K V' ■* , • ■.- ^ V . < ^ ^ - i A il5 I ' ^TBEAOB DAILY OntODLATlON tor toa Mopto 9i rabnary, IN i Poroeoft of C . i . Woothto Now Barw '■■•> 5..‘ SA02 ^ toelgM aai nber of.the Audit of OteenlotlonB. lato toM tov Blfht. VOL. u n ^ NO. 181. (UwMtBod Advorttateg ou rag* lA ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE C E N li FUNERAL RITES MORGAN GOT RID Whatsit? Yes, That’s What This Is—A Whatat FOR MISS MARY OF AIR SHARES LESS HOURS, MORE PAY C H E ^ H E L D B EFO R E^ CRISIS IS PRESIDENT’ S APPEAL Simple Seryice Condneted at SoM 4,S00 Block Within Asks American Indnsbry for Home Fith Rev. Watson Two Weeks of Mail Con­ Here Is Complete Text immediate CoHiperatioii^ Woodruff Officiating; Bor- tract Cancellation, So O fPresident's Address Warns Tliat Goyemment ial in Family Plot Whitney List Shows. Cannot Forever Take Washington, March 5.—•(AP)— ^out once more that the difficult and simple and private funeral serv- Washington, March 8.—(AP) — The President’a text today as he aul- dangerous situation into which the Over the Whole Borden; ieea for Miss Mary Cheney, who Elvldence that J. P. Morgan, head dreased the NRA code authorities: United States had got Itself was Bight and a half months ago due to the general attitude, "Every of the big banking house bearing died early Saturday morning in New when I signed the Recovery Act I man for himself: the devil take the York, were held from the late home, his name, sold a block of 4,500 said, "must we go on in many grop­ hindmost.” Individuals were seeking Contrasts Condttions To- 48 Hartford road, this afternoon at shares of United Aircraft stock It’s a "Whatsit,” if you’re curious about this queer, tailless plane, shown at the Glendale, Calif., air termi­ ing, disorganized, eeparate units to quick riches at the expense of other 2:30. Rev. Watson Woodruff, pastor within two weeks before government nal before its flrst public air test It’s the tovention of Waldo Waterman, Santa Monica, Calif., veteran deifeat or shaU we* move as one individuals. Geographical sections day aiMJnst a Year Ago. of the Center Congregational cancellation of the airmail con­ flyer, a 1,100-pound two-passenger ship which a 100-horsepower, ^r-cooled motor drives at 100 n^es an great team to victory.” were seeking eoon.mlc preference church, officiated at the services at tracts, was presented today to the hour. The wings, which have a SO-foot spread, slope backward at a 26-degree angle, and the wing tips The team is before me this morn­ for themselves to the disadvantage ing—3,600 leaders of 600 greater of other sections. Cities were reck­ the home and in the Blast cemetery Senate banking committee. have stabilizers. ^ Washington, March 8 — (AP)— where burial was In the family lot Morgan’s name was on a list— organized industries representing, lessly offering Inducements to man­ In accordance with the wishes of submitted to the committee by the as measured by employment, more ufacturing plants to move away President Roosevelt asked Ameri­ the family friends were requested New York Stock Ehcchange—of than 90 per cent of the industrial from other oltlis. Within given In­ can industry today for "immediate to omit flowers. There was no those who sold more than 1,000 field which is covered by the NRA. dustries unfair competition went on cooperation to secure increase In music. shares of the air transport stocks (aVEN CONNECTICUT RIVER NatursJly I sim deeply gratified that unheeded or resulted In vast con­ wages and shortening of hours." Manchester stores closed from from a long position within the two STATES RIGHTS the faith which I expressed last solidations whose •eourltles were "It is the immediate task of in­ 2:30 until 3 o'clock out of respect weeks before cancellation. June is so well justified In March. peddled to the public at dishonest dustry to re-employ more people at for the deceased, and.a delegation The Bhcchange also submitted a IS RISING TODAY I do not undertake today to pre­ prices. There was little considera­ purchasing wages and to do it now," from the Manchester Chamber of long list of short sellers during the sent either a broad review of all the tion for the social point of view and he declared. period, but they contained few well TO FIX MILK PRICES manifold causes which led to the no planning whatsoever to avoid the Commerce attended in a body. Spesxing to the several thousand The bearers were: Horace B. Che- known names. distressful situation from which the pltfijla of overproduction or of bell­ ing methods which foisted articles members of NRA’s code authorities, The committee ordered a thor- nation Is emerging or a recapitu­ .thered In Constitution Hall for a (Oonttooed on Page Two) oiigh inquiry, however, to determine D. S. Supreme Court Rules Bat Ice Too Thick to Break; lation of the events, the measures on a guilUble public, which the fam­ Sree-day review of the industrial whether there bad bebn a "leak” on DIEUDONNESCOSTES, and the results of this past year. ily budget could not afford. control program, he warned that the government’s decision to cancel You are hiere as the direct represen­ A True Picture' "the government cannot forever the air mall contracts. That New York Has Pow­ Aato Traffic in Hartford tatives of only ono element In our That Is a strong picture but you continue to absorb the whole burden ICE IN THE SOUND Morgan was listed as selling the NOTED FLIER, SAFE complex modem life but at the and I, in the bottom of our hearts, of unemployment.” 4.600 share block of United Air­ Is Back to Normal. same time because of the fine spirit know that It la a true picture. Most He ceiled for greater protection craft "through Richard Whitney and e r -S a m e Situation Ex­ you have shown I can congratulate of us participated In the making of of small business, terming the ooda Company. you on an approach to your own that picture. We did not know as authority "the keeper of your small BLOCKING TRAFnC Stock Market Head problems which shows an under­ much then as we know nmy and be­ induaulal brother." This firm is headed by Richai'd ists in Connecticut. Friends Feared He Was Lost Hartford, March 5.— (AP)—The standing of the many other prob­ cause our eyes have been opened it Ha said the anti-trust laws “ must Whitney, president of the Ebcchange, 'v Connecticut river rose steadily to­ lems which crls-cross and dovetail Is possible that future history will continue in their major purpoee of who submitted the names to the day, winter was declared by the into each other to make up the call that crazy decade of 1919 to retaining competition and prevent­ committee in response to a sub­ Washington, March 5.—(AP)—In After Being Honrs Over­ broad objective of the American 1939 one of the greatest blessings ing monopoly.” Boaysand Lightship Swept poena. weather bureau to be virtually at He demanded that "every corp­ a decision having an Important people. The short selling list included the an end, and automobile traffic in It Is sufficient for me to point oration in the United States’’ give bearing on the validity of recovery due on Copenhagen Hop. (Oonttnoed on Page Ten) from Moorings; AU Sched­ name of F. A. Vanderlip, who was the city retymed to normal propor­ its workers free choice to organlM disclosed to have sold 100 shares legislation, the Supreme Court to­ themselves and emphasised that tions this momihg after four days "those two words tr io choice’ mean of United Aircraft during the day upheld the right of ^ state to of melting had rid ' the roads of ules Are Disrupted. period. Munster, Germany, March 6.__ just what they say.” fix a minimum price for milk. most of the ice and slush. Expects Support Among the other long sellers, It sustained the New York milk (A P )—Dleudonne Coatee, Icnown as At 10 a. m., the river gauges at meaning those who sold stock they WAR DEPT. PURCHASES Saying he knew Industry with control law under which the mini­ the "Lindbergh of France," whom Dutch Point and the South Mead­ few exceptions would give whole­ New London, March 5.— (AP) — owned as contrasted with those who mum price was se^ at nine cents a ows registered a total rise of 6.4 sold short without owning stock, the world feared loat after he land­ hearted compliance, the President qmut in an effort to promote the feet In the Ck>nnectiout, the waters The Coast Guard, lighthouse service were Tom Bragg, noted trader, 1,000 ed here Saturday because of fog, warned that in these exceptions return of prosperity. Justice Owen having obme up one toot since mid­ and shipping ooncems reported lee shares Aviation Corporation; F. ^i. OF AIRPLANES PROBED "the government itself must and J. Roberts delivered the opinion. took off at noon today for Copen­ night. Pressure by the additional Douglas trading account, 1,400 will undar the law move flrmly and conditions in Long Island Sound still Admlnlctratlon leaders received hagen. water from upstream failed to promptly to prevent failure.” bad today and vessels were forced to shares of Douglu Alrpraft; 9cy- He contended that industry must mour Quggsahelmer, 13,400 United the declMon with jubtlance follow­ Coites did net know until four break ua the Ice here whose thlok- proceed with utxxvost caution because ing theit WBoouragemant by the Re­ hfss Is- MU estimated at 16 to 24 keep to "the lowest schedule of of heavy ice floes which were wet-k­ Aircraft; North American Aviation, bdurs bSfore His departure today .Chief of Air Corps Deaiot NO RIGID RULES irtces on which higher wagos and 18.600 of Douglas Aircraft stock; cent action of the high court in up­ inches.
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