-I r ^-- - Ad N4, L -,% if Vol. 3 No. I Studnt Pub icarion of Sic Uhivemi Cot an Long Island' - WedAyW se, tfnber 23, 199 Sqmrre Dence Vote Tomorrow 0 Sahrday Nite ktis coming Sauday night Wil So p hs And J uni ors mark the end of freshanu orienta- tion activities. Whe(rsde finale will be a gala square daoe open to all classeg. Don't miss the fun with all your friends when you can get To Elect Class Officers together and dace to the calls of Mr. Haig of the Greenwich Farm The Sophomore and Junior classes will elect theirif group. Mr. Haig is an extremely i: ^.fI:f-s+.-- - ' - _ -.-.-.. -- m'L.... .. C1^.__ - - - t 2 talented professional caller and o oic:rs tuomorrow l uursuay ziepidemor zoo. xu?e shold create an enjoyable evening voting, which will be by secret ballot, will take place \ f for all those willing to dance. BOYys, dont say you can't dance. from 8:30 'AM to 3:30 PM. The polling place witl be | j Ihis time ites no excuse The only in the Main Lobby of Coe Hall. § i way to learn square dancing is to get out on the dance floor and lis- On Thursday, September 17, the Sophomore and ^ ten to the caller. You just cant Junior classes each held their first meeting of the j^ year. The purpose of these meetings was to nominate . r Dres be. "uriy. ftfw- Dean Addresses Frosh Meeting maL Boy can come !W sport shimi pcue twk caidates for dte class offices tie, Doug HMldka. -* ad slacs or chinos fe te Miss Morrow, Associate Dean of Students, is pictured and for class PalityRRpnmewtatIvPd S --Wre clamr Pf t - ;Jim girlt wi "or ftu skim and- i bove, as she conducts the first meeting of the class of TMe oal noxiinats €for the. Dosdy. Hp_ L, U B-Bda Wa -s rE» Adw__ =S*^*^^"^^ i63. The meetin cwmsheld to introduce the new, students Jmuor chasti t M PrReich Vopti _ _ me s i store fYo at, : to the et fes an u n OS th c S&rday nh cdcaOm- e-- -i-n-.--- Pete 'Vallel, Juiie OD- so; Se&mc t, Carol Wllala, LaSne Sq affm is aff$g5so y0 can have your-* tary, Ronny Wannber; Ropy (COWtindDo Pd" 71 ;orth so you comee= >X a j 1st - twosso- -v ~ ; l > The bdget was approved by the Executive Committee of the polity at its neng on Mcy 22, 1959 in *his form: „_- $ ~~~~~~~~~~~400.00 11 New Look Spcing~~~~~~onnal ~~~~200.00 cMay Open House S 000 Chorus i.00n7 0 0 On Campus Christmas Party 150. s. The opening of ehe Fal S*e Government Expenses 350. ' *. ra s at Cun & Canvas with fts 950-00 S.U. has etaed the as 6 regFar trips & 4 special trips , of te classroom, labatory, of- Concertsc e .SOO.OO fice, aSWd ahetic fa es- cm e a 500.00 ^At Sbos ' 5 0 0 t0 0 camps. n anoucement as cam 5 0 0 .0 0 from the Bsiness Offioe movlies 7 5 5 c rn- 1, .00 coa- Newspaper: 15 issues, film, suppe, e. ing d f details of the ) structio progmn In addition to SPoB (tow -5411-S c asible rearrangement of of- Reserve . lOO.O iices and other fces in Coe TOTAL BUDGET 12,491.54 decided flexibility should be allowed within each other buildings on campus The cottee Hall. A group may be allowed tomanipulate the money allotted are either der construction or particular budget. it among the specified items. Tbe budget represent total sums from subject to re . hugt The mos nearly comped proj- submitted by activities. Tbe com t reasons supporting such a budget are the following: o progam is ect in the exp Sports: Since Wr. Von Mechow is confident tiat he can carry on a reason- Orientation Board I of the former Laund- the ren able program with the allotted amount, and since all the items in the Building, located near Parking First row, left to right: Madeline Fischer, Lana Schema- ? ry above total are desirable and/or necessary, this figure was decided f LAX B. This building, mw known a, Nln'rw KAL^at. SprnnnA raw- MikS Co;ni anes.Renv * the Annex, will pro- upo. officially as The committee feels dta a balance must be maintained betwn Fomworth, Jim - Kelly, George May classroom as well Culture: Warmbier, Ed vide an additional of activities taking place on campus and those available to house offic- the number (chairman), Burt Marks, Mike Davidson, Glenn.Shar- as three bedroo off campus. k is most desirable to plan events which will benefit the the college. Space it ial guests of greatest number of students, but it is expedient to take into account rock. Absent are Flo Hershberger and Gene Dailey. the base- has also been set aside in the financial difficulties of planning any large program at the College f,t offices mat of dr Annex for the at the present time. The budget was drawn up in such a way that the of both the Student Government and students will receive the most possible benefits. !s in the STATESMAN. Mm classroom Newspaper; The committee feels that considering the size and scope O. Board Praised i the Amex is already in use. The of- of the paper, a bi-monthly publication will best serve the needs of the fices should be available before the College. beginnig of the Spring Semester. For Successful Week I nh sports-minded on campus E have undedly viewed the pro- The record dance on Friday. September, 18. marked the closing t gress made on the new Recreation Eipse Ost.- of the Orientation Week which began on Sunday, 13 when Building with enthusiasm. Although the twelve members of the Orienation Board met wtb Dean AustiH > water and lighting facilities have not On the -morning of Octo- Salem, Massachusetts. and the new Associate Dean of Studnts. Mss Mrw, to discuss t yet been installed. the completion the final plans for Orientation week. , r of- this building has been scheduled ber 2, observers along the As seen from the Long Monday morning brought the arrival of the Incog Freshmen. ^ \ for October 1. This prefabricated eastern seaboard may see Island area, the sun will The memrbrs of the board were on hand to greet dtem. After being ; building, located south of the Butler the sun rising in partial appear as a thin crescent welcomed officially by Dean Austill, the new sns re taken on \ Building, .will provide a play area a tour of the campus. - ---- 8 49'x85', locker and shower rooms eclipse. Two of our stu- at sunrise, and the eclipse On Tuesday, Dean Olsen. Dean Other higbllgts r' Orenta ; for both men and women, and a new dents, Alban Gass and Ro- ends about an hour later. of the College, addressed the new -Week were the picnic I the movie . office for Coach Von Mechow. Ihe bert Victor, will observe sudents. After this address they pCeseed for the Sw su s. play area will consist of a cdn- attended their first Seminar. This This year the nr--.mrs of the crete floor. This will later be re- the event as a total eclipse Seminar enabled them to men their Orientation Board : Nancy placed by a regulation * .oden floor. from the U.S. Coast Guard Sun rises - 6:52 a.m. Faculty Advisor and to discuss any (Comfi <e go ipage 7) Eclipse ends - 7:49 a.m. questions tbey might have had. , (Cowtimed on page 7) Air Rescue Station, at ( Pas- 2-THE S - ESMAN-We y, September 23,1959 - r Coe- Inquiring \KAMW MOTES| " --- - ~----------1 onter AUTOMATON AND MATH I Operations AeJ jl There is now a computer de- signed to diagnose medical cases. BY PENNY &KATHY - By The physician merely feeds into the Quesdion: *4%-,ft^--_- .- Lava ^-^-.macine ine oDseravc symptoms With the start of a new year, What are your anticipatiow a n d t h e computer produces a prob- a word of welcome is the best way a b il i t y analysis o f w h a t diseases - to, begin this year's series of col- for the coming year? might be causing them. Perhaps -_7 umns t h e n e w t r e n d s i n t h e ..... So. we both say "Hi" N medical ad- and that it is great tl£1C to see so many itUDAorovenrisingE1 field will run to showing OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF of last year's students back. In ad- 3lUMBERGES,Venn diagrams and Markov chains STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ON LONG ISLAND dition to this, the amount and qual- 63' GOOD NEWS ity of the new freshman make us Frm the OM There is now a frying oil ad- bv Lsiwlls..*........^..^................Edf _ "n- Chlf think that this year will be a happy :«w classes, I find vertised as a fighter against heart and successful one for all those who Pawl Colam v!**- '''-*-' --- . s EA~fo be cllee amch disease. What a boon for the hypo- are willing and able to put forth the nore enjoyace condriacs...They can even buy it Dow CX P-y-.-o... EAM!..... effort..- ! han high school. without a prescription. 'G^"*IMc-*- -***********-----*-* ***-*. **!4**-*!*-*-**^»"O Ecor I am looing for- SPORTS QUIZ * Before another word is written, yard to really Here are three items the world -; FJ~~~~~~~~*.!s ---------- !---not Edlmw we also want to include an explan- reting #omething of baseball which seem to have Lobs Gint --.-.
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