Euro LEaguE WomEn Book of Champions 2017 1 Book of Champions 2017 Kseniia Krimer, Kinef Kirishi, has played in the last two Final Four competitions. Seen here with the ball in hand, she is challenged by Stefania Charalampidi of Greece in the match between Russia and Greece in the 2014 European Championships (Photo by Pasquale Mesiano, Insidefoto/ Deepbluemedia) Contents: summary of Len european Cup Results, 1987-1999 and Champions Cup 1999-2003 3 Len Champions Cup- detailed results, 2004-2013 9 Len euro League Women, 2013-16 33 Women’s Len trophy 48 Len Women’s super Cup 48 euro League Women Rules 49 Cover: Anna Espar, Sabadell, who was a member of Sabadell’s 2016 Euro League winning side. She was also a member of Spain’s European Championship winning side in 2014 (Photo: Pasquale Mesiano, Deepbluemedia) 2 Len euRopean Cup ResuLts Alexandra Asimaki, Olympiacos, works to control the ball. Asimaki played on the winning Euro League team in 2014 and 2015. She also won a gold medal with the Greek team at the 2011 World Championships (Photo: Pasquale Mesiano, Deepbluemedia) 1.1 1987 FINALs Held Creteil, France, December 1987 SEmi FinaLS Donk gouda nED 14 Szentes Hun 10 Dauphins Creteil FRA Volturno iTa 3rD pLaCE Szentes Hun 12 Volunturno iTa 9 FinaL Donk gouda nED 15 Dauphins Creteil Fra 10 1.2 1988-9 CHampionS Donk gouda nED 3 1.3 1980-90 CHampionS nereus nED 1.4 1990-1 CHampionS Donk gouda nED 1.5 1991-92 Dora Csabai, a member of the UVSE Budapest team which finished CHampionS runners up to Sabadell in last year’s final. Here, she is playing for Brandenburg nED Hungary in the 2014 European Water Polo Championships (Photo: Pasquale Mesiano, Deepbluemedia) 2nD uralochka Zlatoust ruS 3rD Vasutas Hun 4rD Dauphins Creteil Fra 1.6 1992-3 CHampionS Szentes Hun 2nD orizzonte Catania iTa 3rD Donk gouda nED 4rD Uralochka Zlatoust ruS FinaL Szentes Hun 6 ~ 5 Orizzonte Catania iTa 4 1.7 1993-94 CHampionS orizzonte Catania iTa 2nD Nereus nED 3rD Vasutas Hun 4rD Voulagmeni grE 1.8 1994-5 CHampionS Nereus nED 2nD Giulia Enrica Emmolo, the Italian water polo player, reaches for orizzonte Catania iTa the ball over Jennifer Pareja, Spain, during the 2012 European Championships. Giulia, who played for Greek side Olympiacos in 3rD the 2016 Euro League, won a silver medal at the Rio Olympics and a bronze at the 2015 World Championships Szentes Hun (Photo: Giorgio Scala, Deepbluemedia) 4rD nancy Fra 1.9 1995-6 CHampionS Nereus nED 2nD SKiF moscow ruS 3rD Orizzonte Catania iTa 4rD Olympiacos grE FinaL ZWm nereus Zaandam nED 8 ~ 7 SKiF moscow ruS 5 1.10 1996-7 FINALs Finals- Zaandam, netherland, 12th-16th march SEmi FinaLS SKiF moscow ruS 8 Orizzonte Catania iTa 7 Mediterrani Barcelona ESp 3 ZWm nereus Zaandam nED 14 3rD pLaCE Orizzonte Catania iTa 6 Mediterrani Barcelona ESp 4 FinaL SKiF moscow ruS 7 ZWm nereus Zaandam nED 6 1.11 1997-8 FINALs Finals-Catania, italy, 20th-24th may SEmi FinaLS Orizzonte Catania iTa 7 ZWm nereus Zaandam nED 6 SKiF moscow ruS 9 Hungerit Szentesi Hun 6 3rD pLaCE ZWm nereus Zaandam nED 8 Hungerit Szentesi Hun 7 FinaL Orizzonte Catania iTa 7 SKiF moscow ruS 6 1.12 1998-9 CHampionS SKiF moscow ruS 2nD Donk gouda nED 3rD Orizzonte Catania iTa 4rD BEaC Hun FinaL SKiF moscow ruS 8 Donk gouda nED 6 6 Len Champions Cup 1.13 1999-2000 CHampionS Glyfada grE 2nD SKiF moscow ruS 3rD Szentes Hun 4rD Orizzonte Catania iTa 5TH Assuron Donk gouda NED 6TH Uralochka Zalatoust RUS 7TH Meditarrani Barcelone ESp 8TH Hohenlimburger SV GEr FinaL Glyfada grE 7 SKiF moscow ruS 5 Winning TEam Georgia Elliaki, Stanourola Kozompoli, aikateriu ikonomopoulou, Evangelia moraitidou, antonia moratti, Camilla pedroza, paraskevi Vassou, Katiana Zacharaki Maria Del Pilar Pena, a member of Sabadell’s winning side in the 2016 Euro League final. Sabadell defeated UVSE Budapest 11-8 in the final (Photo: Pasquale Mesiano, Deepbluemedia) 7 1.14 2000-1 CHampionS Orizzonte Catania iTa 2nD Glyfada grE 3rD Uralochka Zlatoust ruS 4rD Szentes Hun FinaL Orizzonte Catania iTa 12 Glyfada grE 6 Winning TEam Francesca Conti, Yvette Higgins, marny Colquhoun, moira Vaccalluzzo, Tania di mario, Silvia Bosurgi, giusi malato, Cinzia ragusa, ann Dow, maddalena musumeci, Francesca pavan, Chiara Brancati, marina mure 1.15 2001-2 CHampionS Orizzonte Catania iTa 17-12 5 points 2nD Uralochka Zlatoust ruS 20-20 3 points 3rD Glyfada grE 17-18 3 points 4rD Dunaujvaros Hun 12-16 1 point Other SEmi FinaL rounD TEamS: Cn Sabadell ESp Slavia Hradec Kralove CZE Blau-Weiss Bochum GEr ASpTT nancy Fra Winning TEam Silvia Bosurgi, Chiara Brancati, marny Colquhoun, Christina Conti, ann Dow, Yvette Higgins, giusi malato, Tania di mario, marina mure, maddalena musumeci, Francesca pavan, Cinzia ragusa, moira Vaccalluzzo Coach: mauro maugeri 8 1.16 2002-3 CHampionS Glyfada grE 2nD Dunaujvaros Hun 3rD Uralochka Zlatoust ruS 4rD Orizzonte Catania iTa FinaL Glyfada grE 6 Dunaujvaros Hun 4 Winning TEam Antoniou, Bonou, Dimitrokali, georgia Elinaki, iosifidou, Kalogera, angelika Karapataki, Kozoboli, Krokodeilou, makarona, antonio moratti, aikateriu oikonomopoulou, amalia paterou, Coralie Simmons Coach: papanastasiou Alkisti Alvramidou, Olympiacos, battles for the ball. She played on Olympiacos’s winning team in 2014 and 2015 in the Euro League (Photo: Giorgio Scala, Deepbluemedia) 9 1.17 2003-4 CHampionS orizzonte Catania iTa 2nD Glyfada grE 3rD Dunaujvaros Hun 4rD Vouliagmeni grE FinaL Orizzonte Catania iTa 6 Glyfada grE 4 Winning TEam Silvia Bosurgi, Viviana Castagna, Christina Conti, Simona Cuscani, Tania di mario, rita Dravucz, giulia iuppa, giusi malato, Daniela maugeri, maddalena musumeci, aniko pelle, Cinzia ragusa, Daria Starace Coach: mauro maugeri 1.18 2004-5 Champions CUP QUALiFiCaTion ROUND Group a Cn Sabadell ESp 16 ~ 5 Kharkovchanka uKr Kinef Kirishi ruS 12 ~ 6 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr MD pVK Vrutky SVK 3 ~ 8 Druzhba gomel BLr Kharkovchanka uKr 9 ~ 3 Druzhba gomel BLr Kinef Kirishi ruS 20 ~ 2 MD pVK Vrutky SVK Cn Sabadell ESp 9 ~ 8 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr Druzhba gomel BLr 6 ~ 27 Kinef Kirishi ruS SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr 20 ~ 2 Kharkovchanka uKr Cn Sabadell ESp 15 ~ 3 MD pVK Vrutky SVK Cn Sabadell ESp 6 ~ 10 Kinef Kirishi ruS Kharkovchanka uKr 12 ~ 8 MD pVK Vrutky SVK a.e.t SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr 19 ~ 4 Druzhba gomel BLr Cn Sabadell ESp 7 ~ 3 Druzhba gomel BLr Kinef Kirishi ruS 14 ~ 4 Kharkovchanka uKr MD pVK Vrutky SVK 4 ~ 20 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr group a ranKing p W D L F A Pts Kinef Kirishi ruS 5 5 0 0 84 24 10 Cn Sabadell ESp 5 4 0 1 53 29 8 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr 5 3 0 2 73 31 6 Kharkovchanka uKr 5 2 0 3 32 62 4 Druzhba gomel BLr 5 1 0 4 24 65 2 mD pVK Vrutky SVK 5 0 0 5 20 75 0 10 QUALiFiCaTion ROUND Group B Fluvial portuense por 2 ~ 8 WSV Basel Sui Slavia plzen CZE 6 ~ 4 City of Sheffield gBr Polar Bears Ede nED 17 ~ 7 Asptt nancy Fra Polar Bears Ede nED 17 ~ 5 Fluvial portuense por Slavia plzen CZE 3 ~ 11 Asptt nancy Fra City of Sheffield gBr 7 ~ 11 WSV Basel Sui Asptt nancy Fra 17 ~ 7 City of Sheffield gBr Slavia plzen CZE 9 ~ 6 Fluvial portuense por WSV Basel Sui 8 ~ 20 Polar Bears Ede nED City of Sheffield gBr 2 ~ 17 Polar Bears Ede nED Slavia plzen CZE 6 ~ 10 WSV Basel Sui Asptt nancy Fra 24 ~ 3 Fluvial portuense por WSV Basel Sui 6 ~ 10 Asptt nancy Fra Fluvial portuense por 5 ~ 13 City of Sheffield gBr Slavia plzen CZE 7 ~ 13 Polar Bears Ede nED group B ranKing p W D L F A Pts polar Bears Ede nED 5 5 0 0 84 29 10 asptt nancy Fra 5 4 0 1 69 36 8 WSV Basel Sui 5 3 0 2 43 45 6 Slavia plzen CZE 5 2 0 3 31 44 4 City of Sheffield gBr 5 1 0 4 33 56 2 Fluvial portuense por 5 0 0 5 21 71 0 SEmi-FinaL Group C Polar Bears Ede nED 7 ~ 10 College of Dunaujvaros Hun Cn Sabadell ESp 9 ~ 11 Orizzonte geymonat Catania ITa College of Dunaujvaros Hun 8 ~ 10 Orizzonte geymonat Catania ITa Polar Bears Ede nED 5 ~ 2 Cn Sabadell ESp Cn Sabadell ESp 8 ~ 11 College of Dunaujvaros Hun Polar Bears Ede nED 7 ~ 10 Orizzonte geymonat Catania ITa group C ranKing p W D L F A Pts polar Bears Ede nED 3 3 0 0 31 23 6 university of Dunaujvaros Hun 3 2 0 1 29 25 4 polar Bears Ede nED 3 1 0 2 19 22 2 Cn Sabadell ESp 3 0 0 3 18 27 0 SEmi-FinaL Group D Kinef Kirishi ruS 12 ~ 4 Asptt nancy Fra SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr 9 ~ 10 ANC glyfada renault grE SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr 11 ~ 7 Asptt nancy Fra Kinef Kirishi ruS 10 ~ 5 ANC glyfada renault grE SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr 10 ~ 9 Kinef Kirishi ruS a.e.t Asptt nancy Fra 5 ~ 12 ANC glyfada renault grE 11 Laura Ester, Sabadell, last years’ winning goalkeeper in the Women’s Euro League, seen here playing for Spain in the 2016 European Championships in Belgrade (Photo: Pasquale Mesiano, Deepbluemedia) group D ranKing p W D L F A Pts Kinef Kirishi ruS 3 2 0 1 31 19 4 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr 3 2 0 1 30 26 4 anC glyfada renault grE 3 2 0 1 27 24 4 asptt nancy Fra 3 0 0 3 16 35 0 FinaL rounD Kirishi, 22-24 april 2005 Group D Orizzonte geymonat Catania iTa 6 ~ 4 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr College of Dunaujvaros Hun 7 ~ 10 Kinef Kirishi ruS Orizzonte geymonat Catania iTa 7 ~ 4 College of Dunaujvaros Hun Kinef Kirishi ruS 10 ~ 6 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr College of Dunaujvaros Hun 14 ~ 12 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr Orizzonte geymonat Catania iTa 6 ~ 5 Kinef Kirishi ruS FinaL ROUND ranKing p W D L F A Pts orizzonte gaymonat Catania ITa 3 3 0 0 19 13 6 Kinef Kirishi ruS 3 2 0 1 25 19 4 College of Dunaujvaros Hun 3 1 0 2 25 29 2 SV Blau Weiss Bochum gEr 3 0 0 3 22 30 0 Winning TEam Francesca Cristiana Conti, Chiara Brancati, aniko pelle, Daria Starace, Tania Di mario, Silvia Bosurgi, giusi malato, Francesca pavan, giulia iuppa, Brenda Villa, Susanna Drei, Daniela maugeri, roberta
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