1fib.,," J6i' ',::'1" Panaji~ 14th Jv1arch, 1989 (Phalguna 23, 1910) SERIES III No. 49 GA. ETTE OFFICIL.:r· GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Commurlfty Development and Panchayafs Offic~' of the Collector North Goa pistrict. Panaji Election Branch Notification No: 2-1-87-V1?'l'/ELN/Vol.1I1 In pursuance of the provisions of section 15 Of the Goa, Daman' and tliu Village Panchayat Regulations, HHl2 (No.9 of 1962) read with the proVisions Of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village .Panchayat (Election Procedure) Rules, 1961, I, R. I. Jaiprakash, Collector of North Goa District, Panaji, hetreby notify for public information that the following persons whose}lllllles appear in Column No. 4 haVe been duly elected. to fill the Unreserved/Reserved seat of the ward indicated~'Column No.3 Of the Village Panchayat shown in Column No.2 in the Schedule annexed below from tliit Tiswadi T3{1uka . .,sr. Name of the Village Ward Address Remarks No. Panchayat No. Name.ot elected candidate 1 2 3 4 5 . -6 1. Taleigao 1 Krishna Arjun Vaigankar Barbat, H. No. 565, Taleigao 2 Agnelo Joao Almeida: H._ No. 436"Posrembhat, Taleigao 3 Simon August D'Souza -H. No. 251/C.Querant, Taleigao 4 Kashinath Chudu Kuttikar H. No. 610, Nagally, Taleigao-Goa 5 Jaishri Dhaku Gauns H. No. 45; Keunem, Taleigao Reserved 6 Babuso Jose Dias H. No. 79, Oitalem, Taleigao 7 Nicholas' Pedro Fernandes H. No. 274, Cardoz Waddo, Taleigao 8 NaryanHari Naik H. No. 252, Cardozwaddo Taleigao .. -- ~'Satyap:l", Shankar:wad~, 9 SompathDa~ta ZuWarkar ". ,. '-~ .. Taleigao U:q.opPQs!;!d 2. Santa Cruz 1 Rodolf Victoria Fernandes Bondir Santa Cruz Unopposed 2 Crispin Julu Fernandes Santa Cruz, 2nd Bairro, Ilhas Goa 3 Victor Benjamin Gonsalves H.No. 1057, 1st Bairo, Santa Cruz, Ilhas Goa 4 Jose Joao Fernandes St. AgDstinho, H. No. 880 (Morod) Santa Cruz, Ilhas Goa 5 Maria Offlia Fernandes St. Agostinho, Ubo-Dando, Santa Cruz Reserved 6 Antonio Agosto Gonsalves No Bairro Cabessa, Santa Cruz, Ilhas -, Goa 1 William Antonio Gonsalves No BairroCabessa, santa Cruz; Ilhas Goa 8 Domingos Caitano Jose LourenCO Cujira, Santa Cruz 9 J. Ventura Francisco Po St. Agostihho, Ubo :DandO, Santl:i. Oruz 3. Chimbel ·1 Batu Omu Kaulekar Gavant, H. No. 133, Post Chimbel 2 Sitaram Damu Kandl)lkat Kirlawada, Chimbel Goa 3 Vithu Adkonkar Chimbel Kirlawada, H. No.2 4 Deusur Gani Abdul Sarisab :8;. No. 704, Indiranagar, Chimbel. Tiswadi 5 Nageshwari Raja Gawder H. No. 817, Indiranag-ar, Chimbel Reserved Tiswadi 6 Ganesh Jaidev Kunkolienkar - H. No. 330, Xlrent, Chimbel, Tiswadt 7 .. CYPtiano Rocozinha Goes H. No. 247, Chimbelwado, Chimbel 8 Suresh Vithal Nasnodkar H.No. 133, Chimbel, Ilhas Goa .tJ 'VaSsudeo Keshav Lawande Ma,.nagwaqa House No. 32, Chimbel Goa 642 SERiES 111 !lP~ ':J9-; <.'. 2 3: 4 I> 6 4. Curea, Bambolim 1 Prabhakar Tukaram Adpaikar P. O. Goa Velha Govali-MouIa. Ilhas TalaUlim Goa ' 2 Namdev Betu Gauns Santan-Talaulim, P. O. Goa Velha, Ilhas Goa ' 3 Antonio Baptis D'Souza P.O. Goa Velha Curea, Canturllin. Ilhas Goa 4 Chandrakant Joao Cortez Curea, AreaII' 5 Bertha Inas Cardoz Curea, P. O. Goa Velha, Ilhas Goa Reserved 6 Prakash Mahadev Sawant p. O. Goa Velha, Curea,Wad;-Wad, Ilhas Goa 7 Prakash Mahadev Sawant P. O. Goa Velha Wad-Wad, Ilhas Goa 8 Cholu Moga Gauns Bambolim, Behind the Church, P. O. Santa Cruz 9 Prakash Mahadev Sawant P. 9. Goa Velha,Curca WadWad, !has Goa ' Ii, Panaji, 14th March, 1989. - The Collector of North Goa District, R. I. Jaiprakash. Notification No. 2-1-87-VPT/ELN/Vol. m In pursuance of the provisions of Section i5 of the, GOa, Daman' and Diu Village Panchayat Regulations, 1962 (No. 9 of 1962) read with the provisions of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Panchayat (Election Procedure) Rules, 1967, I,·R, I. Jaiprakash" Collector of North Goa District, Panaji, herreby notify for public information that the foHowing persons whose names appear in Column No.4· haVe been duly elected to fill the Unreserved/Reserved seat of the ward 'indicated in Column No. 3 of the Village Panchayatshown in, Column No.2 in the Schedule annexed below from the Ponda Taluka. , ' SCHEDULE Name of Sr. No. Village Ward Name of Elected Candidate Address Remarks Panehayat No. 1 2 '3 4 5 6 l, QueuIa 1 Pramod Anant Rail{.ar H. No. 12, Kapileshwari 2 Chandrakant Yeshwant Kawlekar Kapilesgwari,Daag. 3 Anand Pandu Naik Varchawada, Queula 4 Ganesh Dattu Naik Varchawada, Dhawali I> Smt. Dipali Dayanand Naik Paunwada, Kawlem Re$erved 6 Shri Magan Surat Kawlekar H. No. 11, Gauthan, Queula 7 Shri Shrikant Pandurang Naik Galaxirem, Kawlem Bhamaikar 2. Bandora 1 Shri. Datta Bablo Tilve Kurpas, Bandora 2 Shri Santosh Pandurang Namshikar Nageshim, Bandora 3 Shri' Suresh .Upi ,Naik . H. No. 1229, Kurpas-:Baridora 4 Shri Shashikant Vithal Bandodkar Bokodbag,' Bandora I> Smt. Depali DilipTari Kharwada, Bandora .. Reserved 6 Shri Rohidas Yeshwant Naik und Kharwada-Bandora Unopposed'..: 7 Shri Narendra Gariesh Gaunekar H. : No.. 489, Pokharbag, Ban.dora 8 Shri DineshNarayan Naik Gaunem, Bandora 9 Shri Mulla Farroq Hassan Safa 'Masid Shapur : Paliaji~ 14th March, 1989~,...,;.. The Collector of North GoaDistrict, R. I. Jaipraka8h. Notification No. 2-1-87-VPTjElLN/Votm '. - In pursuance of the provisions of Section 15 of the Goa, Daman, and Diu Village Panchayat Regulations, 1962 (No. 9 of 1962) read with the provisions 'of the Goa, Daman aild Diu Village 'Panchayat (Election Procedure) Rules, 1967, I, R. I. Jaiprakash, Collector of North Goa District, Panaji, hereby notify for public information that the following persons whose names appear in ColumIi No.) 4 have been 'duly· elected to' fill the Unr~served!Reserved seat of the ward indicated in Column No.3 of the VillagePanchayat shown in Column No.2 in the Schedule annexed below from the Bardez Tal~ SCHEDULE' Name of' Ward Remrurks ,Sr. No. Village Na.i:n:e.. ·of Elected .Candidate - Address i.:' Panchayat' No. '3 4 .... I> . , 6 1. Revora 1 Shri Ramkris~a Narayan Phildte Mukrpi-Re.V6i-a, H. No. 261, Bardez 2 Kamlakant .. Surya . Revora - Mukroi "Vada, H. No. 252, Bardez :f4THMcAROH, 1989 (PHALG'UNA 23, 1910) 643 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 Ankush Saulo Harmalker 2- Karkachoval, H. No, 159-1, Revora Barqez 4 Umesh Sadanand Gaunker Tank Revora, H. No. 370, Bardez 5 . Severina Inasin Rebello ,/ H. No. 71, Revora, Bardez Refjerved 2. Nadora 1 Jidram Dhondu Gawas Nadora Wadi, H. No. 188-A, Bardez 2 Pandurang Harischandra Gawas H. No. 137 (2-A), Nadora Gawant, Bardez 3' Anand Gopal Ga~as H~ No. 84, Nadora, Bardez 4 Ramchanura Datea Kalangutkar H. No. 16, Jua Nadora, Bardez 5 Smt. Philomena Nelson Trindade Nadora, Bardez Reserved/ Unopposed Panaji, 14th March, 1989. - The Collector of North' Goa District; R. 'I: Jaiprakash. Notification No. 2-1-87-VPT/ELN/Vol. TIl , '" In pursuance of the provisions of Section 15 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Panchayat Regulations, 1962 (No.9 Qf 1962) read with the provisions of the Goa, Daman and Diu Villa:ge Panchayat (Election' Procedure) Rules, 'lB67, I, R. I. Jaiprakash, Collector of North Goa District, Panaji, hereby notify for public information that the following persons whose names appear in Column No.' 4 have been duly elected to fill the Unreserved/Reserved seat of the ward indicated in Column No.3 of the Village Panchayat shown in Column No.2 in the Schedule annexed'below from the Pernem Taluka. A.: SCHEDULE Name of Ward Sr. No. Village Name of Elected Candidate Address , RemaJI'ks Panchayat No. 1. Casnem Ambe- 1 Shri Eknath Bhagvan Kaskar, Naibag-Pernem rem Poroscodem 2 Shri Sharad Dhondu Kudav Analem-Pernem -do- 3 Shri Vassudev Shakaram Raul Casnem-Pernem -do- 4 Shri Atmaram Eku Gadekar Nigal-Pernem -do- 5 Smt. Matildadu Domingo Fer- Poroscodem-Pernem Reserved nandes 2. Tuem 1. Shri Bapu Rama Subhaji Tuenkar Gaonkarwada Tuem-Pernem -do- 2 Shri, Tulsidas Laxman Raut -do- -do- 3 Shri Uihas Rama Naik Bandirwada Tuem-Pernem -do- 4. Shri Joaquim Baltazar Fernandes, Bagzalurem-Pernem -do- 5 Smt. Manisha MangueshHarmalkar Harmalkarwada-Tuem Pernem Reserved 3. Virnora 1 Shri Khema Vishram Parab Virnora-Pernem -do- 2 Shri Prabhakar Vasu Parab Virnora Madhalawada Pernem -do- 3 Shri Pevendra Jaganath Parab Virnora Madhalwada Pernem -'do- 4 Shri Gajanan Laxman Shet Kor- Malpem-Pernem gaonkar -,-do- 5 Smt. Sanchita Digambar Rao Bhutawadi-Pernem Reserved Panaji, 14th March, 1989: -The Collector of North GoaDistrlct, R; I. Jaiprakash• • OHice ()f the Collector of South Goa District, Margao Election Branch Notification No. 71/5/88~ELN In pursuance of 'the proVlSlons of Section 15 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Panchayat Regulation 1962 ,(No.9 of 1962) read with Sub-Rule (2) of Rule 53 -of ,the Goa, Daman and Diu Panchayat (Election Procedure) Rules 1967, it is hereby, notified for the public information that the following Panchayat shown in Column No. 2 in the Schedule annexed below from Sanguem Taluka. SCHEDULE Name- of Ward Sr. No. Village ( Name of Elected Candidate Address RemaJrks Panchayat No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Uguem I Shri Bablo Shankar Gaonkar. H. No. 30711, DessaiWado, Uguem, - Taluka Sanguem. IT Shri Milagres FernandeS: H. No. 27, Uddamoddi, Uguem Sangtiem Tauka. i" '. \, " i. '.,~. 1 2 3 4 5 6: ~--~----------------------~~------------------------------, :qIShri Piedade Fernandes H. No. 255/A, Uguilm, Sanguem , , Taltika. , IV Shri Damodar Ganesh NailL H. No. 16, Saudimol, Uguem. (Unopposed) : Y ,Smt: Ppabl).awa,ti Prabhakar Nailt iI. No.4, Temchiwado, Uguem. Reserved (Unopposed) VI Shri Kusta Krishna Gawas Zariwada Cotarlim, Sanguem Taluka. VII ,', ShriKeshav Yeshwant Naik Marangan, Muguli. (Unopposed) , 2. Bhati I Shri Vassudev Meng Gaonkar Bhati, Sl3.nguemTaluka. II Shri Pandit Shauu Naik H, No., 82, Bhati, Sanguem Taluka.
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