MILTON KEYNES’ SCHOOLS FORUM Acorn House, 381 Midsummer Boulevard MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12 JANUARY 2017 AT 3.00 PM PRESENT: Primary School Representatives Lizzie Bancroft – Loughton Manor First School Christine Ryan – Cold Harbour C of E School Primary School Governors Janet Haines – Oldbrook School (alternate for Kirk Hopkins) Paul Hussey – Bradwell Village Primary School (Chair) Antony Moore – Giles Brook School Jake Yeo – Bushfield School Secondary School Representative Tracey Jones – Lord Grey School Secondary School Governor Paul Herbert – St Pauls Catholic School Academy Representatives Neil Barrett – Stephenson Academy Michelle Currie – Walton High Jane Edwards – Heronsgate School Glen Martin – Shenley Brook End Andy Squires – Denbigh School Academy Governors John Howe – Denbigh School Dave Moulson – Ousedale School 14-19 Partnership Amy Tremble – Milton Keynes College (alternate for Lindsey Styles) Church of England Diocese Kieran Salter – Diocesan Authority – St Mary and St Giles C of E School Northampton Catholic Diocese Michael Manley – Diocesan Authority Trade Union Representative Anita Richards – NUT Divisional Secretary LA OFFICERS: Michael Bracey – Corporate Director - People Marie Denny - Head of Delivery, Education Sufficiency and Access Natasha Hutchin – Deputy Finance Manager Caroline Marriott – Head of Delivery, SEN and Disability Penni Powers – Finance Manager - Children and Families Nicky Rayner – Service Director – Children and Families SCHOOLS FORUM 12 JANUARY 2017 PAGE 1 LEAD MEMBER: Councillor Zoe Nolan OBSERVERS: Michelle Hibbert – Principal Accountant, Schools Bob Seaman – Northamptonshire County Council CLERK: Sue Puddifoot – Governor Support - Children and Families SF 619 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Item 1 The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies for absence had been received by the clerk from: Francis Grant – Great Linford School Finlay Douglas – White Spire School Natalie Fowler – Knowles Nursery School Lynne Johnson - Pre School Learning Alliance Ian Tett – Oakgrove School Ian Northover – Heronshaw School had resigned from Schools Forum. SF 620 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Item 2 Michelle Currie declared that although she represented a secondary academy, she was also Chief Executive Officer of MKET (Milton Keynes Education Trust) and therefore had an interest in all areas due to the variety of schools in the trust. SF 621 MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING Item 3 The minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2016 were agreed as an accurate record, subject to the following alterations: Minute SF 611 - Page 4, fourth paragraph, first sentence to read ‘Schools Forum members discussed the options presented and understood why reducing the formula by 1.5% was necessary but some objections were raised’. Minute SF 614 - Page 7, penultimate paragraph, alter ‘38/52’ to ‘38+’. There were no matters arising from the minutes. SF 622 BUDGET MONITORING 2016/17 (Natasha Hutchin) Item 4 The purpose of this item was to advise Schools Forum of the period 9 budget monitoring position for 2016/17. Natasha Hutchin explained that there had only been one month of movement since the last report and therefore the position was similar to that presented in December 2016. SCHOOLS FORUM 12 JANUARY 2017 PAGE 2 The original budget deficit of £100k was now forecast to be £1.027m, £0.928m greater, but this was a slightly improved position from December. The table in 3.4 gave the key variations; there had been a small reduction in rates bills and in the High Needs Central Spend. All were aware of the pressures on the budget, particularly the High Needs Independent placements. Schools Forum noted the latest outturn position as reported for period 9. SF 623 SCHOOLS BUDGET 2017/18 (Penni Powers) Item 5 The purpose of this report was to agree the distribution of the Schools Budget for the financial year 2017/18. Penni Powers explained, with the help of a presentation handout, that the 2017/18 financial position was looking more favourable as the National Funding Formula was looking positive for Milton Keynes. The December estimate for unit rates had been looking at a 1.5% reduction but this would now only be a 0.5% reduction on all unit rates. The pressures in High Needs funding, growth and no inflationary increase on the DSG were countered by a £1m increase to the High Needs Block for 2017/18, MFG reducing and the deficit being recovered over two years. £0.5m had been expected for High Needs but the additional £0.5m was welcomed, and was based on estimated population growth. Given that the Conditions of Grant had now been published, it was possible to have a phased recovery of the deficit over two years. Previously it had been anticipated that this would have to be fully recovered in the first year. This would be subject to Schools Forum agreeing that the deficit would be the first call on the DSG for 2018/19. The announcement around the National Funding Formula had indicated that the financial position would improve in future years. The gain was expected to be 3.4% in 2019/20 but would be capped to 1.8% in the first year (2018/19). Based on data provided by the EFA, the average school gain was anticipated at 2% for the primary sector and 5.4% for the secondary sector. For High Needs in 2018/19, no funding would be lost under the National Funding Formula although a further baseline exercise may address some of the imbalance. Therefore, Milton Keynes would gain under the Schools Block with no change to the High Needs Block. There would also be a Strategic Planning Fund of up to £129k for the local authority to review High Needs provision. Penni apologised for the delay in circulating papers for this item but timescales in receiving information and preparing reports had been tight. Annex E gave an overview of the whole budget position and it was explained that Schools Forum would be voting on items 2.2, 2.3 and 2.8 in the report. SCHOOLS FORUM 12 JANUARY 2017 PAGE 3 It was pointed out that the local balance of funding per pupil between the primary and secondary sectors was 1:1.27 and the National Funding Formula proposed to move to the national average of 1:1.29. It was also noted that the Early Years unit rates would be confirmed by the end of March 2017. Annex E gave the Budget Summary and showed that for 2017/18, there would be an in year surplus of £713k with £314k recovered in the following financial year. There had been discussion on removing the mobility factor at previous meetings, however this factor was now included in the National Funding Formula, therefore it was not proposed to make any changes to the Milton Keynes funding formula factors. Unit funding rates were proposed to be reduced by 0.5% and the primary lump sum reduced from £135k to £133k, with the funding released being added to the primary pupil AWPU. Annex A outlined the DSG estimate for 2017/18. DSG blocks were not currently ring-fenced and funding could be moved between blocks. The conditions of grant were also included. Annex B detailed central expenditure, other than High Needs. Section 1.2 explained that local authorities may include the following budgets, with the agreement of Schools Forum, for central services: Admissions Schools Forum Former ESG Retained Duties Miscellaneous Section 1.3 explained the CLA and MPA Licence Fees budgets must be included, in consultation with Schools Forum. Items in sections 1.4 and 1.5 may be included, with the agreement of Schools Forum: Independent School Fees Growth Fund Growth Fund Early Years Providers Early Years Inclusion Fund Early Years Central Expenditure It was noted that Independent School Fees had been reduced to zero in the December budget but had now been included at £50k. Annex B3 detailed the Early Years Growth Fund Allocations and there was currently only one known scheme in this category. Annex B4 gave the Growth Fund criteria for schools and the accompanying spreadsheet detailed the allocations school by school. There were a total of 1245 growth places across all schools. New school SCHOOLS FORUM 12 JANUARY 2017 PAGE 4 places were guaranteed to be funded for two years and the spreadsheet included the number of vacant protected places. For September 2017, 30 places at primary and 30 places at secondary would be held as unallocated to take account of any changes in admissions. A view was required on how to move forward regarding Annex B5, Growth Allocations for Walton High – Brooklands Campus. This was not included in the budget at present and therefore protecting these 51 places would increase costs by £230k and require the reduction of the funding unit rates by a further 0.25%. Annex C outlined the High Needs Central Expenditure. There was additional funding in the High Needs Block used to support the increase in the number of places. The Independent Special School fees budget had increased, reflecting the current placements. Annex D included details of the Individual Schools Budgets with D3 giving the proposed unit rates and Annex D4 detailing the number of high needs places that were being commissioned. Annex F detailed the Government Grants for 2017/18. Full details were not yet available and were expected to follow from the DfE in January 2017. Pupil premium amounts would be based on information in the January 2017 census. Therefore the 2016/17 rates had been used at this stage. Discussion School Forum members then held a robust discussion on the information presented, raising the following points and questions: Growth Funding Referring to Annex B4 it was noted that Whitehouse Primary would be growth protected for nearly £0.5m for the second year with Fairfields due to open in September. It was explained that this was based on October 2016 numbers and the school had opened in September 2016.
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