First Japanese Family of Canada ~CIFIC CITIZEN Publication of the National Japanese American Citizens League Vol. 84 No. 19 Friday, May 20, 19n Postpaid In US 20¢ 15 CENTS Stage star to speak atJAL Takechi wins in Omaha; award event AN FRANCISCO-Mako. Kubokawa edged in P.A. the Japanese American actor and tar of the widely ac­ claimed Broadway produc­ OMAHA, Neb.-Nikkei in had campaigned as a "resi­ tion of The Pacific Overtures, Nebraska beamed with dential", but being endorsed will be gue t speaker at thi pride last week when Ri­ by the "downtown" Palo Al­ year' Cultural Heritage Fel­ chard Takechi, 39, was elec­ to Times and listed on a tick­ lowship award ceremony, ar ted May 10 to the Omaha et recommended by hold­ ponsored by Japan Air city council. He polled over city council members Lines, Japanese American 38,946 votes to finish a sur­ gave the impression he was Citizens League and Japan prising but strong third "downtown-ish" in attitude. Travel Bureau International among the 14 finalists run­ "There was hardly time to to honor the recipients of ning at-large for seven counteract the endorse­ Cut Courtesy' New Canadian four 811-expense paid sum­ Manzo Nagano, first Issei to settle In Canada in 1877. poses seats. He had been No. 10 in ments", Kubokawa ex­ mer fellowships to Japan. with hiS wife (right). and two sons. George (standing at left) and the April primaries of 62 plained. The residentials The ceremony takes place Frank Young woman at left is George's bride. candidates. have been watching their Sunday, June 5, 2 p.m. in the Believed to be the first city lose its character and new Law Bldg. auditorium Japanese American to win a charm because of the influx Japanese Canadians gear for of Stanford University. Two legislative post in the eas­ of apartment and town­ of last year's recipients, Kath­ tern half of the United houses. Kubokawa had gala parade down Powell Sf. leen Saiki of Davis and John States, Takechi won S3.9~ campaigned his technologi­ Esaki of Monterey will relate of the total votes. cal background as research TORONTO, Canada - Ca­ Bus tours to the remains some of their experiences Voter turnout was 44~­ engieneer with NASA could nadians of Japanese ances­ of concentration camps while in Japan. lowest for a general election assist the city in fmding the try will celebrate the 100th where Japanese Canadians Mako will then speak of since the present "home RICHARD TAKECHI answers. were interned will take his experiences as an Asian rule" charter was effected It was a lOW-key cam­ anniversary of the arrival of will be interesting to see place at the end of July. American actor attempting in 1957. paign for the popular JACL the first Japanese immi­ how the idea catches on in to establish a place in U.S. He also scored in the ma­ figure. He is currently the grant in Canada. Manzo Na­ A photographic exhibition the next campaign. Maybe theater. jority in all seven wards No. Calif.-W. Nevada JACL gano. the streets will be lined with will feature pictures of Na­ • west of downtown, where he district governor. He said Events during the Centen­ gano, the Nagasaki stow­ volunteers holding up signs." nial year include a stage Despite his many credits and his father, Kazuo Take­ the campaign will cost about away who settled in Canada as a director with East West chi, run a jewelry store. • $1,500 and any funds left show on May 22 in Vancou­ in 18n. The exhibit wiU also ver with traditional Japa­ Players, an Asian American Omaha has 14 wards. over will be donated to the revolve about other central PALO ALTO, Calif.-Chuck nese dances, "s h i gin" repetory company he helped He campaigned for indus­ Kubokawa came within 322 NC-WNDC legal assistance figures and events during organize in 1965, the public trial development to fight fund. (chanting of Chi n e s e po­ the tOO-year presence of the votes of being elected last ems), various koto perform­ is best familiar with Mako, unemployment, staggered week (May 10) to the Palo The number of Kuboka­ Japanese in Canada. ances, and the main attrac­ the actor, and his portrayal city council elections every Alto city council. With 5,048 wa's campaign workers was tion at the end of June-a In 1928, the 50th anni­ of the engine room coolie in two years, neighborhood votes, the first Nisei to run small. His daughter Lisa at­ parade down Powell St., the versary of Nagano's arrival The Sand Pebbles that won and inner city redevelop­ for public office here fin­ tending Cubberley High got center of the prewar Japa­ took place with a gala pa­ him an "Oscar" nomination. ment and tourism. ished a valiant sixth in the. her classmates to help. Among the Nikkei helping nese town in Vancouver. rade also down Powell St. Continued on Page J Takechi will be sworn into 18-way race for one of five office June 6. Council meets seats. him the most were Steve every Tuesday. Omaha has Voter turnout was a "low" Nakashima, Dr. Harry Ha­ nearly 400,000 residents and 30c'c-. Some said the rainy tasaka, Hal and Marge is the hub of the metropoli­ weather kept them away Iseke. Carter hiring policy frustrating tan area with a million pe0- and others blamed the lack While finishing so close sional Quarterly. Among trying to place quallhed ple. of issues on the ballot. was disappointing, Kuboka­ WASHINGTON - Public wa admitted he was more cnOClsm ot" the new admi­ those interviewed was Asian Americans in the Car­ Though a nonpartisan City council races are tra­ nistration's hiring policies Washington JACL Repre­ ter administration. "It's just race, he is one of three Re­ dejected to hear one voter ditionally split between was not voting for him be­ was published in the April sentative Wayne Horiuchi, beetl frustrating as heU," he publicans in the new city growth-minded "down­ 30 issue of the Congres- who related his experience was quoted. council. cause of his Japanese ances­ town" and conservation­ try. "I thought Palo Altans Horiuchi also said: • bent "residential" forces, "The problem is that Though born in Pocatello were passed that stage," he (his mother: nee Kimi Oka­ Kubokawa said in reviewing said. "JACL's work is still 'Mongolism' to describe you're up against the old boy the election the next day. He -old girl network ... The thing mura, Pocatello), he was 6 cut out for us." that hurts most was seeing weeks old at the time the these people (in the admi­ . family moved to Omaha. disease demeans Asians He finished Omaha Tech San Diego Asians elated SACRAMENTO, Calif. - slant to the eyelids that is nistration) who are straight­ forward, honest, decent High, graduated in econom­ Asians were being called reminiscent of the people of ics and political science from by affirmative hiring order last week to testify on be­ East Asia-hence, the refer­ people, and then being dis­ appointed to find that the the Univ. of Omaha, studied Pilipino American Organi­ half of Assembly Joint Res­ ence to Mongoloids. The dis­ Japanese language and arts SAN DIEGO, Calif. - The sensitivity just wasn't County of San Diego was zations CCOPAO). olution 20-which would na­ ease is referred to as at the Tenri University near there." ordered by the federal court Those who have suffered tionally eliminate the term, "Down's Syndrome". Nara, Japan. A bachelor, he Horiuchi del:>cribed as to stop job discrimination county job discrimination "Mongolism", as a synonym AJR 20 noted the "incor­ lives at 5748 S. 100 Plaza 2B, "just a joke" the administra­ against Asians, Mexican will be made aware of their for "Down's Syndrome" by rect reference to this defor­ Omaha 68117. any public person and insti­ mity is demeanjng and an tion's talent inventory pro­ Americans. blacks and rights "under the terms of gram, through which thou­ He is active with the Oma­ the decree" and also adver­ tution. affront to the dignity of all ha-Shizuoka Sister City Af­ women and to implement af­ AJR 20, co-authored by members of the Mongoloid sands of names of qualified firmative hiring and promo­ tise county jobs in the Asian job prospects were fed into filiation (his father hails from community, according to Assemblymen Pete Chacon race". Kochi-ken), Omaha Human tion programs for these computers during the tran­ groups . UPAC administrator Bever­ (D-San Diego), S. Floyd • Relations Board, Lions, JA­ Mori (D-Pleasanton) and Effort to replace "mon­ sition. "It's one thing to col­ ley C. Yip. lect a whole list of names," CL', and Nebraska-South Da­ The order came May 6 According to R u sse 11 Howard Berman CD-Bever­ golism" with the proper kota Jewelers Assn. ly Hills), would memorialize medical expression was ini­ he said. "It's another thing when Chief Judge Edward Thrasher, attorney for to use them." The Omaha World-Herald J. Schwartz of the federal UPAC-COPAO, the county the Congress to adopt a res­ tiated by the Union of Pan in a pre-election comment olution with the same pur­ Asian Communities of San While giving President district court here signed a board of supervisors dis­ found his campaigners hold­ played a positive attitude in pose. Diego County (UPAC) after Ford credit for pardoning consent decree negotiated ing up Takechi posters at agreeing to settle the suit.
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