1908. OONGRESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. 59 By 1\Ir. FULLER: Petitions of Byron Hewitt, of Rockford, ferred to the Committee on Inavlid Pensions)-to the Committee Ill., and G. W. Rohr and Malcolm Bruner, favoring Fuller bill on Military Affairs. (H. R. 19250), to establish volunteer officers' retired list-to the Also, papers to accompany bills for relief of estate of Daniel Committee on Military Affairs. C. Yarnell, Mary A. Henderson, Hampton Hudgens, and Cas­ By Mr. GRAHAM: P aper to accompany bill for relief of Al­ andra Smith-to the Committee on War Claims. bert E. Beatty-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. OVERSTREET: Paper to accompany bill for relief Also, petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, favoring the Tirrell of Edward Ayres-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. bill (H. R. 12405) and the Bacon bill (S. 5151), to prohibit By Mr. PADGETT: Paper to accompany bill for relief of liquor selling in Hawaii, etc.-to the Committee on the Ju- estate of Banks C. Mills-to the Committee on War Claims. diciary. · By l\fr. PARSONS: Petition of citizens of New York City, By Mr. BAGGOTT: Petition of citizens of Colorado, against asking legislation to provide pensions for the United States S. 3940 (religious legislation in the District of Columbia)-to Military Telegraph Corps of the United States Army during the Committee on the District of Columbia. civil war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. HAMILL: Petition of citizens of Hudson County, By Mr. PRAY: Petition of citizens of Montana, for law to N. J., for legislation pensioning United States military teleg­ pension members of United States Telegraphers' Union in civil raphers who served in the civil war-to the Committee on In­ war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Talid Pensions. Also, petition of Butte Stationary Engineers' Local Union, No. By Mr. HARDWICK: Petition of Chamber of Commerce of 83, for legislation empowering investigation of the Treadwell Augusta, Ga., favoring Senate bill 4825, for forest reservations Mining Company-to the Committee on Mines and Mining. in White Mountains and Southern Appalachian Mountains-to By Mr. ROBINSON: Papers to accompany bills for relief of the Committee on Agriculture. Mrs. M. A. Hibbard, heirs of Azriah Mitchell, and trustees of By Mr. HASKINS: Petition of· John L. Bacon and others, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church-to the Committee on War Claims. of White River Junction, Vt., for legislation pensioning mem­ By Mr. RYAN: Papers to accompany bills for elief of Wil­ bers of the United States Telegraph Corps in the civil war-to liam H. Eldridge, Charles H. Rice, and William Fay-to the the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, petition of C. A. Thomson and others, of Windham By Mr. SHERMAN: Paper to accompany bill for relief of County, Vt., against S. 3940 (Sunday observance in the Dis­ George E. Olcott-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. trict of Columbia)-to the Committee on the District of Co­ By Mr. SMITH of Michigan: Petition of William H. 'l'aylor lumbia. and 73 others, against H. R. 4897, providing for religious legis­ By Mr. HOWELL of New Jersey: Paper to accompany bill lation in the District of Columbia-to the Committee on the for relief of Combs Hendrickson-to the Committee on Invalid District of Columbia. Pensions. By Mr. TIRRELL: Petition of Moses C. Davis and others, Also, petition of Atlantic Terra Cotta Company, of Rocky against S. 3940, for religious legislation for the District of Hill, N. J., favoring removal of duty on plaster-to the Com­ Columbia-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. mittee on Ways and Means. Also, petition of Katherine Hall and others, fa,oring H. R. ·Also, petition of residents of Matawan, N. J., for improvement 18445, for methods of treatment of tuberculosis-to the Com­ of Matawan Creek-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. HOWELL of Utah: Petition of Governor Cutler and Also, petition of C. A. Cross & Co., favoring removal of duty other citizens of Utah, favoring a volunteer officers' retired on raw and refined sugar-to the Committee on Ways and Means. list-to the Committee ~n Military Affairs. Also, petition of candy manufacturers of Provo, Utah, for By Mr. WEISSE: Petition of citizens of Wisconsin, against reduction of tariff on chicle and other materials used in manu­ a parcels-post law-to- the Committee on the Post-Office and facture of candy-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Post-Roads. By Mr. HUBBARD of West Virginia: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Elizabeth F. Brubaker-to the Committee on SENATE. Invalid Pensions. By 1\fr. KIMBALL: Petition of sundry citizens of Lexington, WEDNESDAY, December 9, 1908. Ky., asking that the act of June 27, 1890, relative to pensions The Senate met at 12 o'clock m. be amended-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Edward E. Hale. By Mr. KNAPP: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Free­ Mr. ALBERT J. BEVERIDGE, a Senator from the State of Indiana, man C. Moshier-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. appeared in his seat to-day. By Mr. LEE: Papers to accompany bills for relief of David The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's E. Tatum, heirs of Noah Fugate, estate of Howell Tatum, and proceedings, when, on request of Mr. KEAN, and by unanimous heirs of John W. Gilliam-to the Committee. on War Claims. consent, the further reading was dispensed with. By Mr. LEVER : Petition of Columbia ( S. C.) Chamber of The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal stands approved. Commerce, favoring H. R. 10457, for forest reservations in White Mountains and Southern Appalachian Mountains-to the REPORTS OF SECRETARY OF THE SE N ATE. Committee on Agriculture. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before tp.e Senate a communi­ By Mr. LOUD: Petition of citizens of Twining, Mich., against cation from the Secretary of the Senate, transmitting, pursuant S. 3940 (Sunday observance in the District of Columbia) -to to law, a full and complete statement of the receipts and ex­ the Committee on the District of Columbia. penditures of the Senate of public moneys in his possession from July 1, 1907, to June 30, 1908, which, with the accompanying By Mr. McKINLEY of Illinois: Petition of citizens of Sado­ papers, was ordered to lie on the table and be printed. rus, Ill., against the passage of S. 3940, entitled "An act for He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec­ the proper observance of Sunday as a day of rest in the District retary of the Senate, transmitting a full and complete account of Columbia"-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. of all property, including stationery, belonging to the United By Mr. MANN: Memorial of Illinois Manufacturers' Asso­ States in his possession on the 7th day of December, 190S, which, ciation, adopted to discouraging measures tending to aggravate with the accompanying paper, was ordered to Jie on the table agitation against corporate interests, etc.-to the Committee on and be printed. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. REPORTS OF SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Also, petition of retail shoe merchants in Chicago, against duty on hides-to the Committee on Ways and Means. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Also, petition of Arche Club, of Chicago, praying for the estab­ tion from the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, transmitting a lishment of the White Mountain and Appalachian Mountain statement of the receipts from the sale of condemned property Forest Reserve-to the Committee on Agriculture. in his possession since December 2, 1907, which, with the ac­ Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Alfred C. Hawley­ companying paper, was ordered to lie on the table and be to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. printed. Also, petition of Patent Law Association, of Chicago, favoring He also laid before the Senate a communication from the increase of salaries of federal judges-to the Committee on the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, giving a full and complete ac­ Judiciary. count of all property belonging to the United States in his possession on December 7, 1908, which, with the accompanying By Mr. MILLER: Petition of citizens of Emporia, Kans., paper, was ordered to lie on the table and be printed. against S. 3940 (Sunday observance in the District of ~ lumbia)-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. ANNU.AL REPORT OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER. By Mr. MOON of Tennessee: Papers to accompany bills for The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual relief of Joshua E. Carlton and Susan A. Rail (previously re- report of the Public Printer, showing the operations of the Gov- ~ 60 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-SENATE. DEOEMBER 9, ernment· Printing Office for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1908, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee which was referred to the Committee on Printing. on the District of Columbia and ordered to be printed. CONSOLIDATION OF POWER PLA.NTS. El~DOWMENT OF AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ tion from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, pursuant to tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant law, reports as to the amount of money expended on consolida­ to law, a report of the disbursements for the fiscal year ending tion of power plants since the authorization for such consolida­ June 30, 1909, made in the States and Territories, providing tion was given, etc., in detail for each navy-yard in the country, for an increase in the annual appropriations for the endowment etc., which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the and support of agricultural colleges and the mechanic arts, Committee on Naval Affairs and ordered to be printed.
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