litLf'c ■ 1 - ' ... ■ ■ r / ' ’I*"'-' 3^, '■■I , } ,) ■ ■*1 : ; i ■ PAGE TV^NTY-POUR THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1967 Average Dally Net Press Rail For The Week Knded Fair and C(6d: to n ig ^ ’ lA r : r Marek 18, 1967 \ in the 20a; montly suiBiy and ^ About Town Closed Good Friday Capt. McCaughey Heads ceaaonably .warm Mmorron^ MIm Dale MaoLean, daugh­ Many governmental and 15,113 high in the upper 40a. ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Roderick state agencies, financial in­ Elks’ Slate of OHieers Manchester— A City of Village Charm ' ' . 'll MacLeem o f 34 Hoffman Rd., stitutions, Manchester li­ Manchester Police Cat>t. supernumerary in 1946 and was has made the dean’s list at braries and recreation cen­ VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 147 ^TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1967 (ClaMlfled Advertising on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTE Hartwioke College, Oneonta, ters will be closed tomorrow George McCaughey of 382 E. appointed probationary officer N.Y. in observance of Good Fri­ Cmter St. was elected Exalted in 1947. He achieved the rank day. Rec centers will oper­ Riiler of the Manchester Lodge of sergeant in 1954, and cap­ Pvt. Robert L. Smith, son of ate today as usual. o t Elks, heading a slate of 14 tain in 1963. Besides the Elks, he has been Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Smith There will be regpifar other officers elected and ap- treasurer of the Fire and Police Jr. of 103 Milford Rd. has re­ postal service and mail de­ t pointed at an Bilks’ meeting last Athletic Association for several cently completed advanced liveries. Garbage and refuse night. pickups will be made. Re­ McCaughey succeeds Ray­ years and is a member of the training as art Army combat Manchester Rod and Gun CTub. engineer at Ft. Leonard Wood, tail and food stores will be mond Zemanek of 115 Walker Plans for Easter Proceed He is married to the rmer open. St. - Mo. Ann Maclone. He and his wife The Manchester Herald Officers will take .office April have three children, Mrs. Geor- will publish. 15 at the Lodge home at 30-40 \ Adonlram Council, Royal and giana Poe HI of Hartford; Mrs. f u l l y c o o k e d Bissell St. Select Masters, ^vill meet to­ Leslie Powers of Hyannis, EHected were Robert E. Tay- morrow at 8 p.m. at the Ma­ Miss Barbara A. Pearce, Mass.; and a son, Kim, at SMOKED sonic Temple, Ellington. Past daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don­ home. Despite Cold, Early Date Thrice Illustrious Masters will ald W. Pearce of 141 Ludlow Tickets for Uiose wishing to fill the chairs. Rd., has been named to the attend the first open installa­ dean's list at Mlddlebury (Vt.) tion of officers conducted at the Booklets containing a scrip­ College. local lodge, may be obtained tural account of Easter, do­ from John Lyons, Alfred Ritter, nated l(y the Manchester Coun­ or by calling the lodge. Pope Leads cil of Churches, Chaplaincy De­ Pfc. Robert W. Hemenway. HAMS Daytona Beer Ban partment, are being distributed son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert this week by the League of Hemenway of 173 Spruce St., Reunion May 27 Good Friday Mercy of the Salvation Army is participating in Operation SHANK PORTION Upsets Collegians to all residents of Manchester Farragut with his unit, the For 1942 Class Army 101st Airboume Division Observance ^nursing, and convalescent The 25th Reunion of the Class DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. "Terrible,” -said Jim Tarsok, in Vietnam. ‘homes, and the Manchester Me­ of 1942, Manchester High School (AP) — Unless a beer-laden 22, a nonstudent from Toledo, NEW YORK (AP)—The morial Hoi^ital. will be held on Saturday eve­ freighter goes aground here be­ Ohio. "Beer and a blanket are earliiest Easter in 16 years A fire in a car engine yester­ ning, May 27 at F ano’s Restau­ great icebreaker^. Just look fore week’s end, the 1967 ver­ Sunday and wintry weath­ Pvt. David P. Fody, son of day afternoon on Purnell PI. rant, Bolton. R. "Mike" Quish how everybody Is standing er in many parts of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank R Fody of brought town firemen to the of 110 Forest St. has been elect­ sion of spring vacation for thou­ around kicking at the sand.” 358 Hartford Rd., recently com­ scene. A fire official said Time was when the male stu­ country apparently haven’t ed chairman of the committee sands of thirsty collegans at dampened plans for tradi­ pleted advanced infEuitry train­ members of Co. 3 responded to for the reunion. He will be as­ Daytona Beach stands to come dents, fraternity letters embal- ing at Ft, Iiewis, Wash. a telephone call at 1:47. FULLY COOKED zoned across their shirts, held tional sunrise religious sisted by Randall Brown as co- oCf as mild as a May dance. chairman; Robert Gordon, treas­ SMOKED court on the beach and beck­ services and displays of urer and Vivian Firato Fer- The new face of Daytona oned bikini- clad girls to join finery in the Easter pa­ George McCaughey gruson, secretary. Beach is sudsless — leaving them. rade. only bikinis, sun and sand as the Other committee members in­ But the center of attraction While preparations wera lor, esteemed leading knight; (AF Pfaototex) surviving symbols of the annual clude Arlene Stevenson Ostrout Thursday was Robin Masse, 21, being made for the services and Reno Coma, esteemed loyal HAMS student pilgrimage. and' Irma Accomero Czerwln- of Spencer, Mass., a student at parades. Pope Paul VI led Ro­ knight; Alfred M. Ritter, es­ WHOLE This Is a Motor^ Sister Madelyn And the students don’t like it. ski, publicity; Thomas F. Fer­ the School of Practical Art, Bos­ man Catholics in the annual AFRICAN VIOLETS teemed lecturing knight; Wil­ The villians in this tragd^y guson, speakers; and arrange­ Sister Madelyn Jewers of the Grey Nuns, a Roman Catholic nursing order, ex­ ton, who spent six hours mold­ Good Friday observance today liam F. F’reeman, secretary; ■ are the city fathers whose "beer ments and decorations, Harold BUTT PORTION ...................... ft. plores under the hood of a car during a Boston course for female auto mechan­ ing a huge sculpture which drew of Christ’s Crucifixion. NEW VARIETIES Edward J. Tomkiel, treasurer; 49t ban” came after they watched Burnett, Russell Perkins, KBb- a crowd cX. 300. Thursday night in Rome, the LARGE SELECTION and Anthony Berzinski, tiler. USDiL CHOICE ics. She is one of 40 women who. drive cars in their work, taking lessons de­ students from 36 states last 69c ert Brown, Richard Moore, Do­ Despite the beer - ban, which Pope washed the feet of 12 boys, Also, Richard Recknagel, signed to give them a basic knowledge in the mysteries of motors. spring tithe their last penny to reen Thompson Benson, Marian IT apparently went unpublicized, emulating in a Holy Thursday trustee for one year; Frank the town’s taverns and motels. White Hultman, Imm Ponticelli 4-7 Ribs Lt. Reid estimated 20,000 colle­ Mass at the BasUca of St. John AliQuor, trustee for two years; Rib Roost That’s right, no more beer on DellaFera, Virginia Lathrop gians were on hand and twice and Elmore Anderson, trustee CENTER CUT the bea h. Lateran the action o f Christ at Sapienza and Vivian Allen War- 6 that number would show up by Easter Plants for five years. ’’Daytona’s dead,” said Bos­ the Last Suppar. nock. Eeuder. Sunday- (3ood Friday is not a legal Appointed by McCaughey LARGE MEATY HAM STEAKS Cong ^Mousetrap^ Tactic ton College law student Bob Sa- Typical of the sojourners were LILIES TULIPS were Richard Nielson, chaplain; The program committee will kakeenn, 24. ‘"The city spent all holiday, but still memy business be headed by Alice Drake ten Michigan State University offices aoroas the country wart Thomas Agnew, esQuire; Gerald ROASTING CHICKENS that money advertising suds students who arrived In a 1963 H Y A C IN T H S AZALEAS Troy, organist; and Theodore Belcher assisted by 01g;a Eccel- and sand, now they’ve taken the closed today, including the stock lente Guglielmino and Norma school bus they paid $300 for. and principal commodity ex­ Fairbanks, subordinate Justice suds away.” The ten chipped in $60 apiece DAFFOMLS G A RD EN IA S of the forum. Andisio Conti. Bared in Vietnam Survey changes In New York. C 5 Lb. ‘"Ihe ban on beer has ch a fe d The welcoming committee will for the trip. McCaughey. who became a the entire picture,” said Lt. "We had to see Daytona,” Banks, retail businesses and include O. James Doggart, Irene lib WASHTNG’TON (AP) — Viet free localities to protect them "It Is reQuested tiiat the air charter member of the local Curtis Reid, chief of the police said Roger Andrick, 18. “ We department stores were gener­ Elks branch in 1953, has held Stevenson Melody, Rocco Fiano, Oong snipers sometimes mouse- from such attacks. strike be reconsidered so that beach detail. “ Last year you ally open for Easter shoppers. Constance Zelonis Zuraw, Ur­ , „ „ . , . One team chief warned that the ’unjustified’ losses of lives brought oramges to Florida,’’, FELTHAXrS GREENHOUSE various offices in the club since couldn't walk through the beer The bus larder included 57 doz­ An Associated Press survey then. bane House, Albert Puzzo, Mar­ trap U.S. pilots into retaliatory civilians continue to be and proi)erty can be avoided,” cans. Yesterday, from 7 a.m. to en cookies, apples, bananas and showed retail sales of spring After graduating from local jorie Fairweather Salmon and attacks and then try to score victims of these air strikes, the the team chief said.
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