N.M.H. INDEX 1. 1948 ABATTOIRS ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES (Con't) Government unable to act on fellmongery Child saved from waterhole 19.3:2 27.1:2 Four saved from swamped launch 22.3:1 Abattoir needs salt 11.2:2 2 washed overboard, grabbed dinghy 29.3:1 Kill pultry at abattoir for Britain 28.2:2 Explosion on lake cruiser : 2 burnt 5.4:1 May reopen abattoir claira 10.3:2 Arms burnt in saving child 5.4:2 Maitland Abattoir gets more coal 19.3:3 Two injured in Maitland crossing smash l4.4:l Meat supplies threatened 20.3:1 Man hurt, trawler puts back to port 17.4:2 Work at abattoir doubtful today 22.3:1 Prompt action saved man gassed in pit 3.5:1 Council probe on abattoir charges 26.5:2 Man badly hurt in 20ft fall 11.5:2 £35,000 wool-scour premises planned 2.6:4 Collapsed, fell into baths 14.5:2 Praise for Newcastle Abattoir 2.6:4 Man found dead on cliff ledge 15.5:1 Wool scouring works protest 8.6:2 Boy, 10, shot in face 17.5:2 Minister's threat cut price 30.6:2 Newcastle raan killed in fall 17.5:2 Ask questions on abattoir 28.7:3 Shaft impaled motorist 31.5:1 Abattoir head resents query 29.7:2 Girl attacked by stray cat 10.6:1 Meat reinspection at Maitland 11.8:3 Injured in train smash 10.6:3 Did not answer on abattoir 25.8:2 Guard falls from train 12.6:1 Land for abattoir tennis courts 25.8:2 Fellmongering company waits year for permit Died 8 years after accidental shooting l4.6:2 27.8:2 Boy fatally shot at Gloucester 28,6:1 Taxi-driver in harbour rescue 9.8:1 Against permit for fellmongering plant 7.9:2 Boy killed at Belmont 11.8:3 Abattoir send-off 16.9:4 Steer (escapee) charges cyclist 12.8:1 Fellmongery near abattoir "vital" 22.9:2 Woman's death in canvas theatre 13.8:1 Address Council on fellmongery 29.9:2 Fatal fall into hold 20.8:1 , Inspect Sydney fellmongeries 6.10:2 Child dies after eating tablets 21.8:2 Offer accepted to see fellmongery 12.10:2 Officer died on ship 23.8:2 School body opposes fellmongery 13.10:3 Got 11,000 volt shock, survived 27.9:1 Would accept challenge on fellmongery 27.10:2 Boy, 4, rescued from river 9.10:2 Fellmongery "fight" to continue 2.11:3 Two boys struck by car 13.10:2 Left when no statement on abattoir 10.11:2 No redress for pensioner 13.10:2 Saw fellmongery for themselves 19,11:2 Mountain ride with broken leg 29.10:3 Minister lauds abattoir at Maitland 20.11:2 Man slashed : razor attack while in bed 8.11:1 To continue opposition to fellmongery 23.11:2 Boy shot in backyard 8,11:2 Aldermen arose before dawn for inspection Injured man in storm channel 8.11:2 26.11:2 Fell under train, suffered only minor No decision on fellmongering 1.12:2 injuries 11.11:1 Proposal on meat waggons fail 1.12:3 Fatally burnt fighting fire 15.11:2 Seek abattoir for Coalfields 1.12:4 Injured by train, found under tree 15.11:2 Fellmongery "an advantage" 7.12:2 Got shock from electric drill 18.11:2 Still against fellmongery 15.12:2 Eight injured at Gresford sports 22.11:2 Burnt using petrol to kill scorpion 22.11:4 Three in faraily injured in two accidents 26.11:2 ABORIGINES, Australian Woman's long wait in bush for help 27.11:2 Accidents kill six at weekend 29.11:3 States disagree on Federal blacks control Sailor's narrow escape 8.12:3 11.2:3 Cyclist killed at Cessnock 9.12:3 Cyclist falls in front of bus 13.12:2 Kurri child drank ant killer 22.12:2 ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES Care could avoid many accidents 23,12:2 Cow attacks man 28.12:2 Woraan fell from wharf 2.1:2 Hit by golf ball, skull fractured 30.12:1 Collapsed in surf, died 2.1:3 Injured golfer iraproving 31,12:2 Pram net alight, baby girl dies from burn 3.1:1 Man saves wife, son from electrocution 3. 1:2 Boy injured in fall from tree 3-1:5 AGRICULTURE 3 injured, tripped over wire, rope dog 5. 1:2 Man dies on beach 5.1:2 Defy deraand to pay for bank bill circular Burnt by molten metal 5.1:4 14.1:3 Fingers crushed in chaffcutter 6.1:2 Priraary Producers' State Council 17.1:3 Horse stands on man's head 6.1:2 Ergot may harm cattle 7.2:2 Coalfields have unusual accident series 7.1:3 Mildew causes melon losses 17.2:2 600-volt shock, hand burnt 14.1:2 Urges rural worker recruiting plan 19.2:1 Electric shock while mixing drink 5.2:2 Drift from land "National calamity" 5.3:2 Cessnock man shot 9.2:2 Turning swamps into farms 6.3:3 Boy shot while rabbiting 23.2:2 Rain worried growers of vegetables 2.4:2 Youth killed in fall under bus 25.2:2 Vegetables fed to pigs offset losses 10.4:2 Fisherraan found dead on beach 1.3:2 Minister defied by Board on £1/1/7 14.4:3 £900 damages for Lambton wharfman 4.3:3 "Back washers" grown at Branxton 19.4:2 Train guard saves woman (photograph) 11.3 1 Stock kept to eat grass down 19.4:2 Found stranger hanged on back verandah 12 3:1 Planted lupins to get more vegetables 3.5:2 South Belraont boy killed by bus 13.3:1 Appoint another Eruit Inspector 7.5:2 Tubular steel used for fodder sheds 13.5:2 N.M.H. INDEX 2. 1948 AGRICULTURE (Con't) ALCOHOL Tocal hereford stud sale brings £13,978 14.5:2 Used boats at lake in search of beer 2.1:2 Dysentery kills 100 pigs 17.5:2 Beer drought to continue till next week Stop drift of farm labour 18.5:3 3.1:2 Hunter River millet in deraand 24.5:2 City's worst beer shortage 6.1:2 Hybrid maize give greater yield 24.5:2 Beer position improving 8.1:2 Wallabies 'eating Maitland crops' 28.5:3 Breweries "real government" 13.1:2 'Alarming' drift of farm labour 29.5:2 Want to reject brewery aid 13.1:3 Short of some seed potatoes 1.6:3 Ask Premier to reopen brewery 15.1:3 U.K. cartridges here soon 11.6:2 Bowlers, workers get liquor licences 22.1:3 Rabbits 'farmed' by some landholders 16.6:2 Seek union evidence on beer sales 23.1:2 Vegetable farmers run dairy herds 19.6:2 Beer was short in Newcastle 27.1:2 Fodder award to Singleton farm 26.6:2 Beer increase "unlikely" 3.2:2 1100 lb bullock sells for £31/3/6 29.6:2 Beer short, but supply norraal 17.2:2 Seek legislation to control rabbits, poultry Trades Hall help requested on beer supply 30.6:2 25.2:2 2,000 cows in herd tests 8.7:3 There's beer on at one place 26.2:2 Criticism for casual market gardening 17.7:3 Club finds beer hard to get 28.2:2 Shrike strike caterpillars, help farmers Ask unions to ban beer in Newcastle 2.3:2 24.7:2 Strike ends beer deliveries 3.3:2 Sheep was victim of the road (photograph) Ask state to control beer 8.3:3 16.8:1 Beer vats full, production may stop soon Vegetables aid to pig raising 18.9:2 13.3:1 Helicopters save time in dusting crops 20.9:2 Report sales of bulk beer 13.3:3 Government loans for fodder 1.10:3 Shortage of wine and spirits feared 18.3:2 Harvest wheat next month 5.10:2 Beer strike, so twice as many "drunks" 9.4:2 Lucerne growth "phenomenal" 5.10:2 Drunks stay drunk longer now 12.4:2 Bloated cows saved by stabbing 11.10:2 Doubts on first beer sale day 8.5:1 Crops destroyed by black insects 25.10:2 Bottled beer sent to country 11.5:1 Drift to cities 'not harmful' 4.11:4 Beer arriving, but no sales yet 12.5:2 Dry season tests soil 12.11:3 Breaking of the drought (photograph) 12.5:3 Weed sends Tarro cattle bald 18.11:3 Five dozen bottles of beer vanished 13.5:1 Farra labour drift "unchecked" 23.11:3 More bottled beer arrives (photograph) 13.5:3 Rain needed in Hunter Valley 23.11:3 Rush for beer was smaller than expected Hail, winds, drought hit crops 2.12:2 18.5:2 Few T.B. cattle in Cessnock area 2,12:4 Tooth's beer cut 10 per cent from today £400 lost because seeds were wrong 11,12:3 14.7:1 Shortage of Fruit Inspectors 23.12:2 Three factors affect N.S.W. beer output Rural peace in Hinton landscape (photograph) 4.8:1 23.12:3 Observe effect of Liquor Act 30.8:2 Rain needed in Hunter 28.12:2 Enough beer while weather cool 17.9:2 Need more rain, say farmers 31.12:2 Consumption of wine trebled 19.10:1 Minister orders beer glass size 20.10:3 50,000 beer glasses illegal 3.11:2 AIRPORTS Seek more beer for Wallsend 9.11:3 "More beer" this Christmas 16.12:1 "Airlines need club pilots" 10.1:2 Beer not "short in Newcastle" 24.12:2 Want airport at Williamtown 26.1:2 Beer shortage "likely" for next 2 months Airline firms "given ample notice" 17.2:1 30.12:1 Invoke law to value airline offices 18.2:3 Consumption of beer almost 16 gallons Council offer : airstrip gravel 16.3:2 a head 31,12:1 Minister asked to save airstrip 19.3:2 King's Air Captain at Williamtown (photograph) 24.4:2 ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY Two planes forced into Williamtown 29.4:2 Fog closes aerodromes in 3 states 30.4:2 £12 m.
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