iSrrulrtir oI tlre Fuiliuines Eepartmcnt of Gbutrtion B€gion Iv'A scHools DrvrsroN oF QUEzot{ PRovlNcE 4. The School Heads shalladminister and monitorlhe follorJing duties and responsibilities lhat are expecled io be perfomed by the LDMobilizers while adhering lo the heaah and guidelines set by the lnteFAgency Task Force (IATF) on COVlDlg or issuanc€s by the locd units, strid implementation of th€ protocrls must be observed in carrying out lhe duties and responsibilitiE of the LD-Mobilizers. to wit; a) Assist the leacher in sorting. packaqing, and lab€linq of Selt-Leeming Modules SLMS to lhe deliv€ry in the drop-off points: b) Assist the teacher in organizing lhe rEtrie\.ed Self-Leaming Modul€s (SLMS), workstEetg and E(tivity sheels by accomplishing lhe completion repod. c) Assist the teacheG in ihe distribution ot edditional worksheets,/aclivfly sheots and modules to learners needing interventon aclivities d) Assist the teachers to gEther feedbek of parents/learne6 regarding th€ problens encountered in lhe completion ofthe module: and e) O(hers thal the Provincial Govemment may require. 5 Tho following guidelin€s shall b€ obsorved in the deployrnent of LD-MobilizorB: a) The LD-Mobilizers nray be assigned to the school n6ar his/her residence and will be directly reporting to the Srool Head. (See Attraciment B fot the list ol sdlools) ; b) A minimum of 15 hour and a maximum ot 20 houFwork is required from MondaysFddays (or st l€ssl3 hours per day): c) A Daily Time Record (DIR) will be accornplished to be signed by lhe School Head. d) The LD-mobilizers musl prepare hisher Daily Accompllsiment Report (lemplale do Division SGOD); e) The School Head iss{es temporary lD for the LDMobilize.s: f) The proposed date o, hiring is on September 2!30, 2020 and the Orientation of hired Community Support Slaf vill take place on Oclober 1-4, 2020. LD-Mobilizers are enjoined to stric,tly observe the provisions cit€d in the Child Protedion Policy, to wit: oEPEOOUEZON,TM SOS+I{09{03 'Cr.oting Posslultab, hwlrlhg In loyodons" Address: Sitio Fori. Brgy. TaliparL PaSbileo, Quezon BE rrunuh€ n: (042) 784{366, (042) 784-0164, {042) 784{391, (0421 784{321 AHH Em3 il Addres6: q [email protected]. ph Webslte: www.d€ Aelnbli( ol tDe P!,ilaNin?s De0armert of Glutation nedou lV-A scHooLS DrvIsIoN oF QUAON PROVINCE a) Under DepEd Ord6r No. 40, s. 2012 €lso known as the DepEd Child Prot€dion Policf, all LD-Motilizers Mro will be deployed shall adherc to the p.ovisions of the Policy and Guidelines on Prolecting Childr€n in School from Abuse, Mol6nca, Exploitatioa, Dis.riminalion, Bullying and other Form of Abuse. b) The Department of Education recognizes thal cases of abuse r|ay as a result of the diffiqJlt siluation facad by teach€.s otherOficiale wihin and outside the scfiool. c) As slipulated in Section 7 of the said Order, the School Head siall ensure that he,/she religiouGly adheres to his/her duties and reEponsibilities. 7. The monitoring of this program with the Provincial Govemrnent d Quezon shall be spearheaded by lhe Schools Govemance and Operations Divisioa in collaboralion with the CuEiculum lmplementation Division. The initial repon on the planning slege in coordination wilh the Provincial Govemment of Ouezon must be submitted lo th€ Oflice of the Schools Division Superir endent induding the data on the hiring and deployrnent of LD-Mobilizers. 8. Loc€l Government Units from alllhe municipalities in Quezon through the Public Sshool Distdd Supervisors may also emulate this project to augnEnt human resources specifically ior the Secondary Schools. 9. lmmodiale disseminalion of lhis MemoEndum is desired EL|AS A. ALTCAYA, JR. EdD,-1 Assistant Schools Ovision Suped ntdndent Oficer-ln-Charge Ofiice ofthe Schods Division Superintendent DEPEOqUEZOT$TM,SOS{4{09-003 'Cftotlng Po'slb Lbt, lrx,pliln9 lfioya,b6' Mdrasr: 5itio Fori, BrBy. Talipan, PaSbllao, Quezon Truntlfne fl: (042) 784-0366, (042) 784-0164, (042) 78j4,-o391, lo12l 7a443"r H6- Email Addrcgi: qu€zon@dep€ W.b!it!: Srrublir !l Oe BDilappirsf Derutuert of GDurrtion RegioD IY-A SCHOOLS DIVTSION OF OUAO PROVINCE Attachment A - Summary of LD-IIOBILIZERS Needed per Distract ltlunicipolity No, of LD{lobilizeB Neoded in Elementsry Aqdanqan 11 Alabet 15 Alimonen 50 Euenavista Burdeos 31 Calauag 41 Candelaria 144 Catanauen 39 Dolores 38 G€n. Luna 't4 Gen- Nakar Guinavanoan l5 Gumaca 55 ln{ents 88 Jomalig 10 Loo€z 50 Lucban 47 Macal€lon 2l Meuban 55 33 Padrg Buroo6 13 Paobilao 100 Panukulsn I Patnanungan 18 Percz 12 Piloqo 6 Plarid€l 6 Polilk) 35 Ouezon 6 Real Sampaloc 7 San Andres 23 DEPEOOU€ZON f itl SDS-0a-009{03 'Ae dhq P o s s i bl lhbs, hs p I r ln g I fi D ed lh ns" AddrBri Sitio Fori,8ryy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon Trunklinc *t 784-0365, 784-0391. (042) 784"0321 HE i042) lyzl7U-o7A, lO42) Emall Address: quezon@dep€d,Cor,.ph Web3lte: trg[blir ol t i $lrilitpn!' Dcpatnrnt of Glurafisn l.3l,o! lv-il scHoos DIt4sIoN of orJuor{ rRo/r cE Sfi Antoiio 31 88r Fr€,r.&co 48 S{t Narcieo 30 Sabys 187 Taol€*a\rai 39 TEorE 142 Unl3 n TOTAL 'A.dn PolElHlid.n lfi&hg ,d/Fttotbl,{, ldd|trl Sitlo Forl, Bny. T.llpin, P.rbil.o, Qeron Trunll&'. * (oazl ,E l-0?66. (o{2) r8qrl5{, (u:11784{391 (0{2} 7ll4{32t Eh.ll Addrcs: [email protected] W.hdt : r*w.d.pcdqudon,com,ph Ergubht ot tlla flltilu,tixeg Deumtment of €tutation RegioD IV-A SCHOOLS DIVISION OF QUEZON PROVINCE Attachment B - List of LD-MOBILIZERS Needed per School l{umbor of Tgachor School LegBlattus Schooll{8ms lunicipallty Support ID Distrht base on 2020.2021 Data '108944 anoan Central ES Aodanoan 3rd ,t 108948 ap ES Aqdanqan 3rd 108949 E. Licup ES Agdangen 3rd 5 AOdanOan 14 104503 ,qbbal Cenlral Elementary School Alabat 4th 5 501219 i AtgqE!:tQqslqE !.lgsated schoo Alabat 4lh 4 500866 CB Encarnado lnteorared School 4lebat 4lh 501220 RT Camacho lnlegratsd School Alabat 4th 4 Alebat 15 At monan CES (Merg-.d Atimonan CS I & 4th fq850s At monen CS lll Atimonan 16 108513 Buhanqrn ES Atimonan 4th 2 108514 Caridad lbaba ES 4!illqnan 4th '10852'1 Malusak ES Atrmonan 4th 108529 San RafaelES 4th 501324 Balubad lnteorated School 4th 6 301286 Atrmonan NCHS AlLmonan 4th 108517 Magsaysal E 4th 1 108514 Maligaya ES monan 4th 2 108519 [4alinao lbaba ES Attmonan 4th 1 '108520 [4ahao llaya ES Atimonen 4rh 5 108530 4th 1 108533 Taobakin ES Atrmonan 4th 1 50 165001 Bagong Sileng ES Buenavista 3rd 1Q8536 Betabat ES Buenavista 3rd 3 108s37 Buenavrsta CES Buenevists 3rd 5 '10853S CabonO ES BLenavista 3rd 3 '165008 Sabeng Pnma[y School Buenavrsta 3rd 108551 San Viconle ES Euenevista 3rd 108543 Hagonghong ES Buenevisla 3rd 5 108553 Villa Aurora ES Euenavisla 3rd DEPEDOUEZON-TM SDS 0,t 009 0n3 "*eoting Possibiliiies, lnspiing lnnovotions' Addre3s: Srtro Fon, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Qu€2on tsii Trunkline*: (042) 784'0365, (042)784-0164, (042)784-0391, (0421 784-0321 € mail Address: q ue2o n@ p h Website: wwwdepedq! llublir ot t!,e Ij!,itilorrrs Depsrtment st Clugetiort Reglon lV-A scHoots DMsroN oF QUEzor,r PRovrNcE Buenevista 21 108556 Aluyon ES Burdeos 1st 1 10E558 Anrbawan ES Burcleos 1 '108560 Bonifacio ES Burd€os lst 1 108561 Burdeos CS Burdeos 1st I 108563 Cabunoalunan ES Burdeos 1st 1 108567 Mabinr ES Burdeos 1st 1 104564 Palasan ES Eurdeos 1st 2 108571 Iqlea ES Burdeos 1st 501453 Calulcol lS Burd6os '1st 5 501452 Carlaoan lnteorated Schoo &rrdeos 1st Burdeos 3t 10ffi74 Calauaq East CES Calauag 4th 10 r 08583 San Roque ES Calaueo 4th 3 1085j! Yaoanak ES Calauaq 4th 1 ,| 108592 Apad ES Caleueo 4th 104594 Bantulinao ES Caleu€g 4th 2 't 06600 Kinalin ES 4th 1 104606 Pinagkamaligan ES Calauao 4rh 3 106607 Sabano ES Calauag 4th I 10a609 Sta. Maria ES Calauag 4th 104611 Slo Dominoo ES Calauao 4rh 4 1@612 Sumulong ES CalEUao 4th '108513 Tinambulan ES Calauaq 4th 104614 Tinguiban ES Calauaq 4ih Calauao 11 108617 Krnalihan I ES Candela a 2nd 4 108618 KINATIHAN II ES Cand€laria 2nd 5 108619 MALABANBAN NORTE ES Cand€lerie 2nd 10 108620 Malabsnban Sur Elementary Sdtool Candelaria 2nd 10ffi22 Mangrlag Sur ES Cendelaria 2nd 12 10t625 Mayabobo ES Cand€larig 2nd 2 108626 Pahinga Norie ES Candela.ia 2nd 12 10ffi27 P3hinga Sur ES Candelarie 2nd 4 108628 San Andres ES Candelaria 2^d 6 108629 San lsldro ES Cand€laris znd 4 108630 Santa Catalina CS Candelaria 2nd 10863'l STA, CATALINA NORTE ES Cand€laria 2nd I 108634 Bukal None Elementary Scfrool Candelaria 2^d DEPEOAUEZOT+TM-SOS{4 !09,003 " Oe otl a g Possibi itt/€ s, I nsp Li n g ! n nov etlo rl5" Addrc$: Sitio Fori. Brgy.Talipan, Pagbjlao, Ouezoo ,: (042) 784{356, (042 784-016.4, (04 2) 784439!, 7A44321 HE ) 1142) gmail Addrei6: queion @ dep€ Webilta: AeluUtir ot tlr? ?lrilillin8s Ee$ertmrnt of Gturution RegloD IV-A SCHOOLS DMSION OF N PROVIT{CE 108635 Bukal Sur E School Cendelaria Znd Candolaria Eleme School 1 & 2 Candelaria CANDELARIA ES-MAIN Cancleleda 2rd Masalukot 1 ES Candelrria 2nd 104641 Masrn Elem School i '108642 Ma Elem os ES ae!c!!!c! 108652 Don Abadille ES Catanauan 108663 C Natividad ES San Josg Anyao rasbqqllleqaEq Silan nES Cutcutan ES Dahican ES SAN VICENIE KANLURAN ES Catanauan I 3rd 108666 Taoabas lbeba ES Catanauan 3rd 10a672 Antonino ES Bulakin ES Dolor€s Cenlral School 108676 Dolor€s CS Ann6x 108678 Don Euloqi ES Dolores 108679 Don Eu ES Annex (Putol 108680 Don Severo Felismino ES Dolores Kin ES Pedro Bombane ES ES Rosendo io ES Bacons lbaba ES '108686 Gen.

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