Summer 2012 (June / July / August) Issue 9 ACSANewsDigest A Publication of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture tury boulevard transformed for the 21st, a included teams from the School of the Art WEST CENTRAL horizontal deconstructed Willis Tower, an Institute of Chicago (SAIC) and the Univer- industrial district as creative hub, and a sity of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). skyscraper that scrubs the air. ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The winning team members will receive Studio Associate Professor Antony Wood paid summer internships at Design Or- Professor Robert J. Krawczyk was an in- exhibited Hi-Rise, Lo-Carb, a Spring 2012 un- ganization, the Chicago architecture firm vited speaker at the International Society dergraduate studio Collaboration with Coun- selected by ComEd to design the new fa- of The Arts, Mathematics and Architecture cil on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat and cility. The winning team also will receive a Conference, ISAMA 2012, DePaul Uni- Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture. $1,500 cash prize to be split evenly among versity, Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 2012. the team members. Krawczyk’s speech was entitled “Exploring Assistant Professor Marshall Brown exhibit- Digital Fabrication.” ed Garfield Boulevard: Completely Stripped Naked, “We’re excited to engage with aspiring ar- Dirty, and Wet, Fall 2011 graduate studio. chitects and provide students with a real- Living Room Realty’s new exhibit, Objects world opportunity to showcase their skills,” in Space, will feature work by Studio As- For more information, visit the Chicago Ar- said Anne Pramaggiore, president and sociate Professor Paul Pettigrew. The show, chitecture Foundation website: www.archi- CEO, ComEd, at a news conference at the open June 22 – August 3, displays living tecture.org Chicago Architecture Foundation. spaces in a storefront gallery, and high- lights locally sourced and produced furni- The July/August 2012 issue of Chicago Pramaggiore served as a member of the ture, textiles, and accessories. Pettigrew’s Architect magazine includes an article on contest jury, which included Jeanne Gang, iCharnley, an iPod stereo system, will be in- Associate Professor Frank Flury’s recent principal and founder of Studio Gang Ar- cluded in the exhibit. The stereo was built undergraduate design/build studio project. chitects; Lourdes Gonzalez, senior vice into and around a single piece of quarter- IIT students adopted the local vernacular— president of Primera Engineers; Raj Gupta, sawn white oak fumigated in ammonium to the round barn—for their design of a visi- CEO of Environmental Systems Design, match the patina of the Charnley House in- tor support facility at Mies van der Rohe’s Inc.; and Wilbur Milhouse III, president terior woodwork. The white oak came from Farnsworth House in Plano, Illinois. Read and CEO at Milhouse Engineering & Con- Chicago’s urban forest via Horigan Urban the article at: http://mydigimag.rrd.com/ struction. Forest Products. For more information, publication/?i=116280. visit: www.livingroomrealty.com “Selecting a winner was not easy as all ComEd announced the winners of its “Pow- of the entries were very strong,” said Raj Chicago Architecture Foundation’s new ex- erful Design” contest, in which local archi- Gupta. “It is exciting to see such talented hibit premiering June 22nd features Col- tecture students created design concepts aspiring architects developing design con- lege of Architecture undergraduate and for a new training facility on Chicago’s cepts at this level.” graduate studio work. Unseen City: Designs South Side, on May 1. IIT architecture for a Future Chicago tackles the question, undergraduate students Andrea Zuniga and Participants were at least fourth-year un- “What might this neighborhood and city Daniel Caven created the winning entry, dergraduate or master’s students. While become?” Designs include a 19th cen- entitled “Seed of Light.” The contest also “Seed of Light” won first place, other prize winners included the “Looking In, Climb- ing Up” entry from UIC, the “Arena” entry from UIC, and the “Aletheia” entry from ACSANews Digest is published once monthly and is distributed digitally to the SAIC. all full-time faculty in ACSA member schools via the ACSA Update member- ship email. These Regional School items were originally published on the “We’re excited to offer internships to the ACSA website, which offers extensive coverage of member schools activities talented winners of this competition,” said updated daily. Spero Valavanis, president of Design Orga- Visit www.acsa-arch.org/ACSANews/read for more news. nization. “They have demonstrated consid- erable skill, creativity and vision and we are © Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 2012 eager to work with them and ComEd on this important project.” 2 ACSANewsDigest As part of the company’s $2.6 billion in- nal. Likitswat’s design called for a cultural Small Project Structure | Honor Award: vestment under the Energy Infrastructure and recreational site, a food production Richard Blender, Blender Architecture. Modernization Act enacted last fall by and marketplace area, and a habitat island. Garden Infrastructure + Connector; Small the Illinois General Assembly, ComEd will Project Structure | Citation of Merit: Thom- build a LEED-certified facility to train a The Schiff Foundation Fellowship is ad- as Roszak, Thomas Roszak Architecture, new generation of utility workers in the ministered by the Art Institute of Chicago The Clark Family Welcome Gallery at Adler advanced skills needed to modernize the for the purpose of supporting young archi- Planetarium; Small Object | Citation of electric grid. The training center will con- tects. As the Schiff Foundation winner, Fa Merit: Martin Felsen, UrbanLab, Art Chi- tain classrooms, office space, new technol- Likitswat receives a $15,000 award and cago: Video Arcade. ogy exhibits, conference rooms and stu- her project will become part of the perma- dent break areas. It also will feature 20 nent collection of architectural drawings SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY indoor underground cable-splicing bays, housed within the Ernest R. Graham Study a weather-protected pole yard, overhead Center for Architectural Drawings at the Art Professor Jon Davey PhD, AIA, and Assis- conductors, distribution automation equip- Institute of Chicago. tant Professor Shannon Sanders McDonald ment, manholes and substation equipment AIA completed an eight day design char- for use by trainees. ComEd plans to begin Congratulations to Ph.D. student Nghia rette providing design assistance and con- construction on the facility later this year. Phan, winner of the ThinkSwiss Research sultation to families who lost their homes Scholarship! Phan will receive a stipend to or were partially destroyed during the re- “We are proud to be part of this process and study at École Polytechnique Fédérale de cent tornado that struck Harrisburg Illinois. to showcase the work of local architecture Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland under With the approval of the Mayor Eric Gregg students,” said Lynn J. Osmond, president Professor Fernando Porte-Agel, Head of the faculty, undergraduate students, gradu- and CEO of the Chicago Architecture Foun- Wind Engineering and Renewable Energy ate students and March Alumni set up an dation. “We encourage Chicagoans to come Laboratory. Phan will focus on applications atelier (studio) in the Harrisburg Public see the works of these talented students for the small scale wind turbine in the built Library. A total of two faculty, nine stu- enrolled in the top architecture programs environment. dents and one alumnus provided design in a city known for great architecture.” assistance to over 23 families completing The ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship 20 new home designs and 3 structural The Powerful Design contestants were program promotes exchanges and sharing consultations. The Design Atelier (studio) honored at an awards ceremony at 5:30 know-how between the United States and was structured as a typical office with each p.m. on May 1 at the Chicago Architecture Switzerland. student taking on one or more projects, in- Foundation. The entries will be on display terviewing the families and designing their through May 23, 2012. Professor Dirk Denison’s firm, Dirk Denison new homes. Architects, has received The American In- Master of Architecture student Anne Dudek stitute of Architects (AIA) Housing Award Shannon Sanders McDonald, an assistant was chosen as AIA Chicago’s 2012 Martin for the Carmel Residence in Carmel by the architecture professor at Southern Illinois Roche Travel Scholar. Dudek will use the Sea, California. The beach house features University, Carbondale has authored a $5,000 grant to travel to China, where she dramatic views of the Pacific and large slid- chapter in the Encyclopedia of Sustainability, will research living conditions for migrant ing windows that allow breezes through the Science and Technology edited by Robert A workers in cities. Dudek plans to continue house’s courtyard. Jurors praised the inte- Meyers titled: Personal Rapid Transit and this research through her IIT Masters Proj- gration of living and outdoor spaces and its Development. It is a peer-reviewed cov- ect and her planned professional focus on described the residence as “a sanctuary for erage of sustainability science and technol- social architecture. living and meditation.” http://www.aia.org/ ogy from nearly 1,000 of the world’s lead- practicing/awards/2012/housing-awards/ ing scientists and engineers,
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