UNAMI Herald Volume 1, Issue 4 July - August 2014 Secretary-General Ban: “Existential threat can be overcome through the formation of a thoroughly inclusive government” The Secretary-General ernment, and relations remarks to the Press between Iraq and Kuwait. These are very important Baghdad, 24 July 2014 - issues and challenges. I am very pleased to be I am profoundly worried back in Baghdad. This is about the violence engulf- my sixth visit as Secre- ing Iraq. I would like to tary-General to visit this express my strong support great country. I know this and solidarity for the peo- is a difficult, challenging ple of Iraq and your com- time. I wanted to be here mon struggle against ter- to underscore my full sup- rorism. armed groups. Any system- Iraqi people. They must port for your efforts to The violence has claimed atic attack that targets the find common ground to overcome divisions and thousands of lives and civilian population because advance the future of this build a secure, prosperous driven over one million of their ethnic background great country. I count on and peaceful Iraq for all. people from their homes or religious beliefs may all the leaders to show Let me begin by congratu- this year alone. well constitute a crime courage, wisdom, persis- lating the people of Iraq I am deeply saddened by against humanity. tence and vision for the for the general elections the senseless deaths of so I call on all sides to respect future. that were successfully many innocent Iraqis. I human rights standards I encourage Baghdad and held on April 30th. extend my deepest condo- and uphold international Erbil to work towards re- This constitutes the first lences to the families of humanitarian law. storing their partnership fundamental step in con- the victims of violence, All parties to the conflict and to jointly address the solidating the democratic terrorist attacks, and to must do their utmost to current security crisis. It is political process. the men and women of the ensure the protection of essential that disagree- ments over all outstanding This is particularly im- Iraqi Security Forces who civilians. Humanitarian issues be resolved within portant at a time of crisis, have died in the line of corridors should be estab- the framework of the Con- when all leaders need to duty. lished and honored by all stitution. work together to fight It is critical that all politi- parties. Prime Minister Maliki and terrorism and remove the cal leaders fulfill their The United Nations and its I also discussed relations responsibilities to ensure partners are working to seeds of sectarianism. with Kuwait. I commend that the government for- I extend my congratula- provide humanitarian sup- both countries for their mation process falls with- tions to the election of port to those displaced by commitment to continuing Speaker Salim al-Jubouri in the constitutional time- the fighting, wherever they to improve your relation- and Deputy Speakers Hai- table. may be. We will use the ship. dar al-Abadi and Aram Iraq is facing an existen- resources provided by our You have my commitment Sheikh Mohammed. I en- tial threat but it can be generous partners to bene- that the United Nations courage the parliamentary overcome through the fit all Iraqis affected by the will continue to stand by blocs to move swiftly to formation of a thoroughly conflict. Iraq and its people of all elect a new President and inclusive government -- a In this difficult time, it is communities. then a new Government government that can ad- important for all leaders to that can address the criti- dress the concerns of all fully engage in a meaning- The United Nations Assis- cal challenges ahead. communities, including ful and constructive dia- tance Mission, by my Spe- I have just had very good, security, political, social logue with one another, to cial Representative, very constructive meetings and economic matters. successfully counter terror- Nickolay Mladenov, who is with Prime Minister Mal- It must be a government ism, strengthen democratic here with us, is here to iki and the Acting Foreign in which all Iraqis, re- political processes and in- help Iraq resolve this crisis Minister. gardless of background, stitutions, respect the rule and return to its path of We reviewed the ongoing feel represented. of law and human rights, building a peaceful, stable, security crisis, the govern- I strongly condemn the and promote inclusive de- democratic and prosperous ment formation process, systematic and despicable velopment. future for all. relations between the Gov- persecution of minority Iraq’s leaders bear a clear Once again, you have my full support as you strive to ernment of Iraq and the populations by the Islamic responsibility to protect the move forward. Shukran. Kurdistan Regional Gov- State and associated security and welfare of all Volume 1, Issue 4 SG Visit Page 2 Ki-moon: “I strongly condemn these violations of fundamental universal human rights”. Secretary-General remarks Islamic State and other to the Press armed groups should be exclusively conducted by Najaf, 24 July 2014 - the Iraqi Security Forces I am extremely honored to and only within the have met His Eminence framework of the Consti- Grand Ayatollah Al-Sistani tution. We also discussed today for the first time. the ongoing political pro- cess of government for- He is a man of the deepest mation. wisdom and tolerance. He is an inspiration and a role The parliament has now model for his many followers elected a new speaker, Dr. in Iraq and beyond. Salim al-Jubouri, a few days ago. I am pleased to We reviewed the current hear that Dr. Fouad Mas- crisis in Iraq and the neces- soum has been elected as sary humanitarian response. President of this great I expressed the United Na- country. I sincerely hope tions’ gratitude for His Emi- that under his leadership, nence’s support for all ef- an inclusive government forts to protect civilians in should be formed without the current conflict. delay and within constitu- tionally mandated time- was by his consistent calls elements of Iraqi society. We discussed in detail the lines. I had the honour of for all sides to refrain from I encourage all religious au- multiple reports of grave meeting him before we sectarian or ethnic rhetoric. thorities to follow that exam- human rights violations came here and I extend, I strongly welcome his cru- ple and stand up for toler- against civilians, places of on behalf of the United cially important appeal for ance, mutual respect and worship, religious leaders Nations, my most sincere all citizens to exercise the non-violence. and atrocities in the areas and heartfelt congratula- highest degree of restraint, Such calls would help silence controlled by the Islamic tions for his election as to work on strengthening the the voices of those who wish State. President of Iraq. We will bonds between each other to advance their own violent continue to work closely and avoid any kind of behav- and divisive agendas. Such The Security Council of the for peace, development iour that may affect the uni- appeals would contribute to United Nations and the rest and human rights of Iraq. ty of Iraq. the unity of the country. of the international commu- Once again, I was deeply nity have spoken out against A new government that is His Eminence and I agreed impressed by my time with these acts, loud and clear. truly inclusive will that political leaders must His Eminence. You can con- Here in Najaf, I once again, strengthen the unity of refrain from radical state- tinue to count on my full as Secretary-General of the the country, fight effec- ments and accusations. support along with the Unit- United Nations, strongly tively against terrorism In this time of crisis, when ed Nations as the people of condemn these violations of and ISIS, as well as up- we see the shocking treat- Najaf and all of Iraq work to fundamental universal hu- root the seeds of sectari- ment of minorities by the build a tolerant, peaceful and man rights. anism and division. Islamic State, His Eminence prosperous country for all its His Eminence underscored I expressed to His Emi- continues to preach peace, people. that the fight against the nence how deeply moved I love and unity among all Shukran. Volume 1, Issue 4 SG Visit Page 3 UN Secretary-General: “This crisis requires leaders in Erbil and leaders in Baghdad to work together to maintain the unity of the country” Secretary-General remarks within the constitutional to the Press timetable. I am particularly worried Erbil, 24 July 2014 - about the unfolding secu- I am very pleased to be back rity crisis in Iraq. It has in Erbil again, for the second claimed thousands of time this year. lives, injured many more, I would like to congratulate and led to the displace- the Kurdistan Regional Gov- ment of over a million ernment and the people of people this year alone. I the Kurdistan Region of Iraq am deeply saddened by on holding of both the gover- the senseless deaths of so norate council elections and many Iraqi women, chil- the general elections last dren and men. April. I also welcome the The United Nations is Peshmerga Forces in their country within its federal new Kurdistan Regional following these develop- fight against terrorist system and remove the Government sworn in last ments with great concern. groups and their role in dangers of further tensions month. I extend my deepest con- protecting communities in and conflicts. I made these I extend my deepest congrat- dolences to the families of the north of Iraq, includ- points during my discus- ulations to the election of the victims of armed vio- ing in areas that border sions with President Bar- President Fouad Massoum of lence and terrorist at- the Kurdistan Region of zani and also Prime Minis- Iraq this afternoon.
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