A Central New York Voice for Peace and Social Justice December 1987 PNL 544 vI;Ebe ~Pax•Q~,A~~• P. Give the Gift of World Peace LA. R0K-04 . PEACE • riI1E P1Z —Published Monthly by the Syracuse Peace Council Founded in 1936 ISSN 0735-4134 -- the peace council page SPC Staffing & Structure Change in Ad Hoc House New s In our last issue of the Peace Newsletter, Andy an d I both reported that we would oe leaving the Peac e Yoiz might not be receiving a January PNL in the usual format ; however we hope to be able to send ou t Council, and that we were looking for new staff people . As the result of several staff evaluation/restructurin g a New Year's greeting . The SPC office and The Front Room will be closed from December 25 to January 1st . meetings we've decided to change the face of SPC . Andrew Seltzer is off to Vermont for six months . I n We now have one full-time person as the SPC staf f s person, one half-time PNL staff person, and two half- his stead Molly Mysliwiec has come on as SPC Pres apprentice and house dweller . Welcome Molly ! time Front Room ,p eople . The change will result in on e full-time person to do SPC resource work and TFR coor- The Front Room has a new volunteer two days a Welcome Steve! Andy Mager ha dinator work . week -- Steve Neff . s returned from three weeks on the road in the Midwes t Because of limited staff time and only a few selec t where he gave talks as a Jewish peace activist . volunteers, several ideas have been tossed around t o In welcoming Andy home, we had to say goodbye t o make better use of staff time and finances . One ide a Corinne Kinane, his standin here while he was away . was to look into hiring a third staff person whose prima- Thanks Corinne ! ry purpose would be to put together our annual fundrais- And don't forget The Front Room for your holida y ers as well as fundraise his/her own salary . Another shopping . There's a beautiful supply of UNICEF holida y idea was that the office would be "closed" for half th e cards, peace and justice calendars, and colorfu l day, and open for half the day . By "closed," we mean t posters . that the phones would be attached to a machine(so tim e Happy "holly"days and safe travelin' ! ! wouldn't be spent dealing with phone shifts), but th e -Lisa Labeill e office would still be open for Front Room'or SP C walk-ins . We would then act mainly as a clearin g house or resource center ; we would also drop much of our program work, such as Hiroshima/Nagasaki, ta x day vigils, and war toys campaigns, unless coordina- tors came forward. We haven't yet made any final changes, with the exception of two full-time positions . So we welcom e any ideas for restructuring, or volunteers to participate in program work or to take on phone shifts . Those interested in applying for staff position s Body Bags & a Coffin should call SPC,472-5478 ; or write us . The applica- y tion deadline is December 15th . On Friday November 27th, the biggest shopping da -Lisa Labeill e of the year, 10 or 15 Peace Council members, concerne d parents, and local mimes gathered at Kiddie City to pro - test the sale of war toys . Leaflets wore passed out ex- plaining why the G .I . Joe series, specifically, is bein g Our Head's Above Water! boycotted . We also handed out leaflets-now availabl e As most of you realize, we've done a lot of fund at SPC-suggesting alternative, creative toys for variou s raising events and fund appeals in the past 2 1/ 2 ages . There was a symbolic burial of war toys in a n months . The result of these efforts is that toward th e open coffin, and action figure body bags were given t o end of this holiday season our financial head is abov e shoppers . The bags remind adults and children of th e water . Not including various expenses for phone calls , real costs of war . copying, and postage, we've made approximatel y Media coverage of the event was good . For th e $4, 500 from the phone-a-thon ; Linder Dinner, Bowl-a- most part shoppers were quite receptive to the idea . thon, and staff salary fund appeal . Several said that they never bought war toys for thei r If you are reading this now, then you have probabl y children, and one individual said that his mother ha d received our holiday fund appeal . Please don't tak e been an activist and he had never been allowed t ot-pla y the above figure and decide that we've got enoug h with guns . He was happy to see us carrying on thi s money . We still have several bills to pay off(including tradition . We were quite pleased with the turnout an d an $800 house insurance bill) as well as possibly hav- response . ing to pay three to four full-time staff people full salar y We wish to thank War Resisters League, Ne w during our transitional period . Also, take a look at our England for their organizer ' s packet and Donnelly/Colt House Wish Liston page 2) some of the money could b e for their pins and stickers . For more information abou t used to purchase any one of these items, or if you wish , the National Stop War Toys Campaign, contact Wia L your gift could be the donation of an item on the list. New England, PO Box 1093, Norwich, CT 06360 . -Lisa Labeill e 12/87 Peace Newsletter 3 BOOKSBOOKSBOOKSBOOKSBOOKS BOOKSBOOKSBOOKSBOOKSBOOKSBOOKSBOOKSBOOKSBOOK S The Long Haul: Journal and Letters from Nicaragua 1983-198 6 by Sister Barbara Ginter, CS) . Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondolet. $6.50. paper. 74 pp. Barbara Ginter's silhouette crosses our eyes i n cipal work, the facilitation of Christian base com- the ad for the bookstore, My Sisters' Words . Bu t munities . its the shadow of her 'faith and fight' that crosse s There are passing reflections on picking coffee , the minds and hearts of those who know her throug h guests and days off, the' official Church/popula r this book . Barbara completed her own 'long haul'- - Church' struggles, and the daily sorrows of th e dying from cancer at age 37--on August 14, 1936- - growing Contra war . Her reflections on poverty o f a traditional day of feasting in the Nicaraguan cit y spirit when she joined the fast with Miguel D'Esco - of Leon that she had loved from 1983 to 1985 . to are sharpened by her self-revelations on Jun e I read this book and once again experience th e 15, 1984--the discovery of cancer . From that time Barbara I had known since high school . It's con- on, her identification with the poor assumes it s sistent . There's a sparseness of vocabulary an d greatest depth . The final dated entry in April 198 6 emotion--but an intensity of strength and vision i n pulls together these threads that she had struggle d these letter and journal entries . to live . "I think : who am Ito escape the fate o f Introduced with sensitivity by her dear friend the poor? I carry with me always their spirit o f Sr . Lee Connolly, the entries were gathered from hope and acceptance and trust in God that I wil l friends to whom we must be grateful . To "J"-- a get through each day ; that I will be given my daily frequent correspondent--Barbara notes : "I've never bread ; that my God will not abandon me . " seen such people with so much determination . " Some may judge the words to be simple and ord- This open-eyed wonder at the strength and faith o f inary . Maybe they are--as Barbara was 'ordinary . ' the poor is sustaine,d throughout . To "B" she And perhaps that's the power of this well-edite d writes : "I really feel alive in the liberation spirit- little book--a simple and ordinary means to help u s uality that I embrace so deeply ." These two integrate our own activism and faith for ' the lon g themes are woven together as her 'strong feminis t haul . ' and revolutionary faith lives itself out in her prin - -David E . 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