P.O.Box 8290 Zanesville, OH 43702 740-450-1175 The chnetwork.org Coming Home Network International September 2008 Newsletter Journeys Home Deep in History, Deep in Scripture, Deep in History, THE PAYMENT OF A W DEBT OF GRATITUDE 40 YEARS LATER. by Paul Abbe uly 25, 1968… Pope Paul VI issues the encyclical Humanae Vitae (“Of Human Life”), in which he re-affirms the Catholic Church’s traditional condemnation of artificial contraception. Immedi- J ately, Humanae Vitae is met with a fire-storm of criticism and a fire-wall of rejection, especially from American Catholic theologians. All of this was of no consequence to me at the time; I in the womb expresses a common commitment to life. This requires was just a school-boy, (and a Lutheran one at that), who was that we move beyond the usual ‘pro-life’ versus ‘pro-choice’ language oblivious to world events – unless astronauts were involved. in discussing abortion. (ELCA Social Statement on Abortion, 1991, Deep in History, Deep in Scripture, Christ... Deep in History, And yet, 36 years later, the moral clarity of Humanae Vitae, Section I) W and the prophetic words of Paul VI, would prove to have a The statement barely managed to affirm that... direct link to the issues that caused the theological and moral Because we believe that God is the creator of life, the number of in- melt-down of my denomination, and play a crucial role in my duced abortions is a source of deep concern to this church. We mourn journey from Lutheran pastor to Catholic layman. the loss of life that God has created. The strong Christian presumption While I had grown up in the Lutheran Church-Missouri is to preserve and protect life. Abortion ought to be an option only of Synod, I would ultimately be ordained in the Evangelical Lu- last resort.” (ELCA Social Statement on Abortion, 1991, Section III theran Church in America – the product of the merger in 1987 I was extremely disappointed at the inherent moral compro- of three different Lutheran bodies. Very early in its existence mise and lack of theological clarity on what I believed to be the ELCA generated a “social statement” on abortion. The a black-and-white issue, but attempted to console myself by statement was driven primarily by sociological and political saying, “It’s only a social statement, not an official teaching – I concerns; as a result, the moral theology within it was incoher- don’t have to accept it, or promote it.” I clung to the phrase ent and inconsistent. The opening section blatantly denied any “option only of last resort” and determined never to consider moral absolutes in the language surrounding the issue: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Nor is it helpful to use the language of ‘rights’ in absolute ways that imply that no other significant moral claims intrude. A developing My Dear Brother and Friend: Part III A Letter from Fr John Thayer ......page 3 life in the womb does not have an absolute right to be born, nor does Bulletin Board.................................................................................................... page 5 Prayer List ...........................................................................................................page 7 a pregnant woman have an absolute right to terminate a pregnancy. The concern for both the life of the woman and the developing life Deep in History, Deep in Scripture,Deep Christ... Deep in History, W W Deep in History, Deep in Scripture, Christ... Deep in History, any situation to be in need of that option. It was an untenable dire predictions. position, an unrealistic expectation, given the social and politi- Four decades later, not only have the document’s signature predic- cal current which had eroded the moral foundations of society tions been ratified in empirical force, but they have been ratified as as a whole, and the theological foundations of most main-line few predictions ever are: in ways its authors could not possibly have Protestant churches. foreseen, including by information that did not exist when the docu- By 1996, even the façade of “option of last resort” was ment was written, by scholars and others with no interest whatever in stripped away – and by the ELCA Church Council itself. A pro- its teaching, and indeed even inadvertently, and in more ways than one, posal had been made to the church-wide council by the ELCA by many proud public adversaries of the Church. Board of Pensions, (in charge of operating the ELCA medical She goes on to remark on the work of Lionel Tiger, whom plan), to restrict abortions covered by the plan in keeping with she describes as a “maverick sociobiologist”, and one who has the “option of last resort” language of the ELCA’s own social in the past described religion as “a toxic issue.” No friend to the statement. That proposal was rejected. The very medical plan Catholic faith, yet his research has affirmed the consequences of covering pastors and other church workers in the ELCA now artificial contraception. supported abortion on demand. Tiger has repeatedly emphasized the centrality of the sexual revolution The Rev’d Leonard Klein, (at the time pastor of Christ Lu- to today’s unique problems…Tiger has further argued - as Humanae theran Church, York, PA, and editor of the Lutheran Forum Vitae did not explicitly, though other works of Catholic theology have newsletter), had a succinct and pointed response: “Real churches - for a causal link between contraception and abortion, stating outright don’t kill babies.” When I read those words, I knew that any that ‘with effective contraception controlled W pretense of belonging to a body that could by women, there are still more abortions than Deep in Scripture, Christ... Deep in History, claim to be part of the one, holy, catho- “For all the firestorm ever....Contraception causes abortion.’ lic, and apostolic Church was gone. The I had not yet realized it, but the battle ELCA had caved-in to abortion, many of criticism and to hold the moral line on abortion had faithful pastors were crushed. controversy caused been lost in the Protestant churches de- As I looked around the ecclesial land- by Humanae Vitae, for cades before. I was about to discover that scape, it did not escape my notice that the all the derision and the moral melt-down I was fighting had only liturgical, sacramental expression of ridicule hurled at Paul its roots in the compromise with contra- the Christian faith which consistently con- VI, he had spoken ception. demned abortion was the Roman Catholic divine truth – truth Sadly, the worst was yet to come for Church. I began to read more of Catholic the ELCA. In August, 2001, organizations moral teachings; my appreciation of the which was immutable, promoting the ordination of non-celibate moral theology of the Catholic Church – truth whose homosexuals managed to get approval at especially Humanae Vitae – began to grow violation would bring the national Church wide Assembly for from that hour. consequences. ” a resolution which called for a “study”, For all the firestorm of criticism and to determine: (1) could the church bless controversy caused by Humanae Vitae, for same-sex unions, and (2) could the church all the derision and ridicule hurled at Paul VI, he had spoken ordain an individual who was a non-celibate homosexual but divine truth – truth which was immutable, truth whose viola- in such a “committed relationship.” The gut-wrenching lurch tion would bring consequences. The Pope had described, with I felt upon hearing this news signaled that we had hit the pro- W prophetic clarity, the consequences of artificial birth control on verbial iceberg… it was now only a matter of time before we’d Deep in Scripture, Deep in History, society: be looking for lifeboats. [a] wide and easy road would thus be opened up towards conjugal About this time, a book found its way into my hands infidelity and the general lowering of morality… men – especially the that was to both enlighten and disturb me. Entitled, “There We young, who are so vulnerable on this point – have need of encourage- Stood, Here We Stand”*, it contained the stories of 11 Lutherans ment, to be faithful to the moral law, so that they must not be offered who had re-discovered the Catholic faith. One of the authors, some easy means of eluding its observance… the man, growing use to Anthony Gerring, pointed out that historically even main-line the employment of anticonceptive practices, may finally lose respect Protestant denominations had condemned artificial contracep- for the woman and… may come to the point of considering her as a tion, but in modern times had begun to compromise their po- mere instrument of selfish enjoyment…Let it be considered also that a sition. This had led him to a deeper appreciation of the teach- dangerous weapon would thus be placed in the hands of those public ings of the Roman Catholic Church. authorities who take no heed of moral exigencies. (Section II, 17) Prior to 1930, when the Anglican Church approved of birth control That Pope Paul VI was prescient and prophetic has been at its Lambeth Conference, all Christians taught that birth control was proven by the forty years which have followed. In a recent arti- immoral and sinful including every pastor and theologian in the L.C.M.S. cle appearing in First Things, (August/September 2008), author [Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod]… only the Catholic Church still of- Mary Eberstadt details the overwhelming empirical evidence ficially held to its teachings against birth control. which the past 40 years have provided to vindicate Paul VI’s Continued on page 6 F 2 *Please see page 4 of CHNI’s resource catalog to order this resource My Dear Brother and Friend: Part III A Letter from Father John Thayer This is a continuation of a truly amazing letter written nearly 220 years ago! See August 2008 newsletter for Part II and July 2008 news- letter for part I.
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