May 22, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E895 charter, the WHO sets forth the crucial objec- 1950 U.S. Women’s Open, which would be In his role as chief of the crown jewel of tive of attaining the highest possible level of the first of 38 USGA championship appear- American parks, Superintendent Finley has health for all people, yet today the 23 million ances. She was a two-time Curtis Cup Team successfully managed a staff of 800 and a citizens of Taiwan are denied appropriate and member (1960, ’62) and a two-time Curtis Cup budget of $25 million. He helped create the meaningful participation in the international Team Captain (1986, ’88). She is the only in- Yellowstone Park Foundation to solicit private health forums and programs conducted by the dividual to captain both a men’s and women’s support for the world’s first national park, and WHO. Currently, there are over 190 partici- U.S. World Amateur Team, leading the women set Yellowstone on a course that will preserve pants in the WHO; Taiwan is not one of them. in Stockholm, Sweden in 1988, and the men its natural heritage, while providing the best What this means is that Taiwan is not per- in Badsarrow, Germany in 2000. In addition, possible experience for the 3 million people mitted to receive WHO benefits. Judy Bell has been a USGA Rules official who visit each year. Access to the WHO ensures that the high- since the 1970s and has worked both the U.S. Mr. Speaker, Michael Finley is leaving the est standards of health information and serv- Open and U.S. Women’s Open. park service to become president of the Turn- ices are provided, facilitating the eradication of Judy Bell has been a source of inspiration er Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia, one of the disease and improvement of public health on to all she meets. By her work, by her words most dynamic philanthropic organizations in a world-wide basis. The work of the WHO is and by her example, she has brought a count- the nation. Please join me in thanking him for particularly crucial today given the tremendous less men, women and youngsters into the his years of service to our nation’s parks, and volume of international travel, which has game. I urge my Colleagues to join me in pay- wishing him and his wife, Lillie, continued suc- heightened the transmission of communicable ing tribute to Judy Bell—this year’s recipient of cess in their new endeavors. diseases between borders. Lack of access to the PGA’s ‘‘First Lady of Golf’’ award. f WHO protections has caused people of Tai- f INTRODUCING LEGISLATION CON- wan to suffer needlessly. A TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL V. FIN- GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY Mr. Speaker, there is no good reason why LEY, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL OF MINNESOTA ON ITS 150TH AN- Taiwan should be denied observer status with PARK SUPERINTENDENT NIVERSARY the World Health Organization. As a strong democracy and one of the world’s most robust economies, Taiwan should participate in the HON. JERRY LEWIS HON. MARTIN OLAV SABO health services and medical protections of- OF CALIFORNIA OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fered by the WHO. In addition, the WHO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stands to benefit significantly from the financial Tuesday, May 22, 2001 Tuesday, May 22, 2001 and technological contributions that Taiwan Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. SABO. Mr. Speaker, today, along with has to offer. would like today to pay tribute to the 30-year- my colleagues from Minnesota, I am intro- Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge my colleagues public service career of Michael V. Finley, the ducing legislation congratulating the University to vote in favor of this legislation. superintendent of Yellowstone National Park. of Minnesota and its faculty, staff, students, f After providing leadership in parks ranging alumni, and friends on the occasion of its from Yosemite in California to the Everglades 150th anniversary. COMMENDING JUDY BELL—FIRST in Florida. Superintendent Finley will retire in Mr. Speaker, the University of Minnesota is LADY OF GOLF June for a new career in private industry. a land grant institution established in 1851, Starting with his first ranger position at Big seven years before the state of Minnesota HON. MARGE ROUKEMA Bend National Park, Michael Finley has was accepted into the Union. Since its cre- OF NEW JERSEY worked a rich and varied career helping keep ation, the University of Minnesota has become IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America’s National Park system beautiful and one of the most comprehensive and pres- Tuesday, May 22, 2001 educational for our citizens and visitors from tigious universities in the United States, and is around the world. He actually began his life in a major research institution spanning four Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to di- our parks in 1965 as a seasonal fire control campuses and outreach centers statewide. rect the attention of my Colleagues to aide, working throughout the West for the next During its first 150 years, the University of Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey where this six years. Minnesota has awarded more than 537,575 evening one of golf’s legends will be honored. Over the years, Michael Finley has devel- degrees, including more than 24,728 doctoral The Professional Golf Association (PGA) will oped an expertise in inter-governmental rela- degrees. Among the University of Minnesota’s honor Judy Bell as recipient of this year’s tions, working with state and local govern- accomplished faculty and alumni are 13 Nobel ‘‘First Lady of Golf Award’’. The PGA First ments and on Native American issues. He has Prize winners. Lady of Golf Award, inaugurated in 1998, is directed legislative efforts, research projects, The University of Minnesota’s faculty, staff, presented to a woman who has made signifi- law enforcement operations, museums and and students have made significant contribu- cant contributions to the promotion of the cultural facilities, engineering and maintenance tions to our nation, and our world, which in- game of golf. programs and oversight of mining and mineral clude the establishment of the world’s leading With interest and participation in golf grow- uses in the parks. He has worked extensively kidney transplant center, as well as the inven- ing to new heights every year, it is appropriate with the media and public interest groups, and tion of the flight recorder (commonly known as that the stewards of the game honor those is an international expert on conservation ef- the ‘‘black box’’), retractable seat belt, and the who laid a strong foundation for today’s suc- forts. heart-lung machine used in the world’s first cess. His awards have included the National Park open-heart surgery. Judy Bell’s golf career—which spans the Service Superior Performance Award, the De- The University of Minnesota has also made 50’s, 60’s, 70’s 80’s, 90’s and has now partment of Interior’s Meritorious Service contributions in other areas such as agri- reached into the new millennium—has been Award, and national recognition for public culture, manufacturing, and physical sciences, marked by one outstanding achievement after service by conservation groups. including the creation of more than 80 new another. She has made significant contribu- Californians have been among those who crop varieties, the development of the taconite tions as a champion player, Rules official and have most benefited from Superintendent Fin- process, and the isolation of uranium-235. an industry leader. Her lifetime record of serv- ley’s expertise. He was a ranger in Pinnacles The University of Minnesota reaches across ice to the golf industry includes becoming the National Monument and Redwood National the state with its Extension Service, which has first woman to be elected president of the Park, as well as ranger and superintendent of contact with 700,000 Minnesotans each year. United States Golf Association. Bell was elect- Yosemite from 1989–1994. He also served as With program areas ranging from crop man- ed the USGA’s 54th president from 1996–97. a federal liaison and trainer in the develop- agement to effective parenting, all Minneso- Today, the 64-year-old Bell is in her 34th year ment of seven state parks in the Santa Cruz tans benefit from the University of Minnesota of service to the USGA, and is consulting di- Mountains of California. He was also super- Extension Service. rector of the USGA Foundation. intendent of Assateague Island National Sea- Mr. Speaker, the University of Minnesota is Bell is a 1961 graduate of Wichita State shore in Maryland and as associate regional an esteemed institution of higher learning, and University, where she was a two-time NCAA director for 13 parks in the Alaska region. Be- as we mark its 150th Anniversary, I invite my runner-up during a prolific amateur career. fore taking over as Yellowstone super- colleagues to join me, and my fellow Min- She won three Kansas State Amateur cham- intendent in 1994, he was acting associate di- nesota colleagues, in honoring this remarkable pionships, and competed at age 14 in the rector of operations for the park service. university and its contributions to us all. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 06:12 May 23, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY8.052 pfrm02 PsN: E22PT1 E896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 22, 2001 TRIBUTE TO BECKY TRINKLEIN WELCOME TO NEWARK, OTUMFUO HONORING CAPTAIN WILLIAM W. OSEI TUTU II, SIXTEENTH COPPERNOL ASANTEHENE HON. JAMES A. BARCIA HON. PAUL RYAN OF MICHIGAN HON.
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