-- ; -.- '. -*'Po11 Shows JaxStudents Favor ' l,aw To Prevent Strikes In - National DeGense Industries Government Class M~~~~~~ - * * - Makes Field Trip AU.Out Aid For New Superintendent willkit Leads In TO Montgomery Negative- Eagland, Lend* Popularity; JSTC aowmo~FIG&NB: DUCON, hse Bill Carry Is Democratic- MM~Y STATE ~EPAWlW5tNTs =-PREI&~P: COU~ ' PER CENT NEASGX HAE+F OF ham-mmm a=- the Government B class made a trkp nual dshte has h - FOR -IN lM $ n ma=( poll eonduc*~here wendell L WW~, addfen8~,IS ROIY on ha iwxk the TEdkCOLa rewiveti more popular &be 10-1 ' mmp~lgthan he was &fare latit to Gov@ran~Frank Dbx~at WB thee hundred at~~we.to Navcmbr's $leetion. T!h w=@itIs o'-k acid .d frm trim Wig que#tW~ai interest. The tkree deieatad prwielentkl ca-te is wark of the Q&f exmfive and gt h- puestianaaires amwered nwthe chdce of oae JaokmmriIle the =improwernents he hw miale fa the consolinaticrm of wve~albranch- w-t e vivid iztmwmz* aS Audent eS evuly blp to become pddwt in lM.Will& easily M e~,the studwts 'visited the cham- me Jaekwmvklle studMt hda. An me fiead mugthese rimed as the attempt war made to obtain a wide presidential doice af W. a Forty-nfiw am3 orw-Wd per m, approximately me hahewevi% rm, 3\5-miWt!, and at those filling aPtt mf& to exps9ss a d&&a faa*W. 'Too far 6&W oP Waie", $mid tby. !l'&W eha && hw&M The qmzkion war stated: 4'~~bt- wct.s asr beg indkrltitrr at tk;e t& ttw 4b 'W tteuted with Ulis puposiiion, *rmd dading your- to-b~tbminspectlo#%; the Depart- tal ~ptnian d entire student Mf, personal friends and reWives, mmpi Hiswry BBa ATChlmB bld the intam! idterept of the A. (3. SBELTON if you bad the poww whom would students yon name tb become prdsfdent in far some the. After lunch, thie I@&&?"The foll~wilng total pedt was obtained: DouphWi diviiWcertain FnbrninmcauaTebi Ivisianar and SB-t@ EI&e-three per cent of the Jwk- . Mrs. Ada Pitts Resigns A. C. Shelton Is No Choice ................................ 49.46 dsit and fo learn the work QY. do8vLIle *dents are In favor of a ............ sz Mw MJ wnla prmm .trw L. Named County PresidentW~M~U Raosevdt~fi~~cie ............ UW After Yems Of Service lwluebleb working on national de- Corddl Hull ........................... 5% School Head %mm,,, ............ ,,, Ebnry A. Wallate ................ 2% mW'iON John M. Gamer ........................ 1% in nattDW imdustrtez~ On pI&EoToB TO E~A~OME Weceivhg 0~9One Or two votes ot$ar hand, per cent CALHOW SWPEE&IP?JXmENT e** One are QQWS@ .bo a law tha% would * * a ~~~~~~ntw~aas tofill VO~wm: Fafley. HQP~% ' -*P uairrns Prom 'f~'*-a wrnfise was mwis day that LlndbePilh. Jmti& oonege g- to be" iw aef~~ewerk A. C. ~heltton,~irsetor o~ e~flsien~~P~ T* and ma1 of ib kid b the stah. Iiend-Xmse Bill md B-O, lua brrn nppointed bmoldI sod W. para loral tach- Dr. J. F. G la z n e r wngs ,, ,, ja~rstudate h ev- as cmnty sugmteadent $i eduea- four d~rmtt~Fie~, tian for CBXho~tl).COwnty. succeed- In *g Gives Interesting dent- body now .n m C. J. ~lktr*who h~hu me - me .p*l . ?wever* was.- h*en- TSW A+ A e c m h lu hut-,&&. she di -- - -- - -- i&w &ii&r-iT*~-tF@w --g-rr.*u-----ny -. -r -- - - ~lgi&iPMac tQP tb3 awe %m@kmWcfkt8e erg ~m,kw wi& due b the m* Q- .* i-w ion DIxBam 3% EEm 02 w~&W-h-IrkW*a?$$, *en We*& Wf$S he VD@ d&OW $~WP~~D~ $6 mqkr Dr. C. W- ladtw earn - &w@@& pt@&&. 'lVEIS. J; a'. EW- $wwlt MF **% l--wauw-w. .gn~**~tdlcll~rn p&,m@$ #$f2*-h@nr. h54 6 lorn($ wxk =*e m rffolr, wlm~-~Wp~5~ewa slsadR mmdw -ttxlsrt ~w~~Y4ktbeI~W- &a &t.-*-BZMa @fikkMBUWWW%~~ WBm BU =ti p~tkW4~ha ~~ lwwhbd Dr; J. F. Glazner ~8~~ have beah a&edi ~Vem ~u,445n&m IWW -* if @f~&- ' wp . &I% fa@ pe t4ae WW GRres lntr~vrsting ~~~h.ow nWB& h&&d SPY to hg, bt'umb& &own dm fQr ---=t*llh swzcd" dent B8$y !EVCW .anae I@-- bill- A ~~ C. 9. Talk At Asrmbly blur* Bw =W a&mtbs wS llmdrw 4 a- Gva * amr. rb m f0r - amtP-a-QlpShf3- Udm&rn xmc@woi6tg- npa- &d btm@ff kr all, Amm*-* am oi tm Eq+M4m liwmm ~~? & mfi@& - a quaaa ia &e ,&& pi sasmy po Tw.i& WAp ~Q~~@mPm Cd oi * M#l skmidd far iQle: idwk@'bd *-. E t°twt..b.tm*&ehE-~~* - w #twkm5s, awfa lxsx in& ~m~m~of~w=, m. a. r, -; ~wa1:atld ~w~~~~ b&&**my-t* a#@;.@ @ n*arr pu--.- @I$& &WWW @P@ps *@'- Eeh..hIrmn me4tm*-m0w &-~r@'&b*W8dUI-- rrd w b ktwwbam. &bq IT&, md gmsn%d%lie CUrriculu - g$121$~~~ss~~~aa at wwan, r pde!aar 03 Wphjjt* Pa S lk@weecGF@mf m-S*ew- bi wi* = LEmd-m Bi ilmwmw& - @W ehteom WBY. ms $uM& and mwb& la- hc 4 a- frbml P&drmt Rkw-lt ........ IS* mq; .T;rs npq . ~~ -a lmwm&f023di. dr&&M*rmrlW&esgW* ** - wr mw )I* ae --Wdad t. wfEude ,........... I$% WY~%%M PEQ'M~SY* -~ns9pw~NtFIation fim&w with ?% Pt. GWes BWW~ ~6.~~t~-~m~~ByDr.Snyde Jwbvulb gb& @ @ a a~&&mn : ......................... q*radmtt~p wl- maiolbO&~&%mQm(bd.b_Iupth*bdmFrar~mw lege stro~itb pm-- HQ~vmbw &*ism- %I EQ X. wwa ,................. as .. gt waes d- QXM? kd$aT'ldud f~fbnd*a 6;1$ MHH@& wm . =~FV L' -P- w@ms@*@-aLewa$ age,ha bs tab a dm ...............A pmimat &v wWdPa, mv * *mg iD O*he -ww @a$&-mb w&~&32 w& wmW% mi f 8~ WqWELTOirU, PbrQe 83 I&* L t&m,wr- -.-..w 1% 1(m FiW O ....... dSh-:elh-@-- 5, the k*ww a~ mi * B.&*, &t oa~plmwm WithwZMm ,T~BUW$ a k* ,..&.......-....... 4% q* tlRBf*-Li with athem @p& has mfi -&$f.. - no-4 ............... is af -d. OLsa * the Ah&mm' 'I' Students List a sirs@- were* w rrad -+ ~LC"""""""...." "m@""""""""MkL-eflwlll waysTo pay sn ~~aa.,.d-#.*w......-.,.,..&~*.. %% w RSY c prp .e@ QP& Jaew m@ -w m%@hr a-srr- I* wq m abt COUXI* Ht~kb~ College- C 0 s t s ,&T- i, w* w- tm*w&T*,D&* ~h~~e rj,z~~M RIB b~ .a Do tmry&%ng &A& ibP wW @ iakvw e41&zn;dnuraalamW~L#FI~B~~D~~C~~~~ l4i@w I33-k 4#3 brn la- -a, ww SWXOX16GX C%AM HA3938 W& X +, a4 RW- SB1: 9 wwab. * , * ........ .........--7 y---mP @mRTE .Zaor * fo -7 % pQW Vtt$Fa b *hk at a, m.mw-mk - ~HwZm arm*B*e P: -&m qwBhg d tZle Xac2r:m ~~ ' - *m,,$ qa ' e. =" -?'-* @-' In Th-% wmds. BWQ~** bd tcJr * (th ham mfi MI!. Fgft* .&#@ and w& A wve *= m- February b- W L (lU id s4zQmym" 8. &I WWES&W, n. Dr ~J,w Ule DCt OasF pil. n w- terisb rjm- #a W far "h~m=PZ~ listed wa~m @ =a Yks mtw 26 EXjcWW & rn ~WJJa- were u*tlva- ta I - @w WMIX ab's wqr rn.6~mega. rroeiw a en'* 4 pr. vw, bOunm I**, *tU. ~~~, awl sad ap upt**tW AfWQ-..*..~uB ~fmu wmt ta to cageIbut. saU tbe@wea boemk rw- @ be field bi W&b wi-L the X1$B a+ caraa~ *-• -* =r &,&jeAE st '&&$ah 0. $nr&ate~ on dmrt WWY yaa wMW ae@ublia&nV6te * d thor ttjr$t . 7-Id aww ,,t *a ws 1E-$p$$& i* ................ 5% dfbrd It wfct~~ h Uae @ri.iMBtWa Tie fM&L . #q@W, 3*i& mt & Wmt. %&ell L. WU[laita; .........-..a* - - mug vf &km,l -". la mhwand -b m eww. Jm @% ~~ WS5,~- ly@ #&- -= mumm Me &Qw ,...,,,,..,, ,,,.. DS *A ape WJa- -g* pt @OwrwmtLak t, tb~SaB rouqJl trrIrW lm4. * pe~igshw.ia ttke hm- d Et&zh mm & CQIIW rd & 'em [Hie Bwiw E @em,-,..+-.- 180% - 46wm 08 $~PaPik#e4XmdiQtrt~~ 9, rvmI w4 skie &M .oi -ld kB -ge PR the $n@:lf&l%&&t.men't &kt FmqF Corddl ffill ............................ 2% -ffi-*wh-E *- weY- YS&A.a&t s po~~d amp&% 16- &&a W. Fazaer .................... 2% I@* EE@h waE&w.w~, La* Wy.- she te@#i% i h-a. r-g -4 -4 *hoim a ** ine'* a* Wai?kiw, - merB.~SC* .~y~.n DF. mamtlr rra bl "tmP.e m*-+a psd* r 9is.? i.-~....~.--.~~-...~....--..tbE lih&~IIn* n*k. ilhlw. &arb Bh6s wna-in -# OgSr--'-*w"t oi- w# t-*e pes R. R. CelElteB *& two +.maw* e mdimpB@(aotQn*m &liPe!&f * *- a- he adba t. I(v@ sibme &&wad to q a &parite Ib3r 5- ..la*& pl*w h mtwtmh wm@vr*Pism- ta~wrsm.ce~craga~ adt.jmwaB++ *+~wm)e na th rnd~EEhw CLab Mats ~~rn~rnrnezdm---,*&E!& BIpnhYICs10rawrIi,3idm*me Febrw 12 ms'We* PW ba Mt@i4~r ~bebimig, Cy8- t?a@%& au& @ 1gctg& 'Crr~b WWYWb wt4#@- ~EIC of, IQPW~W C* agent, ~ti&qswq, -k tn ~ w- dw RW,3wmw laI m&3 a? a W~MWI R- i t4c WW,~N,.Y. A. as, nw- l;n NO ~vty i%tavmWIB, me kimmmx wm -la 13m WMthe follow;! mmsMt m- NOTICE M* &a&. ......,. A. ......,.............. a% atWeeWlwm:~Aazism~ p-e 3w.-- WW~*8Wt i(BL Ffn@ wbh b #wind 3- fiat the ' Wmrd@ mwb.....<.,...
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