LANGUAGE SCHOOL_______ ARTS - ______________ GUIDE TO ______________ TEACHING ______ LITERATURE K-8 Part Quan Author's Grad Unit Extended tity e Number Order Title Name Publisher Lev Cost Cost ed KINDERGARTEN - CORE LIST 0-395-37800-1 Annie and the Wild Animals Brett, Jan Houghton Mifflin K 14.95 0-395-53962-5 Annie and the Wild Animals Brett, Jan Houghton Mifflin K 7.95 0-395-51006-6 Annie and the Wild animals Brett, Jan Sandpiper K 4.80 0-8050-1744-5 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See Martin, Bill Holt K 14.95 9-991-83756-6 Buenos Noches Luna Brown, Margaret Wise Lectorum K 12.95 0-671-67949- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Martin, Bill & Simon & Schuster K 13.95 X Archambault, J. 0-394-82614-0 Frederick Lionni, Leo Knopf K 4.99 0-394-91040-0 Frederick Lionni, Leo Knopf K 16.99 0-89919-163-0 Gingerbread Boy Galdone, Paul Clarion K 4.95 0-395-28799-5 Gingerbread Boy Galdone, Paul Clarion K 14.45 0-06-443017-0 Goodnight, Moon Brown, Margaret Wise Trophy K 3.95 0-06-020706- Goodnight, Moon Brown, Margaret Wise Harper K 12.89 X 1880507242 Los Tres Chivitos Gruff: The Three Billy Goats McKissack, P. & F. Lectorum K 9.95 Gruff 8423312437 Los Zapatos de Munia Balzola, Asun Lectorum K 11.95 8471831996 Luna de Juan Vendrl, Sole Carme Lectorum K 9.00 0-670-45149-5 Make Way for Ducklings McCloskey, Robert Viking K 13.99 0-14-050171-1 Make Way for Ducklings McCloskey, Robert Viking K 4.99 0-89919-387-0 Mother's Day Mice Bunting, Eve Clarion K 13.95 0-89919-702-7 Mother's Day Mice Bunting, Eve Clarion K 5.95 0-15-256708-9 Napping House Wood, Audrey Harcourt K 13.95 0-15-256711-9 Napping House Wood, Audrey Harcourt K 19.95 0-8050-1401-2 Old Black Fly Aylesworth, Jim Holt K 15.95 0-399-22780-6 Oruga muy Hambrienta Carle, Eric Putnam K 13.55 0-02-745850-4 Rosie's Walk Hutchins, Pat Macmillan K 14.95 0-02-043750-1 Rosie's Walk Hutchins, Pat Aladdin K 4.95 0-06-020766-3 Runaway Bunny Brown, Margaret Wise Harper K 12.89 0-06-443018-9 Runaway Bunny Brown, Margaret Wise Trophy K 3.95 0-590-73323-0 Snowy Day Keats, EzrJack Scholastic K 19.95 0-14-050182-7 Snowy Day Keats, EzrJack Viking K 4.99 0-89919-401- Three Bears Galdone, Paul Clarion K 5.95 X 0-395-28811-8 Three Bears Galdone, Paul Clarion K 14.45 0-89919-035-9 Three Billy Goats Gruff Galdone, Paul Clarion K 4.95 0-395-28812-6 Three Billy Goats Gruff Galdone, Paul Clarion K 14.95 0-399-21258-2 Tomie Depaolas: Mother Goose De Paola, Tomie Putnam K 17.95 0-14-050240-8 Umbrla Yashima, Taro Puffin K 3.99 0-670-73858-1 Umbrla Yashima, Taro Viking K 15.99 0-670-83747-4 Un dide nieve Keats, EzrJack Viking K 12.95 0-14-054363-5 Un dide nieve Keats, EzrJack Puffin K 4.95 0-399-21166-7 Very Busy Spider Carle, Eric Philom K 16.95 0-399-20853-4 Very Hungry Caterpillar Carle, Eric Philom K 15.95 0-689-50476-4 We're Going on Bear Hunt moved to Gr. 1 Rosen, Micha Mcderry 15.95 1-56402-048-7 Where's My Teddy? Alborough, Jez Candlewick Press K 15.95 1-56402-280-3 Where's My Teddy? Alborough, Jez Candlewick Press K 4.99 KINDERGARTEN - EXTENDED LIST 0-394-82911-5 Alexander and Wind-Up Mouse Lionni, Leo Pantheon K 4.99 0-06-027107-8 Bedtime for Frances Hoban, Russl Harp C K 15.99 0-06-027106- Bedtime for Frances (1960) Hoban, Russl Harp C K 13.89 X 0-590-73301- Carrot Seed Krauss, Ruth Scholastic K 28.67 X 0-06-443210-6 Carrot Seed Krauss, Ruth Trophy K 3.95 843726605X Cuando los borregos no pueden dormir Kitamura, Satashi Santillana K 18.95 0-688-11701-5 Freight Train Crews, Donald Mulberry K 3.95 0-688-84165-1 Freight Train Crews, Donald Greenwillow K 14.88 0-590-71879-7 Gallinita Roja McQueen, Lucinda Scholastic K 28.67 698113586 Goldilocks and Three Bears Brett, Jan Putnam K 6.95 0-89919-225-4 Henny Penny Galdone, Paul Clarion K 4.95 0-305-28800-2 Henny Penny Galdone, Paul Clarion K 13.45 0-06-024241-8 Little Bear Minarik, se H. Harper K 15.89 0-06-444004-4 Little Bear Minarik, Else H. Trophy K 3.50 0-395-28773-1 Little Gorilla Bornstein, Ruth Clarion K 15.45 0-89919-421-4 Little Gorilla Bornstein, Ruth Clarion K 4.95 8420430447 Osito Minarik, se H. Lectorum K 9.95 0-88708-026- Papa, Please Get Moon for Me Carle, Eric Picture Book K 17.95 X Studio 0-88708-177-0 Papa, Please Get Moon for Me Carle, Eric Picture Book K 5.95 Studio 0-670-55977-6 Play With Me Ets, Marie Hall Viking K 13.95 0-14-050178-9 Play With Me Ets, Marie Hall Puffin K 3.95 0-8050-1759-3 Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Martin, Bill Holt K 14.95 590450921 Semilde Zanahoria Krauss, Ruth Lectorum K 2.35 0-395-28813-4 Three Little Pigs Galdone, Paul Houghton K 13.45 0-89919-275-0 Three Little Pigs Galdone, Paul Houghton K 4.95 0-688-13648-6 Tidy Titch Hutchins, Pat Mulberry K 4.95 0-688-09964-5 Tidy Titch Hutchins, Pat Greenwillow K 14.93 0-399-21885-8 Very Quiet Cricket Carle, Eric Philom K 18.95 GRADE 1 - CORE LIST 0-06-021099-0 All the Places to Love MacLachlan, Patricia Harper 1 14.89 0-89239-111-1 Baby Rattlesnake Ata, Te Children's Press 1 5.95 0-06-022904-7 Beautiful Feast for Big King Cat Archambault, J & B Harper 1 12.89 Martin 0-14-050169- Blueberries for Sal McCloskey, Robert Viking 1 3.99 X 1-56014-458-0 Caperucita Roja Brothers Grimm Santillana 1 3.80 0-14-050173-8 Corduroy moved to Gr. 2 Freeman, Don Puffin 2 3.99 0-670-24133-4 Corduroy moved to Gr. 2 Freeman, Don Viking 2 45.99 689319193 Cuento de Nessa Luenn, Nancy PermBound 1 17.85 0-15-201007-6 Eeny, Meeny, Miney Mole Yolen, Jane Harcourt 1 13.95 0-15-228776-0 Flower Garden Bunting, Eve Harcourt 1 13.95 0-06-444020-6 Frog and Toad Are Friends Lob, Arnold Trophy 1 3.50 0-06-023958-1 Frog and Toad Are Friends Lob, Arnold Harper 1 13.89 0374327564 Gorrion d metro Torres, Leyla Lectorum 1 12.00 0-395-20503-4 Ira Sleeps Over Waber, Bernard Sandpiper 1 4.80 0-395-13893-0 Ira Sleeps Over Waber, Bernard Houghton 1 13.45 0-531-08455-8 *Is This a House for Hermit Crab? (formerly at McDonald, Megan Orchard 1 14.99 Gr. 2) 0-531-07041-7 *Is This a House for Hermit Crab? (formerly at McDonald, Megan Orchard 1 5.95 Gr. 2) 8424615573 Leon y raton Valeri, M. Perma-Bound 1 8.40 0-8234-0470-6 Little Red Riding Hood Brothers Grimm Holiday 1 15.95 0-8234-0653-9 Little Red Riding Hood Brothers Grimm Holiday 1 5.95 0-689-71353-3 May I Bring Friend De Regniers, Beatrice Aladdin 1 4.95 0-689-20615-1 May I Bring Friend De Regniers, Beatrice Atheneum 1 14.95 0-395-25939-8 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shov Burton, VirginiLee Houghton 1 4.80 0-395-169615 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shov Burton, VirginiLee Houghton 1 11.95 0-399-21920- Mitten Brett, Jan Putnam 1 15.95 X 8426435270 Nadarin Lionni, Leo Lectorum 1 15.15 0-02-744000-1 One Fine Day Hogrogian, Nonny Macmillan 1 14.95 0-02-043620-3 One Fine Day Hogrogian, Nonny Macmillan 1 4.95 0-399-21457-7 Owl Moon Yolen, Jane Philom 1 14.95 0-06-023112-2 Peter's Chair Keats, Ezra Jack Harcourt 1 14.89 0-06-443040-5 Peter's Chair Keats, Ezra Jack Trophy 1 4.95 968657915X Quigue duerme fuerde casa Waber, Bernard Lectorum 1 13.95 84-204-3043-9 Sapo y Sepo son amigos Lob, Arnold Santillana 1 9.95 0-374-37285-3 Subway Sparrow Torres, Leyla F S & G 1 15.00 9686465286 Tili y muro Lionni, Leo Laredo 1 13.95 0-8234-0510-9 Tortoise and Hare: An Aesop Fable Stevens, Janet Holiday 1 14.95 0-8234-0564-8 Tortoise and Hare: An Aesop Fable Stevens, Janet Holiday 1 5.95 0-399-22622-2 Town Mouse, Country Mouse Brett, Jan Putnam 1 15.95 0-8075-8157-7 Two of Everything Hong, Lily Toy Albert Whitman 1 14.95 670848433 Viaje de Jenny Samton, SheiW. Lectorum 1 11.95 0-689-50476-4 *We're Going on a Bear Hunt (formerly at Rosen, Micha Mcderry 1 15.95 Kinder) 0-06-443178-9 Where Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice Trophy 1 4.95 0-06-025493-9 Where Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice Harper 1 14.89 GRADE 1 - EXTENDED LIST 1-881-77219-5 Aminal Balian, Lorna Humbug Books 1 7.50 0-06-444033-8 Arthur's Honey Bear Hoban, Lillian Trophy 1 3.50 0-06-022370-7 Arthur's Honey Bear Hoban, Lillian Harper 1 13.89 0-06-022360- Bread and Jam for Frances Hoban, Russl Harper 1 14.89 X 0-06-443096-0 Bread and Jam for Frances Hoban, Russl Trophy 1 4.95 0-06-025778-4 Caps for Sale Slobodkina, Esphyr Harper 1 12.89 0-06-443143-6 Caps for Sale Slobodkina, Esphyr Trophy 1 3.95 0-15-220195-5 Cow That Went Oink Most, Bernard Harcourt 1 9.95 0-140-54752-5 Fix It McPhail, David Dutton 1 3.95 0-14-036544-3 Fox at School Marshall, Edward Puffin 1 3.25 0-8037-2675-9 Fox at School Marshall, Edward Dutton 1 9.89 0-06-023960-3 Frog and Toad Together Lob, Arnold Harper 1 13.89 0-06-444021-4 Frog and Toad Together Lob, Arnold Trophy 1 3.50 0-14-050276-9 Gilberto and Wind Ets, Mar Viking 1 3.99 0-064-43450-8 Grouchy Ladybug Carle, Eric Harper 1 5.95 0-060-27088-8 Grouchy Ladybug Carle, Eric Harper 1 14.89 0-06-024587-5 If You Give Mouse Cookie Numeroff, Laura Harper 1 12.89 0-590-71885-1 If You Give Mouse Cookie Numeroff, Laura Scholastic 1 28.67 0-395-48315-8 Ira Says Goodbye Waber, Bernard Houghton 1 13.45 0-395-58413-2 Ira Says Goodbye Waber, Bernard Houghton 1 4.80 0-590-44725-4 Is Your Mama a Llama Guarino, Deborah Scholastic 1 3.95 0-590-41387-2 Is Your Mama a Llama Guarino, Deborah Scholastic 1 12.95 0-394-97000-4 It's Mine Lionni, Leo Knopf 1 15.99 0-517-55122-5 Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth Bate, Lucy Crown 1 4.99 0-679-87318- Matthew's Dream Lionni, Leo Random 1 5.99 X 0-698-11363-2 Millions of Cats Gag, Wanda Sandcastle 1 4.95 0-698-20091-8 Millions of Cats Gag, Wanda Sandcastle 1 9.95 0-688-51053-1 Mitten Tresst, Alvin Lothrop 1 14.93 0-688-09238-1 Mitten: An Old Ukrainian Folktale Tresst, Alvin Mulberry 1 4.95 0-06-443011-1 No Roses for Harry Zion, Gene Trophy 1 4.95 0-89919-402-8 Patrick's Dinosaurs Carrick,
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