If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. t '. GENERAL REPORT Alternative Education Programs OF THE JOINT American Indian Study Committee LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Technical Advisory Committee " TO THE Campaign Financing ~. ... Drainage District Laws 01 1993 LEGISLATURE Energy Resources Fann Safety Foster Care and Other Out-of-Home Placements Subcommillee on Family Preservation Genetic and Medical Information Issues Relating to Hunger Prevention Law Revision Commillec Oversight of Community Mental Health Services Private Forest Land Programs Rail Facilities and Services • Freight Rail Advisory Group Passenger Rail Advisory Group Review Emergency Medical Services Sexual Harassment Stale Collective Bargaining Process Tax Delinquent Contaminl1,ted Land Transportation Development Use of Public Waters Veterans Trust Fund Women Offenders in the Correctional System Wisconsin LegislaLive Council Staff One East Main Street, Suite 401 Madison, Wisconsin • July 1994 I f ~{{ STATE OF WISCONSIN LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL STAFF David J. Stute Suite 401 Director One East Main Street P.O. Box 2536 Madison, WI 53701-2536 • (608) 266-1304 FAX (608) 266-3830 July 1994 To the Honorable, Governor Tommy G. Thompson and the Members of the 1993 Wisconsin Legislature: This is the 23rd biennial General Report of the Joint Legislative Council, submitted to you pursuant to s. 13.81 (3), St... '::::. Tnis General Report summarizes the work of the Joint Legislative Council and its committees during the period from April 1, 1992 to June 30, 1994. ll1ese committees were established to examine major issues and problems identified by the Council or referred to the Council by the Legislature. We trust that this information • will be useful. Sincerely yours, Senator rian D. Rude Representative Marlin D. Schneider Cochairperson Cochairpernon Joint Legislative Council Joint Legislative Council • • STATE OF WISCONSIN JOINT LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL GENERAL REPORT OF THE JOINT LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL • TO THE 1993 LEGIS LA TURE 151489 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice. This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated In this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies Qf the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by Wisconsin legislative COuncil Staff to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission of the copyright owner. • JULY 1994 July I, 1994 JOINT LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL s. 13.81, Stats. • OFI"!CERS Cochairperson Cochairperson BRIAN D. RUDE (I) MARLIN D. SCHNEIDER (2) Senator Representative 307 Babcock Street 3820 Southbrook Lane Coon Valley 54623-9801 Wisconsin Rapids 54494-7548 SENATORS BRIAN BURKE ROBERT JAUCH , 2029 North 51 st Street Route I, Box 635 Milwaukee 53208-1747 Poplar 54864-9801 GARY F. DRZEWIECKI ALAN LASEE (3) 419 Washington Street Route 2, Lasee Road Pulaski 54162-0313 DePere 54115-9802 MICHAEL G. ELUS JOSEPH LEEAN 1752 County Road GG N2390 South Tammy Trail Neenah 54956-9730 Waupaca 54981-9729 MARGARET FARROW BARBARA K. LORMAN 14905 Watertown Plank 1245 Janette Street Road Fort Atkinson 53538-1526 Elm Grove 53122-2332 FRED A. RISSER GARY R. GEORGE 206 South, State Capitol 3874 North 42nd Street Madison 53702-0002 Milwaukee 53216-3033 REPRESENTATIVES BEN BRANCEL (4) BARBARA J. LINTON R.R. I, Box 229 Route 1 Box 299 Endeavor 53930-0229 Highbridge 54846-9713 TIMOTHY W. CARPENTER ROSEMARY POTTER (5) 713 East Norwich Street 3006 South Delaware Avenue Milwaukee 53207'-4447 Milwaukee 53207-3li62 DAVID DEININGER DA VID PROSSER 2116 11th Street 2904 North Meade Street #3 Monroe 53566-1848 Appleton 54911-1561 STAN GRUSZVNSKI DAVID TRAVIS 2272 Stanley Street 4229 Mandrake Road II Stevens Point 54481-1955 Madison 53704-1653 WALTER KUNICKI SUSAN B. VERGERONT D 1550 South 4th Street 390 Vista View Drive Milwaukee 53204-2961 "- Cedarburg 53012-9122 (I) Became cochairperson (Senate President) upon enactment of 1993 Act 52, effective November 25, 1993. (2) Became cochairperson (designee of Assembly Spell.lcer) following enactment of Act 52. (3) Appointed as a member of the Council (Senate President Pro Tempore) pursuant to Act 52. (4) Replaced Rep. Mal)' Panzer, who was elected to the state Senate on September 21, 1993. (5) Appointed to replace Rep. Peter Barca, who resigned from the Legislawre on June 8, 1993 • • David J. SWte, Direetor, Legislative Council Staff, 1 East Main Street, Suite 401, P.O. Box 2536, Madison. Wisconsin 53701-2536 -i- JOINT LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MEMBERSIDP Af!.ril 11 1992 - ,leril 20, 1993 - June 30 1994 EXf!.lanation Nature o£ Af!.l!!!.;ntment Af!.ril 191 1993 1 Ex Officio (12) • 1. President of Senate Sen. Fred A. Risser Sen. Brian D. Rude Sen. Rude replaced Sen. Risser as Senate President on 4{2.0/93; he became Co-Chair on 11{2.5/93 pursuant to 1993 Wisconsin Act 52. 2. S. President Prv fern Sen. Alan J. Lasee Sen. Lasee became an ex-officio member on 1l{2.5j93 pursuant to 1993 Wisconsin Act 57. 3. S. Majority Leader Sen. David W. Helbach Sen. Michael G. Ellis Sen. Ellis replaced Sen. Helbach as S. Majority Leader on 4/20/93. 4. S. Minority Leader Sen. Michael G. Ellis Sen. David W. Helbachl Sen. David Helbach replaced Sen. Ellis as S. Sen. Robert Jauch Minority Leader on 4{2.0/93; Sen. Jauch replaced Sen. Helbach as S. Minority Leader on 5/12/93. 5. S. Chair, Jt. Finance Sen. Gary R. George Sen. Joseph Leean Sen. loean replaced Sen. George as S. Chair, Jt. Finance, on 4/20/93. 6. Speaker Rep. Walter Kunicki Rep. Walter Kumcki 7. Speaker Pro Tern Rep. David E. Rep. Timothy W. Rep. Carpentgr replaced Rep. David E. Clarenbach Carpenter Clarenbach as Speaker Pro Tern on 1/4/93. 8. A. Majority Leader Rep. David Travis Rep. David Travis 9. A. Minority Leader Rep. David Prosser Rep. David Prosser 10. A. Chair, Jt. Finance Rep. Barbara J. Linton Rep. Barbara J. Linton 11. A. Ranking Min. Mbr., Rep. Mary E. Panzer Rep. Ben Brancel Rep. Brancel replaced Rep. Panzer (who It. Finance resigned from the Assembly) as A. Ranking Min. Mbr., It. Finance, on 10/6/93. 12. S. Ranking Min. Mbr., Sen. Joseph Leea.'1 Sen. Gary R. George Sen. George replaced Sen. Leean as S. JI. Finance Ranking Min. Mbr., It. Finance, on 4{2.0/93. At-Largl'~ (10) 1. Senate Member Sen. Joseph J. Czamezki Sen. Brian Burke Sen. Burke replaced Sen. Joseph J. Czamezki on 1/7/93. 2. Senate Member Sen. Barbara K. Lorman Sen. Barbara K. Lorman 3. Senate Member Sen. Rodney C. Moen Sen. Gary Drzewiecki Sen. Drzewiecki replaced Sen. Moen on 5/4/93. .. 4. Senate Member Sen. Lynn S. Adelman Sen. Fred A. Risser Sen. Risser replaced Sen. Adelman on 5/4/93. 5. Senate Member Sen. Margaret Farrow Sen. Margaret Farrow "- 6. Assembly Member Rep. Mariin D. Schneider Rep. Marlin D. Schneider Became Co-Chair on 11/25/93 pursuant to 1993 Wis. Act 52. 7. Assembly Member Rep. Peter Barca Rep. Rosemary Pouer Rep. Potter replaced Rep. Barca (who resigned from the Assembly) on 6/10/93. 8. Assembly Member Rep. Susan Vergeront Rep. Susan Vergeront 9. Assembly Member Rep. David A. Zien Rep. David Deininger Rep. Deininger replaced Rep. Zicn (who resigned from the Assembly) on 5/25/93. 10. Assembly Member Rt..'P. Stan Gruszynski Rep. Stan Gruszynski • -ii- WISCQNSIN LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL STAFF • April 1, 1992 to June 30, 1994 DIRECTOR David J. Stute DEPUfY DIRECTOR Jane R. Henkel RESEARCH STAFF Senior Staff Attorney~ Legal Research Assistant Dan Fernbach William Boulware'" Shaun P. Haas Lanny Vega Gordon A. Anderson Russ Whitesel Janice M. Baldwin"'· FISCAL STAFF Richard Sweet Ronald Sklansky Accounts & Payroll Assistant Mark C. Patronsky Janet L. Berge Don Dyke Bill Ford Fiscal Assistant Don Salm Patricia K. Coakley Pam Shannon Pam Russell'" Laura D. Rose SUPPORT STAFF SWiff Attorneys Supervisor MarYI'Matthias Kathy J. Annen Joseph Jackson Jr.'" Joyce L. Kiel Assistants Robert J. Conlin Jane M. Miller Anne L. Sappenfield Wendy Ulrich Lisa A. Struble Consulting Attorney Kathy J. Follett Barbara Heaney Michelle Kroll* Julie A. Terry StatT Scientist Rachel A. Heller* John Slolzenberg Roberta J. Lund Karen Yager Senior Analyst Kelly S. Mautz Anne Bogar* David L. Lovell "'Terminated employment during 1992-94. ·Senior Staff Attorney Janice M. Baldwin retired from the Legislative Council Staff on April 29, 1994. She joined the Legislative Council Staff on February 23, 1971. Ms. Baldwin worked in a variety of assignments including taxation, marital property implementation and health care issues, as well as the Council's Law Revision Commiltec. Ms. Baldwin also was extensively involved in activities of the State Bar of Wisconsin, including service as chair of the Government Lawyers Division and a member of the Board of Governors in 1985-87 and as State Bar Treasurer in 1987-89. The Council and its staff appreciate her years of dedicated service to the • Legislature and the citizens of the state. -iii- • ' .' -iv- PREFACE • This General Report of the Joint Legislative Council to the 1993 Legislature is prepared pursuant to s. 13.81 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes. It summarizes the work of the 1992-94 Joint Legislative Council and of those statutory and special study committees established by the Council to report to the 1993 Legislature. For the first time, this Oeneral Report also incorporates much of the additional information previously presented to the Legislature in the form of the separate Legislative Council Digest. The Digest's purpose was to summarize the legislative action on each of the proposals introduced by the Legislative Council and by the Legislative Council's La:# Revision Committee. By lengthening the period of time covered by this particular Report from April 1, 1992 to June 30, 1994, rather than to April 1, 1994, which permitted the incorporation of the Legislature's actions on the proposals covered by this General Report, the complete history of each special committee can be presented in one document.
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