Columbia Union Visitor Representing the Conferences of Ohio, Potomac, Allegheny, East Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Chesapeake, West Pennsylvania, West Virginia Vol. 52 Washington, D. C., March 20, 1947 No. 12 Help for Parents and Teachers have experienced the deep grief of A typical letter from Germany one of the family's being side- follows: "You have no idea at all I HAVE just finished preparing tracked from the fold, and if we how eagerly your papers are read the copy which will appear in the can do something to help other by our friends. We have lost Department of Education section mothers from this sad experience everything we possess — papers, of the May Church Officers' Ga- it will be our pleasure to do so." books, everything. It is unfortun- zette, for use in the Home and When lay members in their own ate that we cannot secure any here, School Association meetings. I en- homes feel the burden to save and which papers and books are just joyed the articles so thoroughly train the children and youth of the as important to me and for the myself that I cannot resist telling church, then there is hope of an people here, as are food and cloth- you about them. I wish that these upward, progressive movement. ing. We beg of you to help us articles might appear in the Review Will you not join those who are with the bread of life." We can and Herald, so that every Adventist determined to make their homes use many thousands of subscrip- mother and father might benefit truly Christian? If you do all in tions for these needy calls. from this excellent material on your power to this end, then you B. L. GRUNDSET "Teaching the Value and Use of can confidently claim the promise Pacific Press Publishing Associa- Money." But then, I do not know of Isaiah 49:25. "I will contend tion, Brookfield, Illinois that this particular program is any with him that contendeth with more important or more interest- thee, and I will save thy children." ing than the one for March on If your church has no Home and "Music in Home and School," or School Association, and cannot be that on "Personality and Charac- persuaded to form one, will you NEW JERSEY ter" for April. not get the Gazette and read these W. B. HILL, Pres. J. 0. McLEOD, S.-T. 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton 8, N. J. The thing that really concerns articles for yourself, from month Make wills and legacies in favor of the me today is that these good helps to month? New Jersey Conference Association of Seventh- are available each month, yet not MRS. FLORENCE REBOK day Adventists. all our parents are receiving the Assistant Secretary for Parent and benefit. Of course, we all know Home Education, General Confer- the place of the church school in ence Department of Education Evidences of Foresight the Christian training of our chil- THE members of the Cape May dren; but I fear many churches are Court House Church have laid overlooking the benefit they might Circulate Foreign "Signs" plans for one of the finest children's receive from the Home and School departmental rooms for their Sab- Association, which provides help ON February 3 the War Depart- bath school in the New Jersey for every teacher of our children ment announced that German na- Conference. Already they have —the teachers in the home as well tionals and institutions in the gone a long way toward complet- as those in the classroom. United States occupation zone of ing these plans in their new church. Germany will be permitted to re- Some think they have very good They are covering the cement floor ceive packages of printed matter excuses for not conducting regular in the basement with asphalt tile. Home and School meetings, but are of 4 pounds, 6 ounces. It is our They have ceiled the room with they valid reasons that will stand understanding that the remaining an attractive ceiling board. The in the day when the Judge shall zones of Germany soon will be walls are to be decorated with nice ask, "Where is the flock that was opened for mail privileges. pictures and pretty window cur- given thee, thy beautiful flock?" One of the greatest missionary tains are to be hung—all designed Or will those parents bow their opportunities that presents itself to inspire the children toward a heads in grief and shame, answer- to our people at this time is that ing pitifully, "My children are of getting our foreign Signs of the spirit of true worship. gone forth of me, and they are Times into the homes of the 22,- Similar plans are also in effect not?" Certainly as parents we need 000,000 people in this country who in Trenton, where separate rooms every possible help in doing our were born in homes where English for each of the children's depart- task better as the days come and is not the spoken word, but a for- ments are definitely under con- go. eign language is spoken, as well struction. Not long ago the Jericho Then there is the specific train- as to lands across the sea. Church members added a new and ing for parents contained in the The most heart-rending appeals very attractive room to their Home Education courses prepared have come to us from our own church—just for the children. by the General Conference De- land, and especially from the war- Bridgeton is planning considerable partment of Education and dis- torn countries of Europe, such as changes in their children's room. tributed by the Home Study Insti- Germany, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Asbury Park minds are running tute. One mother wrote to us re- South America, and many other in the same direction. Camden cently: "Two of us in this church lands. has a very unique plan. While fact, are essential to the proper with us, and as we helped her into ANNOUNCING— and effective operation of the Sab- the car she was so exhausted she bath school for the children. could hardly get her breath to Quarterly meeting of C. R. FRENCH speak. Federated Dorcas Benevolent Services of South Jersey Secretary, Conference Sabbath She had been to the store to se- WHEN: Wednesday, March School Department cure her groceries that welfare 26, 10:30 to 3:30. funds provided for her. She had WHERE: Camden Seventh- no relatives or kind friends to do day Adventist Church, Ken- her errands for her; in fact, she wood and Bradley Avenues $1,947 in 1947 even split her own wood. She is (one block from Haddon Ave- nue on Bradley). BEGINNING the night of Febru- 79 years old. When we arrived at Bring your lunch. The Cam- ary 8, without one penny on hand her humble two-room abode den Society will furnish the as a nest egg, the Bridgeton (which looked as though it were dessert. Church, under the leadership of at one time a wash house or other HELEN HAASE out-building) we found it very Secretary-Treasurer Pastor Thomas P. Ipes and Brother Elvin Feltman, the missionary clean and neat, and with a prom- leader, began their Ingathering ise to come again we slipped a small amount of money in her they are somewhat handicapped by campaign. On Sunday night, February 23, hand and said good-bye. finding it necessary to meet in the A short time later we took her schoolroom, the leaders have gone the entire amount of their goal of $1,947 was in hand. a bushel basket heaped high with to a great deal of additional effort tempting food. Elder Voorhees, This is, indeed, outstandingly to screen a section of the room Conference Dorcas Secretary, ac- good work in Bridgeton. May it which each week is set up in a companied us this time and he be an example to all of us. very becoming fashion where the read to her some Scripture and of- C. R. FRENCH small children come together on fered prayer. Her heart seemed the Sabbath. It takes more work, touched and she said she could not but the leaders believe that it go to church any more, having no pays dividends in better attention means of transportation. We told on the part of the children, and a CHESAPEAKE her we would take her to church more worshipful spirit in their C. V. LEACH, Pres. A. B. BUTLER, S.-T. with us some time. service. Burlington and Vineland 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville 28, Md. We were remiss in our duty and have long had their own room just Make wills and legacies in favor of tits did not see her for awhile, but Chesapeake Conference Association of Seventh- for the children. What these Sab- day Adventists. when we went back with another bath schools have done for their ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1111•••••••••••••••1•1111. basket of food she said, "I've been children, every school in New Jer- waiting to go to church." Those sey can do. It is time that we Dorcas Work in Martinsburg were accusing words and we de- should put more emphasis upon termined that we would take her providing for the coming genera- THE Lord has wonderfully the very next Sabbath. tion of our church. blessed the work of the Dorcas Since this contact she has given Nicely painted, brightly colored society in Martinsburg during the up snuff which she had used since chairs and tables, clean, becoming past two years as its members she was ten years of age and is curtains, beautiful and varied pic- have rallied to the work of helping anxious to go to church.
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