Vol. 59-No. 25 Philadelphia, August 24, 1912 Price 5 Cents The Plans for a Joint Tour of the Globe By the New York Giants and an All-American Team Now So Well Advanced That There Is No Longer Doubt of the Undertaking, Regardless of League Results EW YORK, N. Y., An^ust 19. It Tinker said that he was very much disappoint was announced recently by Frank ed last year when the Reds were unable to Bancroft, business manager of the secure him to manage the team. He would World©s Tour of the Giants and Ail-Americans, that the trip would like nothing better than to go to Cincin be taken by the two teams that nati some time in the future, if there is an win the pennants and then partici opening. Chance is going to quit the game pated in the World©s Series. But it seems after this year, and Tinker is his logical suc that, as the plan originated with John Mc cessor as manager of the Cubs, but he does Graw, the Giants, whether they capture the not want to stay there. He says he has been National League flag or not, will make the in Chicago too long to jump into a managerial trip, accompanied by a team composed largely berth there. He declared that he would try of American League players. O. D. White, to get the managership of some major league who has discussed the details of the tour with team for next season, if he can get away from McGraw, will probably leave here the last Chicago, or would prefer to go to the minors week of this month to pave the way. He will as a manager than to continue much longer receive final instructions in a few days and as a private in the ranks." expects to have plenty of time to arrange for the accommodation of 30 or more players at COMEDIANS SQUELCHED leading hotels, in ocean steamships and aboard limited railroad trains. The incorporation of the New York Giants-All-American Around-the- President Johnson Put Quietus Upon Her World Tour at Albany with a capital of $60,- man Schaefer and Nicfc Altrock. 000 makes Washington, D. C., August 17. An official THE TRIP A CERTAINTY. edict which puts a stop to the coaching pranks It is learned that Roger Bresnahan may be of AHrock and Schaefer was issued yesterday persuaded to go along as manager of the All- by President Ban Johnson. This will elim Americans. Mike Mitchell. of the Cincinnati inate from the American League circuit one of the best features base ball has been able Reds, is said to have been invited to play on to boast of in many years. These two com the AH-American team, and invitations have edians furnished genuine humor. Games been extended to Ty Cobb, Napoleon Lajpie, which were tiresome from the standpoint of Joe Jackson, Tris Speaker, Eddie Collins, the home rooters on the recent trip were made Chief Bender, Hal Chase and other American enjoyable by the comedy of the two players League stars, it is reported. McGraw has mentioned, and public scorn was kept from received promises from Mathewson, Marquard, many a player going badly on the opposing Doyle, Fletcher, Snodgrass, Murray, Devore, team because the fans were occupied watch Chief Myers, Shafer, Tesreau, Hartley and ing Schaefer and Altrock. There was nothing Crandall to go with him, but if some of them harmful about the antics of this pair, and all decide to remain at home, no trouble will be they did was to furnish good amusement for experienced in filling their places. In fact, the crowds. But some one evidently put in the promoters of the tour are swamped with a knock with Big Chief Ban on the theory applications from star ball players who would that there is no room for comedy on the ball rather travel all Winter free of expenses than field, yet some of the slow, draggy games remain idle. As originally announced, which the present season has furnished were THE TOUR WILL BEGIN . made tolerable by the amusement which Grif on October 25, when the teams will play their fith©s comedians furnished. first game on the Polo Grounds. It has been tentatively arranged to visit Philadelphia and DREYFUSS DICTUM Washington before going West, where games probably will be scheduled for Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, The Pittsburgh Boss Convinced That the Omaha, Denver and San Francisco. The trip Pirates Will Win Pennant. across the Pacific will include stops at Hono lulu, Tokio, Yokohama, Hongkong, Manila, Pittsburgh, Pa., August 19. "When the Sydney and Melbourne, after which the teams Pirates take the road again in September they will come back to Panama for several games will be leading the league,©© said Barney in the Canal Zone, to be followed by a visit Dreyfuss, owner of the team today. "We to leading cities in South America. Because have 20 more straight games at home while of weather conditions, it has been decided to the Giants are on the road. We have the best abandon the idea of playing in European cit chance to win the pennant, and we will Win it ies, also for the reason that the men must in spite of the fact that two teams are now return home in time to report for Spring leading us. The New York team looks dif practice. Many prominent base ball men ARTHUR FLETCHER ferent from the club that made the great spurt think that the tour will serve to introduce Shortstop of the Nezv York National League Club early in the season. Their pitchers are not base ball in foreign countries and in time will holding up. The umpires helped them to a m^kfi, the game popular all over the world. Arthur Fletcher, who was the substitute Infielder of the New York Giants In 1910, re number of games recently. The Cub pitchers For this reason McGraw and his fellow pro ceived his chance, as a regular in the 1911 season when Brldwell was traded to Boston for are not goi-ng good, while our pitchers are Herzog. The latter was placed at third base and Fletcher was placed regularly at short in good shape." moters will receive official indorsement and field, where he has made good ever since with a rengeance. Metcher was born at Kd- plenty of financial support. wirdsville, Ills., 25 years ago, and was purchased from the Dallas Club, of the Texas League, by the New York Club in the Spring of 1POS. Fletcher is & tall, rangy, fellow, TEETH TEST THE CURVE BALL fast on his feet, and is one of the surest shortstops in the National League. He stands five feet 10 Inches, is a right-hander and has generally batted around the .300 mark. Hat Chase Has Peculiar Method of Choos A Chicago Professor Says It Is an Easy ing His War Club. Thing to Pitch. Hal Chase, who needs no introduction to th» New York, N. Y., August 17. The curve, fans, has a rather peculiar way of selecting cycloidal curves, isoperimetrical curves, spiral they described would have made famous pitch his bats. Most batters size the bludgeon by tlie high foul, the freakish behavior of the ers envious. spit-ball and all the other phenomena famil catenaries and was pretty well up in physics weight. Not so Hal. The New Yorker had iar to base ball enthusiasts were all explained and mathematics generally. He discovered a splinter in his tongue recently and that©s Ecientifieally by Prof. W. S. Franklin, of Le- what is now known in physics as Bernoulli©s TINKER©S AMBITION how the secret leaked out. "How did you get high University, to a class that crowded Fair- rule. It is a modification of this rule that that in?" queried a bystander in the lobby weather Hall, Columbia University, the other accounts for the base ball curving after it of the hotel where the Yanks were stopping. day, to hear, a lecture on "The Physics of leaves the pitcher©s hand. It is merely a The Chicago Shortstop Would Like to Be a "Well, I©ll tell you," said Hal. "I was Base Ball Curves." Professor Franklin start question of air pressure. The professor mad.e a Team Manager. downtown this morning sampling some new ed in by telling about Bernoulli©s law. Ber a number of experiments by which he demon sticks. I can tell a new bat by tasting the noulli, a scientist, of the seventeenth century, strated the rules he, had stated. "By various When the Cubs were last in New York, wood." The Yanks© bat boy declares that didn©t know anything about base ball curves, propelling devices he sent out over the heads sbortstop Joe Tinker unbosomed himself to a Hal has all the Highlanders© bats imprinted but be knew, according to the speaker, about of the students miniature balls. The curves local scribe to the following effect: © ©Joe with his teeth. AUGUST 24, 1912 Order of the Canned and chased a-way coult *••••»»••••••••*»•»»»•»••»»»«••«+»»»»«•»»+«»•»»»»»»» really be called back. Cincinnati had so ntanj pitchers during the days Jean Dubuc was her This Coupon Send One that the little fellows had a hard time to fine is only good C o up o n for for 30 Days Philadelphia, August 24/12 Each Series room enough to sit on the beach. He showet Desired. CINCINNATI AT THE FORKS OF symptoms of brilliancy on several occasion front Date. when he did get a chance.
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