BIBLIOGRAPHY GENERAL ISSUES RELIGIONS AND PHILOSOPHY Introduction aux sciences humaines des religions. Symposium rec. par H. Desroche et J. Seguy. [Par] R. Bastide, N. Birnbaum, J. Botero [e.a.] Editions Cujas, Paris 1970. 281 pp. F.fr. 30.00. With one exception the twelve essays that make up the present volume have their origin in an interdisciplinary seminar of the famous Sixieme Section in 1965-66. Together they constitute an interesting survey of what various non- theological sciences have contributed to a better understanding of religion. KADENBACH, JOHANNES. Das Religionsverstandnis von Karl Marx. Verlag Ferdinand Schoningh, Munchen, Paderborn, Wien 1970. lxxx, 420 pp. DM 48.00. The author subscribes to the opinion that Marx never wrote an essay against religion and that, therefore, his views have to be searched for by a study of his life, education, milieu and, last but not least, of the statements on religion which are scattered throughout his works. Marx's understanding of religion is said to be insufficient (in part, because it is rooted in Hegel- ianism), but his judgment on religion contains a justified protest against the abuse of religion. Even Marx's harshest condemnations of Christianity appear in this light as a blessing in disguise for a purified, and socially conscious, version of it. KALTENBRUNNER, GERD-KLAUS (Hrsg.) Hegel und die Folgen. Verlag Rombach, Freiburg 1970. 428 pp. DM 60.00. Most authors of the fifteen essays on Hegel, his philosophy and his influence collected in this volume definitely take sides pro or con. Thus, right at the start, the inevitable apologist Friedrich Heer is followed by Arnold Kunzli, who outlines a critical "psychography" of Hegel. At first sight the coexistence of Kurt Hiller's disrespectful "Glosses on Hegel's so-called Philosophy of History" and some dead serious tributes to the great man gives the im- pression of a Hegel show, but on closer investigation the volume proves to contain solid bits of (ideological) information; in this respect the appended indices of names and subjects are quite helpful. There are three essays on Hegel and Marx, by Manfred Riedel (very instructive), Milan Kangrga, and Branko Despot. LEFEBVRE, HENRI. Au-dela du structuralisme. Editions Anthropos, Paris 1971. 419 pp. F.fr. 35.00. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 01:07:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859000006842 BIBLIOGRAPHY 715 Basing himself firmly on Marxist dialectics, the author discusses elements in Capital and criticizes views held by the structuralists. In particular, Al- thusser is made the target of attacks, not only (though preponderantly) in the field of philosophy, but also in that of the political implications of his theory. Thus, the expectation of the withering away of the state is said to be an essential element of Marxian thought; to consider it outmoded amounts to a de-structuralizing of Marxism. But over against existentialism, struc- turalism is considered a definite amelioration. SCHAFF, ADAM. Theorie der Wahrheit. Versuch einer marxistischen Analyse. Europa Verlag, Wien 1971. 344 pp. S 182. The first Polish edition is from 1951, the first German translation (Zu einigen Fragen der marxistischen Theorie der Wahrheit, published in East Berlin) from 1954. This second German edition has been revised not so much substantially as stylistically; the author has adopted a less sharply polemical tone. The book is a defence of the Marxist-Leninist position on objective truth, and contains an extensive critique of various "idealist" philosophies as well as of relativist and agnostic interpretations. In his concluding remarks the Polish philosopher points out both the didactic aim of the book and the necessity, in the light of developments of the last twenty years, of "more radical changes". SCHMIDT, ALFRED. Geschichte und Struktur. Fragen einer marxisti- schen Historik. Carl Hanser Verlag, Miinchen 1971. 141 pp. DM 7.80. The central theme of this study is the role of dialectics in the later works of Marx, notably in Capital. The author argues, on many points in line with Gramsci, that Hegel's "system" is an essential element. He refutes the structuralist approach as exemplified by Althusser's views, though the latter's strong accent on the philosophical qualities in Capital is applauded. A further volume will go deeper into these questions. SOCIAL THEORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Anarchism Today. Ed. by David E. Apter and James Joll. Macmillan, London, Basingstoke 1971. 237 pp. £0.75. Although some of the contributions to this volume of essays focus on the historical Anarchist movement (J. Romero Maura, e.g., in his treatment of Spanish Anarchism, stops short of the Civil War), others try to discover links of traditional Anarchism with New Left currents. Notwithstanding the quite obvious fact that "the present revival of interest in anarchism produced much in the way of serious political theory" (J. Joll), it could be argued that Dutch "Kabouter imagination seems the more libertarian and the more realistic approach" and that "the future" needs that "anti-authoritarian imagination" (R. de Jong). Other contributions are, inter alia, by R. Gombin (France 1968), M. Lerner (American "counter-culture"), D. Stafford (An- archists in Britain today), and E. Colombo (Anarchism in Argentina and Uruguay). Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 01:07:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859000006842 716 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anarchismus. Theorie. Kritik. Utopie. Texte und Kommentare. Hrsg. von Achim v. Borries und Ingeborg Brandies. Joseph Melzer Verlag, Frankfurt 1970. 452 pp. DM 20.00. An interview with Augustin Souchy (born 1892) in September 1969, who personally knew Kropotkin and Lenin and took part in the Anarcho-Syndi- calist movement in Spain during the Civil War (the question of the justifica- tion of the Anarchists' participation in the Catalonian and national govern- ments is not discussed), opens this selection, in which the various Anarchist currents are represented. The interview is interesting, among other things, for Souchy's comments on the New Left: "A psychoanalysis would probably demonstrate that in him [Cohn-Bendit] a future would-be dictator [Mochte- gerndiktator] is hidden." Texts and extracts have been taken from the works of Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Landauer, Goldman, Read, and Goodman. Special chapters deal with the Anarchists and the Soviet regime (apart from the authors named already: Berkman, Serge, Volin), Anarchism and Syndicalism (Malatesta, Rocker), and Spain 1936-37 (Souchy, Leval, Orwell). Bio-bibliographical "comments" are appended. BAIROCH, PAUL. Le Tiers-Monde dans l'impasse. Le de'marrage e"cono- mique du XVIIIe au XXe siecle. Gallimard, Paris 1971. 372 pp. F.fr. 5.80. Previous studies by the author on the Industrial Revolution, underdevelop- ment and the characteristics of the economic evolution in the Third World are brought, as far a? possible, under a common denominator and summarized in this valuable synthesis, which, moreover, brings the discussion up-to-date. Interesting are the comparisons with Europe a century and more ago, which shed light on fundamental differences no less than on similarities. Thus, the obstacles which exist at present in the non-Communist "developing coun- tries" are partly different from and partly stronger than those at the time of the "take-off" in the West. Suggestions for overcoming the present difficulties are given in a sober style. BECHER, HERIBERT J. Georg Simmel. Die Grundlagen seiner Sozio- logie. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 1971. xi, 107 pp. DM 28.00. Starting from interaction (Wechselwirkung) as the basic idea of Simmel's sociology, Dr Becker presents an informed analysis of his general approach and his "style of work". The volume has a bibliography which is particularly useful in so far as it lists books published since 1958. Professor Gottfried Eisermann has contributed a foreword. BERMAN, MARSHALL. The Politics of Authenticity. Radical Individ- ualism and the Emergence of Modern Society. George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1971. xxiii, 328 pp. £ 3.25. The subject of this book, originally a doctorate thesis, is nothing less than the problem of self or self-realization and society in the modern world. The author is of the opinion that the way in which the young Montesquieu and Rousseau grappled with this problem is paradigmatic, nay that it anticipates Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 01:07:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859000006842 BIBLIOGRAPHY 717 Marxism, Anarchism and even the New Left (Rousseau is said to have ended as a drop-out). The argument is too much in terms of "prefiguration" to be acceptable as historical scholarship, but then Dr Berman is in a class with Herbert Marcuse rather than with Lester Crocker. Contradictions et conflits: Naissance d'une society? [Semaines Sociales de France, 58e Session, Rennes 1971.] Chronique Sociale de France, Lyon 1971. 326 pp. Fir. 30.00. Two general contributions, the first (by R. Pucheu) rather sociologic- al, the second (by Mrs A.-M. Rocheblave-Spenle) psychological, precede interviews held by R. Remond with P. de Calan, G. Besse, J. Boissonnat, and J.-Y. Calvez. Then there is an account of the proceedings of the section meetings, devoted to conflicts in industry, in rural society, and in the cities. Various aspects are discussed in a number of other contributions, of which we mention that by F. Sellier on conflict as the motor of social change. The con- cluding item is by A.
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