HAVE FUN ON OF THE JEWEL MFG. YOUR VACATION & SETTING DEPT. AND TAKE ApPEARS ON PAGE IT EASY. OF THIS ISSUE. Published by and for the Employees of the Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna. Vol. 8 No.6 * Copyright, 1950, Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna. * HAMILTON FAMILY PICNIC AUG. 12 AT ROCKY THE HOME OF THE HAMILTON WATCH COMPANY Gates Open 10:30 A. M. ·To 6 P. M. Bus Service To Park Every 8 Minutes. Free Tickets For Rides On 9 Amusements, Plus Swimming, Dancing And 'Games. Rain Date August 26. The 1950 Hamilton Watch Com­ held in the boys and girls age pany Family Picnic will be held groups 1 to 4, 4 to 6, 6 to 10, 10 to at Rocky Springs Park on Satur­ 15. day, August 12. In case of rain the The softball equipment will be picnic will be held at the same available if there are any em­ park on August 26. ployees interested in playing dur­ Employees are requested to con­ ing the day. tact their departmental clerk im­ Buses will leave Duke & East mediately, giving their names and King Streets every eight minutes the number of their children who starting at 10:30 A. M. Through will attend the picnic. With this the day the bus service will be I information, the clerks will avoid closely checked so that transpor­ a lot of confusion when the tickets tation will be at ample intervals are released starting August 1. when you desire to go home. Only children of employees will receive a certain number of tick­ If you intend driving to the pic­ ets for rides on all motorized nic there will be available park­ amusements. Identification tags ing space. for employees and their families If you are planning on bringing will be given out the same time a basket lunch there will be plen­ the free tickets for rides are re­ ty of picnic tables available leased. Employees tickets are also throughout the park. If you have Here is the latest aerial view of the home of the Hamilton Watch Company, including the new free. A booth located near the any particular table in mind, it is Research and Engineering Laboratory taken by Ned Aurand in May. miniature railroad and also at the suggested you get there early and Park Office in the center of the reserve it. amusement area will sell addition­ That's it mates. That's the story HMA Officers Elected Ross Atkinson, 62, Former Vice President al tickets at 25% discount. Tickets of the 1950 pre-picnic set-up. In w. will be sold only to employees the July issue of TIMELY TOP­ For 1950-51 Term In Charge Of Sales And A Member Of The B of D, wearing their identification tags ICS we will have a more detailed at the time of the purchase. story along with the committees 'The Hamilton Management As­ Died June I 0 After A Prolonged Illness. Free rides will be available on in charge of the events. sociation wound up its 1949-50 the roller coaster, the airplanes, season on May 15th in the new Hamilton lost a great man on stockholders in April 1947, he Saturday, June 10, when W'I was elected a company di­ the whip, the merry-go-round, the Hamilton Auditorium with the bumping cars, the miniature rail­ election of officers for the 1950-51 Ross Atkinson, former vice rector. HMA Picnic Slated For president in charge of sales Mr. Atkinson was born on road, the ferris wheel, the fun term and a talk on the Hoover house and the speed boat. Report by Dr .James Wagner, pas­ and a member of the board ISeptember 19, 1888, in Harris- August 5 At Stone Barn tor of St. Peter's Reformed of directors, burg, a son There will be free swimming, a Church. died at his of the late quoit tournament, a dance, and The new officers elected are: pome, 1140 Mr. and Mrs. kiddies games. A Hamilton watch The 1950 Hamilton Management Rowland Bitzer (Friction Jewel­ Maple Ave- Edwin At- will be given away as a gate prize. Association Picnic will be held on ing), president; Bill Sterling (Pro­ nue after a kinson. H e There will be no amateur show Saturday, August 5, rain or shine. this year. However, if there are cess Planning), 1st vice president; long illness. entered the The site of the picnic is the any employees who wish to have Sam Evans (Balance Staff), 2nd I Mr. Atkin- watch-mak- "Stone Barn," Lancaster County's vice president; Al Mathews (Train­ son, 62, was ing trade in their children dance, sing, recite newest picnic ground, located one or playa musical instrument they ing Supv.) , secretary; and Mor- I a Hamilton· 1907. He be- mile west of Millersville on the may do so during the dance. rell Smith (Budget), treasurer. ian for 28 came an ap­ Letort Road. years, all of There will be no prizes awarded. The executive board elected for I pren·tice a one year term is composed of: them spent If August 5 turns up sunny, the watchmak- Ira Bowman and his orchestra Russ Markert (Train), Vic Frid- I in the Sales will furnish the music for dancing picnic will be held outdoors. If it inger (Dial) and Bob Kauffman Division. er and sales- from 2:30 until 5:30 P. M. Various rains all the planned activities On No- man for B. (Flat Steel). For two year terms dance prizes will be awarded. will be moved inside the "Stone are: Herb Swisher (Plate) and vember 23, F. Sheibley, 1949, Mr. jeweler, at If you roller skate, the park Barn." Les Erb (Iinspection). For three management announces reduced year terms are: President R. M 'I A t kin son Lewistown. The social committee in charge res i g ned In 1912 he prices will prevail for all Hamil­ Kant and Chet Connor (Process I ton employees and their families of the picnic is composed of: Gene Planning). fro m the joined the Barber (Prod. Con.) , Bill Dussing­ company on sales force who care to use the rink. President Bitzer received the I er (Mech. Planning), Carl DeMora gavel from retiring president doctor's or- 0 f George Concerning swimming, the only Cloyd Dobbs (Section Supt.) and ders because Eckert, jew- request the Rocky management (Frt. Jeweling), Abe Burkhardt made a brief acceptance speech. of ill health. eler, in J ean- makes is that you bring your own (Service), Jack Conklin (Display), suit, towel and soap. The new president immediately Mr. Atkin- nette. From Johnnie Adams (Machine Shop) made plans for the annual HMA son joined W. Ross Atkinson 1914 to the If you're interested in entering and Woody Rathvon (Insp.). picnic which will be held on Aug­ the Hamil- end of World the quoit tourney, you are re­ ton Watch Company in 1921 War I, he was employed suc­ The top billing on the menu ust 5 at Shopf's near Millersville. 1 quested to send in your entry to Besides President Dobbs, the re­ as a sales and promotional cessively by the Harrisburg Joe Butson (Damaskeening) on features Bar B-Q's with all the tiring officers include, Joe But­ field representative. He be- Pipe and Pipe Bending Com­ or before August 8 so that a trimmings plus beverages. The ca­ son (Damaskeening), 1st vice came assistant sales manager pany at inspection work and schedule can be drawn up. If terer for the picnic will be Leo president. Bitzer, who was 1st vice the following year. In 1927 he by the Driggs-Seabury Ord­ there are enough entries handed president last year is now presi­ became sales manager, a po- nance Company, Sharon, as in, competition will be in the Shopf, a top hand at making good dent, while Secretary Mathews sition he filled for 10 years. assistant to the naval inspect­ Men's singles and doubles, and food. In 1937 he assumed direction or of ordnance. and Treasurer Smith were re­ mixed doubles. Winners will re­ There will be plenty of enter­ elected for another term. of all sales activities and was I Following the war, in 1919, ceive prizes. The tourney will Dr. Wagner in his talk on the elected vice president in Mr. Atkinson returned to the get underway at 1 P. M. tainment on the program. It will facts uncovered by the Hoover charge of sales. At the annual watch and jewelry field as Games for the kids will start at consist of quoits, badminton, soft- Report, cited many examples of meeting of the Hamilton (Continued on Page 4 ) 1 P . M. until 2 :30 P. M. There will ball, volleyball, cards, etc. Prizes (Continued on Page 4 ) be prizes awarded. Games will be will be awarded for all contests. 2 Timely Topics foreign competition to discontinue making 7 jewel watches, and Waltham tried unsuccessfully to operate by producing only watch­ Volume 8 Timely Topics Number 6 es with 17 or more jewels. cilop TALK EDITORIAL BOARD Q. How has this arrested the normal growth of the strategic facili­ Dick King, former McCaskey WALLACE B ORK, Chair., Proe. Engineering ties of the American Watch Industry? Hi football star and brother of J. ED MILLER, Case Order Division HAZEL KELLER, Case Office Mollie King (Plate) and Doris A. No American manufacturer dares consider the introduction of a King (Std. Cost) is now a plebe at EDITORIAl. STAFF new watch movement unless he can reasonably anticipate the the United States Naval Academy annual sale of from 50,000 to 100,000 of the model for a period of General News and Production, CHARLES H.
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