving Thomas Parran, United States Sur- the knowm essential nourishment of ple package of Wheaties, also the Betty Crocker whou at lai yourself a nourishing breakfast to geon General. “This asks your body whole wheat food-energy, miner- booklet, Highway to Send “Thru Good Nutrition”. (m v trn o» *OOO liM help you keep on the joball morning. to begin the day without supplying als, vitamins. Good proteins, too. stamp, General 1 I n *»o*«i f«on Iff £9 3c name and address to Mills, Inc., / IKOCKIMtD m 'MI Blftlfl Only one in every four among motive power.” Second-helping flavor to Wheat- Cop*- fu \ T-.41 M il*. I've nu'»'»*o*« toot lull Dept. 64, Minneapolis, Minnesota. C.rnfi'.-ffwifia I W our workers is said to be eating Here's a nourishing breakfast ies! A rich nut-sweet flavor. Try * IVr..fiv( )l war l h.nAoirt .ir'-n- I__Z!I_1II1Z WHSSr* the food he needs, to keep fit on the that’s easy to take. A man-sized Wheaties. They're America’s favor- u*W a>juiuut4cncf«i Hpp|HHH|HpHHHpHpH job. That's bad. It means less pro- bowl of Wheaties with plenty of ite whole wheat flakes. ca£6XTOM, C/t+cke/U 'Mb 4 The Betty Crocker staff tests many hundreds of recipes every year . experiments with them till they are perfect. The best ones are included in the sacks of Gold Medal Flour . the country’s favo- rite brand. Try the typical Betty Crocker recipe 4 A below . with Gold Medal Flour. ...AND ITS TASTE IS ¦Hi ¦¦ iatj GUARANTEED TO DELIGHT o o YOUR FAMILY” K 1 ¦'¦•¦:'^-x-^fc%; i fcSwi* y> W\ It's Easy to Make! •? ’• . __t I*-. (Perfect results guaranteed only » hen greased and floured 8-inch square pan, ;yi> . you use Gold Medal '’Kitchen-tested” and hake 55 tn 60 min. in a moderate oven m Enriched Flour) (350°). Serve hot with Hot Golden Vi cup Shortening ... IVi cups Sugar* Sauce. 9 servings. ... 7 Eggs 1 Vi cups grated raw car- j,<«** \ t HOT GOLDEN SAUCE. Mix 1 cup m rots (4 medium-sized carrots) . Wi sugar*, 4 tbsp. GOLD MFOAL cups sifted GOLD MEDAL"K7tcfien-f*sfed" ’ ''Kitchen-testa/ Enriched Flour, Vi Enriched Flour ... 3 tsp. Baking Powder K tsp. salt together in the top of a double- ... |t-!*'^| . .Vi tsp. Salt... % cup Milk 1 tsp. boiler; water Lemon Extract stir in 1 */i cups boiling tillmixture is thick (stirring consrantly). ( the add the sugar R 1 AM shortening, water, and tbsp. ¦ Place over hot add 3 gradually, cream till fluffy. Blend iti the grated raw carrot, 2 tbsp. orange unbeaten egg yolks one at a time (beating juice, 2 tbsp. lemon juice,4 tbsp.butter. Avoid wartime baking waste in vst* 11 after each is added). Now stir in ¦ to the grated carrots. Then sift the flour, Cook about 20 min. (till ready stirring occasionally. .. and serve), . better baking powder salt together, and get bakings! ) *<> SAVE SUGAR. uae ‘4 cup ( lf,,P ¦ stir into the creamed mixture alternately •TO l 4 P 2 nutke llie Pudding, creaming it Into the shortening. »n<l \\ and risk precious food ingredients ith the milk. t 1.-nil l 4 •up corn avrup into the < reamed mixture, ttmp. Bake 50 minute* or Blend in the lemon extract. Fold in ii i onb 2 milk. ulmut l by using an undependable Hour in the Sauce, use cup migar and ‘y cup corn ayrup, and boiling DON'Tyour bakings! When you use Gold stitily beaten egg whites. Four into a uk ouly 1 cup ot water. L 1 - " Medal, you’re using the flour more women mm mm mm mm mm wm mm mm wm mm wm mm mm on buhH| rely than any other. *• e* \rf r\ And there are good reasons. First, Gold Medal is milled from grain selected to meet a Remember that even - sack of Gold Medal high, all-purpose baking standard. The is now vitamin-and-mineral enriched. This wheats are processed by men with the great- means it’s better for your family. It’s more 1 11 est • ¦ aggregate experience in the business. nutritious. It gives you more of two needed Fin.ills, every batch of the flour is double- "B" vitamins and iron. ¦ H ¦ tm n*sf Mllt«,tn- r/,'e/" "Bettv checked in the laboratory and the Betty (»et Copyt 1941. General "Kitrkrn arvl a sack and use it in all your baking. < rn kat" are reg trwle mark* of (ieorral Mill*. In. (.rocket; kitchen. Find why it’s a virtual 2-to-l favorite. I bus Gold Medal is free of those flour General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. m variations that can play such havoc w ith your ft Why Not Now ? When U S. NIKOS bakings. used with the recipes in the (\ \ . Gold UsIMJN < Medal'* en- jbj s.uk, successful results are guaranteed . ml. Hetty (rmkrr »>nk TV I ort tout corr of the enriched rlc hmrnt h», not a i ( I Rook of Ml Purport Halting! I ontaina 220 o r-’ • hanged Ita color, ill So let Gold Medal and the Betts rocker ip«' illu,- hour taate or baking * _. T the Ivmru in our hie*. Pr»lu»rl> A^Bißßfl irate,) e,tcd baking Mail t«» Kitchen oualltlea Itttruat- it contains be sour standby for better i 1 I direction*. 2'c tested" •aorthy ( i action In recipes Hetty Dept. y6U, Minneapolis, Minn. ha, bakings! rmUr. tour oven not Kelv on this success combination.’’ ... tight away! c hanged In any way..
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