DR. AMJAD PARVEZ COLLECTION (Eng. Books) Sr. No. Author Title Imprint Call No. Cutter DAPC‐01 Babar Maqbool Stories of the Lahore: Maqbool Books, 297.63 BAB Prophets 2012 DAPC‐02 Amjad Islam Amjad Shifting sands: Lahore: Jahangir Books 891.4391 AMJ poems of love and other verses DAPC‐03 Fatima Hussain Sufism revisited Lahore: Sang e Meel, 2010 297.4 FAT DAPC‐04 Manzoor Mirza Sundry reflections: Lahore: Ilmi Kitan Khana, NA 824 SUN short essays DAPC‐05 Fatima Hussain The war that wasfn New Delhi: Munshiram 297.4 FAT 't: the sufi and the Manoharlal, 2009 sultan DAPC‐06 Hamza Hassan Sheikh Musefum of Rawalpindi: Naqashgar, 2009 821 HAM reminiscence DAPC‐07 Rais Bano New day Lahore: Multimedia Affairs, 821 RAI 2009 DAPC‐08 Tanvir Ahmad Rana Thank you Pakistan: UK: Pedro Press, 2006 824 TAN a collection of essays DAPC‐09 Feza Aazmi Poet, beloved and Karachi: Academy Bazyaft, 891.4391 FEZ philosopher 2010 DAPC‐10 Feza Aazmi Poet, beloved and Karachi: Academy Bazyaft, 891.4391 FEZ philosopher 2010 DAPC‐11 K M A Samdani Role of the judiciary Lahore: Jahangir Books, NA 320.95491 SAM in the constitutional crisis of Pakistan DAPC‐12 Daniyal Siddiqui Republic of Korea Lahore: Beacon Books, 2011 915.9 DAN through my eyes DAPC‐13 Mujahid Kamran Einstein and Germany Lahore: Sang e Meel, 2012 925 MUJ DAPC‐14 Zahid Munir Amir O'er the deep Lahore: Tanazur Matbbo'at 891.4391 ZAH Pakistan, 2008 DAPC‐15 Saadatullah Shah Mixing shadows Lahore: Khazina e Ilm o 891.4391 SAA Adab, 2006 DAPC‐16 Mujahid Kamran The grand deception: Lahore: Sang e Meel, 2012 327.1 MUJ corporate America and perpetual war DAPC‐17 Satyapal Anand A vagrant mirror USA: Trefford, 2011 808.81 ANA DAPC‐18 Gita Dharampal (Ed.) Revisioning Iqbal as a New York: Oxford University 821 REV poet and Muslim Press, 2011 Political thinker DAPC‐19 Muhammad Haseeb The waste of sibyl Lahore: Classic, 2012 823 MUH and the parchment of daplex DR. AMJAD PARVEZ COLLECTION (Eng. Books) DAPC‐20 Dr. M. Aamer Sarfraz People, Places & Lahore: Mavra, 2012 824 AAM Pickles DAPC‐21 Geof Wood, Abdul Valleys in Transition Lahore: Oxford University 338.954912 VAL Malik & Sumaira Press, 2006 Sagheer, Ed. DAPC‐22 Galaxies of Who's Karachi: South Asia 954.9105 GAL who in Pakistan 2009 Publications, 2009 DAPC‐23 The Calendar (duly Lahore: University of 378.549143 CAL amended Upto 2003) Engineering and Technology, 2003 DAPC‐24 Ghulam Mustafa Landscapes of 758.15491 GHU Pakistan DAPC‐25 Kiran Khurshid A treatise on the Civil Lahore: Pak TM Printers, 350.6095491 KIR Service of Pakistan 2011 DAPC‐26 A. A. Polovko Fundamentals of London: Academic Press, 620 POL Reliability Theory 1968 DAPC‐27 Thomas J. Peters In Search of USA: Warner Books, 1982 658.00973 PET Excellence DAPC‐28 Satyapal Anand Good Bye India New Delhi: Kalki 821 ANA International DAPC‐29 H.R Goulding Old Lahore: Lahore: Universal Books, 954.9143 GOU Remininnscences of a resident DAPC‐30 Muhandis Shami an Engineer in Search Lahore: Engineering Herald 338.09 SHA of An Image & Self‐ Publications, reliance DAPC‐31 Robert N. Anthony, Operations cost Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 658.154 ANT James S. Hekimian Control 1967 DAPC‐32 Igor Bazovsky Reliability theory and USA: Prentice‐Hall, InC., 1961 620.00452 BAZ practice DAPC‐33 John Maccunn The making of USA: Cambridge University 171.7 MAC Character Press, 1921 DAPC‐34 F. Mdwbray Velte A study book of Lahore: Ram Lal Suri & Sons, 808.888 VEL Narrative and Descriptive Prose DAPC‐35 Tariq Masoud Broken Lines Lahore: Allied Press, 821 MAS DAPC‐36 Farzana Ahmad Death of Conscience Karachi: Javedan 821 AHM an elegy Publications, 2005 DAPC‐37 David K. Lloyd, Myron Reliability: USA: Prentice‐Hall, InC., 1962 620.0015199 BES Lipow management, methods, and mathematics DAPC‐38 T.H. Burnham & D.H. Factory Organization London: Sir ISAAC Pitman & 658 BUR Bramley and management Sons LTD., 1957 DAPC‐39 J.L. Doob Stochastic Processes New York: John W iley & 519.2 DOO Sons, Inc., 1953 DR. AMJAD PARVEZ COLLECTION (Eng. Books) DAPC‐40 William Feller An Introduction to London: John Wiley & Sons, 519.2 FEL Probability Theory and Its Application DAPC‐41 R.F. Drenick, Harry The SIAM Series in USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 530.11 MAT Hochstadt, Ed. Applied Mathematics DAPC‐42 C.E. Eckersley Brighter English London: Longmans, Green 808.0427 ECK And Co.,1958 DAPC‐43 H. R. Light The Nature of London: Sir ISAAC Pitman & 658.5 LIG Management Sons LTD., 1962 DAPC‐44 Alphonse Chapanis Research Techniques London: The Johns Hopkins 607.2 CHA in Human Press, 1965 Engineering DAPC‐45 Thaler, Brown Analysis & Design of New York: Mcgraw Hill Book 629.83 THA Feedback Control Company, Inc., 1960 Systems DAPC‐46 William T. Morris The Capacity decision Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 658.15 MOR system 1967 DAPC‐47 W. Mansfield Cooper outlines of Industrial London: Butterworths, 1966 344 COO law DAPC‐48 M. Maqsood Age of Science and Lahore: Publication Division, 327.73 MAQ Technology Sardarsons, 1977 DAPC‐49 Uzma Mirza Ode to my Architect, 709 MIR G_d DAPC‐50 E.L Grant Statistical Quality New York: Kogakusha 519.86 GRA Control Company, LTD., 1964 DAPC‐51 George W. Southgate A text book of London: J.M.Dent and Sons 940 SOU modern European LTD, 1958 History, 1958 DAPC‐52 Kenneth J. Arrow (Ed.) Studies in Applied California: Stanford 658.018 STU Probability and University Press, 1962 Management Science DAPC‐53 Ruddell Reed, Jr. Plant Location, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 658.2 REE Layout, And 1967 Maintenance DAPC‐54 D.V. Lindley Introduction to New York: Cambridge at the 519.5 LIN Probability and University Press Statistics DAPC‐55 E. J. Gumbel Statistics of Extremes New York: Columbia 519.5 GUM University Press, 1960 DAPC‐56 Zafar Azeem As Luck Would Have Lahore: Sang‐e‐Meel 823 AZE it and other stories Publication, 2005, DAPC‐57 Wazir Agha (Ed.) Poetry Auraq Lahore: Maktaba Auraq, 821 POE 1994 DAPC‐58 Iqbal Iqbal‐the Visionary Birmingham: Barbar 891.4391 IQB Instituted of Fine Arts, 1997 DR. AMJAD PARVEZ COLLECTION (Eng. Books) DAPC‐59 E.J.H.Jones Production India: B.I. Publication, 1940, 621.3 JON Engineering Jig and tool Design DAPC‐60 Amjad Islam Amjad In the last days of Lahore: Sang‐e‐Meel 821 AmJ Autumn Selection of Publication, 1991, Poems of Amjad Islam Amjad DAPC‐61 Sikandar Hayat Khan Sweet and Sighs Lahore: Sikander Printing 821 KHA Press, 1984 DAPC‐62 Zafar A. Chaudhry Plant and Response, 891.4391 CHA English Rendition of Shikwah, Jawab‐e‐ Shikwah DAPC‐63 Tariq Masqoud Qasmi The Second Visit Lahore: AlHamd Publication, 821 QAS 2000 DAPC‐64 Peter Whittle Probability Australia: Penguin Books, 519.2 WHI 1970 DAPC‐65 K.J. Hume Engineering London: Macdonald & Co. 620.0028 HUM Metrology LTD., 1960 DAPC‐66 Benjamin S. Maintainability: New York: Mcgraw Hill Book 620.0045 BLA Blanchard, Jr., Principles and Company, Inc., 1969 E.Edward Lowery Practices DAPC‐67 Robert Schlaifer Probability and New York: Mcgraw‐Hill Book 519.2 SCH Statistics for Business Company, Inc., 1959 Decisions DAPC‐68 Pakistan Industrial Introduction to Work 658.54 INT Technical Assistance Centre & International Labour Office DAPC‐69 J.F.W.Galyer Metrology for London: Cassell, 1964, 620.0028 GAL Engineers DAPC‐70 Sallm Ahmad Siddiqui, A new Anthology of Lahore: College Book Depot, 891.73 SID Ata‐ur‐Rehman Essays Hashmi DAPC‐71 H.A Treble Tales of Heroism and New York: OXFORD at the 823 TRE Adventure Clearndon Press, 1940 DAPC‐72 Frank Yearby The Serpent and the New York: Pecket Books, 813.54 YER staff INC., 1960 DAPC‐73 Dr. H.J. Gerster Nature's own Birth London: The Wales 363.96 GER Control Publishing Co., 1950 DAPC‐74 First Aid Karachi: The St. John 362.18 FIR Ambulance Association, 1966 DAPC‐75 Evelyn C. Pearce Anatomy & London: Faber and Faber 612.0024613 PEA Physiology for Nurses Limited, 1966 DR. AMJAD PARVEZ COLLECTION (Eng. Books) DAPC‐76 Sapper Bulldog Drummond London: The Brockhampton 823 SAP Press LTD., 1937 DAPC‐77 P.E. Roberts History of British Britain: Oxford University 945.03 ROB India Press, 1967 DAPC‐78 Hafsa Anwar Alvi Warning Letters to Karachi: Royal book 891.4396 ALV Parents company, 2006 DAPC‐79 Yasmeen Haq A cup of divine Kausar Lahore: The Caravan Book 297.63 YAS House, DAPC‐80 India since 1526 V. D. Mahajan, R. R. Delhi: S. Chand & co. 1958 954.625 MAH Sethi DAPC‐81 Dr. Syed Sultan History of University Lahore: Izharsons, 2007 378.549143 HUS Mahmood Hussain Oriental College, Lahore 1870‐2000 DAPC‐82 Dale Carnegie How to win friends Kingwood: The world's 158.2 CAR and influence people workLtd.1964 DAPC‐83 Colonel R. C. F. Between the oxus Lahore: Ali Kamran 954.912 SCH Schomberg and the Indus Publishers, DAPC‐84 Jai Rattan Wazir Agha: selected Lahore: West pakistan urdu 824 RAT light essays academy,1995 DAPC‐85 Razia Fasih Ahmad Breaking links Lahore: Oxford University 891.4393 RAZ Press, 2006 DAPC‐86 Dominique Sourdel Medieval Islam London: Routledge & Kegan 297.09 SOU Paul, 1983 DAPC‐87 Mark Tully, Zareer From Raj to Rajiv: 40 954 TUL Masani years of Independence DAPC‐88 Shafqat Tanvir Mirza Making of a nation: a Islamabad: Dost 954.91 SHA historical perspective publications, 2002 DAPC‐89 Ijaz Hussain Dimensions of Lahore: Heritage 327.5491054 IJA Pakistan‐India Publications, 2006 relations DAPC‐90 M.Amir Rana, Arabs in Afghan jihad Lahore: Pak Institute peace 958.1 MUH Mubasher Bukhari studies, 2007 DAPC‐91 Iqbal Mustafa Throughte columns Lahore: Heritage 70.44 IQB Publications, 2006 DAPC‐92 Geoffrey Chaucer The prologue to the Lahore: New kitab mahel, 821.09 CHA centerbury tales 2010 DAPC‐93 M.
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