Public Document Pack Meeting of: Council Date: Wednesday, 11th October, 2017 Time: 6.15 pm Venue: Council Chamber - Rochdale Town Hall This agenda gives notice of items to be considered in private as required by Regulations 5 (4) and (5) of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. Item No. AGENDA Page No 1. APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or personal and prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests relating to items on this agenda and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them. 3. MINUTES 6 - 10 To authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 12th July 2017. 4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND PETITIONS To receive petitions and questions from members of the public, where these have been received in accordance with the Petitions Scheme and/or Council Procedure Rules. 5. NOTICES OF MOTION The Council is asked to consider the following three Motions that have been submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10: a) Adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism It will be moved by Councillor Emsley and seconded by Councillor Dearnley that: That this Council recognises that anti- Semitism continues to be a problem in our country and formally adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of anti- Semitisms to highlight how anti-Semitism manifests itself in the 21st century. The definition reads “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. Rochdale Borough has a proud history of celebrating its diversity. Any form of intolerance, hatred or discrimination such as Antisemitism has no place in or our Borough and in modern Britain. b) Greater Manchester Police funding It will be moved by Councillor Brett and seconded by Councillor Sultan Ali that: This Council notes with grave concern that in the past 12 months in Greater Manchester – There has been a 30 per cent increase in victim based crime, which includes violent crime, domestic abuse and sexual offences. Domestic abuse has increased 63 per cent and sexual offences have seen a 44 per cent increase. Hate crime has increased by 53 per cent. Violent crime has increased by 60 per cent with an increase of 24 per cent in those violent offences involving injury. Burglary has increased by 19 per cent and robbery by 54 per cent. This appalling increase in the crime rate can be directly attributed to the cuts in funding by central government. Greater Manchester Police has lost £180M in police funding since 2010. This has led to a significant decrease in police numbers- In 2010, there were 8,148 police and 842 PCSO’s patrolling Greater Manchester’s streets. By March of last year the number of police officers had been slashed by 23 per cent to just 6,297 – far more than the national average. The number of PCSOs fell by 11 per cent to 748. The Borough of Rochdale has lost around 200 police officers as a result of these cuts in central government funding This Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Home Secretary to demand the government provide adequate resources to provide a properly funded Greater Manchester Police service to restore Police numbers; keep residents safe and able to respond to the increasing demands and threats our communities face. c) Declaration on Healthy Weight It will be moved by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councillor Zaheer that: This Council notes: That unhealthy weight is a public health problem. Poor diet during early life can adversely affect health in later life People living in socially deprived areas are more likely to suffer from health problems The greater availability and access to foods and drinks high in fat, sugar and salt which are increasing eaten outside the home contributing to excess energy intake. This Council welcomes: The opportunity to lead local action to prevent obesity The opportunity to protect some of the most vulnerable in society by giving children the best start in life and enabling all children, young people and families to make informed choices Rochdale Council supports the national commitment to address childhood obesity. We commit our Council to sign the Declaration on Healthy Weight to show commitment to reducing unhealthy weight in our communities, protecting the health and well-being of staff and citizens and make an economic impact on healthy and social care and the local economy. 6. DECISIONS TAKEN UNDER SPECIAL URGENCY PROVISIONS 11 - 12 To receive details of urgent executive decisions taken by the Chief Executive. 7. AUDIT AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 13 - 23 2016/17 To consider the Audit & Governance Committee Annual Report for 2016/17. 8. MEMBERS' QUARTERLY REPORTS (a) The Leader of the Council 24 - 28 (b) The Cabinet Member for Corporate and Resources 29 - 33 (c) The Cabinet Member for Housing & Environment 34 - 43 (d) The Cabinet Member for Business, Skills & Employment 44 - 47 (e) The Cabinet Member for Children's Services 48 - 51 (f) The Cabinet Member for Adult Care 52 - 54 (g) The Cabinet Member for Planning & Development 55 - 58 (h) The Cabinet Member for Health & Wellbeing 59 - 61 (i) The Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Community & 62 - 68 Culture (j) The Chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee 69 (k) The Chair of the Communities, Regeneration & Environment 70 - 71 Overview and Scrutiny Committee (l) The Chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee 72 - 75 (m) The Chair of Heywood Township Committee 76 - 80 (n) The Chair of Middleton Township Committee 81 - 86 (o) The Chair of Pennines Township Committee 87 - 89 (p) The Chair of Rochdale Township Committee 90 - 93 (q) Report of the Representative to the Armed/Reserve Forces 94 - 95 (r) Report of a Representative to Transport for Greater 96 - 100 Manchester (s) Report of a Representative to the Greater Manchester Waste 101 Disposal Authority 9. GREATER MANCHESTER COMBINED AUTHORITY 102 - 130 To consider the minutes of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority meetings held on 30th June and 28th July 2017. Council Members All Members of Council For further information please contact: Elaine Newsome (Head of Governance) Governance and Committee Services Officer 01706 924793 [email protected] Agenda Item 3 COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING Wednesday, 12th July 2017 PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor Duckworth) in the Chair; Councillors: Ali Ahmed, Iftikhar Ahmed, Shakil Ahmed, Daalat Ali, Sultan Ali, Bell, Beswick, Cecile Biant, Surinder Biant, Blundell, Boris, Brett, Brosnan, Burke, Butterworth, Clegg, Davidson, Dearnley, Dutton, Neil Emmott, Susan Emmott, Emsley, Furlong, Gartside, Hartley, Heakin, Holly, Howard, Hussain, Joinson, Kelly, Malcolm, Martin, McCarthy, Meredith, Mir, Nickson, O’Neill, O’Rourke, Paolucci-Escobar, Rashid, Robinson, Rowbotham, Rush, Stott, Sullivan, Wardle, Donna Williams, Peter Williams, Winkler, Zaheer and Zaman. OFFICERS: Steve Rumbelow (Chief Executive), Gail Hopper (Director of Children’s Services), John Searle (Director of Economy), Sheila Downey (Director of Adult Care), Mark Widdup (Director of Neighbourhoods), David Wilcock (Acting Director of Resources), Elaine Newsome (Head of Governance), Darrel Beck (Policy and Business Support Officer), Danny Brierley (Head of Communications) Michael Brooks (Communications Officer) and Peter Thompson (Senior Governance and Committee Officer). ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: approximately 75 members of the public. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors Cocks, Farnell, Hornby, Sheerin, Smith, Wazir and West. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS 12 That the following declarations of interest be noted:- Councillor Brosnan declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 2 – Public Questions and Petitions - insofar as she was a Member of Rochdale Boroughwide Housing’s Representative Body. MINUTES 13 The Council considered the minutes of the annual meeting of the Council held on 17th May 2017. RESOLVED: That, subject to an amendment to minute 9 (Appointments to Committees) to the effect that ‘Councillors Gartside and Holly be included in the membership of the Borough Regeneration Steering Group, and Councillors Dearnley and Paolucci-Escobar be included in the membership of the Democratic Structures Working Group’, the minutes of the Council meeting held on 17th May 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND PETITIONS Page 6 14 The Mayor welcomed Mr Robin Parker, on behalf of tenants and residents of College Bank Flats, Rochdale and received from him, a petition to Council opposing proposals by Rochdale Boroughwide Housing to demolish four of the seven high rise blocks at College Bank, Rochdale, commonly known as the ‘seven sisters’. Mr. Parker addressed the Council in relation to this matter and the Deputy Leader of the Council responded. NOTICES OF MOTION a. 15 Condemning Terrorism and Hate Crimes It was moved by Councillor Zaheer and seconded by Councillor Emsley that: “This Council unequivocally condemns the recent terror attacks at the Manchester Arena, London Bridge and Borough Market and Finsbury Park. The aim of terror attacks is to cause devastation and to drive a wedge between communities. The Council pays tribute to Greater Manchester Police and the Metropolitan Police and the emergency services for their hard work and dedication in dealing with these attacks. The Council also notes that hate crime has risen sharply over recent years and this is something we also condemn. To let distrust and hatred grow between our communities would be to let terrorists think they can win. We as a council and the wider community cannot let that happen.” On being put to the vote, the motion was declared to be carried and it was RESOLVED accordingly.
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