The TRINITY TRIPOD "You 're pleased to meet me." -Dragon Durak Vol.LXXXII, Issue 12 TRINITY COLLKGE, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT December 6, 1983 Forum Examines Computers Sexual Harassment Required by College Press Service by Kirsten Hertz courts have denied the correlation between sexual harassment and Potsdam, NY - Three months Editor's note:This is the second discrimination arguing that sexual ago freshman accounting major installment of a two-part series on harassment is a personal matter or Jackie Pouliot "wasn't sure she'd sexual harassment. that it is natural or biological. In be using the new Zenith Z-100 she any event, sexual harassment is and over 800 other freshmen were If you are the victim of sexual recognized as a real problem at required to purchase as they en- harassment, what forum do you the high school and university tered Clarkson College. have for your complaints? Trinity level, so that these institutions Now, "I'm using it at least has a grievance procedure, a slight must now have a publicized griev- three-to-five hours a week, and modification of the Yale proce- ance procedure. don't know how I'd get along dure which appears on pp.76-81 The sexual harassment griev- without it," she says. of the Trinity College Handbook. ance committee at Trinity must "The first paper I had due I did In this article I would like to dis- consist of seven members: Two on the typewriter 1 brought to cuss Trinity's grievance procedure students, two administrators, two school with me," she recalls. "But in hopes of providing information tenured faculty, and one person it's just too much work and too on the proper steps for filing a who has experience in clinical psy- slow after using the computer's complaint. 1 will briefly refer to chology. This year's committee word processing system, I do all my papers on computers.now." sexual harassment and the law, as member's are: George Doten well as the positive steps that in- (chairperson, professor of psy- Pouliot's experience isn't un- dividuals can take to educate the chology); Marilyn Denny (Direc- common at Clarkson, which, community about sexual harass- tor of Institutional Affairs); J. along with.the Stevens Institute of ment. Ronald Spencer (Associate Aca- Technology in New Jersey, was demic Dean); Milla Riggio (Asso- . the first school to require all en- Sexual harassment cases were ciate Professor of English); Paul Brenner was one of the photographers whose work was featured tering freshmen to buy microcom- not brought to the courts until; George Higgins (College Counse- in a recent Austin Arts Center exhibit. See a review of the exhibit on puters. 1974, forming a new body of the lor); Pam VonSeldeneck '85 and page 7. Three months later, despite un- law which has yet to be clearly Gates Garrity '86. A student can finished wiring and coursework defined. Most of the cases dealt approach any of these members that's not yet integrated into a with sexual harassment in the with questions, requests for pro- FEATURE FOCUS fully electronic campus, students workplace. However, a case was cedural information, or presenta- are in fact not letting their ma- brought against Yale University in tion of a complaint. A signed, chines gather dust. written -complaini 4s-*Qt, required, Judging from the pioneer tftSt "sextlal harassment consti- ift the early stages of life pnocfe- Eollet t's: Rip Off? schools' initial experiences, the tuted sex discrimination under Ti- dure; however, a formar~com- personal computer's entry into plaint (signed and written) must tle IX of the Education by Gregory O. Davis round the bookstore controversy. higher education is not the multi- be presented to the Committee be- " Amendment of 1972. (The case Features Editor At the start of every semester stu- million dollar white elephant some fore it can begin its investigation. lost on appeal because of failure dents gript .ibout the rising cost observers feared it would be. A formal complaint can be pre- to prove that an improper ad- of books. After the add/drop date Among all the expensive language sented at any time within one year vance was made or that the stu- It seems that every few years the commotion circles around the labs and "curricular relevancy" of an incident of sexual harass- voices of criticism concerning Fol- check cashing policy and the per- fads that have seized administra- dent was adversely affected as a ment. If the Committee believes lett's find their way to theTripod. sonalities of Follett's employees. tors in recennt times, this one ac- consequence.) Sex discrimination that the incident was not sexual Complaints range from those of In the spring of 1982 the Tripod tually seems to be working. is prohibited under the law; how- harassment, the coinplaintant will employee personality to questions featured many letters to the Edi- "A few years ago there was a ever, the courts have yet to issue receive a written explanation. If a definitive holding as to whether concerning the price of textbooks. tor descrying the bookstore and ' lot of proselytizing regarding the; sexual harassment should be con- This week Bill Scharnweber, man- even a few in support of Follett's. personal computer's impact on sidered sex discrimination. The Please turn to page 3 ager of the Trie Trinity Collee According to Scharnweber "every higher education, and a lot of Bookstore (Follett's) answered three years or so such complaints people were wondering if it was questions concerning Follett's arise," not just at Trinity. He just a passing fad," notes Kim policies and the costs of books. doesn't believe that student's crit- Wiley, research coordinator for Frats Are Coming Back icisms are invalid. "Students are Two main questions always sur- Please turn to page 3 Please turn to page 4 BOSTON, Ma. (CPS)- Fraterni- at elite, private institutions where ties will enjoy "dramatic" in- they were the strongest," Levin creases in membership over the explains. next several years as more stu- "Fraternity members became dents reach for "stability and stigmatized as members of the es- structure" during their time in tablishment." , college, two Northeastern Univer- But today students are looking sity researchers predict. for the security and structure that fraternity membership offers, and "Fraternities are coming back a "dramatic reversal" of decline for the same reason that the jun- in frat membership is taking place, ior prom is coming back," says Levin asserts. sociology Professor Jack Levin, Based on the study of fraterni- who co-authored a study of fra- ties at over 160 colleges, member- ternities with Northeastern crimi- ship in fraternities has climbed . nal justice instructor James Fox. from 19 to 20 percent of the stu- Fraternity membership hit its dent population. peak in the early and middle six- That trend is even stronger at ties, and then dropped sharply influential schools on the east and during the campus protests of the west coasts, he adds, where social late sixties and early seventies. patterns typically are more rigid. * In the ten years between 1966 But with an increased member- and 1976, for instance, the pro- ship on campuses, fraternities are portion of college students in also garnering more attention, Greek organization plummeted often of a disciplinary nature, from 39 percent to.I9 percent. from college administrators and The average fraternity chapter police. * V membership dropped from 50 to "Fraternities were less proble- , only 34 during that same period, matic a few years ago because they according to the National Inter- didn't have many members. In fraternity Conference. fact, membership in some fratern- ities sank to zero. Now, just by J= "During the : late sixties and Professor Richard Lee and freshmen in his seminar on Life, Death and Nuclear War ran a conference on that early seventies, fraternities lost the support of students, particularly Please turn to page 3 subject all day Saturday. Page 2, THE TRINITY TRIPOD, December 13, 1983 T 12/ W 12/ T 12/ F 12/ S 12/ 13 14 15 16 17 Get some Christmas spirit! Cinestudio: "Love and President's Christmas Party Carillon concert by Trinity Cinestudio: "Love and Christmas sing-along with Death," 7:30; "Local Hero," for Faculty, Administration, Guild of Carilloneurs. 7:00 Death," 7:30; "Local Hero," Joe Scorese and Floyd Hig- 9:10. and Staff. 4:00 p.m., Austin p.m. 9:10. gins. The Cave, 7-8 p.m. Arts Center. Cinestudio: "Love and Cinestudio: "Love and Cinestiidio: "Harold and Death," 7:30; "Local Hero," Death," 7:30; "Local Hero," Maude," 7:30; "Brother 9:10. 9:10. Sun, Sister Moon," 9:15. S 12/ M 12/ Attention! Attention! The Tripod needs an Announcements Editor and additional Copy 18 19 Editors for next semester. Contact Box 1310 for more information. Cinestudio: "Parsifal," 6:00. Cinestudio: "Parsifal," 7:30. Announcements Twelve-College Dorm Closings Book Exchange Studying? Career Counseling Exchange Please remember that the dor- Tired of spending hundreds of Do you get tired of studying in SENIORS: Do something pro- Students interested in the mitories close at noon on Wednes- dollars on textbooks each year? the library by the time finals roll ductive during your January Twelve-College Exchange pro- day, December 21. Dormitories You can drastically reduce the cost around? Why not try a change of break! The following organiza- gram should contact Dean John will not reopen until noon on Jan- of next semester's texts by buying scenery and study for your finals tions are sponsoring "Open S. Waggett's office (Williams 232) uary 15; therefore, please be cer- or selling your used books at the at the Trinity Women's Center.
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