PULLOUT SECTION INSIDE: TV LISTINGS FOR THE WEEK JUNE 29-JULY 5, 1997 THE DETROITEtW VOL. 2 NO. 33 75 CENTS S unday To u r n a l CONTINUING THE STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE AND CONTRACTS ©TDSJ SPECIAL SECTION INSIDE DIA group A c t io n! M o to w n M e m o r ie s faces audit City official questions Founders So By Paige St. John But in the 1970s, when a Journal Staff Writer financial crisis nearly crippled Detroit’s chief financial watch­ the DIA, the society began tak­ dog has ordered a special audit ing a more aggressive role in its of the nonprofit group that is try­operations. Currently it raises ing to gain control of the Detroitthe lion’s share of the DIA’s Institute of Arts. annual $34-million budget, is The audit comes in the midst responsible for all fund-raising, of a controversial push by Mayoroversees millions of dollars in Dennis Archer to remove the cityendowments and runs such aux­ from daily operation of the pub­iliary departments as its gift lic museum. shop and its photography Auditor general Joseph Harris department. said last week he is struck by the The city, meanwhile, has final absence of independent informa­say over the budget and policy tion on the Founders Society’sdecisions. About half of the claim that the DIA cannot sur­museum’s employees, including vive unless the Society is given thea director, curators, guards 20-year contract to run theand janitors, work for the city. museum as it sees fit. Critics of privatization say it’s “We still haven’t answered the a matter of accountability, that basic question,” Harris said. the museum would be removed “What is it you (the society)from public control for too long. expect to do later that you can’tSupporters say it’s the only way do now?” to be sure the museum survives. Although founded by a private In March the Detroit City group that grew into theCouncil voted 6-3 against grant­ Founders Society, the DIA hasing the Founders Society a con­ Journal photo by PATRICIA BECK been owned and operated by thetract to run the museum. But Locked-out workers took a special guest to the June 21 rally - DN labor relations boss city of Detroit since 1919.^ The two weeks ago, amid heavy lob­ Tim Kelleher’s head on a platter, surrounded by “Vega bucks” and the Journal’s special Founders Society’s main func­bying from the mayor’s office and wraparound on the best news of the weekend. More photos and stories are in an eight-page tion'was to help raise money todire threats of cutting off dona- commemorative section that begins after Page 18. purchase art. See DIA, Page 9 INSIDE Classifieds Page 29 CITY & STATE ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Between the Lines Page 14 Former reporter Actor Peter Fonda Just which hat Mary Walton seems to have come is it that Scotty Crossword Page 30 delves into the to peace with his Bowman wants Editorials Page 12 secret world of late famous father to wear? Paul Going Out Page 25 auto design in a in “Ulee’s Gold.” Harris wonders. Horoscope Page 25 new book.P age 4. P age 23. P age 36. Susan Watson Page 3 PAGE 2 THE DETROIT SUNDAY JOURNAL JUNE 29, 1997 WINDOWS ★ ROOFING ★GUTTERS Petition drive opposes Kmart ★ ALUMINUM SIDING & TRIM ★ STORM WINDOWS & DOORS By Alan Forsyth May 16 to rezone the site for the $16- ★ ALUMINUM AWNINGS Journal Staff Writer to $ 18-million project. ★ REPLACEMENT WINDOWS A neighborhood group is beginningGoodwin said about 100 people a petition drive to halt the Superwould try to collect 8,000 signatures McGLINCH & SONS Kmart project at Meyers and West by Monday. "Three Generations of Seven Mile. “I think the way it’s proposed - at a Dependable Service" The drive, called “Save Detroit site that’s already too small - with a West Neighborhoods,” is being mounted bytraffic pattern that’s already congest­ the Community Association of Blocked means they are going to fail,” she 278-2777 Clubs, 16 groups from the area bound­said. East ed by Curtis, Wyoming, West Eight Goodwin says she believes the 776-8912 Mile and Schaefer, said group member development, which is to include two We Specialize in Helping Union Members 22400 Della McGraw Goodwin. free-standing restaurants, should be ‘Finance the American Dream” W. WARREN The group needs the signatures tolocated in a zone identified in Detroit’s Detroit, Michigan place a proposal on the Nov. 4 general We have money available for: master plan for large commercial election ballot in Detroit. enterprises. • Home Improvement • Refinance The proposal would offer registered • Bill Consolidation • Purchase Those who want to collect signa­ • Investment Properties • Cash for any Purpose voters in the city a chance to reversetures or sign the petitions may call the Detroit City Council’s 8-1 vote313-342-1522 or 313-341-2338. Our rates include: S u n d a y ] OURNAL 1 yr. ARM from 5.25% 15 yr. Fixed from 6.75% 30 yr. Fixed from 7.25% The Detroit Sunday Journal is *2-1 Buydow n from 6.25% published weekly by Detroit community calendar •Purchases Only Sunday Journal Inc., 450 W. No income qualifier rates: Fort, 2nd floor Detroit, Ml Hudson building hearing cation assistants, staff members 15yr. Fixed from 8.0% 48226. Mail Subscription price and docents. The series runs from 30 yr. Fixed from 8.25% is $15 for three months, $30 for Detroit City Council President Maryann Mahaffey has scheduled mid-July to mid-August. Cost is six months (no refunds). Call a public hearing on the empty J.L.$20 for Detroit Zoological Society CALL NOW! 1- (313) 964-5655 to subscribe or Hudson building as well as down­ members and $23 for non-mem­ for more information. bers. Call 248-541-5835. ■ m S s k SK e l l u m M o r t g a g e town Detroit development for 7 POSTMASTER: Send address "■!■■■■■■■ F in a n c ia l S e r v ic e s, I n c. p.m. July 8 in the 13th-floor audi­Clothes as art changes to: The Detroit Sunday torium of the City-County 15565 Northland Drive #503 W. Works by 50 artists are exhibit­ Journal, 450 W. Fort, 2nd floor Building. Discussion topics will Southfield, Michigan 48075 ed in “The Clothes Show: Objects Rates are subject to change. Based on approved credit and equity.Detroit, Ml 48226. include the true cost of demolish­ Circulation/Postal for and About Clothes” at the ing the building, whether Detroit Center for Creative Studies Center taxpayers should pay for it and Galleries in the Park Shelton economically feasible redevelop­ Building, on Kirby at Woodward in ment options for the -building. Detroit’s Cultural Center. Shabazz tribute Exhibition continues through July The Detroit Branch of the 18. Hours are 10-5 Tuesday- NAACP, in conjunction with a hostSaturday. Call 313-874-1955. of local community organizationsPhotos of Africa $ 2 5 .0 0 O F F and activist, is hosting a tribute to “Odyssey: An African Photo­ Dr. Betty Shabazz at 5:30 p.m. graphic Journal,” an exhibit of DESIGNER FRAMES With Purchase of RX Lenses Monday at the Museum of African photos of rural Tanzania and High Quality & Low Prices Has Made SVS VISION The Union Choice For Over 20 Years American History. Kenya taken by Keith Carter Ster­ United Auto Workers Union Detroit Police Officers Association Debs memorial ling of Detroit, continues through Michigan Conference of Teamsters Detroit Firefighters Association Aug. 14 in Urban Park Gallery, United Food & Commercial Workers Communication Workers of America What began as a night at the 508 Monroe, in Trappers Alley in Detroit Building Trades And Many More! Tigers game has grown into a Greektown. Call 313-963-5445. Call 1-800-225-3095 To See If We Have A Plan With Your Local weekend of events. It all begins SVS Vision Employees are Affiliated with Teamsters Local 243 & 406 and UAW Local 1963 & 1811 Thursday with the 16th annual Summer reading BRING THIS COUPON TO ANY ONE OF THE 29 SVS VISION LOCATIONS Eugene V. Debs Memorial Kazoo Children who participate in the C A L L 1- 800- 225-3095 FOR THE LOCATION NEAREST YOU Night at Tiger Stadium. Offer expires 9/30/97. Offer not to be used in conjunction with any other offers or prior orders. Detroit Public Library’s Summer Thousands of kazoos will be hand­Reading Program called “Unlock ed out to fans in the bleachers. the Mysteries of the Past” could Under the leadership of guest con­win free tickets to a Detroit Tigers DAILY 3 DAILY 4 ductors, labor and populist songs baseball game. The program runs MICHIGAN 6/27 Midday: 8-4-7 Eve: 1-6-3 6/27 Midday: 4-7-0-4Eve: 7-7-7-9 will be played between innings. through August in every Detroit jprprpj 6/26 Midday: 7-2-8 Eve: 0-9-3 6/26 Midday: 5-6-9-2 Eve: 9-9-8-8 Other events through the weekendPublic Library branch. Call 313- 6/25 Midday: 6-1-1 Eve: 7-4-4 6/25 Midday: 2-7-4-4 Eve: 7-4-7-4 include the Joe Hill Softball 833-1437. Classic and the Emma Goldman 6/24 Midday: 5-8-3 Eve: 7-3-1 6/24 Midday: 2-7-6-3Eve: 0-6-9-2 Books for scholarships SUMMARY 6/23 Midday: 5-9-0 Eve: 5-8-0 6/23 Midday: 7-9-5-3 Eve: 7-3-3-6 Pro-Am Invitational Golf Tourney.
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