SECTION ONE RED BANK SECTION ONE VOLUME ••NO RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 16 Howard Monahan Busy Induct Mayor, 194% News Chronology Rumson Obtains M.B.C. to Omit Annual Two Councilmen, Federal Aid For - First Aid Instructor At Little Silver Appears lit: This Issue Sewage System Binnerfor^Duration Frake Points to - : "Made Known in New Highlands' New Fire Chief Was Review Of the Year wjll Be Sound Financial Years Message, by Victory Banquet At Close Of Wr Well-Known Professional Boxer Condition of Boro Found In First Section Mayor Auchincloss To Replace February 22d Event Howard J. Monahan, now lira chief * On prfges 9,10,11,12 and 13 of Scc- pleasure of telling of the great By a unanimous vote tho Mon- of Highlands and recognized At the re-organlzation meeting of tlpn 1 of^thlB issuo of Tho Register, amount of progress that has been Rumson's excellent financial con- mouth Boat club at its monthly bust- throughout this section as Mon- Capt. Runyon Little .Silver governing body New will bo fouiftha comprehensive review been ^nado in our section. Our col-dition, federal aid for the aewage Many New Homes, ness session Monday night decided mouth county's No. 1 American Ked Years day, Mayor Oliver G. Frake of tho main news events of the past umnsfhavc been crowded with news system ,taken over by the borough, to, eliminate the annual Washington1* Cross first aid Instructor, has had u and Councilman Donald E. • Lawcs year, as well as a record.of deaths and of street Improvements, many new acquisition of Iho Monmouth Con- Birthday dinner for tho duiatlon of busy and varied career during his To Again Head woro sworn In for new terms and a weddings that have occurred in 1541 torea and public buildings, auch as Roads Improved the wai' and to hold a Victory ban- first 40 years, which he reached last new member' of tho council, Frank* in Red. Bank and the entire area c6v-' municipal halls, 'schools, .and aewer quet at its close. November 8. AH present indications lyn E. Gray, was also inducted. The ered by. Monmouth county's leading and water works. Whllo It has been cath In each case was administered Weekly. ' . In taking this action tho club la point to a busier year than ever for Township Board our sad duty to list the usual deaths In Fair Haven following - a precedent established this popular officer. by Bljss Price of the law firm of Ap- In presenting this resume of past of the year,'many of persons Well 1 plegato, StcveriB, Foster, & Rcusslllc. 1 during 'the first 'World War.' -Owing » Interested- In the boxing gamo Howard Roberts Warns events, the publisher fecJs that our known to our communities, is has Finances Excellent, to the' fact that a large number of since boyhood, which ho spent In his renders will welcome the opportun- been a pleasure to record tho names club members and sons of members native city of Albany, New York, _MiddLefo_wners_oi_New_ ity of reviewing briefly the many of our young residents who have ven- Reports Mayor in ' are now away from home in army Chief MBhahatrtoolc~up~boxlnE as a great news events that have"taken tured down the road of-matrlmony, and-navy 'soi-vlco-in-this-couHL.ry.-anjl. profosaloh at the age of 18. He State Dog Law place during a crowded year. It Is a and the many sporting events that His Annual Message overseas as was the .case in 1917, the . fought 85 professional battles as a record, as complete aswe canmako have Jkept us_ .occupied during a hec- club_members .. v?erc._united__intho 110»poundfo«thBrwoight uniler the It, of the great public improvements tic year. opinion that under present coifdl-" name of Mickey Sullivan during hla Captain Albert Runyon 'was re- that have been undertaken in 1911, Compling this information has "This year has been a lyisy one in tions ' such a celebration should bo • seven years In the ring. Perhaps his elected chairman of the Mlddletown the tragedies that have mar-red the been something of a task, hut we are municipal nUairs," declared Mayor omitted.. - greatestrbfittio wo.8 a 10-round draw township committee at the annual year and the unusual'bits of news Augustus M. Minton in his annual "at Hartford,: Connecticut, with the sure that tho result hns been well One of the" newer and younger organization meotlng New. Years day. that havo._brought smiles to our.Jlps worth -jthe .effort and tlrrie spent message at the re-organization meet- members now in the navy and locat- junior lightweight champion of the Oaths of office were, administered to or tears to oiit eyes; To some extent, ing" of- the Fair Haven mayor, and world, Johnny Dundee. Many ^f oUtitCflders, wo-are sure, ed in the Hawaiian Islands sent Victor E. Grosslngor, Edward H. this review Is an Index of the 52 is- council New Years day. "During tfio Christmas and New Year greetings sues that The Register, has-produced will want to preserve these pages us upast year," he3 continued, "our bor- Morford and William C.- Johnson; a historical record, and for this rea- to the cliii). Tho card was mailed ' members of the'township committee; in 1941. • .• ough has expanded^and acquired November 20 from Honolulu by En- • Thomas B. Day, road supervisor; son they are published in convenient many new homes which have in- Much water has gone over the dam form, as compactly as possible. sign Jacques R. Eisner, U. S. S. San . Craig Flnnegan; township engineer;. creased the value of property in,this Francisco, a son of Col. J. Lester Joseph B. Johnson, township treas- ic 1941. We have gone through a As far as we'know it is the fir t borough. This new construction in hectic year, one that we will never time that a review of tlm magnitude lisner, an active member, who was urer; Fred W. Meyer, member of tho the" borough nmounted to thousands onored by the club at the October Leonardo Harbor commlealon, and forget for It was during 1941 that has. been attempted by a weekly of dollars."1 The mayor pointed out the United States entered tho World newspaper. In offering it, along: with meeting. ' Eugeno Reardon, Mr. Meyer, Nicho- that the borough has kept pace with Secretary Edgar V. Denlse, who re- las G. Rutgers, Mr. Flnnogan, Mr.' conflict. We have sadly recorded our sincere wishes for a better year his growth by resurfacing of streets tragedies such as murders,, drown- in 1942, we trust that it will meet :ently underwent a major operation, Morford and Harold Kelly, members n. various sections of the borough eceived-a hearty -welcomo upon hia of the newly appointed' tire rationing ings, deaths by fire and suicide. But, with approval by our great avmy of on the other hand, we have bfld_th(V readers . JAME§ C. AUCHINCLOSS •eturn. He expressed his apprecia- board. ' ' • . ' tion of the club's kjnd remembrances Mr. Johnson was welcomed to the olidated Water company ny the. mu- and well wishes during his hospital- committeo by Mr. Grosslngor. George 'r.icipalities served by it and remun- ization,- adding, "I'm mighty glad to . Ruppel, a member of the board of ration for the mayor and council be back again nnd am rarln' to go." education and president of tho MAYOR OLIVER G, FRAKE Seeing Eye Dog For'A'ere among the highlights of the It is a great pleasuro for all of us Seventh District Men and Women's M d a.- win .yw_hnRk_asain_in_yDUr_..BCr t ^_hlkun,.i:hjb,..proacate(i.H.r > ••-Strooolhg--tho -excellent--financial C. Auchincloss at the .reorganization ustomed place," said President Ben- clock and telephone guldo to Mr. condition of the borough, Mayor meeting of. the mayor, ana council jamin L. Atwater. Johnson a3. a gilt from tho club. Mr. Frako.'in his annual message pointed Blind : that borough. At the opening of tho meeting. Johnson made a short acceptance out' that tho borough tax rato has Mayor.Auchincloss and Councilman President "Ben" spoko -feelingly, of /speech. been "reduced by $5.10 per thousand James P. Bruce and Lieut. Sheldon T. the loss of one of the club's moBt val- : It was announced by.Howard;.W.. In tho past .year.-and-that-.tho. coun-. loleman .were sworn into office for members,- "Allie" Miller,- after' Robert's; "township clerk', that a new ell expects to reduce the rate again new terms. Recorder Alfred F. King which the members stood with heads, dog licensing law went-into, effect this year. Reid Banker Being Traihed In Use administered the oath to the mayor, bowed in silent tribute to his mem- January-li-and—that—all-residents —"During" the past'-year," the mayor who in turn sworo in the two coun- ory. The secretary was authorized would havo until February 1 to get continued, "the borough has met its Of His German Shepherd "Peggy" cilmen and Albert A. Kerr, Jr., bor- to draw up a resolution of condol- their dog licensed. • every obligation, closing the year ences to be sent to the family. - Mrs. Louise Bodman resigned as a ough clerk. Mr. Bruce, who is' 87, is HOWARD MONAHAN with a substantial unexpended bal- Wilbur Ivlns of, 19 West.Sunset litions as seeing persons. -They want probably the oldest councilman in the Chester R. Rogers, president of tha"' member of tho township defense (Contlnued On Page 2) Second National bank and Trust council and her resignation was ac- avenue, Red Bank; was 34 years old to be £reo people; they want to earn As a boxer he trained with Nat Monday and tho realization' of a their pwn living; they want to re- (Continued'*On Page.
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