Let us all make Christmas Eve a "Night of Light." than have men of other countries and other continents. "As America's answer to the black-out threatening Democratic institutions, and would re-charge our de- No-where else in the world can the people feel more Let us proclaim our solemn intention of continuing the world—a black-out of freedom as well as of light termination to keep America beyond the reach of closely the spirit of Christmas. We have been spared these honorable .pursuits by sending forth a blaze of —will you proclaim Christmas Eve a 'Night of Light,' dictatorship. the horrors of dictatorships and of wars. There are light, symbolic of the light which shown over Bethle- calling on citizens to keep every room of every home "I believe that citizens will spontaneously respond no threats of enemy airplanes and their death-dealing hem. and building fully lighted, with blinds wide open, and that America's 'Night of Light' will be bigger, bombs. There is no cause for us to huddle in our cell- Mayors August F. Greiner and Walter C. Christen- from dusk to midnight? more significant news—in nations where news can ars, the windows of our homes covered in blackness sen today officially proclaimed, in response to a re- "I believe this symbolic action, making this night* still be circulated—than any black-out has been." to blot out a target for sky raiders. quest by Bernarr Macfadden, publisher, Christmas brighter than any we have ever experienced, would In urging the response of the people of this com- We have been blessed many times over for our Eve as a "Night of Light." Hi*. Macfadden sent the dramatically contrast America's freedom to the dark- munity to this plea, we send our own sincere wish for peace, for more nearly walking in the ways of Christ following telegram: ness which enshrouds not only Europe's cities but her a very Merry Christmas to all. • • ' I T I I T » T T T I f RARITAN MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" Vol. IV—No. 41 FORDS, X. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1939 PRICE THREE CENTS First Fords Eagle Scout Xmas Decorations Are Fire Fodder, Will Attend Troop Party Play And Distribution Of Gifts BOARD ASKS LEGAL FIGHT . FORDS—Among the 150 IN FORDS TO SING formei: Boy Scout leaders of To Feature Kiddies' Party Tonight Peterson Warns In Urging Caution Troop 51 who are expected to CAROLS FOR AGED attend the fifteenth annivers- Affair, Sponsored By Raritan Engine Company And COMPROMISE Chief Exhorts Public To Use Extreme Care Lest Fes- ON GARBAGE ary celebration *of the troop Recreation Group, To Be Held In Hall Of School 3 tivities Be Saddened By Catastrophe In Home Fords Women To Visit next month is Chris Thompson, first Eagle Scout of the unit and PISCATAWAYTOWN — A one-act play, "A Visit FORDS—Fire Chief Lester Peterson today urged Township Home, Mrs. once its assistant scoutmaster. BY PRISCO everyone to do his or her part to prevent the fires and BIDSJMMS Thompson is now assistant From Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus," will be presented this Gardner Announces evening at a Christmas party to be sponsored jointly by accidents which often attend holiday celebrations. scoutmaster of a troop in Ak- Indicates It Will Grant Langan Says He Will In- RED CROSS"GETS $150 ron, Ohio. the township WPA recreation department and Raritan En- As an aid to a safe and happy Christmas, Chief Peterson An anniversary edition of the outlined several precautions: troop paper will be issued at gine Company No. 1 for children of this district. The af- $400 Increase To Keep stitute Court Action FOKDS—Members of the Fords fair will be held in the auditorium of School No. 3. "Be careful with candles," he said. "Ordinary cau- AVoman's Club will hold a Christ- the affair. WHS Gridiron Coach dles have their place on the table On Bailey Ruling More than 1,200 gift bags of I and mantel decorative scheme, but mas party Tuesday, December candy and toys will be distribut- 26, according to Mrs. Albert they should never be allowed in ed by firemen, who conducted sev- FILM STAR'S AUTO windows where curtains and Gardner, chairman of the Ameri- eral benefit events in order to AAROE TO NEGOTIATE drapes can ignite or near wreaths OFFER IS UNACCEPTED can choral department. The club raise sufficient funds to make the KILLS PEDESTRIAN; or other Christmas greenery. will also visit the Home for the CHIEF OF RARITAN party possible. The play will be "When wiring the tree for light- presented by the WPA depart- Football Mentor Here Of- Aped a Port Reading with gifts ing effects, use only equipment in Dumping Ground Held Un- ment. Fords Service Unit's An- DRIVER ARRAIGNED good condition, discarding kinked, and sing for the inmates as is the The affair will open with a wel- fered $2,800 Salary To frayed and worn wiring. Exposed satisfactory ; Almasi annual custom. come and holiday greeting from nual Affair To Be Held Rosta, 52, Dies Instantly wires present a real hazard. Additional donations to the li- Succeeds Stephen Simo As Mayor Walter C. Christensen. Go To Asbury Park Only Other Bidder Mrs. Ajjnes Glen Saunders, town- In School 14 Hall When Struck By Stepin See that electric lights are not brary fund, received by the club, Head Of Company No. 2; in contact with greenery and com- lists the following: Fords Men's ship librarian, is directing the FORDS—The annual Christmas WOOBRIDGE — After a Fetchit's Car bustible decorative material. Fires WOODBRIDGE — Nicholas A. Republican CJuU, $10; Fonts Fire Blanchard Named play, assisted by Albert C. Freder- party for the needy children of lengthy discussion Monday night can be started just by the heat of Langan, present garbage collector, Company, $10; Andrew Rasmus- icks, WPA recreation director. the vicinity, given each year by members of the Board of Educa- BURIAL ON WEDNESDAY a bulb against dried decorations. whose contract expires at the end sen, $5; Koasbey Fire Company, POLLING TOLD MONDAY Henry Rosen, a member of the the Fords Lions Club will be hf/d tion instructed Andrew Aaroe. Keep Base Damp of the year, announced this week recreation staff, is coach of the tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the au- chairman of the athletic commit- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Fun- Auxiliary, '$1: Fords Women's "Set the tree in solid supports that he will endeavor to obtain a Democratic Club, $2.50; Harry CLARA BARTON — Michael show. ditorium of School No. 14, Ford tee, to meet with Coach Nicholas eral services for John Rosta, Sr., rule to show cause why Health The gift bags, prepared by the Avenue. Prisco in the near future in an 52, of Harrison Avenue, Bonham- which prevent the tree from over- Hansen Post No. lO.'t, American Bandies was elected Chief of Rar- turning. A Iti-quart pail filled Officer Harold J. Bailey failed to Legion, ?1(>2; Allyn Peterson, itan Engine Company No. 2 at the firemen, will contain two small Toys, ice cream and candy will effort to reaeh a compromise in town, were held Wednesday morn- approve the dumping grounds pro- toys, a box of candy and an as- the matter of salary. with sand which is kept moist will $10; Kurds Junior Woman's Club, annual election of officers held by be distributed to the kiddies by ing at !) o'clock at the house and posed in his new bid. sortment of fruits. Santa Claus, who will "be assisted 0-.:i0 o'clock from St. Mary and not only hold a normal-size tree ¥14.25; Samuel Katz, $25; Dr. the organization Monday night in It was learned last week that As- rigid, but the moist sand will aid Two bids weve received at Mon- C. O'Neill, $25; Dv. Ralph Cast of Play by members of the organization. bury Park Board of Education is Margaret Catholic church, Bon- the Amboy avenue firehouse. in keeping the tree green. Some day night's meeting of the Town- Dcutsch, ?25; Thompson's Hard- The cast of the play includes In addition, a musical program interested in obtaning Mr. Frisco's hamtown. Interment followed in ship Committee, one from John Chief Bandies was elevated from Dorothy Hughes, as Betty; Dor- will be presented as part of the services and has offered the local the Hillside Cemetery- Metuchen. stands provide a pan for water ware, materials, and I Rosenbloom, in which to set the tree. Almasi and the other from Lan- materials. assistant chief to succeed Stephen othy Bach, a little child; Edith entertainment which has been ar- football mentor a .salary of $2,800 Rosta was killed almost instantly gan. The latter's bid was not Simon, outgoing chief. Hansen, Florence; Lorraine Ros- ranged by the committee in a year. In Woodbridge, Prisco's when he was struck by a car driv- "Use asbestos wool or fireproof read on the advice of Townahip Building Is Moved enfeld, Harriet; John Weissen- charge. salary is $2,100, of which .$1,700 en by James E. Scott, 26, Negro cotton, metal tinsel, glass decora- The library building has been John Dudics was reflected as Attorney Loon E. McEIroy be- burger, Albert; Frank Zippo, Rog- The committee in charge of the is for teaching physical education chauffeur for Stepin Fetchit, Ne- tions, nuts, colored pine cones and cause the "bid did not fullfil the moved to the Woman's Club lot president of the company.
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