The Journal of San Diego History Index to Volume 49, nos. 3-4, & Volume 50* Abbott Institute, 50/3-4: 146 Americano, The, 50/1-2: 11 Abbott, Merket and Company, New York, 49/3-4: Ames, George Walcott, 50/1-2: 3, 14n 135 Ames, John Judson, 50/1-2: 3 Adams, Frank, 49/3-4: 135 Ancona, Vince, 50/3-4: 70 Adams-Herbert, 49/3-4: 216 Anderson, Capt. John F., 49/3-4: 188. Addams, Jane, 50/3-4: 104, 118, 147 Anderson, Margaret, 50/3-4: 118 Addy, Bob, 50/3-4: 93 Angier, Harold, 49/3-4: 208 Adler and Sullivan, 49/3-4: 118 Anguire, O. L., 49/3-4: 230 African Americans, 50/50/1-2: 20, 22, 57; 50/3-4: Anselmo, Rene, 50/1-2: 44 110, 149, 156, 160, 162, 164, 165 Anza, Juan Bautista de, 50/1-2: 55 African Methodist Church, 49/3-4: 216 Apollo Advertisers, 50/1-2: 46 Agua Caliente, 50/1-2: 20, 38 Archibald, R. E., 49/3-4: 160 Aguila, Jamie R., 50/3-4: 161 Architectural Styles, Art Deco, 49/3-4: 111; Aguirre, Miguel Antonio, 50/3-4: 101 Arts & Crafts, 50/1-2: 8, iii, 111, 119, 132n; Al Mathis Memorial Hall, 49/3-4: 256 50/3-4: 107; Beaux-Arts, 49/3-4: 121, 125, 130; Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (see Expositions) Churrigueresque, 49/3-4: 123, 125, 126; Alba, Alicia Gaspar de, 50/1-2: 64 Argonauts, 50/1-2: 4; Classical Revival, 49/3- Alborta, Freddy, 50/3-4: 169 4: 111; Gothic Revival, 49/3-4: 114, 122; Greek Albright, Mr. and Mrs. James, 49/3-4: 181 Revival, 49/3-4: 114; International Style, 49/3-4: Albright, Harrison, 49/3-4: 134, 135 111; Italianate, 49/3-4: 111, 114; Mediterranean Alcatraz, 50/3-4: 165 Style, 49/3-4: iii; 50/1-2: 9; Mission Revival, 49/3- Alcazar Gardens (see Balboa Park) 4: 111, 116, 117, 119, 130, 131n; Pueblo, 49/3-4: 122, Alderson, Ray, 49/3-4: 135 129; Queen Anne, 49/3-4: 111, 114; Romanesque, Aldrete, Alberto V., 49/3-4: 136, 146 49/3-4: 111, 114, 116, 122, 126; Spanish Colonial Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 50/3-4: 148 Revival, 49/3-4: iii, 113, 122-129 passim; 50/1-2: Aldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin R., 49/3-4: 207, 208 8, 15n; Spanish Renaissance, 50/1-2: v; Victorian, All Saints Lutheran Church, 49/3-4, 216 49/3-4: iii All Souls’ Church: 49/3-4, 193 Argüello Moraga, Santiago E., 50/1-2: 4, 30-36 All-American Outdoor Sports Stadium, 49/3-4: 174 passim, 40n, 41n Allen, Frank P., 49/3-4: 123, 135 Argüello, Emigdio, 50/1-2: 33, 34, 40n Allen, Jason C., 49/3-4: 203 Argüello, Gervaslo, 50/3-4: 155 Allied Architects Association of Los Angeles, Argüello, Ignacio, 50/1-2: 35, 36, 37, 39, 40n 49/3-4: 135 Argüello, José Antonio, 50/1-2: 35, 36, 37, 39 Alling, Edward P., 49/3-4: 170 Argüello, José Darío, 50/1-2: 30, 39n Almar River, 50/1-2: 33 Argüello, Maria Luisa, 50/3-4: 155 Alpaugh, Norman Walton, 49/3-4: 243 Arizona, 50/1-2: 4, 55, 57 Alpine, 49/3-4: 160, 216 Armour, Allison V., 50/3-4: 75, 85 Alvarado, Francisco Maria, 50/1-2: 13n Arnberg, Christine, 49/3-4: 216 Alvarez, Mrs. M. H., 49/3-4: 217 Ascención, Father Antonio de la, 49/3-4: 124 Amaru, Inca Túpac, 50/3-4: 168, 169 Ashes of Hate, 50/1-2: 11 American Association of University Women, Asian Americans, 50/3-4: 110, 115, 156 50/3-4: 105, 120 Asner, Bernard A., 49/3-4: 256 American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), 50/1- Asociación Nacional Mexicano-Americano 2: 48, 51 Associated Charities, 50/3-4: 110, 116 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 50/3-4: (ANMA), 50/1-2: 24 104, 105, 115, 116 Atkins, Sam, 49/3-4: 136 American Civil War, 50/3-4: 147, 149 Atlantic, The, 50/3-4: 147 American Genetics Association, 50/3-4: 75 Austen, Jane, 50/3-4: 147 American Indian Movement, 50/3-4: 166 Austins, 49/3-4: 217 American Institute of Architects, San Diego Aveldson, A. N., 49/3-4: 223 Chapter, 49/3-4: 136 Avery, Paul, 49/3-4: 136 American Legion Building (see Balboa Park) Avila House, Los Angeles, 50/1-2: 7 Avila, St. Teresa, 50/1-2: v * This index does not include the current issue. 76 Index Azcárraga Milmo, Emilio, 50/1-2: 43, 45, 52n Bastion Capital, 50/1-2: 46 Azcárraga Vidaurreta, Emilio, 50/1-2: 42, 43, 44, Batchelder, E. C., 49/3-4: 208 45, 47, 52n Bates, Mr. and Mrs. John M., 49/3-4: 217 Aztec Brewery, 49/3-4: 147, 170, 257 Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Emil, 49/3-4: 217 Aztec Cuauhtemoc, 50/3-4: 168 Bay City Ball Club, 50/3-4: 90-101 passim Babcock, Elisha, 49/3-4: 117 Beardsley, Helen D. Marston, 50/3-4: 102-123 Babcock, Graham, 49/3-4: 117 passim Bade, Elizabeth, 50/3-4: 120 Beardsley, John, 50/3-4: 104, 116, 118 Bailey, Dr E. S. and Mrs. Clara H., 49/3-4: 183 Beatty, Hugh and Elaine, 49/3-4: 217 Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 50/3-4: 78, 86 Beaux-Arts Institute, Indiana, 49/3-4: 125 Bailey, Wheeler J., 49/3-4: 119, 132, 150, 151, 153, Bechberger, W. A., 49/3-4: 216 188, 189 Bederman, Gail, 49/3-4: 123, 132n Baily, Joshua L., 49/3-4: 151, 188 Beech, George, 49/3-4: 231 Baja California, 50/1-2: 2, 24, 30, 33, 34, 38, 39n, Belcher, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, 49/3-4: 217 40n, 41n, 56; 50/3-4: 84, 88, 89 Bell, Alexander Graham, 50/3-4: 78 Bake, Joanne Stevenson, 49/3-4: 112 Bell, Marian Hubbard, 50/3-4: 78 Baker, Charlotte, 50/3-4: 119 Bell, Mr and Mrs. Arthur, 49/3-4: 217 Baker, Harrison R., 49/3-4: 127 Bellon, Walter, 50/3-4: 110 Baker, Howard W., 49/3-4: 170 Beloit Academy, 50/3-4: 90 Baker, Otho, 49/3-4: 230 Beloit College, 50/3-4: 93 Bakewell and Brown, 49/3-4: 136, 137 Bender, Charles Albert, Chief, 50/3-4: 159 Balboa Park, 49/3-4: 124-138 passim, 147, 148, Bennett, Dr. Ema, 50/3-4: 85 158-167 passim, 173, 177, 179, 186, 198, 200-208, Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. J. W., 49/3-4: 188 217, 221, 229, 235, 245, 247, 253, 254, 257, 258; Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B., 49/3-4: 217 50/1-2: 1; 50/3-4: 69, 80, 84, 106; Alcazar Gardens, Benson, Jackson J., 50/1-2: 61 49/3-4, 174, 204; American Legion Building, 162; Berends, Lucille, 49/3-4: 217 Botanical Building, 158, 164, 256, 257; California Berglund, Barbara, 50/3-4: 163 Building, 122-124 passim; El Prado, 123, 147, 158, Bermuda Apartments, 49/3-4: 175 159, 166; Electric Building, 124, 229, 254; 50/3-4: Berry, Jill K., 50/3-4: 70 69; Ford Building, 49/3-4: 137, 163, 205, 228; 50/3- Bethel, Ann, 50/3-4: 70 4, 69; Hall of Champions, 49/3-4: 140, 203; House Betts, Mr. and Mrs. C. E., 49/3-4: 176 of Charm, 225, 256; House of Hospitality, 147, Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. S. H., 49/3-4: 216 199, 204, 205, 215; Medical Arts Building, 162, 223; Binnard, Mr. and Mrs. Norris, 49/3-4: 176 Montezuma Gardens, 174, 206; Plaza de Pacific, Bird Designs, 49/3-4: 137 235; Plaza de Panama, 148, 159 Bird Rock Hotel, 49/3-4: 217 Balch, Emily Greene, 50/3-4: 104, 105, 108 Bird, Mr. and Mrs. B. J., 49/3-4: 137 Bancroft Building, 49/3-4: 114 Bishop Buddy Residence, 49/3-4: 231 Bancroft Library, University of California, Bishop, Tom C.: 49/3-4: 217 Berkeley, 50/1-2: 13n, 14n, 18n, 29n, 39n, 40n, 41n; Bishop’s School for Girls: 49/3-4: 151, 153; 50/3-4: 120 50/3-4: 70 Black Panthers: 50/3-4: 165 Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 50/1-2: 13n, 14n, 15n, 31, Black, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.: 49/3-4: 231 32, 33, 37, 39n, 40n Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.: 49/3-4: 217 Bandini, Casa, 50/1-2: 2, 6 Blackwood, Barry: 50/3-4: 69 Bandini, Helen Elliott, 50/1-2: 5, 14n Blake, H. M.: 49/3-4: 208 Bane, George A., 49/3-4: 190, 231 Blum, Samuel: 49/3-4: 156 Bank of America, 49/3-4: 204 Bodmer, Hatch, Heimerdinger and Associates: Bank of Commerce, 49/3-4: 246 49/3-4: 138 Bank, Samuel, 49/3-4, 156 Bodmer, Herman Louis: 49/3-4: 137, 138 Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, 49/3-4: 231 Bogan, Adm. and Mrs. G. F.: 49/3-4: 217 Bard College, 50/3-4: 159 Bokovoy, Matthew: 49/3-4: 113, 131n; 50/3-4: 145 Barie, William, 49/3-4: 188 Boles, H. D.: 49/3-4: 138 Barker, William C., 49/3-4: 208 Bon Tons, 50/3-4: 95 Barnes, Ross, 50/3-4: 93 Booth, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James T., 50/3-4: 67 Barney, L.
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