ב"ה JEWISH ART CALENDAR 5778ה‘תשע“ח • 2018–2017 Elul 5777—Tishrei 5778 אלול ה‘תשע“ז–תשרי ה‘תשע“ח SEPTEMBER 2017 THE MONTH OF ELUL Last month in the Jewish year, Elul is a time of introspection and self-examination in preparation for the coming new year. It is customary to blow Shofar after morning prayers (except Shabbat) to remind us of approaching days of judgment--Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. ELUL 12 Birthday of RaMBaN, Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (1194-1270), renowned Talmudic and Biblical commentator, Halachist, Kabbalist, teacher and leader of Spanish Jewry--one of the greatest minds Jewry has produced. Forced to debate with a Jewish apostate and Dominican friar in front of the King, he eminently succeeded in rebutting all arguments and was rewarded by the King. But he was forced to leave Spain for the land of Israel, where he revitalized the defunct Jewish community of Jerusalem and passed away there. ELUL 18 Birthday of Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chassidism, renowned for his love of every Jew. Birthday of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad intellectual branch of Chassidism. ELUL 25 First day of Creation, according to one Talmudic opinion. Rosh Hashanah is the sixth day, LEARNING SAMACH VOV when Man was created. Oil on Canvas by Henoch Lieberman ELUL 26 It is customary on Rosh Hashanah to eat TISHREI 3 FAST OF GEDALIAH holiest day in the Jewish Year. It is so *MVWXHE]XLMW]IEVJSVWE]MRK7IPMGLSX DTVE]IVWJSVJSVKMZIRIWW 8LIƤVWX7IPMGLSX foods symbolizing sweetness, blessings and This fast day commemorates the tragic holy that the soul is “at one” with G-d. are said early Sunday morning after midnight (1:00 a.m. when Daylight Savings Time abundance. assassination of Gedaliah, a great Jewish When the soul is at one, all is forgiven. operates). The other Selichot are said before dawn or early morning. leader during the Babylonian exile. There’s a catch: Nothing must interfere We hear the sounding of the Shofar on both with that oneness. That’s why, from Friday TISHREI 1-2 ROSH HASHANAH days of Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 21 and 22 during TISHREI 6 evening, Sep. 29 until Saturday night, Sep. Rosh Hashanah literally means, Head of the Year. Imagine the year as a body and Rosh the daytime. Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, 30, in addition to the prohibition of work— Hashanah as its brain, containing all the switches for every day of the year. That’s also mother of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi NYWXPMOI7LEFFEXŪXLIVIEVIƤZISXLIV why it is the Day of Judgment: Every moment of these 48 hours, our words and actions 3RXLIƤVWXHE]SJ6SWL,EWLEREL[IZMWMXE Menachem Mendel Schneerson. off-limits activities: Eating and drinking, adjust the program for another day of the year. Over the period of ten days until Yom FSH]SJ[EXIVSVTSRHGSRXEMRMRKPMZIƤWLERH anointing with perfumes or lotions, Kippur, the code can still be revised—by revising our own hearts and lives. After that, it is recite the Tashlich prayers. TISHREI 10 YOM KIPPUR marital relations, washing (for pleasure) burned in. Rewrites are awkward. Yom Kippur (‘Day of Atonement’) is the and wearing leather shoes. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ¥¥¢ ¥¥¢ TIMES SHOWN ARE 10 Elul 11 Elul DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 1 2 FOR ANNAPOLIS SEPTEMBER ¯³¢¤ KI TEITZEI 2017 Avot: chapter 2 Light candles at 7:18 p.m. Shabbat ends at 8:15 p.m. ¥¥¢ ¥¥¢ ¥¥¢ ¥¥¡ ¥¥¡ ¥¥¢ ¥¥ ¢ 3 12 Elul 4 13 Elul 5 14 Elul 6 15 Elul 7 16 Elul 8 17 Elul 9 18 Elul ³¢¤ KI TAVO Avot: chapters 3 & 4 Labor Day Light candles at 7:07 p.m. Shabbat ends at 8:03 p.m. ¥¥¡¢ ¥¥¤ ¥¥¤ ¥¥¤ ¥¥¤ ¥¥¤ ¥¥¤ 10 19 Elul 11 20 Elul 12 21 Elul 13 22 Elul 14 23 Elul 15 24 Elul 16 25 Elul £¥¢¦¢¯© NITZAVIM-VAYELECH Avot: chapters 5 & 6 Shabbat Selichot Light candles at 6:56 p.m. Shabbat ends at 7:52 p.m. ¥¥¤ ¥¥¤ ¥¥ ¤ ¥¥¡¤ ¢±²³ ¢±²³ ¢±²³ 26 Elul 27 Elul 28 Elul 29 Elul 1 Tishrei 2 Tishrei 3 Tishrei 17 18 19 20 Eruv Tavshilin 21 Tashlich 22 23 ©²²±±« ©²²±¦¢ ©²²±¦¢ ©¢ Eve of Rosh Hashanah First day of Second day of HA’AZINU Light candles at 6:48 p.m. ROSH HASHANAH ROSH HASHANAH Shabbat Shuva 16 New Moon: 11:28 18 p.m. Light candles after 7:44 p.m. Light candles at 6:45 p.m. Shabbat ends at at 7:40 p.m. ¢±²³ ¢±²³ ¢±²³ ¢±²³ ¢±²³ ¢±²³¡ ¢±²³¢ 24 4 Tishrei 25 5 Tishrei 26 6 Tishrei 27 7 Tishrei 28 8 Tishrei 29 9 Tishrei 30 10 Tishrei ½¢¥¦¯ ±­¤¦¢±« ±­¤¦¢ FAST OF GEDALIAH Eve of Yom Kippur YOM KIPPUR Fast begins at 5:33 a.m. Light candles at 6:33 p.m. Yizkor Fast ends at 7:28 p.m. Fast begins at 6:47 p.m. Yom Kippur ends at 7:29 p.m. Tishrei–Cheshvan 5778 תשרי–חשון ה‘תשע“ח OCTOBER 2017 TISHREI 15-21 SUKKOT TVSJSYRHQ]WXMGEPWMKRMƤGERGI[I CHESHVAN 7 The Sukkah, a temporary hut with a roof FIEXƤZI[MPPS[FVERGLIWSRXLIƥSSV At the time of the Holy Temple the of leaves, branches or sticks, reminding economy of Israel was dependent us of G-d’s ‘Clouds of Glory’ which TISHREI 22-23 SIMCHAT TORAH on rainfall to make the crops grow. sheltered the Jewish People during their The joy of Sukkot expands for seven Nevertheless, out of their great love for 40 years in the Sinai Desert. Sukkot is days and then bursts into Shemini one another, the Jews in Israel waited two a joyous holiday. For seven days, we Atzeret—a day containing all the full weeks after Sukkot until Cheshvan are once again the original People of joy of the coming year. The second 7 before requesting rain—rather than Moses wandering in the wilderness, evening of Shemini Atzeret, we possibly inconvenience even the last few surrounded by the Clouds of Glory. celebrate Simchat Torah: All the pilgrims on their return trip to the most Only now those clouds are the greenery Scrolls of the Torah are carried from distant boundary of the Holy Land. of a festive hut—called a Sukkah. All their ark around the bimah seven meals are eaten in the Sukkah, barring times, with dance and song. In some CHESHVAN 9 inclement weather. GSQQYRMXMIWXLMWMWHSRISRXLIƤVWX RoSh, Rabbenu Asher ben Yechiel (c1250- night as well. On the morning of the VIRS[RIHGSHMƤIVSJ.I[MWL The Four Kinds second day, every man and boy is law, author of important works, leader Each day of Sukkot, except Shabbat, called to the Torah, as we complete SJ+IVQER.I[V] PEXIVƥIHXS8SPIHS from Oct. 5 until Oct. 11, we shake the the yearly cycle of Torah reading, and Spain), passed away. ‘four kinds’ during the daytime. begin immediately anew. -RXLI/MRKSJ4SPERHEJƤVQIHXLI TISHREI 21 TISHREI 29 rights of the Jews, opening his land to HOSHANA RABBAH Shimon HaTzaddik (‘the righteous’) mass Jewish immigration. Poland and its On Hoshana Rabbah, a verdict is passed away. He was the Head Cohen EJƤPMEXIPERHWSJ0MXLYERME;LMXI6YWWME issued above: How much rain will and leader of Jews for 40 years and the Ukraine, became a haven for descend this year and where. As during the early period of the Second Jews for the next 600 years. Earth’s lawyers, we follow ancient Temple in Jerusalem. During his time GYWXSQWXSMRƥYIRGIXLMWHIGVII Alexander the Great conquered the CHESHVAN 11 All the preceding night, we recite land of Israel (c.313 BCE). Rachel, wife of Jacob, mother of Joseph the Book of Deuteronomy and the and Benjamin, passed away (1563 BCE), Book of Psalms. In the morning, we CHESHVAN 1 according to Midrash. She is buried circle the Torah-reading platform of Sarah, wife of Abraham, passed away outside Bethlehem. The building of First the synagogue seven times, lulav (1676 BCE) according to Midrash. She Temple was completed (823 BCE) but not and etrog in hand, while reciting the is buried in the Cave of Machpela, at dedicated until Tishrei 8 of the following Hoshanot. Then, in an ancient rite of Hebron (Genesis 23). year. ETROG BOX Oil on Canvas by Michoel Muchnik SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ¢±²³¢ ¢±²³¢ ¢±²³¢ ¢±²³¢ ¢±²³¡ ¢±²³¡ ¢±²³¢ 11 Tishrei 12 Tishrei 13 Tishrei 14 Tishrei 15 Tishrei 16 Tishrei 17 Tishrei 1342 Eruv Tavshilin 567 ³¤ª ±« ³¤ª ¦¢ ³¤ª ¦¢ ³¤ª«§¥ Eve of Sukkot First Day of SUKKOT Second Day of SUKKOT 1st Intermediate Day of SUKKOT Light candles at 6:26 p.m. Light candles after 7:21 p.m. Light candles at 6:22 p.m. Shabbat ends at 7:18 p.m. ¢±²³ ¢ ¢±²³¡¢ ¢±²³¤ ¢±²³¤ ¢±²³¤ ¢±²³¤ ¢±²³¤ 18 Tishrei 19 Tishrei 20 Tishrei 21 Tishrei 22 Tishrei 23 Tishrei 24 Tishrei 8 9Legal Holiday 10111213Eruv Tavshilin 14 ³¢²± BEREISHIT ³±¯«¢©¢§² ±ª ±©«² SHEMINI ATZERET ±³³ §² Isru Chag ³¤ª«§¥ ³¤ª«§¥ ³¤ª«§¥ Hoshana Rabbah Yizkor SIMCHAT TORAH Blessing of the new month 2nd Intermediate Day of SUKKOT 3rd Intermediate Day of SUKKOT 4th Intermediate Day of SUKKOT Light candles at 6:15 p.m. Light candles after 7:11 p.m. Light candles at 6:12 p.m. Shabbat ends at 7:08 p.m. ¢±²³¤ ¢±²³¤ ¢±²³¤ ¢±²³ ¤ ¢±²³¡¤ ¢±²³¥ ¨² 15 25 Tishrei 16 26 Tishrei 17 27 Tishrei 18 28 Tishrei 19 29 Tishrei 20 30 Tishrei 21 1 Cheshvan ¨² ² ²± ¨² ² ²± Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan © Light candles at 6:02 p.m NOACH 17 New Moon: 12:12 18 p.m. Shabbat ends at 6:59 p.m. ¨² ¨² ¨² ¨² ¨² ¨² ¨² 22 2 Cheshvan 23 3 Cheshvan 24 4 Cheshvan 25 5 Cheshvan 26 6 Cheshvan 27 7 Cheshvan 28 8 Cheshvan £¥£¥ LECH-LECHA Light candles at 5:53 p.m Shabbat ends at 6:50 p.m. ¨² ¡ ¨² ¢ ¨² ¢ 9 Cheshvan 10 Cheshvan 11 Cheshvan TIMES SHOWN ARE 29 30 31 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME FOR ANNAPOLIS OCTOBER 2017 Cheshvan–Kislev 5778 חשון–כסלו ה‘תשע“ח NOVEMBER 2017 WINTER As per the Talmud, the month of Kislev marks the onset of the winter season in the Holy Land and is the third month of the "Season of the Rains." SANCTIFICATION OF THE MOON Once a month, as the moon waxes in the sky, we recite a special blessing called Kiddush Levanah, XLIWERGXMƤGEXMSRSJXLIQSSRTVEMWMRKXLI Creator for His wondrous work we call astronomy.
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