Campus Locations (alphabetical) 33 Gallows Lane G1 191 Mohegan Apartments D4 360 Apartments H4 740 Williams St. D1 768 Williams St. D1 Abbey House D4 Ann and Lee Higdon Fitness Center G5 Arboretum E4, F1 Becker House G4 Bill Hall E3 Blackstone House F3 Blaustein Humanities Center F2 Bolles House F1 Branford House F3 Burdick House G3 Castle Court D3 College Center at Crozier-Williams G2 Cummings Arts Center D3 Dayton Arena G5 Earth House H4 Fanning Hall E3 Freeman House D2 Gatehouse E3 Hale Laboratory F3 Hamilton House I3 Harkness Chapel F1 Harkness House E2 Vinal Cottage E4 Harris Refectory H2 Warnshuis Health Center F2 Hillyer Hall F3 Williams School C3 Holmes Hall C5 Winchester Houses E5 Horizon House D1 Windham House F2 Jane Addams House D2 Winslow Ames House B4 Ann Werner Johnson ’68 House I2 Winthrop Annex H3 Katharine Blunt House H3 Winthrop House H3 Knowlton House E2 Woodworth House D1 Lambdin House I3 Wright House H2 Larrabee House G3 Zachs Hillel House H3 Lazrus House G2 Jane Cadwell Lott ’36 Natatorium G5 Luce Field House G5 Lyman Allyn Art Museum A3 MOBROC Barn H2 Morrisson House H2 Nichols House C4 F.W. Olin Science Center E3 Palmer Auditorium D3 Park House H2 Plant House F3 Power House F4 President’s House D1 River Ridge Apartments C4 Science Center at New London Hall E3 Service Building B2 Shain Library F2 Silfen Track and Field G6 Smith House G3 Steel House B4 Strickland House C4 Tempel Green D2, E2 Unity House G4 Campus Locations (alphabetical) Campus Locations (alphabetical) 33 Gallows Lane G1 19133 Mohegan Gallows Apartments Lane G1 D4 360191 Apartments Mohegan H4 Apartments D4 740360 Williams Apartments St. D1 H4 768740 Williams Williams St. D1St. (Center for the Comparative Abbey Study House of D4 Race and Ethnicity) D1 Academic768 Williams Resource St. D1Center in Shain Library F2 AccessibilityAbbey House Services D4 in Shain Library F2 AdmissionAcademic Building Resource (Horizon Center House) F2 D1 AnnAccessibility and Lee Higdon Services Fitness F2 Center G5 A B C D E F G H I J Arboretum (CarolinenoissimdA BlackgnidliuB Garden)noziroH( E4 )esuoH D1 ArboretumAnn and (Native Lee Higdon Plant FitnessCollection) Center F1 G5 ARBORETUM NATIVE PLANT 33 GALLOWS LANE BeckerArboretum House (Alumni,(Caroline Advancement, Black Garden) E4 COLLECTION ENTRANCE Communications)Arboretum (Native G4 Plant Collection) F1 BillThe Hall Barn E3 H2 SUNSET ROAD PRESIDENT’S BlackstoneBecker HouseHouse (Alumni,F3 Advancement, BUS STOP P 768 WILLIAMS ST. HOUSE Blaustein Communications) Humanities CenterG4 (Ernst Common Room, 1 WILLIAMS STREET Hood Bill Hall Dining E3 Room, Walter Commons for Global Study 740 WILLIAMS ST. GALLOWS LANE andBlackstone Engagement: House CCSRE, F3 CISLA, Study Away, Global LearningBlaustein Lab, Humanities Global Initiatives Center in ofces) Palmer F2 Library (CISLA)F2 BOLLES P BollesBolles House House F1 F1 WOODWORTH HOUSE BranfordBranford House House F3 F3 HARKNESS Burdick House (Womxn’s and LGBTQIA Centers) G3 HORIZON Burdick House (Womxn’s and LGBTQIA Centers) G3 CHAPEL P HOUSE LAZRUS CastleCastle Court Court D3 D3 P P P CollegeCollege Center Center at Crozier-Williams at Crozier-Williams (Snack Shop, Cro’s TENNIS Nest, (Snack 1941 Shop,Room, Cro’s 1962 Room,Nest, 1941Bookshop, Room, Post Ofce, COURTS WARNSHUIS Camel Card, Community Partnerships, Holleran J.A. HARKNESS 1962 Room, Bookshop, Post Ofce, Camel 6 5 KNOWLTON WINDHAM P MOBROC Center Card, ofces) Community G2 Partnerships, SPROUT BARN Cummings Holleran Arts Center Center ofces) (Evans Hall,G2 Oliva Hall, FREEMAN GARDEN Greer Music Library, art galleries) D3 2 WRIGHT Cummings Arts Center (Evans Hall, Oliva Hall, PARK JOHNSON Dayton Arena G5 Greer Music Library) D3 SHAIN Earth House H4 LIBRARY P Dayton Arena G5 Fanning Hall (Administration, President, Registrar) E3 AD ASTRA 1 THE PLEX TEMPEL GREEN BLAUSTEIN 4 CROZIER- Earth House H4 GARDEN BENHAM AVENUE Financial Aid Services (Larrabee House) G3 WILLIAMS Fanning Hall (Administration, President) E3 SERVICE Freeman House D2 BUILDING 3 MORRISSON Freeman House D2 OUTDOOR Gatehouse E3 LAMBDIN Gatehouse E3 CLASSROOM HAMILTON Hale Laboratory F3 P P HamiltonHale Laboratory House I3 F3 Hamilton House I3 P Harkness Chapel F1 Harkness Harkness House Chapel E2 F1 PLANT BRANFORD SMITH CUMMINGS 7 PALMER SCIENCE CENTER AT 2 K.B. HillyerHarkness Hall (Tansill House Theater, E2 Printing and Mailing BILL HALL ARTS CASTLE AUDITORIUM NEW LONDON Holmes Hall (Children’s Program) C5 3 CENTER COURT HALL Services) F3 BURDICK HolmesHorizon Hall House (Children’s (Admission Program) Building) C5 D1 FANNING BLACKSTONE HorizonJane House Addams (Admission House (JA) Building) D2 D1 P P Ann Werner Johnson ’68 House I2 LARRABEE Jane Addams House (JA) D2 HILLYER HALL Ann Katharine Werner Johnson Blunt House ‘68 House (KB) I2 H3 LYMAN ALLYN GATEHOUSE WINTHROP P HALE KatharineKnowlton Blunt House House E2 (KB) H3 ART MUSEUM OLIN LABORATORY WINTHROP ANNEX ZACHS HILLEL HOUSE Lambdin House I3 WILLIAMS POWER HOUSE P Knowlton House E2 WINSLOW SCHOOL UNITY LambdinLarrabee House House I3 G3 HOUSE BECKER AMES EARTH 360 APARTMENTS HOUSE LarrabeeLazrus House House (FinancialG2 Aid Services) G3 HOUSE MAIN HOUSE STEEL NICHOLS STRICKLAND ENTRANCE LazrusJane House Cadwell G2 Lott ’36 Natatorium HOUSE Jane (swimmingCadwell Lott pool ’36 )Natatorium G5 (swimming pool) G5 Luce Luce Field Field House House G5 G5 MOHEGAN AVENUE (ROUTE 32) 4 PEDESTRIAN Lyman Lyman Allyn Allyn Art MuseumArt Museum A3 A3 VINAL BRIDGE MOBROCMorrisson Barn House H2 H2 191 MOHEGAN COTTAGE MorrissonNichols House House H2 (Campus Safety) C4 REGIONAL OVERVIEW APARTMENTS ABBEY NicholsF.W. House Olin Science (Campus Center Safety) (observatory, C4 RIVER RIDGE F. W. OlinGoodwin-Niering Science Center Center (observatory,) E3 APARTMENTS CAROLINE BLACK GARDEN Goodwin-NieringPalmer Auditorium Center)D3 E3 (ARBORETUM) P PalmerPark Auditorium House H2 D3 ParkPlant House House H2 F3 Plant House H3 ARBORETUM Power House F4 L Power House F4 O NEW LONDON CONNECTICUT President’s House D1 TEERTS NOHSED TEERTS N DAYTON G COLLEGE HOLMES LUCE President’s House D1 ARENA River Ridge Apartments C4 Dining Facilities I HALL P S FIELD HOUSE River Ridge Apartments C4 L WINCHESTER A Science Center at New London Hall E3 N HOUSES 5 D THAMES Science Center at New London Hall E3 FITNESS 1 Service Building (Facilities Management) B2 R Harris Refectory RIVE S P Service Building (Facilities Management) B2 O CENTER U 2 Coffee Grounds Shain Library (Academic Resource Center) F2 N LOTT Shain Library (Academic Resource Center) F2 D P GROTON NATATORIUM 3 Silfen Track and Field G6 Oasis Snack Shop Silfen Track and Field G6 Smith House G3 4 Blue Camel Café Smith House G3 Steel House (Ofce of Sustainability) B4 5 Walk-in Coffee Closet at Ruane's Den Steel House (Ofce of Sustainability) B4 Strickland House (Human Resources) C4 6 Jane Addams Dining Hall Strickland House (Human Resources) C4 Tansill Theater at Hillyer Hall (Printing 7 Coffee Closet Unity House (Race and Ethnicity Programs) G4 and Mailing Services) F3 SILFEN TRACK Vinal Cottage (Career and Professional Development) E4 Unity House G4 AND FIELD Walter Commons for Global Study and Engagement in Administrative/Academic Buildings Emergency Phone BlausteinVinal Cottage Humanities (Career Center Program) (CCSRE,E4 CISLA, Study Away,Warnshuis Global Health Learning Center Lab, GlobalF2 Initiatives ofces) F2 Automatic Door 6 Residential Buildings WarnshuisWilliams Health School Center (secondary F2 school) C3 Winchester Houses E5 P Parking Williams School (secondary school) C3 Other WinchesterWindham Houses House E5F2 WindhamWinslow House Ames F2 House (Ammerman Center) B4 Dining Facility Location Preferred Accessible Route TO BOATHOUSE, DAWLEY FIELD AND THAMES RIVER WinslowWinthrop Ames Annex House H3 (Ammerman Center) B4 WinthropWinthrop Annex House H3 H3 WinthropWoodworth House House H3 D1 A B C D E F G H I J WoodworthWright House House H2D1 WrightZachs House Hillel H2 House H3 Zachs Hillel House H3 Campus Locations (alphabetical) Campus Locations (alphabetical) 33 Gallows Lane G1 33 Gallows Lane G1 Be on the lookout for map locations and their grid coordinates throughout this guide! 191 Mohegan Apartments D4 360191 Apartments Mohegan H4 Apartments D4 740360 Williams Apartments St. D1 H4 768740 Williams Williams St. D1St. (Center for the Comparative Abbey Study House of D4 Race and Ethnicity) D1 Academic768 Williams Resource St. D1Center in Shain Library F2 AccessibilityAbbey House Services D4 in Shain Library F2 AdmissionAcademic Building Resource (Horizon Center House) F2 D1 AnnAccessibility and Lee Higdon Services Fitness F2 Center G5 A B C D E F G H I J Arboretum (CarolinenoissimdA BlackgnidliuB Garden)noziroH( E4 )esuoH D1 ArboretumAnn and (Native Lee Higdon Plant FitnessCollection) Center F1 G5 ARBORETUM NATIVE PLANT 33 GALLOWS LANE BeckerArboretum House (Alumni,(Caroline Advancement, Black Garden) E4 COLLECTION ENTRANCE Communications)Arboretum (Native G4 Plant Collection) F1 BillThe Hall Barn E3 H2 SUNSET ROAD PRESIDENT’S BlackstoneBecker HouseHouse (Alumni,F3 Advancement, BUS STOP P 768 WILLIAMS ST. HOUSE Blaustein Communications) Humanities CenterG4 (Ernst Common Room, 1 WILLIAMS STREET Hood Bill Hall Dining E3 Room, Walter Commons for Global Study 740 WILLIAMS ST. GALLOWS LANE andBlackstone Engagement: House CCSRE, F3 CISLA, Study Away, Global LearningBlaustein Lab, Humanities Global Initiatives Center in ofces) Palmer F2 Library (CISLA)F2 BOLLES P BollesBolles House House F1 F1 WOODWORTH HOUSE BranfordBranford House House F3 F3 HARKNESS
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