INSIDEI WEEK OF JULY 31-AUGUSTST 6, 20120144 www.www.FloridaWeekly.comFloridaWeekly.com VVol.ol. IVIV,, NNo.o. 42 • FRFREE BY THE NUMBERS “It is unbelievable the 1,125 way (the system) treats Toys used by design Foster homes these foster parents. Book notes influence of toys on that closed this They are not allowed to w year; many architecture. A25 cite burnout. advocate, they are not allowed to make noise and they’re the ones who know the children the best.” — Barbara Boslow, child advocacy coordinator for the Guardian ad Litem Program in Palm Beach County Society/Networking Who was out, about in the county. A17, 20-21, 37, 38 w Kovel’s 477 FOSTER CARE’S Antiques Number of Anglo-Indian children who furniture is hot died in six years in the world while under the of collectibles. care of DCF, LOOMING CRISIS A22 w the state’s child welfare system. Florida welfare officials and child advocates expect a 30,000 surge of children to flood Number of strained state system children in Florida’s BY ATHENA PONUSHIS dependency aponushis@fl oridaweekly.com system. 10,000 ADAM BARON / FLORIDA WEEKLY in foster MORE CHILDREN ARE ENTERING THE CHILD placements. welfare system. More foster parents are ▲ Scott and Carrie Maulsby, who needed to love these children as their own, have fostered seven children in then let them go. three years, stock diapers, cloth- The Florida Department of Children $429 ing and other supplies. and Families has shied away from remov- ing children from their homes, acting What foster under the philosophy of family preserva- parents are tion. Protecting families has led to the paid monthly for death of 477 children in six years, investi- children up to gations show. age 5. SEE PARENTS, A10 w A complete chef Quantum Foundation grants continue to aid the underserved Michael Rolchigo of Krave is self- taught, school-trained. A39 w BY AMY WOODS hungry” raises awareness of the issue of founder and executive director of Meals Special to Florida Weekly food insecurity among the elderly will on Wheels of the Palm Beaches. “It allows serve thousands more in the downtown us to kind of accelerate our geographical Most of the seniors who rely on daily Lake Worth area this year. A $70,000 grant plan.” Download dinners delivered by Meals on Wheels of from the Quantum Foundation shifted the In 2013, volunteers from the 80-plus- our FREE the Palm Beaches live alone, isolated in southward expansion of the West Palm member team drove more than 13,000 hot, App today their homes and unable to cook for them- Beach-based agency into high gear. nutritious, well-balanced meals to those Available on selves because of age-related illnesses. “Quantum Foundation has been good in need. That number soon will hit 17,000. the iTunes and The local chapter of the national non- to us for the last three years, but this is a SEE QUANTUM, A14 w Android App Store. profit whose slogan “so no senior goes more significant grant,” said Charles Ring, PRSRT STD OPINION A4 REAL ESTATE A18 EVENTS A28-30 U.S. POSTAGE PETS A6 ANTIQUES A22 PUZZLES A34 PAID FORT MYERS, FL HEALTHY LIVING A15 ARTS A25 SOCIETY A17, 20, 37-38 PERMIT NO. 715 BUSINESS A16 SANDY DAYS A26 DINING A39 A2 NEWS WEEK OF JULY 31-AUGUST 6, 2014 www.FloridaWeekly.com GARDENS/JUPITER FLORIDA WEEKLY COMMENTARY O brother, where art thou? Back then, it was Senator Barry Gold- In 1860, there were nearly 4 million tion reform, across all sectors of society, water,w who voted against the 1964 Civil slaves, or about one-third of the nation’s including higher education, the faith- RightsR Act, and led the Republicans to population. Following the Civil War, based community, and among elected leslieLILLY defeatd as its 1964 presidential candidate. among the proposals floated to deal officials from throughout the country. [email protected] Today, it is Texas’ “wacko-bird” sena- with the emancipated was to send them The abolitionists, the Unionists, and tor,t Ted Cruz; and Kentucky’s nutty back to Africa or treat them as second- those diametrically opposed to their libertarianl senator, Rand Paul; they, class citizens. The hardliners would like cause, could not long sustain sweeping Comprehensive immigration reform like those conservatives who-would-be- to do a version of the same, that is, send the matter of slavery under the rug; is the modern day equivalent of the president, flirt with extremism, court all illegal immigrants back to where and the country paid a terrible price for nation’s great political struggle to abol- the state secessionists, and flatter the they came from or sentence them to a their failure to deal decisively with the ish slavery and guarantee African- demagogues in the U.S. House of Repre- permanently inferior class of citizen- issue early in its infancy. Americans equality under the law. The sentatives advocating impeachment of ship, the practicality if not the question- It’s a lesson lost. players have changed but not the game the president. able morality be damned, of deporting Moderates today have been pistol- board: Post-Civil War, radical Repub- They are the political kinfolk to the and/or permanently disenfranchising 11 whipped by extremists into submis- licans exercised almost complete con- rogue gallery of southern Democrats million immigrants, many of them resid- sion, standing knee-deep in political trol over policymaking in Congress who rose to power by perpetuating ing here for years. quicksand, ready to succumb to the to advance Republican regimes in the Jim Crow and a brand of populism that The conservative majority in the U.S. inclinations of people who have lost seceded states; and are successful in perpetuated boondoggle after boondog- House of Representatives will not bend their way, deep in the thickets of hate doing it again, but with a wildly differ- gle upon the poor and disenfranchised. nor consider any compromise inclusive and intolerance. Comprehensive immi- ent agenda. They are vying to become as infamous of a path to citizenship to resolve the gration reform is not so different from It is not about reconstruction and as George Wallace and Strom Thur- status of illegal immigrants, effectively the political gridlock that it took a Civil reunion of the South with the North; it mond in the “Protecting the Southern barring the country from moving on War to resolve; and there are plenty of is about dividing the country’s future, Way of Life” Hall of Fame — white men with a definitive, long-term approach to folk on the lunatic fringe of this modern calculating with every election the only, of course. immigration reform; but the majority of struggle ready to go there again. political spoils of turning Blue States House Speaker John Boehner’s refus- Americans, including Floridians, want Witness the locked-and-loaded vigi- into Red States. The tea partiers are al to bring to the floor the legislative these issues resolved. lantism egged on by the NRA and the the Republicanized version of the Dix- proposal approved by a bipartisan vote Paul McDaniel of the American Immi- ugly mob scenes confronting the arrival iecrats, mirroring their habit of intel- of the Senate kills by administrative fiat gration Council writes that the U.S. of buses carrying young immigrant refu- lectual barbarisms, hiding behind the any hope of immigration reform. His Chamber of Commerce is calling for gees from Central America. It is not the skirt of state rights, worshiping loudly refusal as majority leader of the House action in a letter to Congress. It is signed moral high ground a country takes that in democracy’s church, while work- robs the country of any attempt to find by businesses all across the country, is a beacon for freedom and justice in ing behind closed doors to foil racial compromise and meaningful solutions. including well-known corporations such the world. O brother, where art thou? ■ and economic justice. The radical right The radicalized ancestors of today’s do- as Apple, Facebook, Google, Hilton, Intel, ignores, without compassion or mercy, nothing politicians once did the same, Marriott, and Microsoft — and 390 busi- — Lilly is a native Floridian and past the human rights of others. It is a flash- passing gag laws that for decade, shut- ness associations, bureaus, federations, president and CEO of the Community back to the bad ole days, when the down congressional debate of the slav- or chambers, says McDaniel; and they Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Republican Party’s strategy to realign ery issue; and later, successfully blocked represent a diversity of industries and Counties. She resides with her family and the Southern states was a blatant appeal for more than a hundred years meaning- commercial interests. He notes the con- pugs in Jupiter. Email her at llilly15@gmail. to white racism. ful civil rights legislation. stituency is growing that favors immigra- com and follow Lilly on Twitter @llilly15. Hopefully, he’ll catch them all. Helmet. MoMouthu Guard. Face Mask. Knee and Shin guards. DespiteDespite all his gear, injuries can still happen to your star athlete. That’s whywhy Palm BBeache Children’s Hospital is the MVP on your hometown team! A concussion can be a serious injury. OurOur team oof pediatric experts works together to help your player heal, and get back in the game. ConcussionConc Treatment Center 561-841-KIDS In the event of a serious injury, 901 45th Street Learn more at seek emergency medical attention by calling 911, or visit the nearest Emergency Department WWestest PalPalmm Beach, FL 33407 PalmBeachChildrens.com A4 NEWS WEEK OF JULY 31-AUGUST 6, 2014 www.FloridaWeekly.com GARDENS/JUPITER FLORIDA WEEKLY OPINION Publisher Michelle Noga [email protected] Editor Union drama at the Metropolitan Opera Betty Wells [email protected] rich LOWRY Reporters & Contributors Scott Simmons Special to Florida Weekly Athena Ponushis Leslie Lilly Jan Norris The fat lady will sing — but only in Mary Jane Fine strict keeping with the work rules set out Artis Henderson by the American Guild of Musical Artists.
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