1 2004-2005 Prentice-Hall Guide to Finance Faculty Alphabetical by School

1 2004-2005 Prentice-Hall Guide to Finance Faculty Alphabetical by School

Prentice Hall Guide to Finance Faculty by Hasselback 1 2004-2005 PRENTICE-HALL GUIDE TO FINANCE FACULTY ALPHABETICAL BY SCHOOL NAME RANK PHONE E-MAIL TCH RESR Degr/Date/School START Abilene Christian Univ Abilene, TX 79699-9305 (915) Fax=674-2564 2003 Dept of Accounting & Finance College of Business Adm coba.acu.edu BA,BBA Dept Phone: 674-2304 1600 Campus Court Kim Turman Lytle, Richard S. Dean 674-2503 rick.lytle Mktg PHD 94 Ariz St 1991 Fowler, Bill E. C-As 674-2080 bill.fowler 1 MS 83 Walsh 1990 Griggs, Jack A. Prof 674-2244 jack.griggs 23 FMPX PHD 71 Tx-Austin 1-91 Pope, Terry Assoc 674-2570 terry.pope 12 C PHD 69 So Meth 8-92 Stewart, Jonathan Asst 674-2133 jonathan.stewart 13 LMPY PHD 96. Tx Tech 9-96 Adelphi University Garden City, NY 11530 (516) Fax=877-4607 Dept of Banking Econ & Fin School of Business Adm adelphi.edu BBA,MBA,MS Dept Phone: 877-4971 South Avenue Libertella, Anthony F. Dean 877-4690 libertel Mgt PHD 72 Ohio St 2000 Gleicher, David C-Ac 877-4971 gleicher Econ PHD 84 Columbia 1981 Swensen, R. Bruce Assoc 877-4655 swensen 12 M DSW 82 Columbia Heinowitz, Harvey J. Asst 877-4663 heinowit 13 T MBA 75 Adelphi Adrian College Adrian, MI 49221-2575 (517) Fax=264-3331 Finance Faculty Dept of Atg & Bus Adm adrian.edu BBA Dept Phone: 265-5161 110 South Madison Street Bachman, William C-Pr 264-3939 wbachman 35 LNQ ABD 73 Kentucky 8-81 Nalepka, William T. Asst 264-3941 bnalepka 12 MBA 76 E Mich 8-96 University of Akron Akron, OH 44325-4803 (330) Fax=972-5970 1966,1976 Department of Finance College of Business Adm uakron.edu BS,MBA,MS Dept Phone: 972-7302 259 S. Broadway Barnett, James W. Dean$ 972-7442 jbarnet Redle, David A. C-Pr 972-6329 redle JD 80 Akron Akhigbe, Aigbe Prof 972-6883 aigbe 1 DGPS PHD 91 Houston 2000 Moyer Chair in Finance Durst, David R. Prof 972-6332 ddurst 3 PR DBA 72 Geo St 9-68 Kahl, Douglas R. Assoc 972-6755 kahl 2 LMN PHD 81 Iowa 9-89 Lahey, Karen E. Assoc 972-5436 klahey 6 & PHD 85. Fla St 1991 Charles Herberich Associate Professor of Real Estate Ramcharran, Harridutt Assoc 972-6882 ramchar 4 UVW PHD 78 SUNY-Bin 9-86 Kim, D. Asst 972-5461 24 VWJ PHD 00 Drexel 2000 Neuman, Melinda Asst 972-6108 neumanm 1 CDEG PHD 00 Mich St 2000 Hruby, George Inst 972-6301 ghurby MBA 97 Clev St 1997 University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0224 (205) Fax=348-0590 1929,1963 Dept Econ, Fnce & Legal Stde College Comm & Bus Adm cba.ua.edu BS,MA,PHD Dept Phone: 348-7842 Box 870224 Shelia Smith, Pgm Asst Mason, J. Barry Dean 348-7443 jbmason Mktg PHD 67 Alabama 1967 Russell Professsor of Business Administration Helms, Billy P. H-Pr 348-7842 bhelms 1 PHD 73 Tennessee 1973 Agrawal, Anup Prof 348-8970 aagrawal PHD 86 Pittsburgh 1999 William A. Powell, Jr. Chair of Finance & Banking Brooks, Robert E. Prof 348-8987 rbrooks 2 L PHD 86. Florida & 1989 Cook, Douglas O. Prof 348-8966 dcook 2 N PHD 87 Tx-Austin 2004 Gup, Benton E. Prof 348-7842 bgup 3 PHD 66 Cincinnati 1983 Robert Hunt Cochrane/Alabama Bankers Chair McLeod, Robert W. Prof 348-8993 rmcleod 3 SX PHD 77 Tx-Austin 8-78 Page, Frank H. Jr. Prof 348-7842 fpage 1 PHD 80 Illinois 1990 Schlesinger, Harris Prof 348-7859 hschlesi 1 PHD 80 Illinois 1987 Frank Park Samford Chair of Insurance Zumpano, Leonard V. Prof 348-7842 lzumpano 3 PHD 76 Penn St 1975 Chair of Real Estate Carroll, Carolyn Assoc 348-9791 ccarroll 2 PHD 85. Illinois 1984 Downs, Thomas W. Assoc 348-4590 tdowns 2 PHD 82 Purdue 1989 Ligon, James A. Assoc 348-7842 jligon 3 PHD 91 Penn 1991 U of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL 35294-4460 (205) Fax=975-4427 1973,1977 Department of Finance School of Business uab.edu BS,MAC,MBA Dept Phone: 934-8830 1150 Tenth Avenue South Homepage: www.business.uab.edu Prentice Hall Guide to Finance Faculty by Hasselback 2 Holmes, Robert E. Dean 934-0055 holmesr Mgt PHD 71 Arkansas 1-99 Nail, Lance A. C-Ac 934-8860 lnail 12 AG PHD 96. Georgia 9-96 Burns, Richard M. Prof 934-8860 rburns 1 CI PHD 86. Georgia 9-87 Fetherston, Thomas A. Prof 934-8860 tomfeth 43 VS PHD 85 Rutgers 9-87 Walker, Joe Assoc 934-8860 jwalker 12 CI PHD 79 Tx A&M 9-87 U of Alabama in Huntsville Huntsville, AL 35899 (256) Fax=824-6328 1994,1994 Dept of Economics & Finance College of Adm Science email.uah.edu BS,MAS Dept Phone: 824-6590 Ms. Martha O'Connell Billings, C. David Dean 824-6735 billind Econ PHD 69 Missouri 1981 Wilhite, Allen W. C-Pr 824-6590 wilhitea Econ PHD 81 Illinois 1988 Evans, Dorla A. Prof 824-6764 evansd N PHD 85 Arkansas 1991 Burnett, John E. Assoc 824-2928 burnettj F PHD 92. Alabama 1992 Alabama A&M University Normal, AL 35762 (256) Fax=372-5874 Economics & Finance Dept School of Business aamu.edu BS,BA,MBA Dept Phone: 372-5085 Juanita Smith Jones, Barbara A. P. Dean 372-5576 bapjones Econ PHD 73 Geo St 1997 Rahimian, Eric N. C-Pr 372-5085 Econ PHD 75 Indiana 1975 Robbani, Mohammad G. Assoc 372-5095 aammgr01 12 JKLV PHD 94. Fla Intl 9-94 Shen, Qian Asst 372-4885 PHD 02 S Illinois 8-02 Briggs, Charles Inst 372-4787 cbriggs 23 BNPY MS 86 Alab A&M 8-86 Alabama State University Montgomery, AL 36101-0271 (334) Fax=229-4870 Dept of Accounting & Finance College of Business Adm asunet.alasu.edu Dept Phone: 229-4134 915 South Jackson Street Vaughn, Percy J. Jr. Dean 229-4123 pvaughn Mktg DBA 75 Tx Tech 1974 Crawford, Jean G. C-Pr 229-4133 jcrawford Atg PHD 87 Alabama 1989 Huang, Gow-Cheng Assoc 229-6920 ghuang F PHD 91. Alabama 1989 Bradford, Jorja Asst 229-6802 jbradford MBA 98 Aub-Mont 1999 Montgomery, Walter Asst 229-6807 wmontgomery MBA 74 Atlanta 1993 Sailors, J. Franklin Asst 229-6927 jfsailors CF PHD 85 Georgia 1994 Univ of Alaska, Anchorage Anchorage, AK 99508 (907) Fax=786-4119 1995,1995 Department of Business Adm Col of Bus & Pub Policy uaa.alaska.edu BBA,MBA Dept Phone: 786-4127 3211 Providence Drive Fannie Slaten Case, Thomas Dean 786-4126 tcase Sys MS 76 S Calif 2002 Jeffries, Francis C-As 786-4162 afflj Mgt PHD 96 Wash St 1997 Srivastava, Suresh C. Prof 786-4148 afscs 18 EOP PHD 87 Maryland 1987 Cohen, Richard H. Asst 786-1949 afrc2 PHD 92 Indiana 2001 Howarth, Carol Asst 786-4153 afcg1 14 FH MBA 88 Chicago 2001 Univ of Alaska - Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK 99775-1070 (907) Fax=474-5219 1988,1988 Dept of Business Adm School of Management uaf.edu BBA Dept Phone: 474-7253 Kerrie Stephens Collins, James M. D-Ac 474-6524 ffjmc Mgt PHD 91 Tx-Austin 1991 Chiang, Chun-Hsiung Asst 474-7049 ffkcc 24 JMS PHD 00. LSU 2000 Univ of Alaska Southeast Juneau, AK 99801 (907) Fax=465-6383 Finance Faculty Business Academic Prog uas.alaska.edu BBA,MBA,MPA Dept Phone: 465-6402 11120 Glacier Highway Mary Bowen/Karen Cummins Schmidt, Karen Dean 465-6369 karen.schmidt PHD Albany State University Albany, GA 31705 (229) Fax=430-5119 Department of Business Adm School of Business Adm asurams.edu Dept Phone: 430-4772 504 College Drive Did Not Respond Again -- 1998-99 Listing Ojemakinde, Abiodun Dean 430-4788 abiodun.ojem+ Econ PHD 89 LSU 9-89 Olandunjoye, G. Titi C-Pr 430-4771 titi PHD 81 Bowl Gr 9-97 Said, Hassan A. Assoc 430-4775 hsaid PHD 94. Alabama 9-98 Albion College Albion, MI 49224-1899 (517) Fax=629-0428 Finance Faculty Dept of Economics & Mgt albion.edu BA Dept Phone: 629-0419 611 E. Porter St Linda Klatt Christiansen, Daniel S. C-Pr 629-0425 christiansen Econ PHD 75 Stanford 1981 Bedient, John B. Assoc 629-0343 jbedient 1 IU MBA 78 Indiana 1984 Hooks, Jon A. Asst 629-0530 jhooks 4 PHD 89 Mich St 1989 Li, Zhen Asst 4 PHD 04 Princeton 2004 Albright College Reading, PA 19612-5234 (610) Fax=921-7883 Prentice Hall Guide to Finance Faculty by Hasselback 3 Finance Faculty Dept of Business & Econ alb.edu Dept Phone: 921-7701 13th & Exets Sts Bell, Christine A. C-As 921-7701 chrisb Mktg MBA 77 Temple 1989 Martin, David A. Prof 921-7888 dmartin DA 80 Lehigh & 1983 Alcorn State University Alcorn State, MS 39096-7500 (601) Fax=877-2326 Div of Accounting & Finance School of Business lorman.alcorn.edu BS Dept Phone: 877-6450 www.alcorn.edu Gill, John W. Dean 877-6450 jgill Atg PHD 92 Miss 1998 Odaiyappa, Ramasamy D-Ac 877-6450 ramasamy Atg PHD 85 Florida 2000 Bhargava, Vivek Asst 304-4319 vivek PHD 96 Alabama & Udemgba, A. Benedict Asst 877-6450 budemgba PHD Jack St Alfred University Alfred, NY 14802 (607) Fax=871-2114 1987 Finance Faculty College of Business alfred.edu Dept Phone: 871-2294 Saxon Drive Ms. Lori Yardman Homepage: //business.alfred.edu/ Martin, David G. Dean 871-2124 deanmartin 12 DP# PHD 91 St Louis 2004 Robana, Abderrahman Prof 871-2825 frobana PHD 71 NYU 1978 Al-Sharkas, Adel Asst 871-2294 alshakasa PHD 08 N Orleans 2003 Alma College Alma, MI 48801 (989) Fax=463-7277 Finance Faculty Business Adm Dept alma.edu BA Dept Phone: 463-7184 614 West Superior Street Trebesh, Michael F.

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