r > . •,. '•'•• •;."••*•.:.'• ; '/.V«.V:-/" :>:- •, ...v.v '"-' ••••'•••?•• - "V • ,-, '•• . $$> orderly person charge by Lt. John ••IV \ •>'.' '• , J ' . Waterson and Patrolman David .'•' Donahue. According: to police, the two officers attempted, to arrest Mr. R J. :Albans~ oflTJuly--"2S~afterrthe""de:y fendant was reported as being loud,"disorderly, drunk and using Air-Conditioned \\x profane language in Dawn drive, GOERKE Clark. + Mr. Albans abused the police- Entered' as lecend eba mall matter at Jtf No. 30. 3 Sections; 18 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18.1960 men and started swinging at Lt. The Post Offic* at Cranlord. N. TEN CENTS • /, Waterson, police said. When they GO. took him to headquarters, police said Mr. Albans flammed a tray of food to the cell floor. "When pa- Ei-IZASfH (arge Turnout for Special Events Circulating \ tr61matt Donahue entered the cell 'Mystery'Petition on School BUDGET-WISE \" to make Mr. Albans pick up the tray," Mr* Albans struck at the pa- Bingo, Raffle trolman, police said. if Summer Playground Program The MX'foot, two-inch model, An average of 400 teen-agers' Vote PetitionsStirs Controversy at Board Medtiiig who weighs about 190 pounds, \\,-u<: attended each Wednesday cve.- Petitions .to have the bingo and DRUG AND SUNDRY BUYS visiting a relative in Dawn drivo. ning's Recreation Open House at Charges and counter- tiff between two member^ of( Tuesday night in Lincoln coom and were present fbir the police said. He had been free''in • t "<: Walk into the Walnut Avenue School, it wasraffles question placed before local $500 bail. charges regarding a "mystery" 1 the Board of Education were I School. explosixte* part of the ti reported by Mrs. Charles Schil- voters at the General Election petition which turned out not I among highlights of a lively More than 50 residents wWch octorred when, the .ses Ungcr, playground chauman for on November 8 Will be circulated to be a mystery and a verbal session of the School hoard I jammed the board's meeting sioTt was opejied to the public Fall... the- Recreation Committee. In ad-throughout the community during ^ dition, 300 youngsters and adults following a Report ipn the--cur-.. Troop 77 Scouts participated in the tennis lessons the next several weeks, it was rent status of the proposed* Return After Stay The Walnyt, Roosevolt, Adams announced this, week by Thomas J. new building' plans by James . in our new avenue and Sunny Acres playflcldi Butkr, chairman of a committee County Superintendent Prods E. McGovney, chairman of the " PARLEZ-VOUS FRANCA1S—Harry G. Ladanye of 420 Casino AtWinnebago closed for the summer last f nd'ay, working for such a referendum. special bu'ildjng. committee; " -.- ' avenue, a-toucher at Hillside; High School, practices French pro- and children who had attended ' At the conclusion", Dr. Henry J. .. nunci^ition m the language"; laboratory 'at Holhns College, Va. Boy Scout TJroop 77, sponsored those ilelds were asked to use the Plans for the drive for a refer- Mineur of 32£ ^forth Union- ave- Mr. Ladimye isone o^S0 high school language teachers from by the Alliance Churchy 'returned Walking Lincoln, Memorial Field and High endum this year were finalized at a nue declared he was "appalled by ; recent 1 meeting of representatives Trustees on Building Decision throughout the country atte^d'ing'the.^ohly advanced-level French this, week after attending, summer School playiields until they close what I 'have seen here tonight, camp at Camp Winnebago in Mar- of civic and serVice organizations Dr. .William H- West, Union institute sponsored tnis summer" tjy the/U. S. "Office of Education. next week, , / 1 County superintendent of schools, even including actions .of board 4 cella. Two birthday parties highlighted at Veterans ' Memorial Home and members*. It is disgraceful. _ .. /He and other'-institute participants are,speaking only French dur- John Harris,, summer scoutmas- Suits petitions have been issued to these in a strongly worded letter, this •X v the events last week a,t^the £unny ;';ing their eight-week stay at HoHins. V ter, reported the' following boysf representatives, Mr. Butler said. week urged the Board of Educa- School Board Sees No Need "You are our elected representa- Acres and Memorial Field play- tion to reach a decision on its new tives and we look to'you for lead- achieved advancements" in rank, d O JXT$ hild t • - ' • ••»•'•"•' "--A' grounds. Over children at Based upon information received while at camp: Anthony Pasqua, building plans so the people can ership," Dr. Mineur continued. by Burslein ,, the Sunny Acres li^ld gave a sur-from the township, clerk, the com- vote again "and the children- For Added Statistical Studies "Even your building-committee is tenderfoot; John Keyscr, lender- prise birthdayparty for Miss Pat- mittee chairman reported, approx- foot; Svcnd Jorgensen, second 1 shortly can get a complete educa- The~ Board of Education -yesterday advised the Cranford Tax- trying to" find, something if cah County TechnicalInstitute ricia Casjfcaldo, their supervisor. imately 1,550 signatures, repre- tional program" 'sell' to the public. We want you class; Rjchard Senzig, second class, Many ot-fhe children presented her payers' Association that it "docs not feel that additional statistical senting 15 percent of the total vote Dr. West forwarded copies of hisstudies of future school enrollments are necessary" before proceed!!*&_.t'o give us the bdst solution. That and William Hoover, first c^s< ' .. ' iy beards. Special fea- sCritmg 15 percent of the tota Ivoto is your responsibility. We have not letter to the state commissioner of with the next proposal to solve Crariford's sdhool space requirements. Stude.Test Two patrols of the local troop tures of tfife party were a water- cast in the 195.9-General Election, education and other state school seen here the kind of leadership The. ' fW.<#" technical aptitude test for applicants to the Union received the honor patrol award, ^nelon contest, a birthday cake,-and twill be required. The taxpayers* group last week urged the board to engage com- we.should have." • having earned 3Q0 of a possible five gallons of punch. Joan, Susan officials m Trenton. County Vocational and Technical Institute, Union, will be given next Mr. Butler explained that two The letter," read at Tuesday petent statisticians t6 establish fu- At' the outset of hk remarks. Thursday at 8:45 a.m., at the office of'thcNevi: Jersey Division of 350 points. and Sandy Santulli's mother made ture school enrollment as a basis 1 the birthday cake. Hank HoUand separate petitions are being cir- night's board meeting, follows; Dr. Mineur said he does not care Employment, Security, 1115 East Jersey street, Elizabeth. • Roy Partridge , John Torkclsen culated, one on the bingo question "Recently, Superintehdcnt Mc- for deciding upon the require, where the.proposed new school '{g and Roger Winter, members of made the puncH. ments, if any, for additional junior About 25 applicants are expected to take the examination, George •,Tlie:biFthc|ay party at Memorial •and one on the raffles question, as. Dermith recommended specific ac- Young Man •tb^be built-but, having siie chil- .Troop 77 who attended the Na- jgh,schooschool class rooms, dren in sehoor next year, he is H. Baxel, director of the Union tional Jamboree at Colorado Field was in honor of Miss Carla required by statute. The required tion to get Crahford^S: school con- County Vocational and Technical assistant.' supervisor, number of signatures will have to struction program underway. If (Slara L. Williams,'president of ready to work to get the best pos- Reidcr m Clark Municipal Court. Springs, Colo., returned last Sat- OfttmYemr the board, has sent the'following sible educational system for theni. .- Schools, reported.^ Ail applicants Mr. Albans wds charged with urday and reported having "a whose birthday anniversary was appear oh each of^the petitions, a$those recommendatimis are carried' have bejpri notified of the test*" the two f questions ' must appear out, Cranford might again be in a reply to J. H. McClintock, presi- Mrs. William McGrady of 3 Vir- three count*, of assault and a dis- Wonderful time." August H, and Robert Belle, su? "It is likely «nly onesother tost 2-Piec6 pervisor/>-*«ose\birthday anni- separately on, the ballot. ' S position to provide full-time ed- dent of the 'Taxpayers! Associ- ginia street touched off the ffr. ucatioti to all its young people .in Panel Named ation:' '••/•''•' •" "J ' - " works when she queried Sh will be scheduled before-the now versary was AUgustxl.2. The party Itj a local option referfe'ndum Wjlliam J. McGanagii of 2 Har- Technical Institute is' oliened was Highlighted by a birthday cake conducted here on Primdry Elec- a few years. This it has not done 1 "The Beard of Education has Commissioner H: itandall l vard road, president' >of the Cran- 1 Bg, Mu.Ba^elsaid. *hll made by Miss Castaldo. Gifts and tion-Day, April. 22, 195V the vote in recent years, and cannot. do reviewed your letter dr^tugust 9, •regarding, "a p -without new Construction. , ford-Kenilworfh Junior Chamber 1900, and we are pleased to hear •2;tfOO signatures" "We lost THAT Much On The men and-women; interested in "our cards were presented to M-iss Cas- was 1,667 to 1,382 against raffles of- Commerce, has announced the program.'should submit their ap- BUSTER BROWN SHOES Photo taldo. and Mr. Belle. •,.•'. > and 1,692 to 1,470. against bingo. "As reported in the- newspapers. of tne continued support by thementioned to he/, durj pliestions-as-soon as possible; Only THE TOp—Walter Sopko. 9, of 36 Burnside avenue, panel of judges to select the out-Cranford Taxpa^Taxpa^ss " - Association phone -• Deal?" The boys and girls.sang sbnfis Dr.
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