Newsletter of Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion, Inc. Vol. 29, No. 2 Summer, 2000 Supreme Court Voids ‘Partial Birth Abortion’ Laws By Polly Rothstein the Constitution,” read the majority Policy, which represented Dr. Carhart, he Supreme Court tore a opinion. The public can now absorb depicted June 28 as a day for “cham- “partial birth abortion” law to the truth about so-called “partial birth pagne and shivers,” for the scope of Tshreds and exposed its inherent abortion” bans: they’re an extreme the decision and the surprising 5-4 fraud. The 5-4 decision in Stenberg v. and unconstitutional ploy to destroy margin. CRLP attorney Simon Heller Carhart, striking down the Nebraska reproductive rights and take away the argued Dr. Carhart’s position. law, was everything that the plaintiff, right of American women to abortion. Justice Stephen Breyer wrote the Dr. Leroy Carhart, had hoped for. Janet Benshoof, president of the “We hold that this statute violates Center for Reproductive Law and Please see High Court on page 4 Hillary and Nita Rick Lazio is Anti-Choice By Polly Rothstein birth” abortions which, had it been Host ick Lazio is the stand-in for Rudy upheld by the Supreme Court, would RGiuliani in the election for US have overturned Roe v. Wade and WCLA Benefit Senator against Hillary Rodham permitted states to outlaw abortions Hillary Clinton. Lazio’s claim to be “solidly throughout pregnancy. Lazio refused Rodham pro-choice” crumbles with scrutiny of to comment on the June 28 Supreme Clinton and his congressional voting record and his Court decision in Carhart, which current statements. He acknowledges declared exactly that. (Clinton hailed Rep. Nita only opposition to “partial birth” the decision.) Instead, he persists in Lowey will abortion and Medicaid funding (either condemning “partial birth abortion” host a of which define him as anti-choice). as “gruesome,” as if the court had not fundraiser He deceives by half-truth, aping other spoken, all the while describing anti-choice Republicans who redefine himself as “solidly pro-choice.” Lazio’s for WCLA on “pro-choice” to include themselves. strategy is to ignore the unambiguous Monday, Aug. For example, Lazio illustrates how decision and pummel Clinton on 21, 7pm, at a pro-choice he is by saying he wouldn’t “partial birth abortion,” painting her private home vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. Of as a pro-choice extremist. course not; he’ll never vote on Roe Lazio, if elected senator, will have in Purchase. because Congress lacks the power to opportunities to overturn Roe by Tickets are overturn Supreme Court decisions. But voting to confirm Bush’s anti-Roe Lazio has actually voted to kill Roe by $100 per Please see Lazio on page 5 person. Use the coupon voting repeatedly for a ban on “partial on page 15, or call 946- 5363 for information and Birth Control for County Employees reservations. new initiative by Westchester County AExecutive Andy Spano has made prescription contraceptives available to county employees Women’s Equality Day participating in the county’s health benefit plan Celebrating Women’s Suffrage starting July 1. “WCLA played a leading role in Friday, Aug. 25, 2000 making this happen,” Spano said. White Plains Library, 2nd floor “This coverage is long overdue. It’s become Martine Ave. at Grove St., increasingly important that we recognize the specific White Plains needs of our female workers and provide them with Gather 11:30 am; festivities at the services they seek,” Spano said. “The county is noon; reception to follow. well aware of the costs of such prescriptions and Woman of the Year: wants to reduce the burden so often placed on County Executive Hon. Joan Cooney women.” Andy Spano Project of the Year: Camp Viva Please see Birth Control on page 14 On the President’s Mind By Polly Rothstein Hillary really is a scary [Please read about Lazio and Clinton on pages one and woman with “an three.] agenda.” Most discon- nowing how high the stakes were, I slipped into certing, some women are Kanxiety mode as I awaited the Supreme Court angry that she stayed decision in Stenberg v. Carhart, the Nebraska so-called with her husband. (Who “partial birth abortion” case. can pass judgment on On Wednesday, June 28, shortly after 10:00 a.m., I another woman’s mar- clicked up the web site (crlp.org) of the Center for riage?). Reproductive Law and Policy, attorneys for plaintiff Dr. Hillary is well aware of these hurdles, but she needs Leroy Carhart. I soon read about the perfect win (page those pro-choice voters. Not long ago, I was privileged to one), with the court agreeing fully with CRLP and reject- meet with Hillary along with other Westchester women ing all of Nebraska’s claims, and ruling that all legislation leaders and elected officials. She laughs easily and did so must have an exception to protect the woman’s health. as she said yes, of course she has an agenda. “It’s The perfect win was, however, a minimalist 5-4. Justice women, children, education, health care, Social Security, Kennedy moved to the other side and is likely to stay. guns, and reproductive rights!” She’s warm and very Only the qualified vote of Justice O’Connor saved the intelligent, speaks passionately without notes, and already weakened Roe v. Wade, leaving abortion rights attracts more voters with each public contact. to face future legislative action and Supreme Court Hillary understands women’s complex feelings about review. her perceived ambition and relationship with the presi- I’m as concerned about church-state and other dent, and is sorting out for them who she is among her personal liberty issues as I am about reproductive rights, multiple identities and her unique role of first lady and and I admit to obsessing about the Supreme Court that candidate. She must tell voters about her professional life decides these issues. Currently, there are only minor shifts before the White House, including her work as a staff in the blocs of justices taking one side or the other. It’s attorney for the Children’s Defense Fund, her pioneering impossible to overstate the power of the court in deter- legal career, and her decades of work for children and mining our rights as it rules on the constitutionality of families. laws, such as the “partial birth abortion” ban. As per the Slick Ricky is eager to help you view Hillary as some Constitution, the president appoints justices of the kind of feminist menace. He uses Hillary’s move to NY as Supreme Court, subject to the approval of the Senate. a red herring to divert attention from the pressing issues Voting for president and senator in 2000 is tantamount on which they differ. In a fundraising letter Lazio mailed to voting on legal abortion. The Senate race between to Republicans in July, he howled that both Clintons have Rick Lazio and Hillary Rodham Clinton could determine “embarrassed our country and disgraced their powerful the majority, and therefore the direction, of the Supreme posts,” and that the “First Lady covets power and control Court. and thinks she should be dictating how other people run I fear that Hillary could lose to Lazio for reasons their lives.” Lazio refused to elaborate, saying he wanted unrelated to their positions on issues. Lazio knows that to read the letter before commenting. Get that! He women side with Clinton on a wide range of issues, so admitted he hadn’t even read the horrific letter that he he’s trying to keep the spotlight on Hillary, making her signed; after it became public and raised hackles, he still the issue. maintained he hadn’t read it. (Sexism is an element of Last year, when Hillary emerged as a possible Senate this election — imagine the furor if Hillary had refused to candidate, it was trendy to protest. Some who did so take responsibility for a scurrilous letter over her name.) were her natural constituency, strongly pro-choice Lazio’s complaint about dictating how other people run women who said they intended to vote against her, and their lives — isn’t that what he does when he votes for Giuliani. I hope that they know about Lazio’s conser- against abortion rights? And “power and control” — vative positions and will support Hillary on November 7. I that’s what the Senate is about and why Lazio wants to believe the public has been virtually brainwashed by the go there. It’s also what we want our friends to have relentless demonization of Hillary and promotion of anti- when they’re in there fighting for us. any-Clinton sentiment. Many voters are convinced that Please see Mind on page 16 2 ProChoice, Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion, Inc. Summer 2000 Editorials Hillary Rodham Clinton for Senate Al Gore hen the US Senate race was for President WClinton vs. Giuliani, voters ice President Al Gore is far better felt that New York would have a Vsuited to be President of the pro-choice senator either way. United States than Texas Gov. George Exit Giuliani, enter anti-choice W. Bush. Lazio, whose record makes choice a Bush is not a “compassionate conservative.” He is a campaign issue, raising the specter conservative with a short supply of compassion, a right- of losing legal abortion with just one winger who would clear the way to eliminating privacy new anti-Roe vote on the Supreme Court. Remember the rights via Supreme Court appointments. The choice is Senate’s nonbinding resolution on Roe last October? The stark. statement that Roe is “an important constitutional right These are the candidates’ own words.
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