Published by the Cabinet of Samdech Hun Sen —————— MP of Kandal Prime Minister Issue 85 http://www.cnv.org.kh February, 2005 05 February 2005 (Unofficial Translation of Selected Comments) 08 February 2005 (Unofficial Translation of Selected Comments) Inaugurating a Hall of Common in the Lanka Pagoda Opening the National Institute of Education In addition to the prepared teachers. On the other hand text, Samdech Hun Sen made there requires a collaboration a number of comments on the of schools, teachers, district following matters: authorities and offices of edu- cation at the municipal/ On gangsters and publica- provincial or ministerial level. tions of pornographic con- Especially the armed forces – tent take for instance, police and military police -- could also be of assistance. I used to men- … It has been obvious that tion that if we cannot eradicate the problem of gangster con- the gangster (big brother) is- tinues to get in the way of the sue, we all should resign from study of our students and the positions of Governors of teaching of our teachers. I do provinces and districts and let not accept that we could not 05 February 05 - Samdech Hun Sen Confers a Medal on the they take over your positions solve this problem as this instead. It is quite disturbing to Buddhist Follower and Mother in Law Bun Seang Ly for the problem could not be ad- contributions she made for the development of Buddhism the majority of students and dressed by only school and (Photo: Virakmuny) (Continued on page 3) ... Today, my family and I have city is now 570 years old but 11 February 2005 The Keynote Address at the Phnom Penh Gathering on: great pleasures for being pre- according to the publication in “Seizing the Global Opportunity: Hope, Strategy, Actions” sent in the inauguration of a 1967 the pagoda is 568 years It is a pleasure for me to be descent who are attending to- great hall of common in the as it was built in 1437 under here and a privilege to be day’s conference instead of pagoda. Yesterday we had a the reign of Ponnhea Yaat. It speaking to this distinguished enjoying family reunion at religious rite to perform with was first built in a different audience about a growth strat- home. the participation of Samdech place but about 100 years ago egy for Cambodia in an Era of Patriarch and the Buddhist (in 1892) the pagoda was Free Trade. I would like to This policy conference can monks of all levels. We had the relocated due to urban plan- take this opportunity to ex- become a useful mechanism well wishing ceremony (krong ning in those days. From press my profound gratitude for dialogue between business, pealy), the sermon recitation, 1910, the pagoda noted some to the World Bank, the Euro- trade unions, governments and the preaching of Dharma be- major development under the pean Union, UNDP, AusAID, international organizations and fore we have this inauguration Banha Nhean Vidhya Khan as the US-ASEAN Business institutions on investments and today. I wish to take this op- the head monk. Council, the Global Fairness trade related issues in the new portunity to express my sincere Initiative and other organiza- era of free competition. I be- appreciation and thanks to ... At the later stage, the pa- tions for sponsoring this con- lieve that we should focus Samdech Patriarch, Samdech goda made a great deal of ference. At the same time, I more concretely on the policy Podhivang, Samdech Preah progress because its location would like to congratulate issues Cambodia is facing. To Dhamalikhet, Samdech Preah is not far from the Royal Pal- once again to the winners of help frame this conversation, I Udom Charya and all the Bud- ace. The Buddhist pagoda of the 1st Cambodia Corporate would like to share with you dhist monks for honoring my Lanka was honored by the Citizenship Awards 2005. our hope, our strategy and our mother in law and the whole naming the Buddhist pagoda Since today marks the begin- actions to support our vision of family. The religious rite was of Langka Preah Kosomaram ning of the Chinese New (Continued on page 6) performed yesterday and today by the Queen Preah Kosama Year, allow me to extend to we have the inauguration itself Munnirath Sereiratana. Sam- those of you with Chinese to do. If we were to look to the dech Preah Dharma Likhet In This Issue connections my best wishes 1) Hall of Common, P. 1 backside of the compound, we Lovea Em was once the head for a prosperous and happy 2) Education Institute, P. 1 could feel that it is as old as the monk of the Buddhist pagoda New Year. I appreciate very Phnom Penh city itself. The (Continued on page 2) much the guests with Chinese 3) Global Opportunity, P.1 Mailing Box: Cambodia New Vision (CNV), P.O. Box 158, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; e-mail: [email protected]; Tel: 855-23 219898; Fax: 855-23 360666/219869 Cambodia1 New Vision—Issue 85 February 2005 (Continued from page 1) ... In regard of the above state- from her that she would con- Prek Prosob of Kratie. It is a ment concerning the existence tribute a part of what she has correlation of dependence be- of Lanka. The pagoda enjoyed of Buddhism, let us look at been given for the Buddhist tween the two – people and the support of Their Majesties the what happened under the Pol ritual. It makes me think that monks. Once people have suf- Kings of all reigns up until Pot regime. They claimed to nothing could obstruct the ficient food, the monk would 1960s, when it was bestowed have abolished religion, while people’s belief in religion, and have a good meal as well. On with the above name and indeed all they did was pro- in this case the Buddhism, the contrary, when the people honor. I remember that when I hibiting people from practic- which is the religion of the starved, the monk would not be first entered Phnom Penh I ing Buddhism in public, but state. in any better situation. resided in a house not far from people continue to nurture the pagoda of Lanka. There belief in their hearts. They ... Taking this opportune mo- ... Through Samdech Patriarch, was an owl that used to fly destroyed pagodas, disrobed ment I would like to express on behalf of the Royal Govern- from the Buddhist pagoda of monks, but in the end they my sincere appreciation for ment, I would like to convey Lanka to my house where there could not remove religion Samdech Patriarch and vener- my sincere thanks and appre- were two jackfruit trees. Ac- from our people’s hearts. I able Buddhist monks for the ciations to the contribution cording to our tradition, we was a pagoda boy and when I leadership which brings about made by all Buddhist pagodas have to use salt in scaring have difficulties I always ask contribution to the secular in saving our people from away the owl, but we could not for protection from the Bud- world. My remark is that Bud- damages of rice cultivation find salt for own consumption, dha, the monks, my parents dhism shares its value in all caused by general drought in how could we take salt to and my mentors. Now we national development – na- 2004, through which efforts we throw away to scare the owl? have both in form and in con- tional security, social order have recovered about nearly Later more Buddhist monks tent, the monks of all levels, and social development, eco- ten percent of the predicted came residing in the pagoda schools of Buddhism in the nomic development, etc. be- loss of 20% from the whole and the owl seemed to have medium and tertiary levels. cause it advises human beings figure of rice cultivation. gone away. to do good things and to in- Along with this, my deepest … Aside from these we have flict no harms on others. This thanks also go to all the Bud- ... The pagoda had experienced Samdech Ov (Preah Norodom value is indispensable in the dhist monks who have pro- three head monks already from Sihanouk) and Samdech Me overall development of the vided assistance for the chil- Samdech Preah Bodhivang (Queen Monineath Sihanouk), country, through which pro- dren who are in need of sup- Nun Nget to the head monk HM the King who are follow- gress will be made. Morality port for livelihood and study. Sun Khim and after his death ers of Buddhism. So, asking and virtue are the most essen- in 2002, the head monk Sao how long Buddhism would tial elements in life, which are … The Buddhist pagoda is the Chanthol. Because of our ef- exist will be responded with bestowed upon all Buddhist most favorable place for chil- forts in the past under the lead- an answer that it will exist followers by the monks. Per- dren of the poor to reside in so ership of the venerable monks, until it has no more followers. forming positive actions by that they could get both resi- we have been able to put the We are now at the Buddhist the Buddhist followers will dence and food for the time of pagoda in various development year of 2548 and I am glad harmonize the social fabric in their study. Take for instance, step after step. that people give their trust in the secular world. in the Buddhist pagoda of Buddhism which is the state Lanka we have about 244 such … In the old days, when Sam- religion.
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