PAOl THStlT-TWO AY. JUNB H. IM t manrfti^ator Ewtiittfl if^raUii Average Dally Net Prcaa Ron For the Week Ended The Weather About Town Rotarians Install Johnson^ Cats.Present aum m , laea Fmeeaet of V. a WeaChir But me Tl». Guavd C3ub ct tha Woman’s 13,804 Fair and warm tonight. Low oa> BanaAt AasoetaAkNi wtU m«at FH- Fete Bushes on Anniversary $4 Problem Member of the Audit •a.. Frida.y continued mnay, hot any at < pjn. at the home ot Boroon of droaletlqa Mta. Jeta UwaM. M Hawttoocne ForFracchia and hnnild. HIgli In the Mo. at. Mr. and Mrs. Hlmost M. Bush of'tBehnke, John F. Devaimey, Ar- Manchester— City of Village Charm 6 Jean Rd., were honored at last thur G. Holmes and Ronald P, What doaa a Manobaatar Scott. Mamfeaaa of John Mather Gbap- night's meeting of the'locaj Rotary reaident do when he or A e 6 •ar, Order o f DeMolay, i>lannlns: Club On their 50th wedding anni­ Johnson named the following ' comes upon a atray eat and VOL. LXXXn, NO. 228 * (TWENTY-POUR PA ES--IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1963 (CIneeifled Advertising en Page M ) directors and committee chairmen PRICE SEVEN CENTS to attend a beaoh party Sunday, versary. Mis . Bush was gueet of wanta to get It a home or give •IWy Id, at Rooky N»«dc State Park to serve with him during the year: it away? HMV «*11 Ruaoeu cmiMatte,: M4 the for the cutting of a cake Club services, with Holmes in Good question. Woodland S t „ through Satmxlay with 60" Candles which was served charge, will have John S. Alvord as attendance chairman; Bush,.fel­ Don’t call the dog warden for raoorvatlona. as dessert following the regular unlesa you are willing to pay lowship; Arnold Lawrence,' pro­ a 84 fee. dinner. grams; William R. Rood, ways OPEN 7 DAYS U.S. Bolstering Mlaa Betty Lou FoUoe, 144 Bush to a diarter member of and means; Herbert W. Swanson, Le^ Fraoohla, Manchester 11 MAPLE ST. JFK Takes Helicopter land St, who simduated laat Week ftom MkodheotOT High School, haa the Rotary Clufa and served as its public relations; Frank R. Murray dog warden, said yeaterday he Aeroaa From Elrat NatloMU bean aiwardod a acholarahip to the second presWenl in 1641. Former­ and Harry Maidment, auditors; gets an average of 24 oalla a Store Parktng Lot Connaotlout InaUtute of Kaiidreae- ly a Rotarian In the Newark, N. Y. Leonard H. Johnson, photograph' week from Manchester reai'- COIN OPERATED denta who have ’’cat" prob­ Ing, Inc., Hartford, and wffl begin blub. Bush has attained 100 per er; Harry Maidment, historian; WASH-’N-DRY GLEAN cent attendance at weekly meet­ The Rev. James V. Claypool, lems. Job Bias Rules elasaea Wodneaday, July 8. ings for over 24 years. magazine; The Rev. Paul C. In his duties aa dog wardan, • 16-Lb. Wash— 25o To Ancestors^ Home^ •Camhera of the ladies of Bt. Herbert E. Johnson, a vice presi­ KAlser, chaplain; and, Russell E. Fraochla is not required to an­ 8-Lb. Dry Clean—IL7S James will meet tonight at 7:46 at dent of the Hartford Gas Oo., was Miller and Behnke, song leaders. swer calls concerning eats un­ WASHINGTON (AP) —- a strong hand In writing the legie-, tha John F. Tlemey Funeral Home, Davanney, director In charge of less he la ordered to by the Secretary of Labor W. Wil­ latlon. n s W. Center St., to pay respects community and vocational serv­ Police Department. lard Wirtz said today the gov­ They showed the administration to Joseph Della Fera, whose wife, ices. will have as committee chair­ "We get calls at aU houra can count on OOP support only ernment soon will iksue new if It la willing to compromise on Has Tea in Barnyard Ifoa VUella Dels Fera, and dsAigh- men Arnold Lawrence, crippled of the day and night About tais, Mias Maiy Della Fera, Mias children committee; William H. MU,’’ Fraochla aai<). "When ' standards to make sure there its sweeping seven-point program. Ann Della Fera and Miss Sylvia Curtis, scholarships, student loans I tell the person calling that le no discrimination in em- In advance of Wirtz’ dppear- DeBa Fera, are members. and Rotary foundation; James S. It will cost 84 to pick up a ance. Sen. Barry Ooldwater, R- pl^ment on federal projects. Ariz., made known that he intends DUNGANSTOWN, Ireland Sheldon, vocational service; and cat, he can’t understand why The govemment'a nondlacrlmln- hut Programs Needed Mias Ida Reicfaenbach, daughter Fred Nassiff, inter-club activities. I won t do H for nothing as Harrison’s to offer an amendment to deny Na­ (AP)— President Kennedy re­ ntlon policy In the construction In­ tional Labor Relations Board and of Mrs. Lana ReiclienlMch, 866 The international and member­ part ot my job as dog warden. Yoiir dustry will be tightened, he said, turned to the homestead of Main St, arTived home Monday ship division, with Scott in charge, I can t repeat all the names other benefits to unions that prac-1 his Irish forefathers today to make sure before a contract la ties discrimination. from Tucson, Axle., accompanied will have Edward M. Royce as that I’m called 'when I say DOWNTOWN awarded that contractore can and drank tea in the barn­ by Miaa Dorothy Lauer, a fellow chairman of classifications; Rich­ "I don’t think the administration | Kennedy’d T riumph that the cost Is 84 to p4ck up a S ta tion m comply — not after work on the yard with cousins and their director of the Jack and Jill Nurs­ ard S. carpenter, membership; cat, dead or alive.” will support the amendment in a ' contract begins. showdown," Ooldwater said In an ; neighbors. ery School. lUss RelchentMoh and Donald P. Richter, Rotary infor­ Many caU are being aban­ . The forunfl for Wirts 'announce­ Mlaa Lauer plan to be in Manches­ mation; and Jay E. Rand, interna­ Dolly ' AP biterview, "but I am going to The President’s third cousin, doned at the town dump off ment waa a meeting, of a House give its supporters a chance to'' ter about two moRttas. tional contacts. Olcott St. widow Mary Ann Ryan, laid long Summer Program Starts at ECHS DellvcrlM Judiciary subcommittee where he go on record." ' j On a Europe Ballot tables for tea, cakes and pies to "Some idgJ>U when I check Don Burns, phytooal e^ucatkm director at East OathoUc High School, dlsoussw w l«i StudenU the leetifled In support of President Wirtz teaUfled both as secretary serve “ Cousin Jack.” dpi. Roger Anderson, son of M!r. the dog pound, there are aa Kennedy’s civil rights package. and Mis. Walter Anderson, 16 Discuss Traub Case "W e'II B« of labor and as vice chairman of' Neighbors, some in their Sun­ many as six cats dowii there newly estiahllltfwd drtvw education program, wduch began Mlonday as East OaithoMo’s summer Of the . quest for. Improving tha Gardner St., haa recently been pro­ the President’s Committee o n ! EDITOR’S NOTE: John M.. The address explained in part day best and some in aprons, HARTFORD (AP) — A special hanging around the pound. J eA ool program got underway. Bunts, who is also baskettMU and baeehall ooach at the achool, Here To lot of the American Negro, Wirtz Equal Employment Opportunity.' helped serve moted to hie present rank. He la said In. bis prepared testimony: Hightower, AP'.s Pulitzer Prize­ why Kennedy made this visit. He a pliotogisiSiw stationed at Quan- hearing will be held by the Su­ know that they are not wild wtH operate the driver program which wUl become part of the ourrtcullum next flail. Ihe oourse S«rvle« He stressed his support of titles winning diplomatic affairs writer, The party assembled in the caU for they come up to me ‘‘There has been no more Im- wa.ited a platform in Europe ttoo, Va. preme Court of Errors Tuesday wlU include SO hours of dtossropm instrudtdon, as wen as tox hours of on-the-ioad tialnlng. About ■VI and v n of the Kennedy package. | accompanied ,:resident Kennedy from which to counter French barnyard between Mrs. Ryan’s morning for a discussion of how M d to be petted and W h af . poriant issue before the country The first pl-ovislon is a declara­ ! house and the tin-roofed cottage 22 studenItB have signed up flor tialntng this summer. Bums said. DlBon Sales and Service hw and the Congreae—save only the during his visit to West Germany. President (Jharles de G u ile ’s go- to proceed with the case of Rob­ fed, Frac<*la said. W « tion that no federally assisted pro­ 1 the President’s great-grandfather, provided the autnmobdle for use In the program. The siddmon of driver education at East ChitholU s«ir' Issue of war and peace." In this AP News 'Analysis, High­ it-alone aspirations for ^ rop e. ert B. Traub of Hartford, convicted What, then, does a oat own­ gram Shall be construed to require tower examines some of the for­ Patrick Kennedy, left when he Herbert E. Johnson arsonist. to only one Indioptor of an expanded summer school curriculum, Bums said. Other oouraes, mostly Wirtz followed Atty. Gen. Rob­ Kennedy replied to the 73-year- er do 'When he wanta to get Call assistance under any circum­ eign policy problems the visit has pld De Gaulle’s rejection of U.,S.- emigrated to Boston 120 years Attending will be State’s Attorney rid of a cat? of the enrtchmeot variety.
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