r fOESDAY, JULY 19,196(] ^AGE FOURTEEH. lE tn ^ n tn s Bloodniobile Visits Army 't'dntorroWf 1:45 to 6:30 p.m, :—: Mark Aubraitis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Custon Abraitls, sailed Hartford Rd. Gas Station About Town yesterday on the cargo ship Average Daily Net Press Rim The Weather Members of the Manchester AMERICAN LEGION For. the Week Ended A/i'ican_Dawn bound for Aus­ Oear, cool tonight, ikvnr hi Rod and Gun Oub will meet to- tralia. He is planning to spend Opposed at ZB A Hearing dnhrO, 196« night at 7:30 at the Holmes Fu- ygj,j. traveling and working 56.; mostly muuiy tomorrow, neral Home, 400 Main St., to throughout the country. Opposition to a request by Zone A A, which would be clos­ SNJK»aMy eooL pay respects to Rudolph Kurap- ----- Crescenzo and Alfred DeGiantis er to the sideline than regu­ 14,231 kot, father of Roland Schiller, Lawrence Wittkofske, town to bui\d a three-bay gasoline sta- lations permit. The comqr-lot Manchester— City nf. VUlitge Charm a member of the club. water and sewer superintendent, tion at 8M Hartford Rd-, was property is required to have a BINCO will discuss Manchester’s pres­ sparked by two Manchester res­ 15-foot sideline for the first 100 MANCHESTER, CONN.^ WEIWBSDAY, JULY 20, 1966 (Clanifled Adverttoing on Pag* W) PRICE SEVEN GENTS The Disabled American Vet­ ent and future water . and sewer idents at last night’s Zoning feet, and then a 40-foot sideline. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT VOL. LXXXV, NO. 246 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—TABLOID) erans Auxiliary will have a so­ program tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Board of Appeals meeting. Pit* meets the first requirement 8 O’CLOCK—LEGION HOME, LEONARD ST. cial and picnic at the^ home of a meeting of the Manchester ’The Board tabled that request, but construction would be two Mrs. 'Walter Von Hone, Iron- YR Club at the American Le- but approved Uie Other seven. feet short of the second. wood Dr, Vernon tomorrow at Hortie, 20 Leonard St. The ’Three requests were withdrawn 5. A request by Anthony J. 6 p.m. meeting is open to all interested without prejudice, Urbanelti to build a two-truck persons. Opposing DeCiantis’ request garage on the south side of " Members of Orford Parish w ere Alexander Jarvis of. 26 Al- Forest St., in Industrial Zone, Chapter. Daughters of the Members of Hose Co. 2, Town exand'^ St., and Louis C. Bunce which would be closer to the American Revolution will at­ Fire Department, will meet to­ of ’Tunxte, Trail, Bolton. Town Gets Go Ahead sideline than regulations per­ tend a Silver Tea Thursday night at .7 at the Central Fire­ Planner Joseph Tamsky also op­ mit. The garage would be lo­ AUTO from 1:30 to 4;3(!) p.m. at the house and go to Holmes Fu­ posed. cated on the sideline. Regula- Governor Trumbull House in neral Home. 400 Main St., to * Jarvis questiohqd the grading tions require a 15-foot buffer, Liebanon. For transportation, pay respects to Rudolph Kurap- of the proposed station and g ^ request by Earie C. Ted- contact Miss Manon V. Wash­ ko:. f.ither of Roland Schiller, asked DeCiantis’ latwyer, Eu- f^rd to build a garage at 49 Ox- GIASS burn, 35 N. Lakewood Oipcle. a member of the hose company. gene Kelly, if the draW^g of ^0,.^ st in Residence Zone A, the station he presented ro. the closer to the sideline than regu- Second Lts. Samuel C. Hen­ . Rendezvous board was a “true repreaertta- lations permit. Tedford wants 0 / M l Kinds drickson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Finn Dropped tion.’’ to replace a garage lost in a Clinton J. Hendrickson of 72, S. Kelly assured him M was. Jar­ TO,e last month and build on the Installed Promptly Hawthorne St., and Cris M. As Defendent vis said he wanted to see “more sai^a foundation—one foot from In All Makes of Cars Kucinkas. husband of the form­ figures” before concurring. the salin e. Regulations stipu­ er Katherine Bishop. 40 Olcott Bunce opposed saying the sta- late a thme-foot sideline. Celia Alive St., have completed the orien­ In Really Suit WORK DONE INDOORS IN OUR SHOP Rocket Barrage Final OK for Stroll tion’’s retaining wall would be 7. A request by Sherwood MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—CeUa, tation course for U.S. Air Force Attorneys for Jerome I. Bas­ “up against my land.” He ap­ Hill to build''qn addition to an OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 PM.—SATURDAYS 8 KM. to NOON nurses at Sheppard AFB. Tex. a storm once thought to be kin and the J. D. Realty Co., in pealed to the board to study existing caipoH at 30 Pine dead, wound up suddenly to­ They studied aerospace medical a joint announcement today, re­ the plans “very carefully” be- 'jjiii St. in Resieifence Zone B, Awaits Suit Testing subjects and hospital adminis­ J. A. WHITE GLASS CO. Downs U.S* Jet day to the fury of winds at ported that Baskin's suit fore approving the request. closer to the sidelin^t,han regu­ 80 miles an hour In the At­ tration. L t Hendrickson has against J. D. has been dropped, Tamsky said he has visited lations permit. \ 31 BISSELL ST. Phono 649-7322 SAIGON, South Viet Nam and eitlHeiry pounded Oommu- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)—The Gremini 10 pilot* been assigned to AFB. ' .J lantic—^but too far out to on the basis that the company the site and reported a “crit­ Hili was granted a vMjance (AP) — North Vifrt Nam fired niet ponUions in the junglee of threaten the coast of the today triggered jets on their scooter in the skies — a Fla. Lt. Kucinkas has yet to be had no scope over the actions ical sight-distance problem” for for the exi.sting carporfe\in off a record 29 Soviet-made mis- the fkmg Ngan VaUey juat below locked-on Agena space engine—to set up an afternoon assigned. United States. of two other defendants in the cars coming out of the proposed 1962. He now wants to extenij ' < \ < * slles Tuesday during heavy the ITtb Parallel frontier aa 7,- Forecasters said the hur- rendezvous with a second target satellite and an hour- suit. Ehik Dam and Earle Ev­ driveway there. it to the front of his dwelling American air. attaoka near Ha­ 000 iUnerican Marine, and rican would brush Bermuda long jet-gun space stroll by astronaut Michael Collins. erett Jr. Board menibers agreed ad­ so that two vehicles may park. noi and one of the rockeU found South Vietnoine.. troops car- with light squalls later to­ . Command pilot John W. — ----------------------------------- - IBaskin. on Friday, brought ditional land typography, infor­ The carport is one foot from its m ark,. the U.S command ried Opeiatioti HaMinga info the day and possibly affect east­ Young, short of fuel on Gemini a chance the landing poind MAYTAG suit against the J. D. Realty mation was ne^ed before mak­ the sideline. Regulations require reported. sixth day. Tta mdin target of ern Newfoundland before 10, borrowed power from the might be'riiifted. Co. and against Dam and Ever­ ing a decision. ■ - 10 feet. Announcement! One U.S. Jet was lost to a nir- the aerial barrage was HiU 306, '' blowing itself out lii^ the Agena by firing rockets on the The crew awoke about 8 a.mi ett, charging rnisrepresentation The station would be located Requests from Weldon Drug els Mark 25th Wedding face-to-air missile and another sita pf numeroua bunker, and North Atlantlck space engine, kicking the orbital sifter nine hours of sleep. Tha and a "breach of duty” in a on the comer of Spencer St., in Co., Inc., Felix Gremmo, and was shot down by a Communist foxhiolM. A j^ k esm an said 11 Hurricane hunter aircraft path of the spacemen to the WASHERS real estate transaction. John Howard were withdrawn ground controllers said good Business Zone H. Mr. and Mrs.'Xr^n'i Kinel of in Manchester since their mar­ W e M o v e d MI017 in a dogfight 20 miles bunkani- had been destroyed or located Celia 240 miles west north. That was the first move morning. Although the two men are In other action, the board ap­ without prejudice, and will be 12 Griswold St. webe feted Sun­ riage. They have two sons, north of Hanoi, a spokesman damaged. in chase of the Agena left over part-time real. estate salesmen of Bermuda and 700 miles “Uh — good m<Mming,” an* proved a variance request by heard later. day at a 2.'5th Anniversary Frank A. Kinel and Gary Kinel, sadd. American pilots claimed Oround fighting appeared to east of Charleston, S.C. af­ from last March’s Gemini 8 swered Young, a Navy com­ for the realty company, the atjf, Raymond T. Quish to build a Weldon Drug Co. Inc., sought dinner dance at Pagani's Rose- and a daughter, Mary Kinel, all damage to three MIGe but saw have tapered o« against units of mission. DRYERS tomeys agreed that the J. D. a variance to sell alcoholic J U L Y 1st ter a night in which the mander. He was told that Us funeral .parlor at ©40 E. Middle mount Grove, Boltdn. About 150 at home. (AP Photofax) none go down. Hortti Vietnamese division storm built, up explosively Their eyes no longer smarting spacecraft and the agena sUS Realty Co. was not involved in qipke., near -New Bolton Rd., in liquors under a druggist per­ relatives and friends from Mas­ Kinel is employed at the Roy- .
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