February 3, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 1691 you get to the top 1 percent of incomes, will meet this threshold requirement I conclude by saying that I think people making over $300,000 a year, and without breaking a sweat. But you that the President’s budget has areas look what their average tax break is know as well as I that there are people where I might disagree and probably under the Republican plan—$20,697. I standing in classrooms across America will. It has areas that Congress will just can’t understand this. I can’t un- reading from textbooks on subjects certainly address in a different way, derstand why low- and middle-income they know little or nothing about. but it is a budget based on the right families making below $38,000 a year In my old home town of East St. principles, a budget to keep America should get an average annual tax break Louis, last year or so I talked to some on a track for prosperity and economic of a little over $8 a month while we of the people on the school board and improvement. When we look at the turn around and give $1,600 or $1,700 a they say they will literally give a job growth in our domestic product each month to the wealthiest among us. to anyone who tells us they are pre- and every quarter, the encouragement If there is to be a tax break, if we are pared to try and teach science and it gives us, I think it suggests that we to use the surplus to help American math—‘‘prepared to try and teach.’’ ought to think long and hard before we families, should we not dedicate that They don’t require any degrees, they abandon this course we have been on— surplus first and foremost to the low- can’t, because they can’t attract the a successful course, with 95 consecutive and middle-income families who abso- people to do the job. We need to in- months of economic expansion. Those lutely need it the most? crease teacher skills and training to do who want to experiment with another When I take a look at where money so. approach, perhaps they can make that can be spent in this Federal budget, I In addition, I think we need to put case to the American people; but, am sometimes troubled that my friends more money into school construction, today, two-thirds of the American peo- on the Republican side of the aisle sug- not just because the school-age enroll- ple say: Stay on this course, keep us gest that spending on domestic prior- ment is going to mushroom dramati- moving forward in the right way, help- ities is creating wasteful, new pro- cally over the next several decades, but ing working families and preserving grams. In one particular area I take ex- because our current school buildings in the programs that mean so much to ception; that is in the area of edu- America for the most part are not pre- America. cation and training. pared to accept the new technology I yield the remainder of my time. It was only last year that we had the necessary to educate our children. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The major corporations in Silicon Valley When President Clinton suggests $25 Chair, in his capacity as a Senator and across the country lobbying Con- billion in tax credits for that school from New Hampshire, suggests the ab- gress to change the immigration laws construction and renovation, I think sence of a quorum. in America so that these companies he is talking about an issue that most The clerk will call the roll. could bring in skilled and trained per- Americans and most families can cer- The assistant legislative clerk pro- sonnel, immigrants from overseas, to tainly understand. ceeded to call the roll. fill gaps in their employment. That is a This is a time to invest in America, Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I ask sad commentary on America’s edu- not a time to provide a windfall tax unanimous consent that the order for cational system. And it really troubles break for the wealthiest people in our the quorum call be rescinded. me that we have reached the point country. The President maintains The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. these companies cannot find within strong fiscal discipline, targets his tax CRAPO). Without objection, it is so or- America the skills that they need to relief to Americans who need it, and dered. make a profit. makes certain that our highest pri- f Then we hear from the U.S. Navy ority of preserving Social Security and that it is suggesting it needs a change Medicare and reducing national debt is CHILDREN’S SCHOLARSHIP in policy. The Navy, an All-Volunteer met. WORKSHOP Navy, relies on those who come for- There is also a suggestion that we in- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I want to ward and those they can recruit, and crease defense spending. As a member take a few moments to turn our atten- they have fallen short of their goals. of the Defense Appropriations Sub- tion to an exciting and worthwhile Some 22,000 seaman are needed and not committee, I am going to watch this project for America’s young people: the available, particularly 18,000 for service carefully. I understand, as most people Children’s Scholarship Fund. on ships at sea. So the Navy has come do, that national defense is one of our Last June, two great Americans, con- to Congress and said we think the an- highest priorities. I want to make cer- cerned about the state of education in swer to this is for Congress to allow us tain that we dedicate our resources, America, particularly about the way in to increase the number of recruits who first and foremost, to the men and which children of low-income families don’t have high school diplomas from 5 women in uniform to make certain are often without educational options, percent of the total to 10 percent. Now, that they are compensated well and founded the Children’s Scholarship that is a troubling admission to say have a fair retirement plan. Fund with their own substantial pri- that we have so many young people It is a personal embarrassment to vate investments. I speak of Ted without a high school education that me, and it should be to every Member Forstmann of Forstmann-Little and we need to turn to the Armed Forces to of Congress, to learn that so many Company and Gulfstream Aerospace give these young people a basic edu- members of the U.S. military today and of John Walton of Wal-Mart cation. qualify for food stamps. That shouldn’t Stores. Based on their firm belief that When the President comes before be the case. We ought to make certain a child should not be denied edu- Congress and says we can do a better that the amount of money paid to our cational opportunity because of his or job in our schools, I think most Amer- military personnel is adequate not only her family’s financial situation, these ican families agree. And money in- to maintain their families, but to at- two citizens are improving the edu- vested there, I think, is money well in- tract and retain the very best in uni- cation of young Americans, and there- vested. We have a skills gap in our form across America. We owe our free- by improving the lives of all Ameri- country which needs to be addressed. dom to these men and women. We cans. We need a commitment to education should compensate them accordingly. When Mr. Forstmann and Mr. Walton that includes afterschool and summer Of course, technology is part of that, announced the creation of the Chil- school programs. We need 100,000 new but let’s make sure the technology de- dren’s Scholarship Fund in June 1998, teachers. We need to improve teacher mands are consistent with the post- they began with programs in five cit- skills and hold them accountable to cold war world, that it is a technology ies. The demand and enthusiasm with make certain that when they come demand that really envisions Amer- which they were greeted was so over- into the classroom, they are prepared ica’s future role in the world in real- whelming that scarcely three months to teach. The vast majority of teachers istic terms. later they joined with donors around VerDate Aug 04 2004 09:40 Sep 27, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S03FE9.000 S03FE9 1692 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE February 3, 1999 the country to make scholarships been of immeasurable help to many of the Broncos, an American Football available in forty three cities and three us as we have debated any number of Conference team, won back to back entire states. Now, only eight months matters before the Senate. Super Bowls. A total team effort was after the launch of the Children’s Treva’s speciality was education exemplified by the Denver Broncos this Scholarship Fund, low-income children issues, and as each of us places a great season. throughout the entire United States priority on providing for the future of Mr. President, I would also like to are eligible for scholarships. As of America’s children, she was kept busy recognize several members of the Den- today, the Children’s Scholarship Fund with any number of projects and re- ver Broncos organization for their out- is nationwide, and will provide approxi- search requests.
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