![1939-10-01 [P E-19]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
I - FARMS FOR RENT. AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUTOMOgiUS FOK SALI. AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE. AUTOMOBILES fOH SALI. AUTOMOBILIS FOR SALK. AUTOMOtlLH FOR SAU. lO ACRES. HOUSE. BARN. S7.S0 MO.; CHEVROLET 1935 panel excellent (Continued,) delivery: D* SOTO 1837 4-door; mileage. 30.000; FORD 1938 de luxe Tudor: sett covers FORD 1838 Tudor: UMd very little, prl- LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1097 Lanham. Md.. Telegraph rd. Call today. tires, fine motor: terms. 4-door sedan, ex- PACKARD 1939 4-door sedan; de luxe lob barcaln. $135: must eell, *460: will finance. 11* Orren since new; Falkstone finish, clean vete party will accept small ear In sellent 12-4 p.m.. PATCHEN. eve. n.e. CHEVROLET 1931 roadster; good eondl- (ray trade, condition. Can arranit to finance. with well fender* equipped with radio; TRIANGLE MOTORS. 1401 R. 1 at. n.4. as a • Dec, #35. 1934 Ford coach, good tires. pin: owned by Army captain; 9629. #260._702 Butternut at. n.w. *o dealers. Adams 1980. ,ta powerful lifetime motor performs per- 6302.__ Logan Motors. 3540 14th st. Diet. 6631. B5. 1932 Chrysler coupe, good condition, DODO* 1037 chlllon green 4-door eedan, FORD 1837 club coupe. Like new. lust UNCOLN-ZEPHYR 1037 4-door sedan: rectljr; tires like new, original finish (Best CHEVROLET 1930 14-ton oanel; In excel- to. at good OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. ttlon; other good buys Auto. Salvage throughout; original owner; bargain. FORD 1986 de luxe Fordor trunk: clean overhauled, and repainted. For sale by original lustrous finish does not a leal In town or no deal.i $497 Hill ds lent condition: 30-day guarantee: $199. hare Co.. South Capitol and N sts. s.e. *486. 1341 Randolph at. Adame as a pin; 30- finance co *378. Can be seen and demon- scratch; beautiful, ribbltts, 1114 Vermont ave. n.w. Hat. Loean Motors. 3540 14th at. n.w. District 8784._ completely reconditioned: spotless light cloth up- day written one owner, at. has been 9860. FLORIDA HOME BARGAIN. CHEVROLET 1937 de luxe sedan: home DODO* 1037 four-door sedan, 8-eyl.: *423: guarantee: driven by strated. 4616 14th n.w. Randolph holstery: completely reconditioned __ used, a major In the Marine Corps: 9329; 929 and we Fully modern 6-rm. bungalow being sold low mileage: price very reas. Shep. “SJJiaciilate condition. Flood Pontiac. £220;___ mechanically fully guaranteed; PACKARD 1937 120-c 3444: after 5. 4221 Conn. down, balance 921 month: no Indorsers. offer the most convenient terms in city and 4-dr tourlna sedan; to settle estate. A real bargain. West CHEVROLET 1937 panel delivery: $325: feep. 2399. Woodley *401. FORD 1937 de luxe "85" coupe; Qeorge let-black finish • excellent Logan Motors. 18th and M its. n.w. Dts- the price has been reduced to *635. upholstery protected by Co»at Florida; S2.400 cash. Mich. R846. condition: terms, trade. Dniver- DODOS 1038 de lux* 4-door trunk Washlnaton blue baked enamel. Juat like seat slty Motors. CHEVROLET 1931 coupe; passed inspection. eedan; trlct 6603. Superior Motors. 14th and P sts. Dupont covers, radio equipped, low mileage by Berwyn ___ new. no no written 482.___ New tires; Just overhauled; eondl- exceptionally good condition: Goodyear scratches, dents; 30-day moo. one owner. You'll always be In sills by perfect lire*, almost FORD 1939 to luarantee: owned by doctor; a CHEVROLET 1930 'a-ton panel, with tlon; #75. 816 st, n.e. new; fully guaranteed; *348. de luxe Tudors; five choose Navy really riding In this bargain; only $546. PACK' AUCTION SALES. Eye Fred from; black, food car; down. brand-new black paint Job: fully guaran- Motor Co.. 2427 14th st. n.w.. Colum- blue. Falkstone gray; used only *387, *97 *21 month. UNCOLN-ZEPHYR 1937 4-door seden: ARD. 24th and N sts. n.w. Rep. 0146. teed; sturdy and reliable: $279. CHEVROLET 1937 de luxe 4-door trunk bla 8733. by eo. officials; 9126 discount; new-ear 3 others to choose from. Logan Motors, Sullivan sedan: original lustrous finish does not have a Chevrolet, 460 New York ave. radio, slip covers: carefully driven guarantee and terms: discount may be 18th and M sta. n.w. District PACKARD 1930 120-B 4-dr. sedan; '_FUTURE.__ DODO* 1038 coupe; excel, condition; radio 5800._ icratch: beautiful, spotless light cloth up- touring SALE n.w._ by owner: $375: terms. Col. 2076. (Dealer.) used as part of down Logan beautiful blue finish, offset PUBLIC and heater. $286. Dr. Don Blckler. Oal- payment. FORD 1938 de luxe Tudor; original (ray holstery; has been completely reco.ndflonsd by excellent 75 head, all classes, horses, mules, CHEVROLET 1908 panel delivery: finish Motors, llll 18th and 21st and Va. ave. clean white sidewall tires, seat covers, radio and i* CHEVROLET 1938 master de luxe town se- llnger Hospital. Atlantic finish, interior, looks and runs like mechanically and fully guaranteed; we ponies, harness and wagons. Monday. Oct. perfect, motor will please the most criti- 0800._ n w. District 5800. heater. It's hard to tell this car from dan; driven actually 8.000 miles one new; only *289, *8 down, bal. *20 mo. offer the moat convenient terms In dly 2. 1B3B. 11 o’clock sharp and every Mon- cal buyer. Here's the truck that will give by DODO* 1037 de luxe coupe; Immaculate brand-new Only $425. PACKARD. owner; equivalent to new; radio and Logan Motors, 18th and M. District 5803. ind the price has been reduced to *835. 24th day thereafter. B. T. McHenry Horae and the type of service you need In your busi- heater condition; *423. Flood Pontiac, 4221 FORD. 1934 coupe black finish, recondi- and H sts. n.w. equipped: honestly priced at $69A. Superior Motors. 14th and P sts. Dupont Rep. 0145_ Mule Auction, B. T. McHENRY. Prop. ness. Can be bought for only $485 Arcade Conn. Woodley tioned motor; an exceptional car; 910 FORD 1932 Tudor, good all over. *75. A Pontiac. 1419 Irving st. n.w, Adams 8401,_ ave. H B. UEARY. Jr.. & 0576. down: $11.97 monthly. TRIANOLE MO- real bargain. All day Sunday. 4516 1300.___ _ PACKARD 1935 “120” sedan: famous, pop- Phone Vernon 54IB. Harford and BROS.. DODOE 1037 4-door touring sedan; ex- 14th Oliver Baltimore. 1st and New York Ave. N.E, Hobart 6012. TOR8. 1401 R. I, ave, n.e. Dec. 6302. st. n.w. Mr. ular model In excellent condition, best tires, at.. Md. CHEVROLET 1937 town sedan: gun-metal cellent condition, including $80 radio, $25 Brain._ MERCURY 1939 de luxe town sedan: an trunk; more style and prestige than any- CHEVROLET 1930 dual-wheel (rucks: 1 finish, low mileage, fine motor to sell at *480. 8KINKKR. FORD 1937 85-h.p. Tudor; Ford hot-air FORD 1838 convertible sedan: blue; cost exceptionally fine oar: driven less than appearance; heater or^'d thing tlse at $295; any PAUL dump 1 cab chassis. See Mr. Taggart. and rubber oerlect; splendid and economi- 14th and Pa. ave. a.e, Lincoln heater; black finish: A-l mechanical con- *1.000. Dlus *125 extras; terms arranged; 1.000 miles: white sidewall tires. New- terms. Podv. 4000._ BROS, 6220 Wisconsin n.w, MONEY TO LOAN. 1504 S Capitol cal car; dition; 9379; down. *286. car guarantee, new-car st._ family reduced to $425. PACKARD, DODOE 1038 2-dr. trunk sedan; Immacu- only 979 TRIANGLE Georgia 7722._ terms. You; car 24th and N MOTORS, 1401 R. I. ave. n.e. Dec. in trade. Steuart Motor Co.. 3rd PACKARD 1938 convertible club MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OP DODGE sts. n.w. Republic late Jet-black finish, spotless upholstery, B3Q2. FORD 1037 trunk Tudor; finished In beau- and H coupe; 1930 '4-tnn panel truck: recon- 014V_ its, n.e Atl. low and like interest on first truat on Improved D C very good tires; fully guaranteed: terms as FORD 1937 touring sedan: tiful original blue, mileage, looks performs brand- ditioned from bumper to ■ Fordor radio; thoroughly reconditioned 5800.___ bumper: ready CHEVROLET 1938 town sedan: original 1930 new. reduced to $84.5.00; fully guaranteed: property for work. $197. Fred down and *21 per month. the Thrthy 60 model, used very little by motor; guaranteed to pass any test: liberal MERCURY couoe sedan, maroon flr>~ ST Motor Co.. 2427 block finish like new low mileage by orig- Jow a*.*45 lsh w. most liberal terms In city. SUPERIOR JESRE L HE1BKELL 1115 EYE M.W 14th at, SUPERIOR MOTORS, 14th and P sts. one careful owner; still has new-llke ap- trade and terms; *389. Hill & Tlbbitts, s w. tires: this car cannot be told n.w.. Columbia 0733. inal owner: rubber like new. interior Im- MOTOR8. 14th and P sts 1300. Dupont and only 9376: 1114 Vermont ave. n w. Nat. from new: owner traded for larger ear: Dupont maculate; trul» a fine pearance performance; 51.600 TO 52.50(1 for second trust loan FORD 1031 lV2-ton truck; new tires; good car that will give 1300,_ 975 down. TRIANOLE MOTORS. 1401 9850_ Priced at only *898. ROYAL MOTOR CO you new-car performance In every way; FORD 1937 Fordor sedan, original black on Improved property In Arlington. Chest- motor: cheap. 231 15th gt. s.e.. Ant. 101. DODGX 1038 4-dr. touring sedan. This R. I. ave. n.e. Dec. Packard dealer. 15 Kennedy at. n.w. Phone $526 8302._ finish. Immaculate car nut PACKARD, 24th and N sts. n.w. spotless, perfect-performing car Is equiva- Interior; looks and Rand, ill o.
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