Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-17-1955 The B-G News May 17, 1955 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News May 17, 1955" (1955). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1251. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1251 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Honors Day Presented ^IKtlS-GXeOU6'LIBRARY^ On University Plaza \0 Or* Honors Day will be Wednesday, May 25, on the University Plata IWfitiq Green State Utuvetsi with Pres. Ralph W. McDonald presiding-, F. Eugene Beatty, as- Smith Chosen sistant to the president, has an- VoL 39 nounced. Official Student Publication, Bowlinq Green. Ohio. Tuesday. May 17, 1955 No. 51 The procession of faculty and IFC President seniors will start from the Admini- Robert Smith, a junior in the stration Bldg. and march to the College of Education, was elected Plata, which is the area between president of Interfraternity Coun- Youn9Seiected jisa Crowned May Queen; the Practical Arts Bldg. and Mose- cil for the first semester 1955-56 ley Hall. The site has been changed at its May 11 meeting. Smith, past from the Amphitheatre because education Head vice-president of Theta Chi, served Dr. Charles W. Young, profes- of the Plata's larger seating ca- as co-chairman of Greek Week this pacity, Beatty said. spring. sor oi education and director of The Rev. James Trautwein will elementary education at Bowling Chi Omega Wins AWS Sing Vice-president will be Jerry deliver the invocation. Nysewander, Sigma Chi. He has Green State University, has been appointed chairman of the depart- Chi Omega sorority has another Dr. McDonald will then give been on IFC this past semester May Queen. recognition to the students who ment of education, effective next and was recently elected vice-pre- Barbara Jisa, senior, was have participated in the various sident of the senior class for next September, President Ralph W. fields of University life as govern- McDonald said today. crowned the 1965 May Queen Sun- year. day evening in the main audi- ment, publications, athletics, hon- Sheldon Rabb, Zeta Beta Tau, He succeeds Dr. John E. Gee, or societies, and for service to who will become dean of the Col- torium. A sorority sister, Jackie will serve as secretary next se- Gribbons, was the '54 Queen. the University. mester. He also has been a mem- lege of Education at that time. Special Awards ber of IFC and has served on Dr. Young has been a member Chi Omogit also sang its way to first place in the combined Special awards, the Field Ar- several Council committees. of the education faculty of the Elected treasurer was Richard University for 10 years. He is a AWS-sponsored May Sing and tillery Medal in Army ROTC, the the Student Senate-sponsored May Ohio Reserve Officers Association Bryan, Kappa Sigma. Bryan was graduate of Waterville High publicity chairman for Greek School, has a bachelor's degree Court presentation. Award, and SICSIC will be pre- Alpha XI Attendant sented. Week activities and has been on from Ohio Wesleyan University, the Council this past semester. He and has a master's and a doctor's Four Alpha XI Delta women Awards to organitations will degree from the Ohio State Uni- were attendants to Miss Jisa. They follow. is a past vice-president of Kappa Sigma. versity. were Carol Ann Lalng, senior at- Individuals who have attained tendant; Mary Berg, junior at- scholarship and leadership distinc- tendant; Celia Lalonde, sopho- tion will be announced by Dr. Mc- more attendant; and Hildegard Donald. The 1955 May Court, chosen In all campus election a lew weeks 090. was Heinrich, freshman attendant. presented to the student body after the May Sing Sunday night. Barbara J!»a. The seniors will present their OSU Prof To Install Chi Omega, wears the queen's crown. Flanking her are her (our attendants, Runner-ups in the Sing were Al- gift to the University. all Alpha Xl's, Carol Ann Lalng. Senlori CeBa LaLonde, Sophomore; Hlldy Heln- pha Phi, MT.'HII, and Phi Mu, third. University Song Contest awards rtch. Freshman: and Mary Sera, Junior. All of the 11 sororities on cam- will be presented. A epecial choral pus and Ivy, Campus Cottage, group will sing the new University Business Honor Group Shatzel, Williams, and Kohl Halls song. The Ohio Epsilon Chapter of participated in the Sing before an Conclusion Beta Gamma Sigma will be in- audience estimated at 1,000 per- stalled at 3 p.m. Saturday, sons. Linda Sue Johnson, Associa- To conclude Honors Day cere- 21, in the Fine Arts auditorium monies in the Plata, the Alma £ Awards Given tion of Women Students presi- by Dean Walter C. Weilder of the dent, was mistress of ceremonies. Mater and the new second verse College of Commerce and Admini- will be sung. Klnney Director stration at Ohio State Univer- In Art Exhibit The Chi Omega singers, wearing After the recessional, the sen- sity. This will be the successor A piece of sculpture by Jean yellow strapless dresses, were di- iors will lower the senior flag, to Sigma Honorary Society. Valiquette of Toledo and a print rected by Nancy Kinney. Anne and, according to custom, plant the Prof. Lewis F. Manhart ex- senior tree together with a capsule by Harry Soviak of Lorain were Seaver directed the Alpha Phi's plained, "Beta Gamma Sigma is and Charlotte Koch the Phi Mus. containing class history. the only honorary in Business Ad- judged the outstanding pieces of work in the Fourth Annual Stu- The Gamma Phi Beta trophy for ministration which is recognized An Honors Day program will dent Art Exhibit held Sunday first place in the Sing was present- he presented as persons leave the by the American Association of afternoon in the Fine Arts Build- ed to Miss Kinney by Ruby Lau- plata listing the honors and awards Collegiate Schools of Business. ing. baugh, sorority president. presented, Mr. Beatty said. Accordingly, it is a mark of The songs sung by Chi Omega After ceremonies in the Plata, achievement for Bowling Green." Jury for the exhibit included were "Yankee Glory" and "Chi the Army and Air Force ROTC Hobart Delivers Address George Furman, secretary to the Photos by Gene Davis O Serenade." director of the Toledo Museum, units will have their awards and Donald M. Hobart, vice-presi- Representative! of the three sororities which won the annual AWS May Sutanne Claflin was general medals ceremony in the stadium. dent and director of research of Miss Marjoric Young and Laverne Sing hold their trophies. Nancy Klnney, Chi Omega, holds ihe first place trophy. chairman of the twelfth annual the Curtis Publishing Company, Moll, instructors in the Toledo The second place award was given to lo Lee Fuller, president of Alpha Phi. The May Sing. Committee members will deliver the banquet address School of Design. Phi Mu's director. Charlotte Koch, examinee the third place award. included Shirley Merrltt, Carol at 6 p.m., following the initiation The exhibit, open to the public Germann, Linda Welshimer, Nan- Igou Resigns To Take ceremonies at the First Methodist free, will be open from 1 to 4 cy Mainz, Janet Dick, Sarah Spey- Church. p.m. each day until May 28. cr, Nancy Peterson, Miss Johnson, Alaska Health Job Jo Lee Fuller, Patricia Salter, and Faculty members of the College Awards for art work in the ex- Joy Bush. Mrs. Jane D. Igou has resigned of Business Administration who hibit are sculpture: first, Jean Prom Tickets On Sale as administrator of the Health nre members of Beta Gamma Sig- Don Percy, Interfraternity Valiquette; second, Esther Wa- Council president, introduced the Service at Bowling Green State ma, and who will be affiliated with lendtiak, honorable mention; Bar- Ohio Epsilon Chapter are assist- May Court and Carol Payne, Sen- University to take a position as bara Kuss; and Patricia Tracewell. ate president, placed the crown on director of the Division of Medical ant professor Maurice Mandell Oils: First, Kay Mett; second, Miss Jisa's head. Facilities in the Alaska Depart- and associate professor Leland In Well, Residences Mary Jeanne Connelly; third, Anne Judges for the sing were Sey- ment of Health, President Ralph Van Scoyoc. Bartles; honorable mention, Dick Progress is being made by all mour L. Benstock, instructor of W. McDonald said today. Faculty Members Initialed Faculty members who will be Palmer, and Sally Moran. committees in preparing for the music here; J. R. Zaugg, Toledo She left Bowling Green Satur- U-A Prom which is to be held Fri- initiated into Ohio Epsilon are Watercolors: First, Harry So- 1955 Key Features DeVilblss High School; and Low- day for San Francisco for an professors Gilbert W. Cooke, day in the Men's Gym from 9 un- ell Rogers, director of music at orientation period with the U.S. viak; second, Al Shepp; third, Ralph G. Harshman, Lloyd A. Evans, Darling, And til 1. Students are reminded Holland high school. Public Health Service before going Wanda Tyjeski; honorable men- Helms, Benjamin L. Pierce; as- tion. Jack Troutner, and Pamela that tickets are on sale in the Well on to Juneau, Alaska, which will of the Administration Bldg. and sociate professors Wilbur J. Abell, Janke.
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